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  1. Scott Pilgrim and Ramona
    Austin Powers and Ms. Kensington...ok i just threw out another synthoid/android into the discussion so im guessing i need help!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    i recall discussing this with marcian some time ago, but a potter mmo would actually be a very good idea. heck, wizardry 101 is already a proof of concept, and tying it in with a successful franchise..i see it working. It would be really nice if it included more than jsut hogwarts, the other houses from the tri wizard tourney could work as factions without getting too back-stabby. even better if you could be part of the non-affilliated non humans(pity dragons in hp dont appear to be sentient).
    I could be down with this...lets hope it dosnt turn into another Matrix! Guess theres no word on whose developing/hosting it yet?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    That doesn't count. Vision is an android. Sure you can love your toaster but you can't be in love with your toaster, even if it does come with all the attachments.
    Witch makes this love affair even better Wanda uses her "Hex" pwrs to allow them to produce children...talk about pushing your pwrs to the limits! That being said in all seriousness Vision is a "synthezoid" or in other words all his bits and pieces are human in form but made of synthetic materials...plus his noodle runs on Wonder Mans brain patterns...with a few tweaks here and there! Wanda and Vision were in love...albeit a little diffrent kind of love then we are used to...or is it
  4. The Avengers Wanda and Vision...it felt so much like a Jane Austen romance which warms the heart and brings a tear to the eyes...and I think my man card just caught on fire nooooo!
  5. Some things should be left alone...see the plot of the movie and remakes
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I'm of the opinion that cosmetic options should have a dual-path to acquisition most of the time: you can buy them, or you can earn them. I have stronger generally balance-related concerns with powers and abilities. Pay-to-accessorize I have no problem with. Pay-to-win I think is generally radioactive.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
    Better be able to before they make a dark primary for controlers. Marylin Monsoon demands it.
    I'm Old School...Frank-N-Furter demands it!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Bill, I already suggested something for soloists that most people agreed with: EvilGeko's Incarnate Strikes

    It's not going to happen. That's not saying I disagree with it, just that the devs aren't going to do it. At least not until we're well along in the Incarnate system. Probably a year at least after Issue 20.
    Good points Geko...hard solo is a major riddle to solve i do not envy them on this task!..i think the i-stuffs will be lights out once they get a few more i-updates out...its not a matter of "if" its only a matter of "when or win"!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Oh, BS, Tony. Everybody lags during the escapee section of the BAF. It's a known issue.

    But yea, I'm sure that my pristine quadcore hyperthreaded I7 proc, 6GB of RAM, Win7-64bit rig with an ati 3870 video card is the problem.
    You mean your high-end pc like mine is experiencing lag...i thought i was the only one saying dumb things and mis-informed about this game...i feel so much better now! It appears this is going to be addressed in the near future and hopfully in time for the upcoming i-content or possibly the next update after that...i do like they are adding more pets and choices for peeps who have concept builds
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    You need to chill out. You don't like it, I get that. But thousands of people do, including me, and we really appreciate the hard, grueling work that the devs are putting into the game, even when we're not 100% happy with everything they're churning out.

    When I run the BAF or Lambda Sector, I do not have these "lag-fest filled mish" problems you are referring to. Have you considered that maybe it's not a problem with the developers but with your own machine? Or (god forbid) that you might need to crank down a graphic setting or two during taxing things?

    Have you ever been in the field of software development? Obviously not, if you look at everything that is being churned out of Paragon Studios and the timetable they keep. How often do you get major feature upgrades to, say, Microsoft Office? Every few months? Last time I checked, it was years between releases, and they have a team of dozens, maybe hundreds, of developers probably being paid a lot more than our devs are.

    If you don't like something, fine. I don't even mind you exercising your First Amendment right to let everyone know about it, even though I strongly disagree and might argue with you over it. But whatever you think of the end result, they're working their ***** off to entertain you, and that deserves at least enough respect and civility to not be downright insulting to them like this.
    Tony, u may want to take your own chill pill...i dont think i was being direspectful or un-civil...i stated facts that some people experience, and i stated facts of the nature of game development. We have been around this game long enough to understand it takes time to push out enough content to provide a well rounded experience.

    As for the rest of your wonderful post...I really dont want to get into throwing around my IT credentials but i do have a greater understanding of application development lifecycles so i'll leave it at that! I also nvr said the dev staff was not "working their ***** off"...they do work hard and they do make a wonderful game but its the nature of the business to push out content knowning that its a nvr ending process and will need further development over time...so I'll conclude the use of my First Admentment and note they we will need to agree to disagree...o and fyi the Red names can defend themselves if needed...trust me i know!

