Gonna brag a bit...




I’m gonna brag a bit about my favorite tank, Atom Basher (( Lvl 41 EM/WP btw)), just a bit. Thanks to MA, I got to go up against Valkyrie over the weekend, and took her down in an epic battle I thought I couldn’t top.

Until today. I had about an hour or so before having to come to work. So, while my little girl was doing her homework, I logged onto Bash, and decided to run a couple of Daedalus’ missions in Cimerora. I’ve never got to do a lot there, and was pleased to see there weren’t any timed missions. After beating some Arachnos that stole a tablet/tabula, I have a mission to defeat Ghost Widow. I’d read about how much a pain she is during the STF, so I was filled with a little trepidation at facing her. I defeat all the minions up the staircase where she’s at, and then proceed to take down the two Tarantula’s minions she has flanking her. Then the battle started for real. Now, I RP Bash as an arrogant, self absorbed, brash jock-type, mostly because I’ve yet to face any enemy in the game so far that he hasn’t beat. But GW was TOUGH. It took every inspiration I had, and I had to hit Strength of Will a couple of times when I got my health down to just under halfway thanks to that floating whatchamacallit GW does to you. But after 15-20 mins., she fell. As she got close to falling, I called my little girl over, and let her hit the last attack, Energy Transfer, so she could watch one of the signature Villains get beat. I was extremely proud of Basher.

I know this is a useless post, but Atom Basher is just so fun to take into battle, and this, for me, is his biggest victory since I soloed the Envoy of Shadows in Bash’s mid-30’s.



sounds like an epic battle take any pictures?

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



You know, it never even crossed my mind to do so. Crud.



Yup pictures or it didn't happen.



I knew I shoulda got one of Bash flying around in a circle....dangit.