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  1. Garent


    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    It will allow us to terraform a planet and grow ourselves a brand new Statesman.
    I request fan art of this.
  2. Garent

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    The only advantage tankers have over brutes for gathering aggro is Gauntlet.
    Nitpick here. Tanks have a larger aggro modifier than brutes do. This makes enemies more likely to aggro on them and more likely to close in to melee range when they are aggroed.
  3. Garent


    If we're topic drifting towards knockback in general, my personal stance is that knockback is great, but it should never be on a power where the player can't control it precisely. Specifically, I think there should be no knockback on pets and no area knockback on powers that are likely to be used in melee range.
  4. Garent

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Well we can infer all day about paragraph X in post Y, but in the quote that started all this he was clearly "brute taunt to attack". Maybe J is an idiot, but my main point is that the insults and flaming were beyond excessive, and I don't think I've ever seen someone get so bent out of shape over me standing in the way of their god given right to flame stupid people on the internet.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beau_Hica View Post
    Can you run combat jumping and hover at the same time?
  6. Garent

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    No, the part he quoted in his reply did.
    If you want to change your reason for flaming people from "J is factually incorrect" to "J mistook someone talking about taunt the power for taunt the effect", then go right ahead. You have done the same thing though, as I clearly showed that he was talking about taunt the effect right there, and that you responded by talking about taunt the power.
  7. Garent

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    Tell me how the tiny snippet that I didn't address invalidates any of what I said about the power called Taunt.

    You responded to this.

    Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
    No, because tanker taunt is a completely different animal and is an AoE, brute taunt per attack is not an AoE.
    With this.

    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    In what world do you live that the Brute AoE taunt with the same radius and target cap (for the Taunt component, at least) is not an AoE? Had you been comparing Scrappers and Tankers you'd be right, but you're the first person in this thread that made the claim that Brute Taunt isn't as effective at generating aggro as the Tanker version. And you're doing it while talking about how incorrect someone else is when what you're saying is also up for debate while you're claiming "facts".
    He was talking about gauntlet compared to brute taunt on attack. You started talking about taunt the power.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trickshooter View Post
    I think you're thinking of when Redlynne spoke to Arbiter Hawk at the Player Summit.

    I PM'd him about it, and this was his response:
    And now I feel really dumb because I participated in the thread where you posted that before. Considering that I just missed an entire post by JayboH in another thread that was two posts above mine, I think it's time to take a break from the forums.
  9. I thought it was the second to last coffee talk. I'll try to be right back with a link.
  10. Garent

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
    brute taunt per attack is not an AoE.
    Seriously. Quit being so confrontational.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trickshooter View Post
    I disagree, actually. I think Ice Control, Energy Melee, Force Fields, and Trick Arrow all sit in this area where the devs recognize that they don't perform as well as they should or aren't as enjoyable as they could be, but they're not sure what they can do to 'fix' them without changing a lot or making them too powerful.
    Didn't Arbiter Hawk recently say that he thought that trick arrow was undervalued and not as bad as people thought?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    ...already mentioned in the thread with a hint it might have been axed.
    Reading comprehension ftw.
  13. Not exactly what you asked, but there's the Primalist archetype.
  14. It's definitely a good line of thinking, but please, for the love of god, don't buff cold.

    If you guys want to buff empathy's solo power, there's a really simple and significant way of doing it. Absorb pain healing the caster and damaging the target while debuffing their received heals and regeneration.

    Clarity, clear mind, and forge type powers are pretty obvious culprits for this type of treatment, too. I think Biospark's suggestion of a mez has promise.
  15. I read the OP, but not the rest of the threat, so sorry if I repeat something. I think the OP should include more of an argument for WHY trick arrow needs to be buffed. This is the single most important thing the OP should contain, in my opinion. There's never been a case when a dev team has been wanting to buff something and has thought "We just don't know a good way to buff this, but if we did, we would do it." (Note, that last sentence should not be interpreted as an intentional insult to Trickshooter.)

    Here are my suggestions for arguments to be made:
    -Trick arrow's debuffs, even when combined together, are numerically inferior to other top debuffing sets like cold and radiation which are not limited to debuffing. It is this way because trick arrow was punished for its redundancy and specialization by having its numbers reduced to the point where it is on par with other sets in the only area where it has any presence. The most obvious case of this is in acid arrow and disruption arrow, which are much, much weaker than area debuffs found in other sets.
    -Having 8 debuffs is not twice as good as having 4 debuffs of equal power as one might think intuitively. All of those debuffs are used in the same situation, and take time to be used. Trick arrow's seven area debuffs could use greater specialization in their intents and purposes. (This one is very firmly my opinion)
  16. Garent

    Tanks vs Brutes

    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    In what world do you live that the Brute AoE taunt with the same radius and target cap (for the Taunt component, at least) is not an AoE?
    He's obviously talking about gauntlet vs. punchvoke. Calm down and quit flaming people. The worst you can accuse him of is imprecise language.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Sure, it does something I guess, but there's no slot yet that has had less effect on our performance.
    Considering how few slots there are, and how pointless further power is at this stage, I don't consider this to be significant in any way.
  18. Most people are going to be using it every time it's up though. Much easier than watching your buff bar for when it goes down.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    There is a significant camp of people that will always insist regen of any kind is never going to keep you alive.
    On the other side, there used to be a big camp of people that was sure that defense sets were worthless if they didn't contain a self heal. Then everyone started playing shield.
  20. Assuming the invulnerability character didn't have to use dull pain, yes.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    I personally think inspirations should not be part of any serious balance discussion. They are too random and you just may never have them at hand when you need them.
    I think inspirations are important, but not in the way other people do. I don't ask "what can this character do with X inspirations", I ask "how often will this character need to use inspirations". That question is best answered with a set's sustainability score though.
  22. Garent

    Tanks vs Brutes

    -Greater survivability, thus is more likely to be able to stay up regardless of team composition and enemy group.
    -Bruising (the resistance debuff in the tier 1 attack) is helpful in a team fight against an archvillain
    -Greater aggro modifier means that enemies are more likely to group up in melee on them. This is a big help to teammates with area powers.

    -Much greater personal damage output.
    -Survivability is lower, but in many situations and for most people it's "good enough".

    To answer the original question...

    "In what situations would a tanker shine where a brute dont. And what areas would a brute shine that a tanker wont or rather out shine each other persay."

    The tanker will do better when on a team with little defensive support or on teams with a lot of blasters/debuffing people who are capable of doing amazing things if you just line the enemies up for them. The brute will do better while solo, while on a team that's well rounded and doesn't need more defense, and when IOd to the gills so that there's very little they can't survive that a tank can.

    There's also a big difference in their playstyle, of course.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    And I can't just copy my live characters because accolades mess up with performance testing.
    If it's helpful, I have a level 50 willpower tank with no accolades that I can volunteer.