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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    That's how she does mouths and I think it looks grrreat! Plus I'm not a fan of realistic animal mouths on anthros, usually it looks forced and weird.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Personally I think anthropomorphic characters look vaguely-to-extremely creepy when put in suggestive poses regardless of the mouth, but it's your character so if you're happy with it as it looks now that's what counts.
  2. Something really bothered me about his face... after a bit of staring, I think I was able to decide what it is. His face, the mouth especially, looks very very strange to me.

    Cat face

    He's got paw hands and feet, and a catty sort of a face with what appears to me to be a feline nose... but he has a people mouth. I think it might look a bit more natural (err, unnatural?) with a feline double upper lip.

    Or maybe I'm just crazy. Who knows. Anyhow, looks good, I very much like how 3-D the paws look and you did the perspective great!
  3. Genosaurer

    Coyote Storm WIP

    Looks good, congrats on the cool art Grae.
  4. Genosaurer


    To me, her feet look a tad big and her ribs look a bit strange. Regardless, though, it's a very nice piece, and I very much like what you did with hooking her top and cape into that ring thing. Great first post, hoping to see more from you!
  5. The expression on her face is terrific. Great picture!
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    #7 ftw

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Agreed. Very funny stuff, Akamaz.
  7. Good stuff. I've always been a fan of Brandon McKinney, his stuff seems like it was drawn by someone who's familiar with the game costume creator, and is very true to the in-game look of the characters and mobs. Very nice!
  8. Looks very good. Great colors, neat perspective. Nice work!
  9. It looks good, Celsia. It looks like a tough pose, and fishnets are a pain to do, but you managed to pull it off well.

    If you don't mind a bit of constructive commentary, there's something a little off with the left side (closest to the floor) of her face. It looks to me like you drew the general shape of the head first, and just happened to draw the face off-center. You could probably fix it by just cutting the face out with the magic wand tool for whatever editing program you use and pasting it down and to the left a bit.
  10. Catgirls aren't exactly my thing, but the face looks good (although perhaps just a tad off-center judging by the chin). I like the pose too, it should look good colored.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Give her a crotch! Give her a crotch! Give her a crotch! Give her a crotch! Give her a crotch! Give her a crotch!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Errr. While I might not have said it the way Foo did, I agree with his assessment. You have where the left leg joins the body drawn like / when it should probably look more like Y

    Hopefully my little ASCII drawing tip makes sense.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Just because he's not crying lightning doesn't mean he doesn't have worms.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Best sentance out of context ever.
  13. Oh wow, colorful, that's a cool look. Very nice.
  14. She seems a little short to be one of Vix's characters.

    Great sketch though.
  15. Cute, matching outfits.

    Very very clean, nice pic.
  16. Great figures, good faces, dynamic poses, and very clean. I like it!

    Looking forward to seeing these finished, and certainly to seeing more of your stuff.
  17. Ooooh, looks good. Glad to see you're back at it!
  18. Considering it's a picture of something getting its face bitten off, it comes off as very cute, which I would not have said was possible before seeing it.
  19. Wow, for all the setbacks, that came out very very good. Can't wait to see it complete!
  20. Whoa, the colors really brought out the awesome in that piece. Very nice!
  21. Rad/Rad Corruptor. I spent an hour a week or so ago chasing her around Recluse's Victory with my BS/SR Scrapper.