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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    I think it's been well established (at least among players) that the "female MM pets could be considered sexist" argument has been dismissed as ridiculous. The only argument that actually makes a tiny bit of sense is that it would simply take too much time and effort to create a whole new set of female models for them. It'd be far easier for me to accept the idea that the Devs just don't think it's worth doing time/benefit wise than to think they have something against potential misogyny.

    The fact that player characters can easily dress themselves up slutty and RP far more nasty things than what little Johnny can dream up with his female MM pets has always been laughable to me.
    I somewhat argued the having to build new models part away as well in my thread (in my sig), but yeah, it all really boils down to they don't think it's worth doing. It's just the whole "we're erring on the side of caution" excuse that I get, and then they turn around and produce "sexy" costume packs.

    And yeah, I've seen some REALLY freaky stuff that is DEFINITELY not T for Teen on multiple servers with the stuff we already have. The Dark Astoria SRP is still scary....
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    LOL that's awesome. Great minds think alike ;P.

    Also if females can get the darned tuxedo, I'm sure they can at least get some more coats. Maybe the developers felt like males would be getting less, then. But then there's the whole Females can wear male clothes but males in female clothes is...
    Kilts are the closest we'll get.

    If not, then I will not rest until my 50(+1) blaster can wear a frilly bra!
    Well, I did make a male Zoltana (or however you spell her name from Batman) costume. But it traumatized several players.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    Wearing only duct tape and a straight jacket? Sounds like a new perfect female costume!
    That's exactly what my husband just said when I woke him up and told him that.....
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    But all the sets that are more out of the ordinary, with stuff that players have been asking for for ages? Nope, females get 'sexy' wear for the umpteenth time. No questions.
    If they're going to release "sexy" costume after "sexy" costume, they could at least give us warning. Like a "hey guys and gals, sorry you wanted something different...but here's the newest set! "Sexy mcSexyskirt Sexy outfits!"

    *goes to find the duct tape and straight jacket* Gonna go wake up Joyrock before I pull a Hulk and have him put me in the jacket and duct tape my mouth.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    I do admit, the jack of jackets for females in Steampunk was a bit disappointing.

    Also SLIGHTLY off topic on what I'm about to say, but I was hoping the gunslinger outfit would add a new trench coat >_>. I like the male jacket, but it's kind of silly to let trench coat hog its own category like that. And yes I know it's because of coat tails etc. to make back details unusable for clipping reasons and what not.
    They could at least add more options, like cloth instead of leather, or even change up the shoulder area to make it like a duster....

    *slaps self* NO! Bad Firemoth! No tangent!
  6. Hmm...thought.

    Ok, I presented the idea of Female pets for MM 2 years in a row, and they used the "err on the side of caution" excuse on me both times, stating that it could be seen as offensive, or sexist, or a setup for misuse of mobs/minions.

    Yet they keep giving us the costumes like in the OP?

    It kind of removes their sexist argument on the MM pets....
  7. I will sign this in blood if I have frakken SICK of it.

    Yes, I have SOME costumes on my females that could be considered "sexy", but I would like to have other options! When my options are weighted towards sexy, or to just keep repeating the same basic costume on all my characters (curse you Altitis). Even the "shirts" are sexy style....

    As a female gamer, I am not going to go on some feminist rage rant or anything, I just want to see more options aside from "sexy" out there.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by techbot alpha View Post
    'those periods in time'?

    At that period in time, any woman showing that much skin would be known as one thing and one thing only.

    For accurate period stuff, try something a bit more realistic ;

    that make the point clear enough?
    thank you!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TargetOne View Post
    Hello, Jay (or any other devs that read this)...

    I thought I would draw your attention to this thread:

    ... in which players are lamenting the way many costume parts are "pre-tinted" and thus cannot be colored the way we players would like. That is, sections of the parts have their own color tinting which mixes with any color selected by the player to produce an intermediate color which is not at all desireable. As pointed out in that thread, this often makes any attempt to colorize those parts come out ugly, and makes it difficult to match those parts up with parts from other sets.

    Please fix this.
    Not to mention all the clipping issues still going on...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Berzerker_NA View Post
    They do seem to be strapped for art resources. But.... then why not just make it a pay per content thing? I'm sure nearly everyone who frequents this forum would jump at the chance and shell over the appropriate quantity of cash.

