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  1. I have to say I'm really impressed with the creator. It's leaps and bounds above what it used to be.
  2. Okay, I didn't read the last ten pages of this thread, but I can't believe noone's said it yet. I have a sure fire way to nerf the RP in this game:

    Spade the Cat Girls!!

    And get rid of the "Mature" Roleplaying that goes on in the shadowy corners of Pocket D...well, sometimes it happens in the middle of the dance floor, but you can walk wayyyyyy around those people.

  3. Yeah, Zombie, thanks man. That helped alot!
  4. There's a button for English? Great, and I spent 20 minutes last year brushing up on my Spanish to help me out.....

    WTG, cheater
  5. Hey Virtue!! I brought this blog/page up a little over a year ago, and it was a bare bones kind of setup. It let's you create a hero/avatar of your own design. Back then, it was cool, but now it's AWESOME! Go check it out!

    Hero Creator

    Warning!! It is in Portugese, but y'all can figure it out.
  6. That's okay, I just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed them in my rush to check out my new shinies. Appreciate it.
  7. You mean "hasten"? The power you choose from the SS pool? I'm not sure how it'll help you get a healing badge, unless you're using it to quicken the recharge of your healing powers. It could be bugged. Send in a ticket if it doesn't "fix" itself in an hour or so.
  8. Okay, bought the Mac, Cyborg, and Magic packs today, ((Yay overtime!!)), and started looking for the new costume change emotes. Couldn't find them. Do they unlock when you do the Icon missions or did I just overlook them somewhere?

    Thanks in advance.
  9. I love my EM/WP tank. I didn't need fitness after I experimented with IO's. But I feel for you, Bad. We need a headsmack emote in this game.
  10. I've said it once, and I'll say it again: I'm not going anywhere unless my 7, nearly 8, year old daughter thinks it'd be cooler fighting alongside Bats & Supes, than running around Paragon City.

    And on note:

    All the people whining about this game, saying how they hate it, it sucks, we should have blahblahblahblah, evidently paid the $15 recently cause they are using these forums to [censored] and moan. Instead of openly [censored] and moaning here, send a PM to the devs and give constructive critiquing. Stop bashing the game, and quietly shut the door on your way out.
  11. I don't think Sister Psyche would let Manticore go Rogue unless he's going undercover to impersonate Chimera.
  12. It's been a while since I've seen one of these announcments. Congratulations!
  13. I knew I shoulda got one of Bash flying around in a circle....dangit.
  14. You know, it never even crossed my mind to do so. Crud.
  15. I’m gonna brag a bit about my favorite tank, Atom Basher (( Lvl 41 EM/WP btw)), just a bit. Thanks to MA, I got to go up against Valkyrie over the weekend, and took her down in an epic battle I thought I couldn’t top.

    Until today. I had about an hour or so before having to come to work. So, while my little girl was doing her homework, I logged onto Bash, and decided to run a couple of Daedalus’ missions in Cimerora. I’ve never got to do a lot there, and was pleased to see there weren’t any timed missions. After beating some Arachnos that stole a tablet/tabula, I have a mission to defeat Ghost Widow. I’d read about how much a pain she is during the STF, so I was filled with a little trepidation at facing her. I defeat all the minions up the staircase where she’s at, and then proceed to take down the two Tarantula’s minions she has flanking her. Then the battle started for real. Now, I RP Bash as an arrogant, self absorbed, brash jock-type, mostly because I’ve yet to face any enemy in the game so far that he hasn’t beat. But GW was TOUGH. It took every inspiration I had, and I had to hit Strength of Will a couple of times when I got my health down to just under halfway thanks to that floating whatchamacallit GW does to you. But after 15-20 mins., she fell. As she got close to falling, I called my little girl over, and let her hit the last attack, Energy Transfer, so she could watch one of the signature Villains get beat. I was extremely proud of Basher.

    I know this is a useless post, but Atom Basher is just so fun to take into battle, and this, for me, is his biggest victory since I soloed the Envoy of Shadows in Bash’s mid-30’s.
  16. Gaelic_Reign

    Mod 8

    I love that movie....
  17. Some of those words are quite funny when said aloud.
  18. Gaelic_Reign

    Arc problems

    Hmmm, I still screwed up somewhere. Oh well, back to the tutorials and guides....
  19. Gaelic_Reign

    Arc problems

    Thanks, Nurse M. I'll try and move things around.
  20. Gaelic_Reign

    Arc problems

    I published my first arc ((174181, shameless plug)), but on my second one, I've run into some trouble. I added an ally to save and help me, but there seem to be some enemies that look just like him that attack me. There's only supposed the one ally to save. And my enemy lieutenant has multiple copies throughout the map as well. There are her minions in the map, but multiple copies of her as well. Anyone got any idea where I screwed up? I appreciate it.
  21. Legacy League of America: Professor Isotope
    Arc ID: 174181
    Length: Very Short
    Difficult: Heroic-custom minions & Lt.
    Synopsis: Captain Legacy has asked you to rescue her ally, Professor Isotope from the archvilian Baron Blitz.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I believe the devs must know this by now, if it was a rumor, they would have shot it down. Their silence seems to acknowledge that it was a slipped secret.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, this thread was just started, so it's too early for rednames to confirm/deny, but that artwork looks genuine.