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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slope View Post
    If you add in skateboards everyone will want vehicles... again
    Rumours say that they are putting vehicles into Champions Online... Which we all know means they'll be in CoH either a few months before, or a few months after they go into Champions.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    Power... please do a seach for Lifetime subs.

    This idea has been shot down multiple times.

    For example this thread was started less than 2 weeks ago: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=207886
    Yay! I'm famous for making a thread two weeks ago!

    And my suggestion was shot down pretty hard when I made that thread too...
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GibsonMcCoy View Post
    Edit: Is there a way to unlock this? Cause all I see are Night, Fortunata and Widow.
    The default "Widow" class is indeed the "Blood Widow." Night Widows and Fortunatas are the "upgrade" to the Blood Widow.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mornediel View Post
    Whatever... well, at least you can all be thankful this is probably my last post, and most likely last look at the forums. I came here to voice a legitimate concern, not to be insulted because I don't worship the developers every choice. Its funny... every person on here seems to think I am 100% wrong here, but EVERY single person I have discussed it with in the actual game agrees with me completely, and is very upset about it. I talked with a number of people before even writing this post, and if I didn't think it was an important issue, I would not have brought it up. But if the statements made here line up with the general voice you make on the forums, at least I know who the devs are listening to... not people petitioning and making suggestions in the game, but forum lurkers. Maybe one day they'll just make every person a lv 50 after creation, and then everyone can sit around the forums and talk about how much easier that is. Hope you all enjoy that.
    People tend to be very harsh in this forum, which is generally at odds with the overall friendly CoH community. Try not to take it so personally.
  5. The only thing I'm miffed about is the fact that I worked hard to get to level 50 on both Heroes and Villains just so I could make a Warshade and Blood Widow, and now it turns out that if I had played this game a year later I could have kept to my casual play style the whole time.

    I'm a big fan or zones, classes, armour sets, or special abilities getting unlocked in MMOs through quest lines. It makes finishing that epic quest line that much more sweeter. So, I personally think that EATs and VEATs should be unlocked by completing a mission arc that figures the EATs or VEATs prominently.
  6. Will we be able to pre-order GR from the NCSoft store directly? I've always bought my CoH/V games and extras from the NCSoft store, and I don't want to break tradition.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flames_Alive View Post
    I am wondering about Ultra Mode the screenshots provided are really to small to see anything, but it looks like the only difference is shadows? Maebe my eyes are getting old...
    As I understand it, shadows and reflections are the two major changes. I wish they'd increase the draw distance and upgrade the game with a higher resolution like when City of Villains came out.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by War Witch View Post
    Hey all,

    Just to clarify before speculation runs toooooo rampant, we're not doing a Nemesis-type system for Issue 17.

    War Witch
    You heard it here first folks, Nemesis-type system for Issue 18!
  9. Evilanna

    New Origin Idea

    Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
    Except that the canon explanation for such creatures as angels (i.e. the servants of deities) and demons is already magic. You don't get a by just because you want Judeo-Christian mythical entities to not have the same origin as every other religious structure. Remember: the only difference between religion and myth is that people no longer believe in myth.
    I thought that things like that were explained by the "incarnate" origin (which only two characters have access to anyway.)

    Also, can you please point out where things like angels and demons are said to be "magic" in the lore?
  10. Evilanna

    An Arch Nemesis

    Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
    everything can be done in the AE pretty much. so it cuts it.
    I'm sorry, but I don't think this is a good excuse to keep any content from the game.

    "Mission Architect can make mission arcs, so the devs shouldn't make any new arcs ever!"

    "Mission Architect can create new enemy groups, so the devs shouldn't make any new groups ever!"

    "Mission Architect can create new AVs, so the devs should stop making any new AVs!"

    Oh look, you just used Mission Architect to destroy Going Rogue. Thanks a lot.
  11. Evilanna

    New Origin Idea

    Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
    Isn't Supernatural PRETTY MUCH the same thing as Magic? If not, please explain the difference.
    Supernatural has a more religious bent to it than "magic" does. I'm all for a supernatural origin, it would fit in very well with some of my character concepts (i.e. angels and demons would be supernatural, not magic.)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
    At some point, we've all stood outside of War Witch's apartment and played the role of Secret Admirer. After all, who wouldn't be wild over a talented sorceress who possesses brains, beauty and brawn? We sure are big fans...and we're banking on the fact that you are too!
    A) this is kinda creepy. B) isn't War Witch a ghost in game? Do ghosts have apartments?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    The only change Sally needs is when you slap her, she slaps you back. Old School style, complete with algae. Should leave you disoriented for 30 secs.
    And covered in goo.
  14. OK, OK, a lot of people made some very good points as to why there won't be lifetime subscriptions. I agree heartily with all those points.

    I guess this thread was just an out-letting of my frustration over the Other MMO Company's practices of nickel and diming. I can't even play the game based on one of my favourite TV shows for fear of having my pocket picked every time I turn around...
  15. I'm not sure if this is the forum to make billing suggestions, after all I believe NCSoft handles that, but here I go anyway.

