Why is auto fire not working???
You mean "hasten"? The power you choose from the SS pool? I'm not sure how it'll help you get a healing badge, unless you're using it to quicken the recharge of your healing powers. It could be bugged. Send in a ticket if it doesn't "fix" itself in an hour or so.
Lets me clear this up...
On one toon i have auto fire on hasten. When ever i play with him it never goes off. On a different toon i had it on my heal to get a badge but it would never go off. Now i wondering why is that.
I have been experiencing this as well. It occurs most often when I change zones. It will fully recharge but not fire dispite being set for auto.
Bug it.
What he ^ said.
Un-auto it, activate it manually, then re-auto it. It will function properly after that. Sometimes you will have to do it after every zone. Sometimes you'll only have to do it once. Sometimes you won't have to do it at all (I personally haven't had auto powers malfunction (yet))
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
I am noticing that if the power set on auto-fire recharges while you are in the enhancement management screen, or have the market window open, it will pause and not fire.
There were a couple of times I could swear that the power would pause for the same length of time that I had the market window open but I haven't had the time to do an actual timed test. Kind of like when the client shows the power has recharged, but the server is saying it hasn't recharged yet (happens a lot with cut-scenes or really laggy Invasion events).
Edit: Okay, I was mistaken on the timing, but testing proved that a power on auto-fire will not fire if the Consignment market window is open (tested with hasten and Radiant Aura). Perhaps an attempt at power suppression in the market areas?
The power will fire if you hit ESC after closing the consignment window.
"Chew Electric Death, Snarling Cur!"

I was noticing it would fire if I was moving my character, but standing still, my auto powers would not fire today.
This topic was already discussed here.
.Driver Sweeper * CohHelper * HijackThis * TweakCoH * CPU-ID
* Defraggler * Program Security Scan * PC Performance Scan *
Oops, I posted there what I meant to post here.
From what I can tell, the "auto fire" starts to malfunction once you zone, interact with Wentworths, the Black Market, a store or contact. But as soon as you target a foe and engage in battle, it will fire as normal (even though it sometimes waits for a break in an attack chain) and will continue to do so until no foes are attacking you. After that, it returns to it's "broken" state.
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I don't know if this is what you all are experiencing, but a recent bug is that auto-fire will not activate if you have targeted a non-valid NPC of any kind. This usually happens to me after I leave Wentworths and still have the WW sales contact targeted. Even though my auto-fire is for a self only click (Practiced Brawler), it will not fire if I have a non-combat NPC targeted. If I target a villain or hit escape to remove the target, it works fine.
Cars, police drones, civilians, stores, zone guards, and contacts all serve to disrupt autofire. I just get in the habit of hitting escape to clear my target every so often.
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow][U]Virtue Heroes (Serenity's Children):[/U] [B]@Eek a Mouse, The Devil's Mark, Outlaw Sniper, Gas-Soaked Rag Man, Amazon Prime, Friday's Child, Hot Blooded,[/B][B]Flower of the Moon[/B], [B]Rouge Demon Hunter[/B], Stimulated Emission, Animatronic Wench, [B]Lennie Small[/B]
[U]Virtue Villains (Serenity's Orphans):[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [B]Eek a Rat[/B], [B]Bomb Blondeshell[/B], Babe Brute, Jeanne Dark, Fallen Angle[/COLOR][/SIZE]
This is making me mad
. i have haste on auto fire and it never works want to try and get healing badge but auto fire didn't work. Why is it not working??? 
By the way it just gets fully recharge and the green circle is around it.