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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Power_Play View Post
    The only problem with that is the struggle DOES end, and it ends with the city no safer now than it was eight and a half years ago, when the first new heroes took to the streets. In other words, all our characters' struggles for the past years were for nothing...then they'll be gone...with no chance to ever win the war.

    Now THAT'S depressing.
    The struggle never ends. There are no happy endings.

    No one ever wins a war. Both sides always lose.

    It's not about "winnning", it's about never giving up.

    It's about eternal vigilance.

    It's about not going gentle into that good night.

    If you were expecting something else then you never understood what it means to be a hero.
  2. I don't know how large the EU population is but here in the US you won't find many people online at the time of day you were just looking for teams because on the East coast the kids are just getting out of school and the adults are still at work and as you move farther West it's even earlier in the afternoon. From a US time zone perspective you are playing during a time when server pops are low.

    But again I won't pretend to know what EU players consider to be prime gaming hours.
  3. I would have liked to see CoH end in the year 2157, after getting caught in bed with the wife of another MMO.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    One thing that annoyed me was genre breaking in CoH. Not only that, they broke the genre they put in CoH *glares at the Vampire: the Masquerade guilds* "FIRE! DAYLIGHT! These killed vampires in V:tM!"
    As I recall

    1. Fortitude. Fortitude allows you to soak aggravated damage, including that caused by sunlight. According to page 302 of the Vampire 20th Anniversary edition, the difficulty for soaking sunlight while "fully protected by heavy clothes, sunglasses, gloves, and a wide-brimmed hat" is only 5, which isn't hard to make.

    2. The Children of Osiris had access to the discipline Bardo and Ra's Blessing which was a ritual that allows the Child of Osiris to temporarily walk in daylight.

    3. There's a bloodline called the Kiasyd who have access to a discipline called Mytherceria; at level 9, you can resume mortality for a while, which would make you immune to sunlight damage while it was in effect.

    4. Then there was that one Obtenebration power Tchernabog: Which temporarily blots out the sun in your area.

    So I don't find it genre breaking to see a V:tm vampire out in daylight.
  5. As I recall the field revives had a timer attached to them which got longer the more often you used it. Sitting around twiddling my thumbs waiting 10-15 minutes for the damn timer to count down annoyed me far more than hitting the hospital.

    Yes I died a lot exploring maps on other planets for the experience as soon as I got my spaceship.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MarvelZombie View Post
    For those of you that are curious, it was announced today that SWTOR's F2P option is going live on 11/15 (next Thursday).


    If you haven't tried it, I heavily recommend giving it a shot. Running a class all the way up to level 50 without paying a cent is a great value - especially if you like anything Star Wars. The game has it's issues to be sure, but for free (alas with many incentives to buy from the in-game store) you should at least try it.
    And for those interested here is the link to the page that explains what restrictions are applied to F2P accounts.

    You have to mouse over the words Limited Access to get a pop up with the explanation.

    Some of the restriction explanations are vague.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
    Oh snap, this thread's getting catty.

    You could have just said 'Striesand effect'.
    Actually, no I couldn't. Until I saw it used in this thread I wasn't aware of the term 'Striesand Effect'. But I learned a new term today. Yippee!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    NCSoft is quite vulnerable on the whole Boobs and Shame front - it's a good angle of attack to hurt them.
    Not seeing how it's going to hurt them. They have chosen to focus on the Eastern market. That market finds this topic totally acceptable. So they don't give a rat's patootey what a bunch of Western self-appointed morality police think or say.

    As a matter of fact this type of "attack" inevitably backfires in the face of the morality police as it gets people that would never have even looked at the game to check it out for themselves and invariably attracts more customers because of the taboo nature sex has in Western cultures.

    For example

    Terry Rakolta led a boycott against Fox Broadcasting's Married With Children because she was offended by an episode that showed the images of an old man wearing a woman's garter and stockings.

    Her attempts to boycott the show instead caused a dramatic rise in the shows ratings and led to the show being carried for several more years.

    To add insult to injury the shows staff made sure to send Miss Rakolta a gift basket every year thanking her for attempting to get the show cancelled.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
    I think the difference is that sexuality wasn't the driving force in CoH's promotional material, save for Sister Psyche and her tacky nipple pasty tights everything was the typical image of heroes and villains. You knew what the game was about, heroes doing hero things and villains doing villain things.
    I agree with you on this.

    Blade & Soul, I'm not sure what's going on. There are curvy bunny girls in clothing several sizes too small that carry weapons that weigh more than they do... and some mouse children that throw magic cats at things or something. There's a male there but who the hell cares, am I right? What is the "soul" part of Blade & Soul? I see blades, they don't seem to be much more than an accessory.
    I believe that's the whole Eastern focus. Anime/Manga whatever has been doing this type of gross misrepresentation of the female form for what decades?

    And CoH does not have lemonboob. Anti-gravity melonboob maybe? Lemon definitely isn't the shape though.
    Anti-Gravity MelonBoobs! Thank you. That's a great description and it captures what I was referring to. I wish I'd thought of it.

    I've never understood this fascination with cartoon boobs. I want my female characters to look realistic, not like they can be used as a flotation device when an airplane makes a water landing.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
    The fact that a dated game with a dated engine (which was awesome) is being compared to newly released titles is pretty silly.
    No what's silly is that those newly released titles with their newly released engines suck when compared to a dated game with a dated engine.

