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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post
    Pft. Go to AE and just type in the word challenge. You'll find some EBs that can give you a run for your money 1v1. Yeah yeah, I know, the devs didn't make those enemies, but the mechanics are clearly there for EBs and bosses to be made more difficult when the playerbase is doing it.
    that's true. Given the right power selections even a boss can still be nasty in this era of IOs. Proves my point very well. Thank you.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
    I dunno what was the point of that?

    I thought you perhaps had some epiphany or some breakthrough where you learned a new way of playing City of Heroes.

    One that didn't involve hitting stuff with your powers till they died. Because Scrappers Brutes and Tankers do that better.
    So do controlers, defenders, blasters, corrupters, etc.

    There is only one way to play City of Heroes: you hit stuff with your powers until it dies. Or you hit allies with your powers while they hit stuff with their powers until it dies, but except for the proverbial empath with aid self, even these idiots usually have 1 attack to hit things with.

    Scrappers brutes and tanks do better AoE. Scrappers and brutes usually do more single target. Only stalkers can placate. and that is a dang fun power.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post
    One of my favorite things to do at 30 was the Ouroboros tfs. I can't think of his name right now, but the one with the goggles has a fun one. If you can manage to beat Nosferatu, then the rest is a cake walk, and the last fight against the 3 ebs/avs is a lot of fun. I always feel like a champ when I'm done. I usually solo it and use a ton of insps, but duoing them as AVs with a pair of emp/son was the ultimate badassery for me. Mainly because all the NPC dialogue makes it feel like you're actually fighting someone rather than just fighting a big red health bar.
    Mender Silos. That one is one of the best missions they have created. I forget who said it, and I don't quite have it memorized, but someone posted along the lines of "If you can't enjoy yourself while knee deep in dead nazi's you've died a little inside". Outstanding and epic finale to a fun and short arc.

    I love that one. Dearly wish it had a badge attached.
  4. GavinRuneblade

    Costume Elements

    Originally Posted by Wolfie_NA View Post
    Thanks for all your help, everyone.

    Answers both my questions completely.

    Thanks goodness that winter is just around the corner.

    Just sayin'. It's a pain to grind them out and they get up over 100k each when the event is in swing. And you need a lot of them.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    In other news: salvage drops in places without crafting tables, film at 11.
    whoosiethewhatnow? I'm not sure how, but this has to be a nerf of some kind. I'll get worked up and give a long nerd-rage filled tirade about it as soon as I figure out what got nerfed.
  6. Twice on my BS/Regen I've gotten to this mission to find 6 correct dopplegangers, 1 random person with two dopplegangers, and none for me.

    My main has actually not yet fought herself on this mission, and is currently a villain so can't keep trying.
  7. sapping by itself is not enough. You need to combine it with defenses and some other controls.

    Enemies seem to be able to attack with very low endurance. I have seen a few posts claim that they don't need the full cost of a power, just 1 point and they can use anything. I dunno if I believe that, but I do know that on my sappers, I keep them flatlined and they still get of some attacks anyway.

    Also, as stated, high rank enemies have a huge pool to start. In some cases over 800 points of endurance to blow through. And sapping is an all or nothing protection. If they have enough to attack, you get zero protection from it. So you always eat the full alpha, and often beta and gamma before you have them at zero. At that point the attacks slow but don't stop.

    Now, combined with a bit of control and defenses, it is very nice. Just like defense itself, goes best with a bit of resist and a heal for those unlucky streaks. All forms of protection are best in layers. With sapping this is still true.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celidya View Post
    . And dieing is nothing wrong, at some point i actually liked to rush in with my spines/dark, take alpha, dark regen, die on second volley, then self rez and stun everything so my team could take safely on a very hard spawn. I was used to suicide at some point and rez as well so i could get a full endurance heal when it was rough otherwise. That was during the leveling, years ago.
    I still do both of these. I love having a full heal/end recovery tool like that. And the Mag 30 stun is flat-out awesome. I used it recently on a lamda on the last crate when I know that the two of us there couldn't take it out fast enough. I go in first, die, stun everyone, and I'm back to full. The brute follows and he and I get the crate before any but the bosses recovered. few seconds later we're outside watching a cutscene.
  9. I only played my /darks on DOs/SOs for a very short time and at low level but still, I think I like the heal being huge.

    From a performance standpoint, if /dark were a defense-based set, a cheaper smaller heal would be handy. As a resist set, especially on SOs (my main is a far from softcapped even with IOs stalker) a heal to full is just too handy. One thing Arcannaville didn't address in her solid post is what happens during that rooted time. With defenses you take less hits it is the occasional big hit you gotta worry about. With resists, you're taking damage constantly. On a defense set, you'll probably get through the root unharmed. With only resists (/dark has only token defense built in), you take significant damage while activating the power pretty much every time. Because I'm rooted, I'm not doing anything to reduce that incoming damage.

