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  1. For Dark Regeneration I slot for accuracy and recharge rather then end reduction. With the Chance for +End PROC you will be fine with the end costs. I see you have Hasten which alleviates the recharge but a simple switch of the Multi-Strike for the Cleaving Blow Acc/Rech or add the Nictus: Heal/Rech and get a 9% acc bump from that set.

    For Death Shroud replace the End with the final Obliteration. The defense bonus is too good to pass up on that. With your End recovery skills you should be fine with the higher End costs when all them are running. Personally I took this at a higher level as I didn't see me using it at low levels due to the low damage and end costs. Alternatively switch the entire set to Multi-Strike. That set gives maxed Acc, Dam, and End and includes a defense bump for both range and melee. If your issues are end for this skill then using that set cures that and costs you a lot less then Obliteration.

    Along the same line it would be nice to get one more slot for Whirling Sword to finishing that Obliteration set and get the defense from it.

    For Dark Embrace, Murky Cloud and Obsidian Shield consider a switch to Reactive Armor instead. 4 slots of that gives ranged and melee defense bumps which would help.

    I would lower the slots on Physical Perfection. The recovery bump for that is not all that good. Keep the +End PROC and an End Mod in it and use the other two slots in Whirling Sword and maybe Conserve Energy (Add another Recharge Reduction).

    I love Cloak of Fear, try to take it earlier if you can. Really helps with crowd control and the -to hit it has is as good as adding defense.

    Overall I would say you are over recharge slotted. You only have a few skills that need that much (Hasten, Soul Transfer and Conserve Power) and those have recharge slotted within them. Let go of a few recharge set bonuses to get some defense. Get your defense into the 20's and the parry will take you over the top.
  2. Posting to see if anyone else can confirm this.

    After patch yesterday I did a safeguard mission I had up (Independence Port). Whenever I left buildings the screen loaded really slow. After exiting the bank (slow load), and one side mission (slow load), I entered the second side mission. Upon exit second side mission I saw slow load then everything went black and the game would not come back so I had to use Windows to crash it.

    Today, to get the badge I missed, I reran the five missions to get the safeguard without a problem. Went into Independence Port and decided to stop the robbery to give more time to get badge. Upon exiting again saw slow load then black screen crash.

    The problem seems to be limited to safeguard mission and everything else seems to work fine for me.

    Can anyone else confirm if this is bugged or just something with my machine?
  3. OK, thanks for the advice. I altered my plan and will take it at 28 dropping Combat Jumping that didn't add much anyway.

    Thanks again!
  4. I have a level 27 Dual Weapon/Dark Armor scrapper. Have not played either set before. My dilemma is with Dark Regeneration. Looks like a good heal (30%), quick cast (1.17) and recharge (30s) but only heals self, requires enemies around and has a big Endurance hit (33.8). Since this toon is already starved for Endurance I skipped this so far. I can fit it in later after I get Conserve Power and Physical Perfection but would have to drop either Combat Jumping, Maneuvers, or Assault to do it.

    So my question to those with experience, is it worth it or should I stay with the three powers I listed and use other means of healing?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
    This may be a little off subject, but it seems to fit.

    Has anyone besides me noticed that on "Rescue" or "Kidnap" missions the rescuee is having a heck of a time keeping up and not getting lost. I remember this was an issue that was fixed a ways back, but it seems to have come back since Issue 17 came out. I did bug report it but then wondered if I should have.

    I did three of these types of missions last night and it was bad. One of them was the Johnny Sonata mission where you have to rescue the four mystics and then lead them to the obelisks while getting ambushed by the freaky little sonic demons. It took FOREVER.

    Anyways, has anyone else noticed or am I being overly sensititve?
    I don't think that is a 17 issue. I haven't played red side for a few weeks but that issue existed when I played there before 17 came out. Had to move real slow and make sure they kept up to complete. I collected one and ditched them on a bridge then went for the others, once I had them all I moved real slow to the obelisks. Usually one would fall out and I would have to collect them again. Something with that mission but not a 17 issue.
  6. In researching defense I think some of the logic in this post may be incorrect. From what I understand the reason 45% is the softcap is not because that is as much as you can get (you can actually get up to 300% defense) but that that is where defense stops doing you much good. Critters have a base 50% chance to hit you (even level) and since defense is a one to one reduction of chance to hit and the chance to hit can't go below 5% having more than 45% defense does you little good.

