11059 -
Quote:Not only do I agree with this, I also believe that no player should feel forced to participate in a playstyle they don't enjoy in order to get any reward (other than a badge rewarded for participating in a particular team content).As someone who enjoyed both soloing and teaming, I preferred more options. The game, for the most part, allowed me to both when I wanted to.
While some preferred to solo, and some preferred to team, more options would have been better for all. Just because you liked to play the game your way, doesn't mean the other perspective was wrong.
More options=better game.
Both team and solo players should be able to get the exact same rewards and the difficulty of the content should be balanced. By that I mean if a person chooses to solo, then they don't get an option to cheat and bring in help after starting. Solo means solo. If you bring in help you forfeit the reward.
Of course that last bit is a pet peeve of mine which I don't expect everyone to agree with. -
Quote:It doesn't matter what server you had it on. All characters were transfered to new "improved" servers several months ago.Someone should research all the games that went f2p from a subscription model and see how much longer it extended their lifespan. I give swtor a year tops until it folds after going f2p. I might play a little just to check out what changed since last time I played in February, too bad I can't even remember the server I played on though(I had a trooper in the reddit republic iirc).
For some reason they decided to confuse people by reusing some of the old server names instead of using brand new names for the new servers. This has led to some people thinking they weren't transfered to a new server and getting upset when they lost a character name to another player who had it longer on another server.
Of course anytime someone loses a character name it's almost always going to result in one party getting pissed off. -
Legend of Martial Arts and Heroes of Three Kingdoms
Currently they are running 12 games and are developing 3 more.
As opposed to NCSoft closing 7 games and having 1 being developed. I'll admit I'm not sure how many games NCSoft has active since several were only released in a single country, but I think they only have 5 international games. -
Quote:Yeah that sounds vaguely familiar.Plus they've just invested a lot of money into the game, so there's a good chance they won't pull the plug just before the next major update comes out.
Now exactly where did I see a company investing money in a game and suddenly fire all the employees and pull the rug out from under it's customers just 2-3 weeks before the next major update came out.
No, no, don't tell me. The names right on the tip of my tongue.
I think it was a super hero game, originally developed by Cryptic.
Damn, just give me some time. I'll remember the name eventually. -
Quote:Yep.So what you are saying is that stupid people are everywhere :P
Quote:Don't forget the Americans who think Washington D.C. is in Washington state.
Quote:Well, technically England, Britain and the UK are technically separate.
England is a country that shares a border with Wales and Scotland. It comprises the central and southern portion Great Britain.
Great Britain the country, varies by era, but generally includes all of the British Isles, including Northern Ireland. Great Britain, the geographic place, is generally just the Isle of Great Britain itself (which includes Scotland).
The United Kingdom normally overlaps the country definition of Great Britain but can be used to refer to all territories which are remnants of the former British Empire and still under British control.Quote:Now, talking as an Englishman, this is how I would split it:
England: The country, nothing more nothing less. The land of hope and glory, the bringer of NWOBHM, Alan Moore, Andrew Wildman, Neil Gaiman, Stephen Fry and many many others.
Great Britain: The countries of England, Scotland and Wales taken as a single entity.
United Kingdom: Great Britain *and* Northern Ireland
After about 15 minutes of that nonsense I hung up on him. I realized that even if I got that moron sorted out on those three names I'd have to go thru the same thing when I got to asking him if the number he wanted was in Greater London or the City of London, because our database broke London phone numbers into those two groups. -
Quote:And there are companies that have done extensive research on what Hyperstrike is describing and the impact a single angry customer can have on potential customers is by their estimates larger than Hyperstrikes numbers and they also admit that their estimates are conservative.Depending on how many people you encounter, a single angry customer can cause an inordinate amount of damage.
If you directly tell 8 people and are sufficient in motivating them, you have roughly a sphere of about 4000 people you can indirectly affect. If even 1% of them follow your lead, that's 40 people who won't do business with that company.
Now multiply that by a few thousand angry customers.
Yeah, there'll be some overlap in there. But the CoH community has the potential to inflict a LOT of financial damage on NCSoft. -
Quote:Dude it's not just asian countries. I've met Americans that think Canada and Mexico are part of the US because they are (to use their own words) on the same map.Pet Peeve #24: When people assume all Asian countries are the same
I've also met Americans that think England, Britain, and the United Kingdom are seperate countries. -
Just an FYI, deleting characters only removes your ability to access them. They will still exist in the CoH database or wherever it is they store character information and in the back up data storage.
Wait. There were "subtle" racist things? Could you name a few? The ones I remember seemed blatantly obvious to me. I'm curious as to what I may have missed.
Let's be fair it can be either good or bad to increase the number of government jobs depending on the type of jobs being created. Reduntant over paid positions that let leeches sit on their fat butts doing little to no actual work is bad no matter which party created the position.
Quote:I agree the quality of the voice acting is great, there's just too much of it. I don't need cutscenes for every single bloody contact. Using it in the main story arc is fine, but having to go thu it with every tom, dick, and harry is too much. Just give me the damn mission.All in all, the cut scenes in SWTOR are the best ones among the games I've seen recently, though Secret World's are a close second (though TSW's struck me as being WAY too time-consuming).
TSW's might seem a little long but they only use it for the main story arc.
And my personal pet peeve. If you are going to make a player choose what his character says by offering 3 written choices, then it gorram better match what the voice actor says. It really bugs the hell out of me when the voice acting says something completely different than what I selected for him to say.
But again that's a pet peeve that I have to learn to deal with. -
Quote:So does that mean you and a few others are NCSoft sleeper agents whose goal is to discredit the anti-NCSoft player base by posting like stark raving lunatics?Some people need repetition, since politeness and reasonable talk only gets us more "NCSoft has the right to do anything they want to do to you, stop being so mean to them, you meanies!!!" and this has been going on for over a month now.
The only thing that makes sense to me is that we have a few NCSoft employees attempting mad damage control - but regardless if that is true or not, all these naysayings are having the opposite of the desired effect: NCSoft looks WORSE than ever.
You know what they say about Humpty Dumpty, that wall and all the king's horses and men.... etc. NCSoft took a great fall off the Trust Wall back in August. The fallout will continue to belong solely to them.
Don't bother answering. You wouldn't admit it if you were. -
Quote:(Frankly, as an MMO it has been solid and normal in terms of the overall industry. They just had over zealous expectations of reaching WoW heights - and that frankly was unrealistic from the start - and rushed the product.)
And spent way too much money on annoying voice acting instead of developing features and content customers would enjoy. -
Please don't try to confuse people with facts that can't be refuted. It makes their brains hurt and go wibbley-wobbley. Plus the smoke that comes out of their ears keeps setting off the smoke detectors.
Besides if you'll notice he still hasn't denied that Romney is evil. He just objects to people laughing at him. -
Quote:Do you have an official link where that was announced? I ask because as far as I know, it is just players speculating that the next patch will include the F2P launch.Awesome. Look forward to seeing you around.
F2P launches with patch 1.5 which has been on the PT server for about 3-4 weeks now...so I would bet it goes F2P within a week or 2.
Consequently...that patch also includes the HK-51 unlockable content for the assassin droid as well.
Personally I hope it launches sooner, but I haven't seen any official announcements.