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  1. Fenrisulfr

    Terribad lag

    I have noticed a bit more lag than usual over the past few days.

    But I might have just been more paranoid than usual the past few days.
  2. In addition, I don't think you get the speech bubbles if you use /petsay.

    Unless that's been fixed of course.
  3. Well here is Dopplegang, the scientist who was working on low energy teleportation (for public use) and ended up with a clone generator, hive mind and the best barbershop quartet since these guys.

    They are still working on the low energy teleporter despite having turned towards 'creative financing' in order to fund his research.

    I wasn't originally planning on asking for a headshot of Dopplegang because I deleted him after they stopped the speech bubbles from showing for /petsay since he was primarily a fun roleplaying challenge rather than a regular pve/p character.

    But then I was looking over the pictures you did here and found myself really wanting to compliment you on them. Of course once I'd decided to say something I also found myself wanting to post up a character of my own for you to draw (if you wanted to, of course) and while considering which character to post up, I had a mental picture of the Dopplegang, trying to fit half a dozen of their heads in the frame. Hee hee!

    So...yeah. That's why I posted the Dopplegang pictures.

    Sorry about the extra links and gratuitous use of parentheses. I hope they weren't too distracting or anything. I'm in a funny (odd) mood tonight.

    To save time, head straight down to this paragraph.
    Also, these are very nice pictures you've done Deebs. I think I've said it before, but you really manage to show personality and character in your drawings. Which makes sense, since they ARE character drawings.
  4. Wasn't there a contest based entirely around this idea?

    Dress Your Badge Contest

    Here's a page with entrants from the competition they held on Virtue.

    Anyone have any other links? I took a look, but the thread the City Scoop referenced was an old one which wasn't found.
  5. Expect to lose.

    Expect to lose often.

    Get used to defeat.

    I can offer no better advice for the newcomer to pvp than this.

    But whatever you do, don't get p***ed off and delete your character simply because they got repeatedly and easily killed by an experienced pvper.

    It was only a level 30 character so it wasn't that big a deal but I did that once and it still bugs me occasionally.
  6. Electric Blast isn't one of the higher damage blast sets.

    In fact, all things considered, Electric Blast could very well be the lowest damage blast set available.

    A corrupter would deal more damage than the defender, but they would get less benefit from the fulcrum shift and siphon power, (20% less by my calculations) and the endurance drain from the electric blasts would also be smaller than the defenders.

    But just remember that if you want to kill something quickly, then make a blaster. If you're willing to take a little longer and also provide support to the rest of your team, or just yourself, then a defender is fine.
  7. Re: Largo
    What? Why wouldn't you take targetting drone?
    It's not like there're so many other better powers that you struggle to find room for them all.

    Re: GGSeizor246
    You are asking for too much. Why?
    Because assault rifle has more aoe power than other blaster primaries. This means that the single-target damage it deals is less than other powersets. In pvp a blaster's single target damage has far more influence on their success than does aoe damage.

    Also, in pvp damage is normalised based on animation time. By increasing the damage of burst and slug, you're causing these two powers to outperform the equivalent powers of all other primaries. Including fire blast, which doesn't have the accuracy bonus or the defense debuff of burst.

    I'd always assumed the reason that Assault Rifle falls behind some of the other blaster primaries in pvp was the lack of a third tier single target power.

    And finally, while not related to the pvp portion of your discussion I felt I had to respond to what you said here:
    and Three, because when i heard about dual pistols i began to think "if that set has aim, there would be no reason, beyond concept and preference, for a blaster to pick up Assalt rifle over dual pistols."
    Because I'm highly doubtful that dual pistols is going to have better aoe capability than assault rifle.
  8. Adamantibia?

    But seriously, there are still plenty of names available. It's just all the easy ones like 'Freedom's Hero' or 'Shield of Angels' are probably taken by the people before you.

    But don't despair!

    Sometimes the search for a name can result in something so surprising you can hardly believe it.

    For example:
    I recently obtained the name Crystal Witch for an ice/kinetic controller. Surprised? I was.
    Another name I grabbed recently? Necrobiologist.
    No ****. This name really was available for my necromancy/pain mastermind.
    Most surprisingly since that name was mentioned in a webcomic.


    PS: to the original poster, (if you haven't already left this thread already, satisfied at a successful trolling. Not that I'm accusing you. Just, y'know, just in case you have stopped paying attention to this thread.)

    Ahem. Which server was this where you couldn't find the name?

    PPS: As it turns out both of the previous names I listed as 'easy' turned out to be free on the Virtue server. Let's say Hammer and Black King instead.
  9. Concerning the OPs question; I believe CoX is going to be fine.

    I did take a break, tried reactivating my old, open-beta account for Warhammer Online and after a week and change came back here with a sigh of relief.