    So having only 5% defense reduces your chance to be hit by 10% (5% reduction divided by 50% (base) = 10% reduction of chance to hit). So basically every 1% of defense reduces you chances of being hit by 2% up to 45% defense (90% reduced chance of being hit) so even small defense numbers can be beneficial. For a blaster a very achievable 10-15% defense reduces you chance to be hit by 20-30%. Certainly high defense are better but making 1 out of 4 or 1 out of 3 attacks miss is nothing to scoff at, every little bit does help.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkInvado View Post
    Anyone have experience with a rad/sonic or sonic/rad?
    If you are talking blaster those two don't combo. Both are Primary power sets only.

    I have a Rad/Energy blaster that is lvl 48, I love Radiation; Neutron Bolt and X-Ray Beam are great, quick attacks, Cosmic Burst is devastating with high damage and stun. Irradiate, Electron Haze, and Neutron Bomb are great AOE though they are slow casts. Energy is great for some Melee attacks and the for the Boost Range power (makes those 40 range attacks actually ranged rather than semi-melee attacks. Power Trust is great for solo to knockback melee attackers and is usable while Held/sleep/stun. I slotted it purely for knockback rather than damage and just use it sparingly in groups.
  8. Flower


    Thanks for the advice everyone. I think I will stick with my original decision and keep Electron Haze and Neutron Bomb.
  9. Flower


    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    I went the opposite direction, but I am paired with /fire, so I can hit combustion, fire sword circle, consume, and drop burn patches all in melee range. Makes much more sense for me to have irradiate.

    ...also, Haze has annoying kb.
    I have found that the kb on haze doesn't hit that much. I don't enhance it on that power at all, just go for damage. I do use power thrust for kb but that is mostly a solo power. In groups I haze a lot and only get the occasional kb from it.
  10. Flower


    Originally Posted by concreteshift View Post
    It's more about what your blaster style is going to be. Since you're /energy, are you melee oriented and like to blast up close or do you like to stay at range. You want to build up an attack chain that synergizes with each other. Irradiate is great if you stay in up close but it's not very good if you are staying at range. Then it only becomes an every once in while power when you are out of range. Opening up in crowd with Irradiate, Energy Punch and Bonesmasher is pretty lethal. But you of course are risking aggro being that close in a crowd.

    Thanks for the advice. I play mostly at range. I have Energy Punch and Bonesmasher for when they do get close and Power Thrust to knock them back but for survival I try to stay back and hit them from a distance as much as possible.
  11. Flower


    I have a Radiation/Energy blaster and need some help. I skipped Irradiate and took Electron Haze and Neutron Bomb instead; good choice or not?

    My reasons was mainly due to the lower damage on Irradiate and longer recharge and larger endurance. However, Irradiate has a very fast cast time (something Electron Haze and Neutron Bomb do not). Irradiate and Neutron Bomb hit everything around me where Electron Haze hits a 30 degree arc. Neutron bomb and Electron Haze are ranged where Irradiate will hit those around me.

    So my question is as above. Did I make a good choice or should I respec out of Electron Haze or Neutron Bomb and replace them with Irradiate? Is the defense debuff of Irradiate worth the lower damage?
  12. I'll try to be there. 6:00 CST plays havoc with me since my wife usually makes supper at that time. She doesn't understand it when I try to skip to do a hami raid!
  13. [IMG]file:///C:/Program%20Files%20%28x86%29/City%20of%20Heroes/screenshots/screenshot_100425-18-05-15.jpg[/IMG][IMG]file:///C:/Program%20Files%20%28x86%29/City%20of%20Heroes/screenshots/screenshot_100425-18-05-15.jpg[/IMG]

    Getting Ready

    Going for Double Cell!

    Ummm ... we didn't make it

    Hamidon, protected by two blooms reigns supreme
  14. Thanks Rhynwa, it was a good try. It was kind of funny after I died watching it rain heroes!

    We almost had Hami
  15. Thanks to all for the raid and especially my team leader Fallenz. I was a bit worried during the second run when the entire yellow 1 team got wiped twice but we pulled together and got it done.

    Thanks Baba_Kanoosh for the screen grab. I can just make out Patrolman dusting himself off after the final face plant when hami went down.

    Thanks to all who stuck around after the raid and took on the monsters. I got five eoe's in a few minutes so I am ready for the next raid!
  16. Thanks for organizing the raid UltraBatz! Tonights raid was great. I got 300+ merits and was able to almost complete my Vanguard costume.