    That Other MMO Company has two new games under thier belts, and they offer lifetime subscription options for both those games. Now, I personally think these lifetime subscriptions are a cynical cash grab meant to raise a lot of money very fast for unfinished and content lacking games, cashing in on very popular IPs in the process. These lifetime subscriptions are a waste of money for the customer because these "MMO" games only offer maybe a month or two of content, after which the customer can't cancel their subscription and get their money back, or cut their losses (i.e. paying only $65 for the game they played for two moths rather than $350.)

    Now, I personally LOVE City of Heroes/Villains. It is the only MMO I return to on a regular basis, the only MMO I subscribe to. I think Paragon Studios is a good company that has done some amazing things with this game (I'd even say they've vastly improved this game from where that Other MMO Company left it once upon a time,) and I want to play this game far into the future.

    I would be fully willing to pay for a lifetime subscription to City of Heroes/Villains. It would be worth every single penny in my opinion. I am confident that unlike that Other MMO Company, Paragon Studios/NCSoft won't try to nickel and dime me out of my money, that they won't release a new zone for Going Rogue (for example) and expect me to pay for it, that Going Rogue will be an amazing expansion that will add lots and lots to this game. I trust that we'll recieve free issues from now until the servers shut down for the last time (I hope that's in 100 years or so.) So I want to be able to commit to this game in the long haul.

    In other words, City of Heroes, will you marry me? Hehehe, kidding.

    Please offer me a lifetime subscription to a game that's actually good and that I can actually care about!
  16. Huh, I wasn't aware that free server transfers were going on at all.
  17. Evilanna

    The Television

    Originally Posted by pohsyb View Post
    The last time I watched television this happened
    Last time I watched TV that show Firefly got cancelled. But, I've been thinking of catching that new show Dollhouse.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    Oh look, it's Ctrl + Alt + Del.

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catharctic View Post
    Sigh. I really wish people would stop doing this.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JLove View Post
    Oh God, how can I say this without turning up as an unrecognizable charred corpse along some dusty highway ditch wearing a diaper full of Texas sized fire ants with my eyes replaced with screwdrivers?

    Remember way back in the day when this thread got started and everyone was like “WOW those are great resistance costume pieces, I can’t wait to wear them, splat, splat, splat,” and “Oh super keen, first I changed my desktop to a lolz cat and now my crippling depression doesn’t seem so bad anymore, because I have a reason to live again, I get to wear glowing stuff.” Well, get out a mop and find something sharp. That picture is of a NPC, not a new costume set.

    Me so sorry about that there wasn’t a clearer explanation of what was going on in the screenshot, I really am. But when you get down it and think about this rationally, this is really your fault, you jumped to a conclusion. You know I told you a thousand times not to do that, but I guess I need to teach you another lesson in the silence of the basement, next to the treadmill you don’t use anymore. Looks like you and I won’t be going over to your mothers for dinner like you planned. Canceled! The writing is on the wall baby, you are going to just have to tell the neighbors how clumsy you are, and just deal with it. Let the guilt of your wrong doings lead you on a path to righteousness. You’re welcome.

    See how I turned that around, take a note kids.
    I sorry, I'll go lock myself in my basement now.
  21. Evilanna

    The Television

    Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
    Well, Television Overlord, I'd say you were referencing 'Firefly' but the comic relief characters name was Jayne.
    He's actually talking about that TV show "Lightning Bug."
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Yes, all those rallies and torchlit parades sound like wonderful, harmless fun.
    Those giant bonfires sound like lots of fun. I'd roast up some marshmallows there. Though the libraries provide the fuel would be a bit odd...
  23. Cole addressed what was left of the United Nations Security Council. In that momentous speech, Cole spoke of the Roman Empire, and how in times of greatest peril, Rome would elect one man to lead its people and its armies against its enemy. "Divided," said Cole, "humankind will fall, but united in this conflict, it will triumph." To silence cries of "Dictator!,"

    They were quite correct. The title of the person who could be elected by the Roman Senate for a six month term of absolute power both military and civilian in times of great emergence was "dictator." They were elected by the Senate for six month terms and after a term the Senate could re-elect them for another six month term as dictator. The Senate could also vote them out of office at any time.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by War Witch View Post
    Oooo...shiny. OUCH!

    Thanks, Positron. (I think.) Don't think I can't hear you cackling from my cube, by the way...

    Wait, you're the boss and you only have a cubical? Make them give you an office damnit!
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
    Okay, now it's conspiracy time: Lead dev and head programmer stepping aside in order to work on a number of "secret initiatives"? Could it be that Paragon Studios is about to begin work on another MMO?
    If true, let's hope this new MMO is a standalone-expansion for City of Heroes/Villains the same way Villains was for Heroes.

    What can I say? I love CoH and always want more!