    Those games should be blowing peoples minds with their awesomeness. People should be saying things like, "I love CoH but ***** is **king amazing. If I ever had to leave CoH that's where I'm going." instead of, "WTF? CoH is 10 years old and has all these new games beat hands down. It's like having to choose between piles of poo. Do I want the one that's firm with pieces of corn in it, or the soft runny one. The hell with this I'm not payin for poo."
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ashen_Fury View Post
    Theres a diference between some people being creative/perverted with a creation system and a game where every female in the game has lemonboob by default.
    Not only does this game have lemonboob even on the lowest settings, in the beginning of CoH all female characters had hard nipples until the devs removed nipples altogether. So don't try pretending this game is innocent of doing the same thing as B&S.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Pot is the only thing that would make CO any fun.
    That was exactly what I was thinking when I made that post.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Yeah that Colorado vote is going to be interesting - every state is going to be watching them - I assume CA in particular.

    If you haven't heard, CO is going to legalize marijuana for recreational use.
    I didn't know Champions Online had the authority to legalize marijuana.

  14. That video is frelling awesome.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Yes but Nielson doesn't count chimps.
    What are republicans if not trained chimps?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    People do love their confirmation bias.
    Whose talking about confirmation bias. I'm just facetiously poking fun at the types of some incredibly stupid studies that are being done.

    For example the US gov has spent

    $492,000 to determine whether or not tweets can be trusted

    $168,766 to study monkeys as they throw poop at each other

    $700,000 to study cow burps for methane emissions

    $216,000 to study why politicians make vague statements

    $442,340 studying male prostitutes in Vietnam

    $3 million to study World of Warcraft

    $175,587 to determine if cocaine makes Japanese quail engage in sexually risky behavior

    $500 million on a program that will, among other things, seek to solve the problem of 5-year-old children that "can't sit still" in a kindergarten classroom

    $30 million on a program that was designed to help Pakistani farmers produce more mangos

    $239,100 to study how Americans use the Internet to find love

    $400,000 to find out why gay men in Argentina engage in risky sexual behavior when they are drunk

    $800,000 in "stimulus funds" to study the impact of a "genital-washing program" on men in South Africa

    And these are just some wierd studies funded by the government. Who knows what wierd things are going on in the public sector.
  17. Whatever the subs dropped to it was close enough to their break even number to scare them into implementing the F2P business model.

    I can understand why they chose to be vague about the actual numbers. Fear that it might cause even more people to cancel their subs because they might think closure is imminent.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    That article is talking about viewers. Viewers are not necessarily people. You can train a chimp to watch Fox News.

    I wouldn't be surprised to learn there's a scientist somewhere conducting an experiment to see if watching Fox News causes brain tumors in chimps.
  19. What to expect in the future from the new Disney Star Wars franchise.

    Disney's answer to the old dancing guy at Six Flags!

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
    Ooh, that 700k number is interesting, where have you seen that? Only official statement i've seen was a vague below 1mil but well above 500k comment in their conference call.

    The 500k break-even point, i have seen but that statement was made at least a year before their "restructuring" so their new break-even point is not yet known but likely to be less than 500k.
    Thanks for asking that. I went back to check the articles when they announced the switch to F2P and I see that I misread what was said. For some reason the 700,000 stuck in my mind. Probably because it was written as a number instead of spelled out.

    "EA has revealed Star Wars: The Old Republic subscriptions have dipped below 1 million, a drop off of about 700,000. According to the BioWare, in order to break even, SWTOR needs 500,000 subscribers."

    And back in July when the F2P EA's Frank Gibeau confirmed to interviewers that the goal of the F2P initiative is to get lapsed players back into the game.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Kind of like how many never thought Disney would own Star Wars, much less everything else that Lucas created

    Still feels a bit surreal
    Uhm as I recall Disney didn't buy the Indiana Jones IP.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    It's been bad enough having to deal with WotC taking over for TSR, but the idea of Disney effectively owning D&D is simply surrealistic. Let's just say 20 years ago I would have never figured that likely in the least.
    I can just see it now. Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge, Hewey, Dewey, and Louie being chased around a dungeon by hungry orcs.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
    Swtor is currently second in subscriptions to WoW. Given that information from mmo data, I think it is safe to say it isn't going anywhere for a while.
    The last official numbers I've seen from EA/BW reported SWTOR's subs dropped to 700k and Bioware stated they needed 500k to break even.

    And while I don't want to see any game get shut down, let's not delude ourselves here. Any MMO that was designed to be sub based and decides to switch to F2P 6 months after launch is in serious trouble.

    This change in the business model is a desperate attempt to save the game, and I wish them the best of luck with it.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    I'm kind of "meh". It's as if DC went to NDT and said "Find us a red star and we'll call it Krypton".
    From what I read of the article that sounds exactly like what DC did.

    "Tyson performed the celestial sleuthing at the request of DC Comics, which wanted to run a story about Superman’s search for his home planet."
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    And to be fair, 2 of those games that they closed down are still running, because NCsoft only actually ever published them in one region. There were different publishers for different regions of the game (Point Blank and Dragonica/Dragon Saga are the games that I am referring to).

    In terms of Games still running internationally for NCsoft:

    Lineage 2, Aion, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2.

    Lineage 1 is still running, but as far as I am aware, it is just for the asian market now, since the closure of the US servers for it.
    Thank you for correcting me. I was trying to be accurate as best I could without including any of my personal opinions about either company.