    Making me use it way more often, means I'm taking that unopposed damage a higher proportion of the time. Which in turn means the survivability hit will be far more than halving the heal component might suggest. So when you heal, you need to recover not only what beat you to the point of needing the heal, but also what you will take WHILE THE HEAL ANIMATES. This means a small heal doesn't work so good. /regen has its passive hp/sec to help out at these times. Dark needs the big heal.

    There are times that I think having the base cost be 25 instead of 33 would be cool, but then I think about /storm and some of the other end heavy powers, and really, it's not that bad.

    Personally, I'd like to see the -tohit of the set get raised to higher values and the fear aura a bit more accurate. But overall, I love dark and I have, errr, I think 6 of them at various levels (only one 50 but my axe/dark brute is growing up fast).

    TL/DR = I can't get behind this specific change. But would love to see more accuracy in the fear aura.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
    I propose either giving Assassin's Strike significantly more damage, to the point where I *can* take out a Lieutenant without having to amplify it with Build Up, or giving Assassin's Strike a chance to instantly defeat the enemy it is used upon. Personal preference is placed on the second option, assuming that such an option is possible to code on this engine. Without giving it a terrible amount of consideration, I'm thinking something like a 100% chance to instantly kill a minion, a 50% chance to kill a Lt, and a 25% chance to kill a boss. I'm iffy about permitting such devastation to occur on an Elite Boss, but Arch Villains should not have a chance to be instantly slain as these are supposed to be team oriented challenges, in which case I would simply increase the damage Assassin's Strike can do to such opponents.
    Bosses are supposedly a serious challenge for 1 hero, EB's were intended to need 4 heroes to defeat (as you are told in at least one of the lowest-level missions that has one, that being the vampyre in port oaks).

    Power has obviously risen since the original design, but still, don't limit your thinking based on what people can do. Devs think EBs and some bosses are team challenges. I strongly suspect that's why you have the option to turn bosses off.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Death_Adder View Post
    Except as it stands, scrappers do more damage AND have higher survival.
    Near as I can tell, both scrappers and brutes do more damage than stalkers.
  12. GavinRuneblade


    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    Heck going by this description you could call Warehouse 13 a copy of X-Files
    Pfft. Both of them are ripoffs of Kolchak the night stalker.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    For the amount of effort generally required to amass both, not really. The sheer dumb luck of getting a rare IO recipe drop to make the money come quickly could also apply to simply getting the recipe you would have bought with the A-merits as a drop instead...
    Except that with the conversion you have both. Anything you do to earn the merits is getting you a solid chunk of the inf, and there is no way that you can reliably get 30m+ recipes every 50 merits. No one is that lucky. But always spending your 1 Amerit on Kinetic Combat D/R and selling them for 40-90m you will be turning a 20-70m profit every time. that's way better than the odd RNG gives you on drops. There are those who have spreadsheets tracking hundreds of random amerit rolls showing a very high profit after crafting and conversion fees. Enough that saving 2 and getting luck of the gambler is not in the ballpark.

    So, I'll trust the numbers. 20m +50merits = profitable. And it's not difficult either. Do it once and you have the money to do it again plus some left over.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by juniperbreeze View Post
    Build up, seriously. You can make minor variations with each one. higher damage with energy, fire, smashing. Hell maybe add a debuff and rename the power.
    Personally, I wish more sets followed the lead of claws/Dual blades and had a follow up style power. So you can attack AND get your buff without having to stop. That said, I do also like having the ability to buildup before AS. So maybe not all sets. But definitely more of them.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gospel_NA View Post
    I been poking around with an Elec/Nin stalker and I like the idea of it, but I'm not certain that this is the sort of character that I can make a big investment in as far as time and influence simply, because it seems like anything a stalker can do another AT can typically do better.

    Why play a stalker? What is so great about a stalker that make you want to play it? The low hit points, the less effective secondaries (Compared to scrappers), the relatively low damage out of stealth....

    What am I missing?
    For me, it is about the cheaty nature of placate and a few of the other tricks. I love being able to screw up a pull, but tell one of them to go back via placate. No scrapper can do that. And when I want to mess with my buddies (in good humor, I'm not a griefer) it's fun to placate a boss and watch it run after the defender or corrupter. Hehe. Then kill it with AS right before it pummels them. Again, no other AT can do that. Plus, placate is really funny when you think about how it works.

    I like that stalker dark melee has buildup instead of the pbaoe buff (yes I know that technically the other version is "better", but it never works that way in my hands, I prefer reliability to high highs and low lows).

