141 -
It sounds great. Check out more of the changes...coralax it seems. No, she states they will be in Red River. Sounds great, very integrative of both higher levels and cov, and really introduces the player base to more of the bad guys. DE in the gulch...only the bees....but wow. I love it.
this is pathetic. This is obviously a child who started this post. I feel sorry for the 13 pages of people who partook in it. What a challenge? LOL You are so impressive. You are so witty.
This needs to go away, people should be ashamed of themselves. If this is what the pvp crowd is adding, why do people wonder why the pve doesn't like it? -
Still reading this, but good overall.
i would actually use the stations if you could determine "when" I could activate the buff. I would carry a resist slow, but only use when i needed it on my fire tankers and brutes.
I have a hard time justifying making the buffs, and then the buff going to waste, as I can not predict if I would need the buff or not.
If the buffs were trigger-able, like a insp, I would be more than happy to wait, say if a MM said something like, hitting base for kb buffs for the pets...if the team were fighting Nemisis or Council. I think the buffs would really catch on, if we could see them used easily. Other people would be like...hey I didn't know you could even do that... -
come to Triumph, we are the friendly server.
And we could use a little population boost. -
Thanks for this guide. To the point and helpful.
excellent post here. This highlights a nice way to delve into this whole bonus thing. Just using your example for the blaster, you slot your regen build in 3 ranged and then 2 punding slugfest combos in melees powers....then you can consider the whole 5 or 6 slotted health. My ws has alot of these combos from closed, and it is nice.
Good work. -
Your the man! i copied that pup onto my hard drive, and have been looking for that since this went live to see if you were updating it. That little table just makes this SO much easier.
You should post that pup in guide area! -
Scrap, why don't you take this, and turn this whole thread into a understanding IOs, sets and you thread. Then explain the IOs and they way you can manipulate Health and CJ while you are at it.
Use your post, and the fire tanker as an example, but also broaden the scope alittle.
In other words, I took everything from what I learned from this Fire tanker thread, the health thread, and testing, then went after the WS and Pbs, now hitting other toons like the Ice tanker, defenders and Blasters.
I already starting speculation on a elec/elec blaster and regen rates, and set bonuses.
A well thought out generalized, then example driven thread thread would help so many people. From what I have seen, the whole post on HOs, and their limited levels really does apply.
You did a beautiful job here. -
Don't buy.....bid...don't bid, pretend to place a bid.
Much easier this way.
one thing I did note, that you only need say three Numa for the Bonus or 3 Miracles.
If you don't need recharge or other attributes, A simple heal IO can add almost 40%.
So you can use two Numina (one Proc and one Heal) two Miracle (one Proc and one Heal) Then one Heal IO, and see what your slots do, and move one if you need to. Don't assume you HAVE to use a set power if you don't need to. The same can said for a recharge IO. -
Ok i have a question, what is this new lingo?...regen 2.5? x3 or regen 3? Are you not using the game interface?
I quit using that paragonwiki stuff, and just take the numbers from the set from the game on test.
Sciro in the game just states 10%.
Devastation is 10%.
Serendipity is 4%.
Just put in for a bid, and pull up one to bid on, then just write the numbers of the down you are interested.
is that what they way you abbreviate means?
Will that help in calc your regen rate?
edited:spelling -
you never got an answer, so i guess no one knows.
test it and tell us please! Go against toxic and untyped..you name it..just test it! My 46 got fried from 52 rulura? brutes...but that was 6 levels above, think that was the to hit/accu equation factoring in.....
test and post
We are all learning here. -
Scrap that is awesome. I have most of that aoe build going on test already. I needed to flesh it out better looking at the defense sets. I just need to read this about 10 times, to finish it out. I went for the ws after getting the basic regen build going. Weave is a brilliant move, that bears looking at. Wow, just wow.
That is an INCREDIBLE post!. I need to read this more than once, as it will prob clarify i9 completely. It is so detailed and thought out.
Now, did you get a chance to take a wack to the khelds?
You can really do some "stuff" to those toons by stacking bonuses. I don't know pbs realy well, but think you can get like a 30% or more recharge global on a pb (you have to build that way, with the global recharge and positrons). They need someone like you to do a major wirte up on them.
And you're nominated! -
Great. I would love to see another post. Maybe a different approach.
If Ex wants us somewhere else, noted.
I went from fire tanker to ws....lol. It was almost mind boggling what you can do to that toon.
