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  1. Okay, I'm hoping for some really good, constructive feedback on this MA story I've published. It's been out for a while, but I haven't had anyone run through it other than myself so I'm hoping that someone here will give it a go.

    Arc ID: 407176
    Morality: Heroic
    Level Range: 35-54
    Description: The Rikti have done enough damage here on Earth. It's time to put an end to their reign of hostage-taking and bovine mutilation.

    While the description is a little deceiving, it is a story line that requires you to put a stop to the Rikti's reign of terror. It also involves rescuing a couple important heroes, and you do get some help along the way.

    I know the Rikti have gotten a lot of usage of late, but this arc ties in with the main character's back-story. Hopefully those who play it will give me some decent feedback on what I should do to make it better, if it needs to be. Thanks!
  2. Yeah, he's a DP/Dev blaster. Shows how much I play around with blasters. I figured that was as close to being accurate as possible. Then once he gets to 20, I'll just keep him as a vigilante.
  3. Geronimo_69

    Personal Comics

    Of all of the covers, I like the last one the best. I agree that the action shot is really what makes it. Call it the "money shot" if you will. As far as the title goes, I like it, but the secondary color is a bit distracting. Almost makes me want to grab for some 3D glasses. I would try to stick more towards a solo color, or something that's along the lines of the CoH title at the top of the forums. Not necessarily that style, but if you want the title to pop, that would be a better way to go about it.

    I like the USB code you put in there. That's a great touch with the hands behind the bars. If you really want to nitpick, then the volume number, issue number, and price would all need to be under the "Wanted Comics" logo, but for now, not a big necessity.

    The screen shot is a very fitting one for DW based on his background. Sure, it's not the old west, but the sky color definitely fits. Besides, since DW's been around for a day or two, fighting War Walkers isn't too much of a stretch.

    That's my two cents. Looks good though and I can't wait to see more.
  4. Those last two were very tongue-in-cheek, and I had to see if they were out there. Hans Olo is no longer available as he is now my new DP/Traps blaster. A possible suggestion, were someone to make a character along the same lines, would be the name "I Shot First". Just throwing that out there.
  5. A few more names that I found to be available if anyone's interested.

    Whiz Zard
    Dino Sore
    Sarah Fina
    Asian Tigress
    Harry Son's Ford
    Hans Olo

    Although the last one may just end up as my newest DP blaster.
  6. As long as you can get into the Rogue Isles, whether you be Vigilante, Rogue, or full Villain, you can earn the Mayhem badges. My badger, Geronimo, is sitting as a Vigilante just so that I can get the red side badges.

    I wish I had known you were going to be doing a lot of badging a while ago Aoide as I would have loved to pick up a lot of the ones that you have now. However, I'm all about the shiny objects, so any badges I can pick up, I'll take.
  7. While I may not be able to help out with this Aoide, like you, I'm trying to get the mayhem explore badges as well. I'm looking for the Atlas Park, Skyway, Steel Canyon, Independence Port, and Founders Falls missions.

    I second Aoide's sentiment in hoping that someone will be able to help a couple Liberty badgers out. I appreciate Ukase's help in getting one of the ones I was looking for already.

    Thanks Liberty!
  8. I don't remember which shard TFs I need, but I know I need two of them as well. The Master of ... badges are also sorely lacking from my main, so if anyone's planning on going after any of them, and I'm available, count me in.
  9. Okay, so I looked around on the forums, since I remember seeing it here once before, but apparently it has been wiped. I would like to see this get stickied so that everyone can see what's out there if they have a creative name cramp to go along with their alt-itis. Anyway, I was checking various names on Liberty, mostly holiday themed, and these are some of the names I found that are available for anyone to grab up.

