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  1. Foolio


    I like my Earth/Emp controller...I generally use a couple of emp buffs...drop a choice of volcanic gases, quicksand and earthquake...throw a few fosilises and then do a quick heal and then start again.

    I lost count of the amount of times my absorb pain has saved someone in the red...I thouroughly enjoy my earth/emp...but then I haven't tried any other combination though so who am I to say...
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Base accuracy should be the same. It's probably just a case of being used to hit a lot with SOs slotted over hitting less frequently with TOs slotted?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I never got my Tank over lvl 6 so I don't think it is that...maybe I was just unlucky for the 2 hours I was playing last night...however, when I did hit it was very enjoyable...Fury is a wonderful least at lvl4
  3. Am I right in thinking that the accuracy of Brutes is lower? As I'm sure I miss loads more with my SS/Inv Brute that I ever did with my SS/Inv Tank...
  4. I took a SS/Inv in the end...Although the stealth in EA was appealing. I just didn't like the swirly effects. I've never roller a Brute beofre so just have a few questions.

    1. It's not a Tank is it? I mean the shields/defences aren't as strong as a Tank's?

    2. I think I understand Fury...but is it a good idea to attack the minions to get the Fury up and then switch to Lieuts and Bosses when I can do more damage? Or is this a surefire way to die?

    3. When I played last night because I wanted to keep my Fury up (and had no greens) I always seemed on the verge of health bar even disappeared completely once Are then any tips on useful powers to avoid this? Is it worth getting the health pool for example.

    4. Is it still the Brutes job to draw agro? Or is that more the Masterminds pets jobs?
  5. Thanks for the help...I thought SS/Stone and EA/INV too because concept and general "look"...I can't bear DA because of the noise it makes and the fact that I can't see the costume I spent yonks designing.

    I thought /EA because it was something new...So I'm looking at SS and EA/Inv I think. Hmmm....
  6. After being pretty uninspired by the other ATs, I'm just about to build a new brute...Based on a Russian Strongman type thingy...I'm just interested on people's opinions of the the best 2 powers to take concept and synegry wise.

    For example Stone/Stone obviously go together as a concept but not necessarily as well synergy/game play-wise. I hope this makes sense?
  7. Foolio

    1st Respec Help

    This is the first time I have got to lvl24 so this is the first time I have done the respec mish. Are there any helpful lvl24/25s out there who fancy giving me a hand at 10am on Saturday 10th Feb?
  8. I haven't tried any other Controllers but I love my lvl24 Earth/Emp.

    Typical tactics go...

    1.Fosilise the boss
    2.Quicksand to slow
    3.Earthquake just in front of the squishes to keep any nasty melee types away, or in the middle of the mob to keep them down.
    4. Fosilize everything else in sight

    I also have stone cages which I wish I never picked...far far too much pretty useless if the Ogres can still stand there lobbing rocks at my head.

    Salt Crystals I generally keep for emergencies as I often find that I throw it just as some users there AoE making it useless.

    It's the onlt hero I've ever got past lvl13 which shows how much I enjoy it. I only downside I have is that damage output is [censored]. But hey...I'm a controller I do what I say on the tin.

    /agreed Earth does clutter up the place somewhat...
  9. Hi...I'm close to lvl8 with my Katana/SR scrapper and would appreciate some some on what powers to get for the next 10 lvls or so. I'm probably going to get SS as I've had TP and Fly on my ALTs if that helps?
  10. I have just got to lvl12 on my Tank's the first I have rolled so I have no prior experience to call upon. But there are times when I feel weak and others when I feel unstoppable.

    Personally I have only picked Jab and Taunt from my secondary powers. As I tank I think my jobs is to get hit by as many mobs as possible, as many times as possible without dying. As long as I can stay alive long enough for the blasters/scrappers to pick of the stragglers whilst I hold the rest, then I'm happy. However, a nearby empath always helps
  11. Foolio


    [ QUOTE ]
    This is basically the same as Hibernate for an Ice Tank.

    Hitpoints get low -> Turn on Hibernate -> aggro shifts to team -> team dies -> 30 seconds later you die.

    I.e., I wouldn't recomend it. If nothing else it will make you extreamly unpopular.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But if you are going to die anyway then what is the problem? At least this way there is a chance that you may be able to return to the frey with some team members still alive...
  12. Hi I've now reach lvl22 I thought it was time I did a TF. However, I've no idea what I'm doing, or where to go etc.

    Therefore, if anyone lvl22-ish fancies doing a TF from 10am(GMT) on Saturday(21st Jan) morning, then let me know...

    The more the merrier.

  13. Actually...I've just had a horrible thought...I think I'm on Defiant and not Union.

    Sorry for the waste of time. However...anyone has seen Dr Foolio or JunkUnit on Union can you let me know...because I think my mind is going.
  14. Hi I've now reach lvl22 I thought it was time I did a TF. However, I've no idea what I'm doing, or where to go etc.