    And I like that I have a way to turn off my damage toggles that doesn't require re-toggling. So I can easily run past enemies, and if I get caught or start a fight, I'm at 100% right away. On my /fire scrapper who does have stealth and a stealth IO, I need to turn fire aura on once a fight starts, or I'm wasting stealth because it will hit some one when I run past. Is this really a big power thing? Hell no, but it's a quality of life thing.

    /ninjitsu is really cool. And I hope it stays unique to the AT. (Sorry Test Rat, if it is any consolation, I do hope the AT gets fixed so you don't give up and go to scrappers).
  16. Arcannaville gave an interesting suggestion about regeneration and -regen debuffs that might be a cool mechanic to test here before putting on /regen:

    a heal over time effect. Give the +HP over the course of the duration not as regeneration but as a heal over time. Works on all types of damage, even PSI and can't be debuffed away.

    Make it small enough that it doesn't step on any toes and is only as effective as the +HP should be, but large enough that it IS as effective as the +hp SHOULD be. hehe.
  17. From a gameplay perspective, how do you find chewing through all those mobs with BS?

    On mine, I have a build where my attack chain is whirl-parry-headsplit-swipe. I'll do the standard head-hack-disemb-hack vs lieuts and bosses.

    But that takes FOREVER to kill a spawn even at +2/x5. Are you in teams or soloing at +4/x8?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    I know my post was subjective. That's because I previously stated numbers, showing DPA of various sets an example of why i do NOT think BS needs a buff.

    If anything, it should be altered, not buffed. In order to make it different to Katana, not just because a set that is meant to be faster, is, amazingly! faster.

    I realise that is sorta not very helpful, because I am agreeing and disagreeing..but still!
    No one is saying that BS should be buffed because Katana is faster. What they are saying is that when the Devs balanced speed vs damage, they gave too little damage. There is a point where kat and BS would do the same damage over time, kat making more attacks, BS making fewer but hitting harder. People are asking to get to that point, but to do it in a way that makes BS different from Kat.

    Right now the two sets are functionally the same, but kat has better numbers in every category except if you measure one single hit.
  19. Hopeling nailed it. It is just about the worst implementation of the idea you can imagine. So you know how all trials have a minimum number of members? If at anytime the number in the trial drops below the minimum, people in the queue who are willing to join an in-progress trial can get in.

    For example, I got into a halloween trial yesterday with 2 people stuck on the last boss. And I've gotten into a failed MO Lamda with the last three people standing around watching the timer tick down for the final minute with marauder at 100% health after everyone else quit.

    What it does not do, but should, is check if there is a trial below maximum, and fit you into that one.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mercator View Post
    Broadsword exceeds Katana in burst dps, don't forget that. It's not totally inferior.
    This is only true if by "burst damage" you mean one attack and one only. With 2+ katana catches up and even starts to pull ahead because, as errant mentioned, time becomes a factor and it has quicker animations. Even if burst is just 10 seconds, katana is slightly better.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Berzerker_NA View Post
    I put both the Achilles Heel (-Resistance) proc, and the Touch of Lady Gray (chance for negative damage) proc on both the soldiers and the spec ops. Almost all of their attacks have -def to them, so both procs fire quite often. When the Touch of Lady Gray proc fires (20% of the time) I notice that it deals approximately as much damage as the attack that triggered it, so it's like adding 20% to your damage level, with the added bonus that it's an "exotic" damage type that certain enemies are less resistant to.

    For the Commando, I don't bother so much with procs, just frankenslot him for damage. On both my Mercs MM's so far I gave him the full set of Blood Mandate.
    The trick with procs in the commando is that he is boss level so they do more damage and he has a lot of AoEs so they go of more often. that said, a full set of blood mandate gives very nice bonuses.
  22. I buy medium and don't sell. So I'm helping keep the prices stable. But kinda liking this. And hoping some more of them start dropping.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post
    Ah, so by "merit recipes" he meant "certain recipes that - once upon a time - could only be aquired by completing certain TF's or trials, but now can be purchased with merits and also now drop from bosses even outside of TF's and trials"

    I was aware that such a category existed, but I've only ever heard them referred to as Pool C drops (didn't know Pool D was different). I never heard them referred to as "merit recipes."
    See my signature. I'm not communicating or thinking at my best these days =)

    But you got what I was going for.

    You might be right. I don't think any have ever dropped for me.
    I got a Miracle+recovery to drop on a low-level ITF as my best. That and a couple really bad ones (sting of the manticore, dark watcher's despair, etc). Unless it's a proc or whatever you're really unlikely to notice it. Given the other pieces in the set most wouldn't expect the dark watcher's recharge/end is as rare a drop as a purple (not counting ticket or merit rolls).
  24. GavinRuneblade

    Sex change?

    Cheers Bags, and thanks Myddie!
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Note that only the male/huge eyes change.
    Seriously? Lame.