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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JD_Gumby View Post
    ...and the removal of Windows 2000. I will be VERY pissed if my game stops running once GR hits if they actually remove support.
    July 13, 2010 is approaching quickly(Win2k support is over)...might be time for an upgrade.
  2. O yes i see...helps when you read and not just look at the pretty pictures(product of public schools)...epic phail...and yes shooting from a shovel would be so nice! Thanks
  3. So before i begin my assults on a certain Carney and Ruluu class for badge purposes i'm guessing my bane can unlock the Carney mallet and Ruluu Hammer once i have the correct badges yes? Thanks for the responces in advance!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
    People seem to fall into two categories - "I hate the AE for reason X" and "I like the AE for reason Y". The first pretty much stay away from it and the second seem to be perfectly happy playing the AE as it is.

    Seems to me like this is a perfectly acceptable way for things to go, why kill the XP?
    The game has been down this path before(see old pvp system)...as for the xp...drop the xp and let recipes drop(all including rare) and tickets this would give a real incentive to run in AE vs just running regular content!
  5. I would like:

    More Steampunk items and clothing!

    Back details similiar to what some of the Carnies wear!

    Someone to jump over into the Aion teams cubicals and grab all their outfits and port them over!

    More skin colors...when you hit color tintable for pwrs why not have those options for skin...instead of yea 3 options of red, blue, green
  6. Ah the Joys of the first day in April
  7. Exodus_V

    Kinetic Melee!

    <looks at the animations>
    I knew a kid in 5th grade who went on the local morning show and did a sign language perfomance to Debbie Boones "You light up my life"...i never saw that kid again after that day and wondered what happened to him...i have a good idea now! :P

    j/k he did do the show though...thanks dev i always love new pwr sets!!
  8. You want gratz? Two dollars! O complaining about gratz? NO GRATZ FOR YOU!!!
  9. Exodus_V

    Jack Emmert?

    ...pretty well rounded reports! I also remember the pet nerf... I believe the quote read "we decided in "a" meeting before launch that we would only allow 1 casting of pets at a time" what urked me was that nothing ever was mentioned ever about limiting this! Yes i know they dont have to mention anything about it but still...i log into test, fire up my fire/rad cast the 1st group, hasten fires off, AM fires off, nail the first grp o mobs, imps are recharged, cast 2nd group and first group dies and a whole lot of players begin shooting me tells asking what just happened!

    Communication was his problem...he was into all the threads so where was the 411 about the above? Maybe i missed it.

    Now yes i was one of the very first fire/rads and yes we did some really awful stuff :P sry fire/kins...having 9-15 imps out was a little overpowered(j/k it was) but the other pet owners really felt it...my D3 really felt it... ice/kins all but disappered which was a shame they were pretty snappy!

    /end of ramble
  10. Ok my regualr shortcut with updater is now working...someone fixed it Back to my sick bed!
  11. Ok for my Vista box i added this to the shortcut which mamanged to bring back my cursors

    "C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes.exe" -project "coh" -renderthread 0 -compatiblecursors 1

    However the moment i login in i recieve this:
    unknown auth protocol: 0

    Might be a admin issue will see.
  12. I made the change above and got to the login screen...with both path changes i do not get a cursor(using Vista) and when i tab over after entering my credintials and password i recive the following error and have to shut the game down:

    unknown auth protocol: 0

  13. I have the same problem...I can login to the test server with an old toon and recieve the "Welcome to Beta" message and move around fine...but all my empty slots are unavailable
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xalaqia View Post
    For those Rikti who are stranded, lost, seeking peace and needing a new home, there can be accomodation.

    For those Rikti desiring bloodshed, conquest, and domination over this Earth, seek not these things, for you will find only a thousand deaths, by the four elements, the hard edge of steel, the speeding bullet, the bare hands of the dedicated, by power of the mind, and the mysteries of magic. Your dooms will be as varied as the stars across the sky, but they will have in common the strength of those defending their home!
    AMEN Brotha or Sister
  15. "Guess what I got a fever and the only perscripton is moar cowbell"
  16. Exodus_V

    Reserved seat

    <---sitting in seat 8
  17. Exodus_V

    98 Sketches!

    What a nice gesture...can i reserve a spot til i can edit this and add my later...stuck at work? If so save me a spot...Gratz to your Grandpa 98 is awsome...i bet he can tell some stories!!

    Ok lets try this agian... here is mah girl http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/r...CoX/MazzyV.jpg Mazzy V ...thx again for your generous offer and again happy b-day to your grandpa!!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    This is great. There should be a "Clickey Clacks" Badge!

    (My 8-year old plays as well. His MM hit 20 yesterday and he got a cape. He was very excited.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pass along the Gratz!!
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    I wish my 5 year old would learn to play herself.. she just forces me to make tons of bizarre lookin characters with embarrassing names (skywalkr? puuke? meowgirl?) and then I have to run around and actually play them for her. *shiver*

    8 foot tall neon green/red/purple/blue/yellow zombie catgirl archery blasters named rosabelle ftl. FTL!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL, my daughter Little V(she's 5) makes these...glad to hear im not alone and boy do those tall toons seem to run slow!

    Little V has learned alot also...she learned that there are some truly wonderful people in the world that we can only see thru a game interface and yet they do exist! My friends have helped reinforce that manners count and its always good thing to say "aloha or hi or hola" to everyone...and when they wave back she goes crazy

    Its funny that a game which you could be very anonymous and impersonal...she's learning the opposite!

    Great thread also and thx for sharing!!!
  20. [ QUOTE ]

    Additionally, I think they goofed a bit in this case and underestimated how much of a clamor new costume parts, period, causes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They knew this would happen and a vocal group would make there presence known*...they also know that there are those who would be willing to pay...the risk vs reward is stacked in their favor!

    I bought mine and dont have an issue...now had it been 7.99 like you said i would'nt be sitting here thinking of upgrading my 2nd account... which i probally wont since i'm missing all the vet rewards a little fluff missing from those toons is ok with me!

    *see every single vet reward post in the past 2yrs in regards to costume's tied to vet rewards!!
  21. Exodus_V

    Moving Day!

    Do you have enough Prestige to set up the new Base correctly??? If not give me a shout!!!
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    A clone of Wolverine. I should have guessed

    Is that the same woman that featured in the X-Men 2 movie? The one with spikes coming out of her fingers?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Noo, that's Lady Deathstrike.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Jeeeeeaaaaannnn...o wait wrong chick... wonder what he will cry about in the next Xmen/Wolvie movie since she is gone?
  23. I usually love the idea of any new pwr set and cant wait to play them...with this one I am worried about the look of the blades more than wanting to play the set...if they come out looking like Red Caps and or use the Katana/BS animations I will be alittle let down!
  24. ...when i hear people talking about a mmo or game or just about anything... i only need two pieces of information to find out if they are sucked into that mmm/game/whatever world:
    1. time spent doin said thingy
    2. the "F" word...no not that one "F" = Forums
    If number 2 is yes...they are sucked in!
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    I also agree. It seems cone attacks are generally weaker then single target due to thier being able to hit more then 1 target. But seriously, how often does dark maul hit more then 1 target? Evicerate is also "supposedly" a cone... which would give claws a 3rd attack that can hit more then 1, making up for some of it's weakness... But with the cone so small it makes evicerate one of the less impressive attacks in the set (especially with new claw animation timing).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /agree... also add Ripper to the list!