Real World Hero




Real World Hero has kicked off... now I really didn't know what this was until I took a closer look at their website:

For those of you who don't know, it's a website where gamers band together to raise money for various causes:

Child's Play is for donations of books, games & cash for sick children in the US.

Donate Games is committed to easing the pain of those who suffer orphan diseases such as Chordoma, Progera & Rett Syndrome through the donation & resale of used games as well as cash donations.

Operation Gratitude takes donations to send care packages to the U.S. Military.

Heifer International works to end the cycle of chronic world hunger, poverty & protect the earth.

My finances were better this year so I was able to donate but when I went to the site I was dismayed to see that last year Liberty Server did not have a single donation. Now there may of been players on Liberty that donated but listed another server but I was embarrassed to be a Liberty player.

So come on Liberty, spread the word - pass it around Sisterhood, LB & other various channels & forums while we may not be able to surpass Virtue Server (though it would be awesome if we did) let's at least get up there in the ranks! Even $5 would help out!

>.> My youngest brother is a gamer (though not of CoX) I'm gonna nag him too! Single man, E-7 in the Army, he's got some money

@Naa - Liberty Server




My reply to this is primarily for a "bump". I know Liberty has many players with tremendous hearts, but sadly, sometimes the wallet size doesn't match.

Myself, I've just never heard of these charities and already have budgeted funds for other charitable causes.

Still, because I think this is a grand cause, I'll take a look, maybe I can save a few bucks somewhere.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Thanks for helping, we've gotten a few donations from Liberty this year, which is better than last year (none - and that's against me too).

@Naa - Liberty Server




Hello Liberty!

Melanie, I can add that there was at least one donor that declared Liberty as their home server for the Real World Hero charity drive last year. We had at least one donation come in from every server, including the EU servers. Not everyone leaves their server info in the comments after donating, so the donation chart on the website will miss those donors, too.

I'm definitely glad to see you talking it up this year! We're excited to be at it again and have put together some new things to draw attention across the servers. We'll be announcing contests and events that everyone can participate on the Real World Hero thread in the Player Events section of the board (here) and on the Real World Hero website, too.

We're grateful to everyone that can help spread the word of the charity drive across the servers and across the internet. This is as valuable and important as donating cash.

Best regards,
@Mr. Wentworth



I was a little confused as to where to leave the comment, I thought initially in the paypal comment field but there was none, it wasn't until afterwards I saw the option to leave a comment with my info so it was a little confusing.

I'm glad somebody donated ^_^

Sadly I missed the kick off event was working the 2nd job. Hopefully I can attend upcoming events.

@Naa - Liberty Server




I'm glad you figured it out, Melanie. In fact, we're giving out Real World Hero gold titles in game again this year to players that have made donations. We've scheduled visits to each server every week from now until Christmas and Liberty is scheduled for today and every Tuesday from 5:30-6:00pm PST (8:30-9:00pm EST).

If you can be in game during that time, we'll have Ocho (Mod08) there to help award titles. I've updated the Real World Hero thread with all of the details. Just send me a tell (@Mr. Wentworth) to find me.

Hope we can connect in-game at some point. I'd love to get a gold title for you and any other Liberty donors.



Ah missed this Tuesday guess I'll have to wait for next Tuesday. Dragged my dad & my neighbors to the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition pre-build pep rally. They're going to be doing a build near us next week.

@Naa - Liberty Server




That sounds like a fun evening! Mrs. Wentworth suggests making a Real World Hero shirt and standing in front of the cameras. lol I recommend protecting your parking spaces.

We'll get you that title next week for sure!



Thanks to Ocho (and Mr Wentworth who snagged me) for the nice title. I'd completely forgotten about it.

Help make someone's holiday better, Liberty.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
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Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
Ah missed this Tuesday guess I'll have to wait for next Tuesday. Dragged my dad & my neighbors to the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition pre-build pep rally. They're going to be doing a build near us next week.
Hey, Melanie! You should have your gold title now. Our lovely moderators have rediscovered the ability to award titles to characters that are offline. Now you won't have to worry about being unable to meet us in game.

We'd love to thank you in 'person', of course, if we do get a chance to run into you. But at least you can be thanked via title. We really appreciate the generosity of you and all of the donors. Liberty is looking good in the chart. Go Liberty!

Best regards,
@Mr. Wentworth



Glad I could contribute something to a definitely worthy cause.

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Originally Posted by MrWentworth View Post
Hey, Melanie! You should have your gold title now. Our lovely moderators have rediscovered the ability to award titles to characters that are offline. Now you won't have to worry about being unable to meet us in game.

We'd love to thank you in 'person', of course, if we do get a chance to run into you. But at least you can be thanked via title. We really appreciate the generosity of you and all of the donors. Liberty is looking good in the chart. Go Liberty!

Best regards,
@Mr. Wentworth
Yea, I discovered that when I noticed my toon logged in that day when I hadn't been on in a few days.

But I wanted to give a big thanks to Liberty Server!! We were #3 in donations. Good job all!

@Naa - Liberty Server