Looking forward to another perspective! -
Hey Scrap,
Acutally doing this and slotting is not that bad..it is just much more confusing on paper. You kinda have to decide which sets have the best benefits you are looking for.
The casual players will pick this up, if by anything, word of mouth in the game.
Ball parking the fire tankers...
I am running 5 Sciro...50%
Health Numina Heal, Miracle Heal, IO heal and then the Numina proc....100 pluse the 2 Num @ 12% , plus Proc 15%? then I need the other two Health Pocs....one should add 25%
Numina Heal/end Numina for 12% in HF
then slotting 2 Devastions, for another 24% in Fire Blast and in char (just started slotting those two)
Is that how you did it? Ball parking, says that is pretty close.
Please throw some brain power behind the khelds! -
if this is accurate, then that spread sheet is AWESOME!
that is what I was thinking. My regen rate is going to be unreal if I can get the second two Numina.
Thanks Arcanaville.
On paper, and using that color coded paragonwiki page is really kind of mindboggling until you start working it out in the game. Slotting in the game is not that bad. I have copied the paragonwiki pages and just putting numbers in the bonus slot segments. That has helped somewhat.
This new megaslotting health is the bomb! Hang in there folks....this is REALLY good stuff!
lets hope the bat doesn't come back for 10! -
I got a question for this post...again it is similar to do i understand this right?
I decided to respec into 6 slotted health on test. Right now, I have 2 SO, and one Heal IO, so my base health/regen is 99%. I have a Numina Proc in there, add another 15%. Since I also have 5 Sciro...they add 10% each....so that is another 50%.
I have the Numina Proc, if I add another Numina Heal in Health, and then slot 2 Numina again in Healing flames....12% bonus each set
Does the Numina regen bonus stack with that...or have I capped my regen secondary to the 5 Sciro D's? Can I add another 24% regen (to my already killer regen boost now...and it is killer)? Or is the only way to up that regen rate would be the other health procs?
edit: this is a fire tanker, and not alot of power sets in general, allow so many pbaoes. Ws, have multiple pbaoes, but the devs have limited the IO sets that can go in atleast one power. I am looking at the ws now. IA is a pbaoe but only takes stun for example. So it looks like this is anticipated/planned, when they limited some of the pbaoes in the ws.
Already run this in closed testing.
Ran it tonight since test opened from closed. It was totally hard. Did it in closed, and we didn't succeed because of two player drops on the last mission. But it was easy until recluse. Had no problems with the AVs, or Aeon. Two of us had done it before, the tank as a bubbler in open, and me, same toon grav/kin, same from closed.
Tonight, rough rough rough. If someone got the temp power for aeon, i didn't know it. They aggro-ed all the avs at once. Not exactly sure how they did that, quite honestly. Most of us were off in the corner to the right. And people would take turns, aggro-ing a second one, while we would try to pull just one. 100% sure it was team, and their tactics or lack there of. I can not answer why the ice troller went and snow stormed one of the AVs, while we were working on a different one. Bad communication, and very disjointed. Fighting on the boat was dismal. We never dented any of the AV's.
Horrible. Total polar opposite of the closed run. -
I know the planners are not right....I played with a traps corrupter tonight, my first, and he was 35...and not impressive.
The old sherk planner says 3 slotted FFG and a 3 slotted Maneuvers at a total defense of almost 19%.
If I need to put a clarification, and if I am not mistaken...defense 'works' on a percentage, that maxes at 50%. Closing in on 20% is significant? That is pretty hefty....
Is that right? u tried a 3 slotted Man and 3 slotted bubble for def? Using a Vet respec on test? I need to look at ice tanker numbers again. It is def, meaning, when it goes thru, it hits 100%. Interesting on a spreadsheet lvl
i might try this...now that def got fixed on uneven con spawns a while back.
Edit: I am not knocking your guide at all...I need time to re-read this and digest how your guide works with my playstyle.
I am currently looking at slotting stealth for def..stacking def seems to go higher...slotting stealth 3 for def, slotting man 3 for def and ffg 3 for def give 22.6% personal def...hmmmm, I need to look at ice tankers def numbers again.
I might try this...SS and stealth in...with a major personal def...but I will definately read your guide on the traps portion again. That may be quite interesting.... -
These are my macros for my Thugs/DM
I have by no means masterd Macros or keybinds. But these should work.
Some of these have NOT been tested. I am not that high to test all of these. Maybe someone else can fiddle with them and make them better.
I have only played one day with the MM, and am now at lvl 10...lol...but hey I am writing macros, who is surprised? I wrote macros for the warshade, and even played with people who use them. I found that out by accident.