    One problem is how to address all 6 MM Power Set's. Demons, Bots, and to a lesser degree Zombies require more than just costume designs on a basic character model. For the others, I'd love to see them hold a costume contest for it. "Henchmen themes", and then give out some swag to the winners in exchange for the right to use their design.
    They don't even have to go for entirely new designs, since there are so many different styles out there already in their databases that we fight on a daily basis. But I do like the costume contest ideas.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warbaby View Post
    Hungry, very greedy, impatient hubby (whom I love dearly) just to keep the record straight.
    I'll take the hungry hubby and raise you hungry mother in law and grandparents in law
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    Swat busting down your door, MP5's at the ready, because the address on the search warrant was incorrect...
    Speaking from experience?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
    I dont think mm as a whole need help, just ninjas. There is no reason for these guys to be like wet paper dolls all the time. They need higher survivability at this point. What good is having good damage if they do not survive long enough to do it? Also there needs to be some overall compensation for dealing with the headache you have for controlling them due to their wacky ai.
    They take Seppuku to a whole new level? On my ninja MM my battle cry was "Suicide squad...ATTACK!"
  14. Right now I have a cat draped across one arm and her tail is on the keyboard. It led me to a game: Things that make gaming difficult!

    What random events make gaming difficult?

    Cat Aggro.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DrGemini View Post
    For a long time, I have been an advocate for Masterminds having greater customization for their pets. We should be able to create individual costumes for our pets, or at least have a choice from several options like weapon-based characters do. Or, at the very least be able to change the colors of their costumes.

    But, all we ever hear are excuses why it can't be done or why it hasn't been done yet.

    Enough of the politically correct BS and let us have some choices. Just because some people *might* abuse something does not mean that there isn't a way to make it work. Come to think of it, doesn't the player base already do a decent job of reporting copyright infringement and other stuff that is an obvious violation of the EULA? I am sure that the players could manage sending off petitions for people who abuse their pets too much.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fixxer View Post
    No: Tier 9 - And I am a tier 9 VIP. I just think gating costume pieces behind the tier 9 system is stupid. People who are tier 3/4/5 are not going to shell out the major cash to get this...instead just be even more disgruntled at the "elite" player base.
    Yeah, I honestly did shell out money to get up to so I could get Reveal and a few other powers (and to be on par with my hubby and his friends as far as badges...yes I'm a badge *****), but I'm still no where close to getting the tier 9 armours, and when they announced putting them in the "vault" I almost shrieked with anger. I'm all for doing it through the market, or other ways, but it's not fair to those of us who HAVEN'T been playing for 5-6+ years to not have access to things unless we shell out lots of money.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Equation View Post
    We discussed various options for the set, but he said in order for this set to actually come to fruition, it would need the support and attention of the players.

    He suggested making a thread about it in the forums, which I am doing now, a week later, wanting to let all of the other Pummit threads simmer a bit.

    What would you like to see in a Rularuu costume pack? What would you not like to see, what emotes, auras, powers?
    (Said somewhat Jokingly) I'll sign your thread if you sign mine?

    Either way, I'd love to see a Rularuu set come out, even a baby Rularuu vanity pet (sorry, the observers still make me go "SQUEE!!!", and I have finally put velcro on my hat so mine will stay put!)
    Perhaps have it come out along with the weapons? I know that was discussed as a convenience item on the market (the weapons), so perhaps having it go along with it?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    I saw the hands go up. I'd say about 15% said they currently pvp'd , and maybe 60-70% said they try if things were improved. I don't know if it was with my mechanic idea, but I like to think so. :-)
    I raised my hand so fast I almost hit the person next to me while waiting in line for my question.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
    I think the whole thing is a double standard. While there is the issue of a male mastermind abusing his henchwomen, how is ok for a female mastermind to abuse or be abused by their henchmen? To me it looks worse for the female mastermind to be gang banged by the henchmen. What works for one can work for the other. The devs need to stop with this double standard approach.
  20. Firemoth

    Black Friday VIP

    I just wish those things worked on my daughter's accounts. They really miss having access to all the fun stuff the VIPs get.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
    I generally don't bother with all three.. 1, or even 2 are helpful until you have a decent chain, but three is mostly a waste of spots on the tray, in my opinion. Given that, and the temp powers limited value, get what ever you like. If you aren't melee focused, tho, get Neme and Wand first, then either power you hope to rarely use last...

    If you are are a melee type, get whichever, as it is probably on your chain between a real power and Brawl..
    Yeah, I remove most of them once I'm getting up in levels, but I like having all three there while I'm grinding through the lower levels. Especially on my support characters.
  22. I generally grab Sands, Wand, and Nemi. If I'm going for a slayer/weapon theme, I'll take the axe.
  23. /wrist /cry ?
    (I mean that in all jokingness. Couldn't resist since you did the misunderstood bit)

    Though it is interesting that he gripes about that.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    You've been hanging out with Arbiter Fabulous again, haven't you ...
    I got the pleasure of meeting him, does that count?

    I just for some reason like the really bright pinks, purples, and blues on certain toons.