    Negative Kelvin
    Fair N. Height
    San DeClaus
    Han Ukkah
    K. Wanzaa
    Holly Dai
    Seasonal Greetings
    Yul Tyde
    Yul Tide
    Jacque Frost

    Enjoy! I hope someone gets some use out of at least one of these. I am surprised that the last one is still out there.
  10. Geronimo_69

    just curious

    Originally Posted by Switch_NA View Post
    so i was thinking of rerolling a toon and using my name sake or global for its name Switch and its not avab so i was just curious as to who has my name lol i know recently there is a imposter with the name .Switch so im just curious if he stole my name sake name anyways was just curious if anyone has seen this person or the name or if the person themself could speak up anyways was just a thought i had anyways good day all and keep on keeping the city safe
    Holy run-on sentences Batman!
  11. Geronimo_69

    Moon Hazard Zone

    With the new Incarnate abilities starting to rear their heads, this would be the perfect place for 50s to go. I would say that now, more than ever, this is something that should seriously be looked at by the Devs. If they're going to allow us to start working to become Incarnates, what better place for us to really put those powers and abilities to use than on the moon? The way GA has described the zone, and all the thought, time, and energy he's put into it, with the varying levels of baddies, up to 54-ish, it's almost tailor made for Incarnates.

    I am still a bit curious as to where the departure point would be though. Would you get a teleport power, similar to what is used to get to Ouroboros or Pocket D, or would there be a portal, similar to what is used to get to the Shard? You could have an arc like Doc Delilah's where at the completion of it, you gain something like the "Entrusted With the Secret" badge and power. The arc would be geared towards 50s, obviously, but wouldn't necessarily require Incarnate powers to complete. Nor would the zone need them, but they would definitely be helpful when it comes to fighting the higher level baddies, just like the new Apex and Tin Mage TFs.

    Just my two cents to this thread.

  12. Hyvää joulua kaikille ja Onnellista Uutta Vuotta!

    (*Google translate is a wonderful thing!!)
  13. Considering when you're looking to host this, I might be able to bring Geronimo there. Of course, being 9 hours ahead of you, Santa will have already made his stop here so I'll have to see whether or not I'm the only one up at that time.
  14. Geronimo_69

    Real World Hero

    Glad I could contribute something to a definitely worthy cause.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by American_Valor View Post
    Hello Liberty,
    I hope you are all enjoying your Holiday season. If you have a chance, a spare moment would you consider droping a note to our service men and women during this holiday season. The only thing it will cost you is a minute of your time.

    If you are so incline take a quick moment to go here:

    Lets Say Thanks

    It only takes a moment and it will bring a smile to a face.

    American Valor
    Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!
    I'm Geronimo 69 (aka Sergeant First Class Matt Wood, US Army), and I approve of this message!
  16. Geronimo_69

    Theme Songs

    Well since my last posting got edited, here is the revision.

    B'kash Shrall
    Artist: Five Finger Death Punch
    Song: Bulletproof

    Nova Cronum
    Artist: Dropkick Murphys
    Song: Tessie
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
    He could always change his name to Fan_Mail. GET IT!??! I SURE DO!

    Oi vey what's wrong with you people!?!?!?

    I enjoy getting to 50 as fast as possible with builds already planned out. If it's at the expense of a monkey or two so be it.

    To each their own, that's what I say!
    What you do with your monkey is completely up to you Fitz, but trying to use them as a form of currency may not be the best bet.
  18. Welcome back! Hope the recovering is going quickly for you.
  19. Yes, but who was the man who put the "Ram" in the "Ram-a-lam-a-ding-dong"? Who was that man? I'd like to shake his hand. He made my baby fall in love with me.
  20. With the official start of the holiday season tomorrow, I thought this would be a good way to share what it is that we're all thankful for this year. So to start things off, I'm thankful for being home from the desert and able to spend this holiday season with my immediate family and good friends, new and old.
  21. With the shifting of the times on this one, I might actually be able to make it. As long as the times stay put, you can count me in!

    Finally, a Sisterhood event I can partake in!
  22. Geronimo_69

    Theme Songs

    Geronimo 69
    Song: My Hero
    Artist: Foo Fighters
  23. Geronimo_69

    Hami Raid

    I don't suppose there'd be any interest in running one of these earlier in the day on Sunday would there? I hate missing out on these, but due to my present location, for the next three years, it's a little tough for me to get involved in things going on on Liberty.
  24. A little late on this but my thanks go out to those who came before me, to include my grandfather and stepfather, to those with whom I have served and continue to serve, and to those friends I have lost along the way. May our future fighting be one day limited to only what we see online, and nothing more.

    /em salute