Macros are like keybinds, but put buttons in the first open slot in your bottom try. If you don't hsve an open spot on the first power tray, i am not sure where they go. they work like binds, but make power tray buttons which you can drag and drop. They nice thing about macros as opposed to keybinds, you can copy them and drop them on any toon from notepad. And you can use the powexec_toggelon command to, which i toggle on 5 shields by pushing the same button 5 times for my fire tankers and brute. A brute can use them to turn on all shield from one button. Here is who macro works.
/macro <name of macro> "<the command/s>"
they work like binds, regarding the local, team and broadcast and what not.
powexec_toggelon(space)<power name> is how to toggle on a power,
powexec_name(space)<power name> is how to turn on a power.
if you use powexec_name, it turns powers on, if they are off, and on if they are off. I like powexec_toggleon better, it checks if the power is on, then goes to the next one in the macro and checks it, and so on.
you use the "$$"between the powers.The $$ is the games 'and then do this' in computer language. Macros read backwards tho, meaning the last command is the first one executed i think.
Macros really help qol, quality of life in cox. Keybinds are more powerful, but then you are stuck with to the keyboard. Macros are drag n drop in the power tray, which IMHO, is better than keybinds. Just figure out what you want to do first, and do the macro in the power tray. You can NOT make a string of attacks, but you can make a string of power on toggles.
Oh setting up a teleport macro acitvates the circle, just like the keybind. It really helps when tping. I have not tested that, but a tp macro should read, /macro Tp "powexec_name teleport" if I am not mistaken.
if i haven't tested them, then be aware, Just copy these text strings into your area where you chat. It doesn't matter if you are in broadcast or team or SG or anyo of that. CUT out the ***8not tested tho*** tho. Yes the computer geeks butchering of language and common sense. I thought I should clarify that for you, before you paste that text string with the macro.
Here are the thugs macros...and the pull one seems great. I feel like a tank or blaster using that one. And the pulls are perfect it seems.
These one summon the pets, and activates the circle for placement.
/macro sThug "powexec_name Call Thugs"
/macro sEnforcer "powexec_name Call Enforcer" ***not tested yet****
/macro sGW "powexec_name Gang War" **** not tested yet****
/macro Brui "powexec_name Call Bruiser"
this one, selects and toggles thru the the active pets.
Pet toggle.
/macro PTogg "target_custom_next mypet alive"
**note this does NOT work, if you only have one pet***** may need fixing
these are for single target pet commands, the little s, is for single
/macro sGoto "petcom Goto"
/macro sStay "petcom stay"
/macro sFoll "petcom Follow"
a single pet pull macro, it sends one pet, and it attacks,this is great if you ask me. works like a charm
/macro sPull "petcom Goto$$Attack"
******single pet heel not working yet******
/macro s"petcom follow$$Aggresive"
Here is the macro to help with Tar Patch
this is for tar patch with the circle activated. It really speeds up using this power.
/macro Tar "powexec_name Tar Patch" -
I have a question on EA?
I made an ice ice tanker after I noticed I never see them anymore.
Does EA recoup endurance too? if it did, that would really help things.
I am going to take tough now, as i am 22 and just getting stamina. Not slotted stamina helped alot. That will bump EA a couple lvls but i am ok with that.
Will tough help? I am getting one shotted or two slotted, and think that is a direct hit sometimes. I use CE slotted for slows after I start to herd not before. Seems to keep them nice an tight. Much tighter than my other tanker. With tough, FA, wet ice then plan on cycling EA will I be tankable?.
End has really improved, but i also boo boo ed. My planner said to put def in Wet ice, so i slotted it with 3 slots, and now no defense enhancments. So i put end reduc in them.
i am just concerned when i fight and use attacks more i will need more end.
thnx -
I am making an ice/ice tank and am 13 already.
Seems to me, that using CE slotting slows, would work quite well with Icicles. Almost too well to not be nerfed. if they can't run away then IC would be ideal? Instead of using chilling embrace first, use it after you herd with IC. After you herd them, then use CE to stop them from leaving, slot it just like BA from the fire tanker/brute set. 2 acc, 2 end, 2 damage. BA does better with 1 acc, 2 ends and 3 damage when it comes to holding aggro. I plan on trying both slotting when i get to SOs,
And I am curious about the slows and Ice storm. And if FA can work with this.
We do need an updated guide as my planner said def enhan was ok for wet ice, and it is not.