    And for those people who worry about the number of players online at any one point, it seems to me that most of the people I've played with the longest are on /hide. Though of course that is my own personal experience and should not be taken as a blanket statement concerning the majority of people in this world.
  10. Mmph?
    /e swallows.

    But...wolves can eat it can't they?
    I mean, I'm not even really a wolf. Just...y'know. Mutant with fur and muzzle and digitigrade legs.
    /e hides the block of chocolate behind his back.
  11. You make the pictures move good looking.

    *gets brain in gear*

    Man you do some good teasers. Makes me wish I played the same game you do.
    Wait, what?
    I do?


    Short version:
    Nice video.
  12. Hmm.

    Well energy has boost range which increases the size of your cone attacks, you've got powerful melee attacks for anyone that gets up close and the stuns can be stacked with bean bag.

    Ice can slow the enemy down with shiver so that they stay at range for longer and ice patch means that if they do get close to you then they just fall over. You can also set up ice patch as a way to keep enemies trapped in your ignite.

    Mental Manipulation gives you another cone attack to go with buckshot, flamethrower and full auto as well as the standard useful abilities, although you'd need to go in close if you wanted to use drain psyche or psychic shockwave.

    Due to the point-blank aoes Fire doesn't mesh as easily with assault rifle as some of the other secondaries might. There is one thing that you can do with fire manipulation that everything else can't and that is to trap an enemy in both your burn and your ignite patches and watch them crackle.

    Electricity doesn't have anything that really goes well with assault rifle. It's got nice attacks, build-up and all that but there's nothing that actually makes a person think "Wow. That would work so well with assault rifle.

    Hope this helps.
  13. On an unrelated subject, I hope you had a good day.
  14. You are officially older than you were last year.
    Depending on your perspective, this can be a good thing.

    You're still a part of the community.
    Depending on the perspective of others, this is an awesome thing.
    (I think it's pretty gosh-darned good.)
  15. Fenrisulfr

    Thank you...

    Which costume was it?
  16. Ketch makes a good point. With the power customisation you can almost change any set to something more suitable to a witch.

    For the classical Cabal witch, you might try a storm/elec defender.

    Or you could go an illusion/storm controller since Illusory Wounds does good damage, (for a little while) and your character name reminds me strongly of the Dewitchery Diamond.
    And you could also make an alternate costume like one of the Phantasmal Army.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Spartan View Post
    It's okay, Limedolly. It's not like you've got the name "Poledancer" or somethin'.

    And yes, Poledancer is available.
    Man, you should so grab that now in case the developers ever give in to those few people who ask for a staff based powerset.
  18. I'd recommend mind/energy or mind/psi.

    Energy gives you power boost, but psi looks more magician'ish with the Telekinetic Thrust and Mind Probe.
  19. ::whoosh::


    Since I just perfected my Genin costume shortly before this booster pack came out, and with the alternate animation for Assassin's Blow in I16 I think I may just be revisiting the ma/nin stalker I deleted several months ago.

  20. I noticed that Tar Patch is still applying its dark-foot-puddle on affected enemies.

    Maybe we could transfer that effect for the missing effect on Darkest Night?
  21. Although if you're talking about an 'alpha strike' which is the first attack that an enemy group launches all at once, then you're probably looking at the tanker.

    Built tough, to take whatever the enemy can dish out.

    Or if you're talking about a character that can MAKE the 'alpha strike'; that first, massively damaging attack, then you're looking at the blaster.

    Burn it! Burn it all! Burn it all for justice!
  22. Virtue is the most populated server next to Freedom.
    It does attract a higher number of roleplayers than other servers, but there are still plenty of people who don't.

    It's not like people who don't roleplay get put in the stockades.

    As an added bonus, you tend to get more interesting character biographies.
    (interesting character biographies not guaranteed. Character biographies dependant on individual player personality/creativity. Exposure to some biographies may have adverse effects.)
  23. We...we were supposed to be preparing for Going Rogue?
    I hadn't even thought of that.

  24. Fenrisulfr

    Walkin' away.

    Originally Posted by Feign View Post
    So, bugged this, I'm sure it's a bug, but it's so awesome I'd like them to not fix it. If you use the ninja leap costume change while walking, it doesn't stop to animate the costume change... In fact, it doesn't pause the walking animation at all, even to switch it between female and male bodies...

    To confirm, the female walk looks fabulous on a male...

    And the male walk looks so much more natural on a female model that isn't wearing six inch heels.
    Well, that's good to hear.
    And it also gives me motivation to purchase the Martial Arts Superpack.
  25. I'll have to add my voice to the others congratulating you and the rest of the team on the walk animation.

    As well as add my voice to those requesting the use of abilities while walking.
    It just seems more villainous/heroic to do your deeds at a slow walk.

    And of course the mental picture of a dominator calmly walking into the bank, fire imps skittering about his feet, flames rising from his hands...

    I mean, my fortunata is impressive enough hovering in mid air, a web of psychic energy linking her and her allies to the immediate future...