    Have a great day!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Why do shards even exist in the game? What's the point of them? Why not just have threads drop as shards are dropping now? Purge the entire shard system from the game.

    Throw in a few more repeatable arcs for soloists that follow the same rules as the BAF/Lambda with similar but appropriate rewards (fighting +4s, you're -4 if alpha isn't slotted, get a random incarnate drop at the end) and call it a day.

    Will such a thing be the end of all teaming like X, Y and Z were before this? What's that? People still team? Oh.
    Because throwing alot of heroes into a lag-fest filled mish with the flashy effects creates a sence of grandeur that covers the lack of development/content...but this is par for the course and we should be used to it by now...its a natural part of this or any game. I do wish they would make a "real" solo-friendly path a priority...not only would i like to see my pwrs fire off all the time but i'd like to feel like i make a real contribution...not sure vouchers are the way to go either as a "real" solo-friendly route.

    I will remain patient and let the here and now crowd grind on the same content and just wait til there is a better experience for me hopfully in 2-3 issues!
  12. I was hoping for a full length "Dracula musical" movie rather than standard Muppets fare...guess that would be called "Red with Vengence..or something"!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Day one purchase here no doubt. Why is this not for sale now!?
    Finally a home-run booster! Sell it nao!!

    Also plz use this same team on the up coming Carnie Booster...that is the next booster correct?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    Golden Girl, me and 6 other people trying to form the latest trial.
    Was it launched by Cole or Nemesis and does it go by the name "all your funding streams are belong to us"? If so count me in!!
  15. I'm devoting an epically small amount of time to the post 50 rinse and repeat programming and i have to tell you i sleep wonderfully! Looking at the content as a marathon and not a race works for me...besides i had my incarnets back in the first few issues of the game...bring those back and i might add a few more hours a week to the plus 50 game
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
    Are things clearer now?
    So CoH2 is a go...got it
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PhantomRanger View Post
    Anyone think this might be the next major expansion.
    Very well could be...however i will be the "replace the engine" camp. The CC needs an overhaul...serious overhaul.

    Also the posting are serving another purpose other that just filling out a new design team...we are part of a "town hall" meeting the dev's are conducting...i bet there is some serious cut and pasting going on by the project mgt team
  18. I'll throw out a couple:

    - I was hit with the usual incarnet lag-bomb type power for this event(yes i lowered my graphics didnt really help)

    - I was there for almost the entire event and some how missed the "7th anniversary" gold letter title...were these handed out personally?

    - Would have liked a scenario where once we defeated all the invaders we would then have to shut the portals...or vice versa!

    - Now i know this one is not possible(lag wise/mehanic wise) how about having the invaders in-circle the zone and begin a systematic march towards the center...slowly closing it in...if they make it to the center... how about a zone-wide team wipe...if rebuffed a badge or io drop? :P
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    reminds me of when I was married...
    ...lol was thinking the same thing!
  20. Exodus_V


    Originally Posted by Desmodos View Post

    Vulnerable characters make a movie.
    ...and this is what I loved about the Avengers comics(1970's-early 90's). Big or small, high powered or low powered it didnt matter...they see a need/challenge and stepped up!

    Now abck to Thor...loved it! I saw it 10am Sunday morning in the Imax and it was pretty packed...almost the entire crowd stayed thru the credits
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kawkazn View Post
    Yeah my son's name is Jar Jar.
    ...I have no responce to that!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post

    Noes a Steampunk Freddy <downs a pot of coffee> no sleep no sleep!
  23. Lets say everyone can pick and automatically know how to use their "one" power...the real question is... whats going to happen when you are seen using that "one" power? You have to know you will be seen...what does your life look like then...how does your family cope with you being super-powered and out in public...how do u go back to work or your old life in general? Does paranoia set in...do u become a recluse(maybe a Lord)...do u fake your death and become a masked man/woman savior of the streets...etc what do u do!

    Also u shapeshifters u have to know you will be caught switching at some point on a cell camera or stop light camera or atm camera or even Candid Camera
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
    1) Dresses
    No plans currently.
    Aw come on...seriously?
  25. Exodus_V

    New zone?!

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I don't think it's the moon - they use the world "world" in the description, which makes it sound like a non-Primal Earth location.
    Good point...how about something funky then?