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  1. I would definitely start from scratch all over if I had the chance to keep playing!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post
    And this is my worry ... so many ppl keep saying that if you were VIP when the announcement hit, then you're VIP till the end. And I don't think that's true .. My monthly sub hit JUST before the announcement, and I'll be effing pissed if I get dropped because they've decided to pull this ***** move.
    It's been a crapshoot for it so far. Mine ran out right before the announcement and I was unable to re-VIP, but some people who were VIP after the announcement have been able to stay VIP.

    Granted they made beta available for everyone...but dammit! I want my character slots open! I need huggles from my toons!
  3. Ok...first off....don't eat sweet tarts and then drink soda...

    That being said, I've been doing what I can reaching out to many of my contacts and friends on facebook and twitter to see if they will help us spread the word.

    A suggestion for people on places like DA, or who know artists/comic authors/etc, is see if you can get them involved! Joyrock and I were brainstorming last night, and it kind of hit us, that if we as players can make this more than just "a game" to other people, it might have a better impact and might get the word out farther than just the gaming community itself.

    (Sorry if this reads kind of weird, haven't been sleeping a whole lot, and a bit brain dead from letter writing.)
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warsuit X-5 View Post
    I want female thugs, demons and mercs...I'd even be willing to shell out money for the option.

    Also...female barbarians/scifi troops if y'all ever make those sets (plz?).

    As to people making icky names and emotes for the pets, just report them, support generics them, then you move on.

    Though when I first read the last bit, I read "Support genetics".

    All this time and it still seems that the name issue is the biggest argument against having them. Close second is the "emotes" issue which is already going on....and has been since they came out.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    We got Dark Control, Dark Assault and Darkness Affinity included with VIP subscription in Issue 22--aka, March.
    Right, got those dates mixed up and forgot those came out after beam rifle and time manipulation.
  6. So....once again we see the lack of "perks" for being a VIP, as we have to buy the new powerset outright?

    I mean, weren't we supposed to be getting at least some of these powersets as free if we were VIPs? Last one I remember getting for free was Time Manipulation, and that was um...a while ago.

    Not that I'm not buying this powerset, seeing as how I've wanted it since I made my first fire blaster, but still....
  7. Sorry for the long hiatus...I now hold two computers dying from fire deaths under my belt... (wonder if there's a pattern there)

    Glad to see all the awesome ideas in this thread! And yes, Dominatrix and her subs really is pushing the envelope on a T for Teen why can't we have the same type of option?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright View Post
    I would love to have female MM pets *AS AN OPTION*...

    But... as someone else said upthread... the current "guys only"-thing really suits the naming conventions and general theme of my own Masterminds, and I would also hate to lose that. (The Unquiet Bride's zombies, for instance, are all named after male characters from Jane Austin's novels... It would be more than a little silly if every second time I summoned them Wickham, Brandon and Darcy were randomly female. Likewise Hanano and her ninja... "Akuram, oni make poor onnagata. And this is no time for kabuki." )

    So, yeah.... I would back this 100% as a power customization option, but I just can't get behind it being a random thing like some of the thugs' models.

    Agreed. I have a couple masterminds that work only with a male theme, but I still want the option to make my other teams. While Artemis Magnus (My thug/traps MM) works great with male thugs, it would be nifty to have the option for female thugs. I don't think it should be either or, and with some of them, yeah, the random doesn't work, which is why I put this letter out originally, to not just show that there's other people wanting this, but to help come up with ideas as to what /could/ work to find a happy medium
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    What I do is I stick to one gripe and I post about it continuously until the Devs give up and change it. My old gripe was summoning gun drone while flying. That has been changed. Now on my group fly gripe, which is much older then masterminds.
    That's basically what I'm doing. While there are several things I wouldn't mind seeing implemented, this single subject has stuck in my craw more than popcorn shells get stuck in my teeth (and I eat popcorn like it's going out of style).
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heavensrun View Post
    No, but just because they've considered and answered it doesn't mean we can't say we think they're -wrong- and try to change their minds.

    Or that we want a better answer than "someone, somewhere might do something wrong with it so we're erring on the side of caution..." or "someone might find it sexist so we're erring on the side of caution..." and then release things like the slime aura and the gunslinger female set.

    Some of us would like a better explanation for why they don't make them than "there is a potential for X to happen".
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowHex View Post

    However I take offense with the above statement, particularly Mjr Johnson as an inappropriate name. By saying it is inappropriate you are essentially saying the second most common surname in America is inappropriate when coupled with a title.. Mr. Johnson, Mjr Johnson, Pvt. Johnson.. etc.. you are effectively saying that surname is obscene which is false. The interpretation of the person is the problem, not the name. I could easily make a Triad style Mastermind and name one or all of my minions Mr. Wang without being offensive as Wang is the 8th most common surname in the WORLD, and one of the most common in China hence it being fully fitting in with a Triad themed character.. and naming them all that would be tantamount to running an American mastermind that has all his minions named Mr. Smith. The point is, Johnson, Wang, etc.. are not offensive names, just because ppl often make a culturally specific reference to an inappropriate associated meaning to those names.
    It was the theme, as he was going for a "*****" joke with his minions. I know Johnson is a very common name, I was using it as an example of what people are already doing. Take the name out of context, and there's nothing wrong with it, put it in context with the rest of the names, and SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE will most likely take offense to it.