    Therefore, if anyone lvl22-ish fancies doing a TF from 10am(GMT) on Saturday(21st Jan) morning, then let me know...

    The more the merrier.

  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for the help...right...back to choosing which cape to get for my lvl20...and whether I can justify the inf

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well thats not a problem. Give either of my first two chars a shout if I'm on and I'll sort you out a cape donation.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I just might take you up on that

    Haven't thought about full up with lvl20 DO enhancements...and my character has passed his newbie hero phase so it's time he ditched his T-shirt and combats and got some spandex
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Was on a team last night with a stone tank (late 30s) that didn't have tp, stayed in Granite and always had rooted on too. Lets just say most of the fights had finished before he actually got close enough to hit anything....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hehe...I think TP it is then...sound like it has more uses in combat than any of the other travel power pools.

    Thanks for the help...right...back to choosing which cape to get for my lvl20...and whether I can justify the inf
  17. I have a tank and am coming upto the time when I need to start picking some power pool powers.

    I'm not sure which travel power to head for...I have flight on my Controller so fancy a change.

    I was looking at SJ...or maybe SS, but teleport takes my fancy. I know all about the advantages/disadvantages of each power when travelling but I'm look for any advantages certain power pools have over others during combat. Plus I'm looking for the best power pool as a whole at lower lvls rather than just the travel power from that pool.

    I hope this makes sense...
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    One tip that helps me is the clear cut way that the Ice powers show who is being held and how. It also does not get in the way of field of vision like the earth holds can sometimes do.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree that is a little annoying/confusing especially when throwing AoE immobs. But I spend that much time/end healing that I only have time to use the odd hold anyway. Thats why I love teaming up...I'm always absolutely gutted when someone dies though.

    Talking as a noobie I see good emp controlling as:-

    1. Healing! Healing! Healing!
    2. Using you holds selectively e.g. hold the boss, or the mob thats just about to kill a teammate if your emp powers are recharging
    3. anything else useful you can do without distracting you from your teammates health situation or draining your end too much

    I see bad emp controlling as...
    1.Getting yourself in a scrap and throwing powers all over the place leaving your with no end to heal
    2.Not paying attention to your team mates needs
  19. I've found earth/emp an excellent choice...To be honest I've only got to LvL12 so far, so I can't say how it will play at later levels...but early on Earth has an excellent hold (Fosilize I think) and quicksand is useful for slowing down mobs.

    The problem I have though is that it is poo at solo-ing...don't get me wrong I've been able to solo a bit but...hold/punch/punch/punch/hold/etc/etc can get a bit tiresome...but if you are a selfless type like me it's a good build...your teammates will love you
  20. Not sure if this is the right place...but hey-ho...

    I'm looking for a friendly/active SG who is looking for a LvL7 earth/emp controller.

    The names Dr Foolio...feel free to invite me here or in game
  21. Again thanks for the help the moment I am sticking to dmg and acc and it seems to be working out so far so I think I'll stick to it for now. May add an end reduction next.
  22. Ok thanks for the I guess it is better to go for dmg and end reductions until I get to a few levels higher.

    As this is my first toon...not sure how much I miss compared to other just seemed a lot of misses in general so thought I would add an acc to my main attacks.

    I know what you mean about slotting CJ (now)...can't say I have noticed any difference between one and 2 slots.

    As for hero builders...I prefer to pick whatever powers I fancy and then see how it goes. Which means I'll probably make loads of mistakes...but anywho thats life.
  23. Just wondered if I could pick someones brains about slotting at the beginning.

    I've just got to lvl 11 sonic/elec and I'm not exactly sure how I should be slotting my powers.

    Not sure how much this will mean to everyone as I'm the only sonic blaster I've seen so far...I can't be the only one surely? I think I have the following at the moment...although I'm prob slightly wrong.

    Primary - Sonic
    Shriek - dmg/dmg
    Scream - dmg/dmg/dmg
    Shockwave - knockback
    Shout - dmg/dmg/acc

    Secondary - Elec
    Electric Fence - hold
    Charged Brawl - confuse

    Combat Jumping - def/def

    I have noticed to I seem to miss quiet a lot...not sure if this is my slotting or if sonic is generally less accurate? Im not usre if I should be slottig for accuracy this early or just going for straight dmg. I dont seem to be having much problems with END at the moment but I guess this maybe becuase I only have the combat jumping toggle.

    I also heard someone mention that it isnt worthwhile buying enhancements at lower levels, just get them free of mobs, as it is a waste of money for later stages. It sounds like a good idea in principle but I keep getting junk enh that I can't use.
  24. Thx for input everyone...I'm going to go for...

    Tech/Sonic/Elec Blaster

    I'm not sure on the travel power yet...but I'm tempted to take Hover just to up my defence and KB res a little. But I think I'm going to go with combat jumping to start with and see how it goes...I may respec to hover/fly at a later date.

    So keep an eye out for Professor Foolio on your travels
  25. Excellent...thx again for the help...better get down Maplins now get and get the bits I need for my hover boots