    But that's like arguing over someone of hispanic origin named Jesus Christe as having a perfectly legitimate name (yes, I went to school with someone named that) in real life, but when it's put on the game, someone will take offense to it. Or someone named Ni Phul (say it out loud), putting their name as a character name. It could be perfectly legit, but there's someone out there that will take offense to it.
  12. What side do you pick more than others?
    Hero mostly, just been easier to level/do stuff on hero side. Still love my villains tho.

    What play style do you prefer?
    It's usually a tossup between melee (tank/scrapper) or blaster...or my lovely lovely Masterminds!

    What power set(s) do you favor?
    Dual Pistol for blasters
    Demon Summoning for Masterminds
    Fire or Willpower for armours on my tanks/scrappers/stalkers

    What zones do you like the most?
    I bounce around to all the zones.

    Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?
    I have about 80% Male and 20% Female

    Views on Role Playing?
    Wonderful if with the right people...otherwise it's kinda scary....

    Champion and Exalted
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kaiser Robot View Post
    As for the female zombie option, a "Mommy", get it? A mummy, but female,... you can shoot me now.
    "I'm Lord Agrippa, I summon hordes of undead ninja zombies! Are they zinjas? Are they nombies? I don't know!"

    Congratulations, you win the interwebs!

    Oh, and just an FYI, I do plan on bringing printouts of this thread to the Spring Player Summit to "back up" my point when I bring it up YET AGAIN to them and ask why they won't do it.
  14. Wootness! *goes to check to see if dates go against her schooling or anything like that*

    And yes, I will have my observer on my head again!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
    This is sort of a goofy demand you've got, I wouldn't play any of these sets if the robotics in example (which are neither, male nor female) spawned Victorias. Throw a female ninja-skin into the Ninja set? Sure. But demanding that each Mastermind Set receive a female and crying the 'sexism card" is absolutely stupid.

    Just an opinion.
    We're not crying the sexism card, we're annoyed that that is the card that gets thrown at us every time we request female minions.
  16. Bad Idea: Never using the power, only using walk instead.

    Good Idea: Hydrating before gaming.
  17. I started an open letter in the all access forums if anyone is interested in signing it.
  18. CoH Devs;
    Since the original thread I created is already up to 7 pages, with almost all of it in support of the subject of female mastermind minions (, would you devs please finally consider the subject?

    Pretty much every FEMALE I've spoken to has been on board for the subject, and the players in the thread have been throwing out really good ideas to remove the problems that have been presented.

    Some of the suggestions include a randomization of the minions, so you don't get to choose all male or all female, or making the females look more like their in game mob counterparts (such as mercs looking like KoA)

    Most of us players have functioning brains and can understand the EULA and Rules of Conduct, so if there are people who would abuse the female minions, they are people who either already break the rules in the game with inappropriate names/actions, or would do so no matter what.

    The arguments against are also stated in the thread, with logical reasonings around the issues, including the sexism issue, the pimp issue, and many others that Positron brought up at both the Pummit and the SF meet and greet in 2010.

    @Firemoth (Megan Bonilla)
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EarthLiberator View Post
    For your consideration:

    There are female minions in the game. Take Soul Mastery, you've got your Fortunatas and Widows.

    Off to make Pimp Spider as proof of concept bwahaahahhaahaha.
    /e facepalm

    That's not a mastermind. But thanks for not reading the whole title of the thread before posting.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
    - Lord Nemesis doesn't exist, nor ever existed, in Praetorian history. As a result, the Rikti War does not exist in Praetorian history either. Interestingly enough, neither does the Lady Grey.

    That's what he wants you to think. After all, it is all just a Nemesis plot
  21. Having loose bowel syndrome and no toilet paper while the toilet is backing up?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    Female Pets for Masterminds becomes a VIP *only* perk.
    Subscriptions increase.

    There must be something wrong with the formulation. Why can't I see it?
    I can't see it either....Devs, where is the problem in this equation?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trip View Post
    I think this is a decent idea. I could use it for a concept change on one of my MM's.
    However, my reasoning isn't of the whiny -look at me, I'm offended- variety. It's a unique, dynamic change that will bring a very interesting element to the Mastermind AT. Simple as that.
    I started this thread not as an "I'm offended" thread, but more of an "I'm tired of getting the same bottled excuse and want to see if other people agree with wanting the pets"

    I've personally always wanted them since I started, but being told two years in a row the same excuse, then watching other stuff that negates said excuse being released, kind of hit that one nerve in me that went "oh hell no"
  24. Theme: Villain Bosses

    On the sixth day of CoX-mas, my true love gave to me:

    6 Longbow Wardens a patrolin'
    5 Gold Bricker Boomers!
    4 Dr. Aeon Clones Escaping
    3 Fake Nems faking
    2 Death Mages plotting
    1 TV Show Down!