4227 -
Quote:Well said. SOE is a business. Goodness knows they've made mistakes, but Smedley isn't evil. If they got this game, they are more likely than any publisher out there to keep it running. They kept EQOA (if you don't know what that it, that proves my point) going for 9 years. The platform it ran on (PS2) had been obsolete for years before that game went down. I took a tour of SOE in 2010 and saw that that game on a weekend had less than 500 players logged in total. The only reason it finally died was that it was not amenable to the F2P model that the company has embraced.I understand (especially if you played SWG) how you would dislike them. But they obviously aren't adverse to small-community games because they are still running little guys like Pirates of the Burning Sea, and of course Vanguard, which not only had some patches and an extension to its team recently but was converted to F2P and "re-launched."
SOE are not the ones who shut down SWG, that was LucasArts, who refused to renew their SW license because TOR was coming out. And they were not the ones who messed up Vanguard. Microsoft, the original publisher, dropped Vanguard pre-launch because the original developers had made a mess of it; it was SOE who rescued it, made some nice improvements and fixed it up. And even when it didn't perform as they'd hoped, they still kept it running on two servers and like I said, even now they are working on it again.
I have been playing Everquest 2 since launch day. I have been through three server mergers, many changes (most good, a few bad) and I have also played games from other publishers including EA, Blizzard and NSleazeSoft. Believe me, practically anything would be an improvement over NCSoft, and SOE is one of the better of the bunch as far as actually listening to their player base (although Trion with Rift is probably my top pick in this regard).
Try not to hammer SOE into the ground here, until you see what happens. I'd most certainly rather play SOE's CoH, professionally maintained, with the bulk of the Paragon Studios crew still in-tact, over any rag-tag, hacked, messy, private server version of CoH, I can tell you that. I hope you aren't partially angry at the thought of SOE sweeping in at the eleventh hour to save CoH and continue it (Issue 24 on the vow, cash shop powersets, extra goodies and all) because you've been trying so hard and expending so much energy in a kickstarter/private server uphill battle and now you don't want to see it all for naught, even though SOE would be a much better way all around.
I'm sorry to be so blunt, and my own daughter (who is going to be a computer science major in college) wants to help get CoH running again if that's what it takes. And I'm all for it-- IF that is absolutely the ONLY WAY that CoH will ever see the light of day again. I definitely would greatly prefer any and all serious, professional offers from longstanding MMO community publishers to be completely exhausted first, though, and to be quite frank, I'm sure Paragon Studios would as well!
The terrific thing about this forum has always been its honest, devoted community. I hope you understand that I am only being fully open and honest with you, TonyV, because I do respect all that you are trying to do.
SOE sticks by their games. A hell of a lot more than NCSoft, I'll tell you that. -
Quote:It's not likely that the game was doing poorly. It's probably just what they said, they want to focus on fewer projects. I know enough about accounting to know that I don't know what specific advantages NCSoft sees in this decision. As much as I hate them for this decision, I will not believe that the decision was made with malice, but instead was just business.Most games that die, so signs of weakening, they reduce staff, they reduce the number of servers. I was actually getting excited for the new sets that have been in production. I really get the feeling that this is news to most of the staff.
Any chance this is a precursor to COH2?
That our great dev team fell victim to it just makes me want to punch somebody. -
Quote:If it makes you feel any better, that reporter probably lives in fear of his job at all times. Newspapers are not a growth industry.Anyway, it caused quite the big stir back in the day. The reporter still works for the Times-Picayune, and I don't know whatever happened to David Myers. I think they both were grossly negligent and misrepresentative in their respective fields, and it wouldn't have bothered me one iota if both had been fired. Probably didn't happen though, and with the crew at Paragon Studios who have such amazing talent being fired, that seems a shame that these guys get to keep their jobs.
Quote:Why blame them solely? Lucas Arts was at least as responsible for the NGE as SOE if not more.That would piss me off. I vowed to never give SOE another dollar of my money after SWG, and I won't break that vow.
To be honest SOE saving this game would more than square any prior misdeeds IMO. -
I don't expect I'll be playing much. I'll log in the last day and probably stand there as the servers go down. But with the impending shutdown, I just get bummed playing to be honest.
Been putzing around in other games since the announcement and I'm really coming to the conclusion that it's time to give up on MMORPGs. This game just had the unique collection of features that I have not found elsewhere. -
There's a ton of stuff I advocated for that got added to the game. I don't take credit for it because it was mostly just good ideas that I think would have happened anyway. Things like loot, crafting, Flashback, earning more than 3 respecs, merged markets, side-switching. Big stuff like that. Although I don't take credit for any of it, I am gratified that so many of the things I fought for had such a strong impact on the game. I am equally proud that after one such change Arcanaville accused me of having blackmail material on the devs!
There are three things I will take credit for though:
1) The MoG change. I knew some of the devs thought it needed to be changed, but I honestly think if I had ever given up fighting for that, the devs would have figured Regen was 'fine as is'.
2) The SoA 'inherent'. I told Castle he needed to add an icon that said that SoA had an inherent, even though it was really just an attribute that the SoA had when created.
3) There is a specific line I suggested in the new version of the difficulty slider.
"I want to fight Archvillains at their full strength, not as elite bosses"
I only know they accepted this because they used the language I suggested verbatim. I think this is the only time where the devs actually implemented the details of a suggestion of mine. Even if I got what I wanted (and that happened a lot) it usually wasn't exactly what I asked for. -
I thought they might, but I don't think any of their other games have subscriptions anymore.
For 8 years, I paid for this service and I don't regret a penny of it. Still cheaper than going to the movies. I do want a refund for the sub that goes through May of next year.
I already bought GW2 so I'll play it a bit. Making me spend money to expand the pitifully small amount of bag/bank slots is already grating though.
Quote:DCUO is the only game I've ever seen that actually gets more tedious and annoying each update. I bought a lifetime sub because even though I thought it had problems, I thought they could fix them. Bastids went and added new problems!For those considering DCUO, keep in mind it has nowhere near the superhero character depth of CoH, despite being in the DCU.
The character creator is extremely limited, you have to farm a vast majority of the styles in the game by grinding instances.
The combat is very much console fighting designed, with weapon combos and active blocking and combat rolling (dodging) being required. If you can't get good at that type of combat system, forget about the high-end Alerts and Raids at level 30 (the level cap, which you will hit in little over a week even on limited play time). Also keep in mind the interview John Smedley (President of SOE) did a few weeks ago that stated 70% of the DCUO playerbase is on the PS3. No, the PS3 and PC do not share servers.
The Game Update 18, that just came off of test and is scheduled to go LIVE soon, altered PvE combat so that NPCs now perform active blocks, dodges, block breakers, and interrupts against the players-- as though you were in PvP against another player. In my opinion after testing it on the Test Server, it made PvE much more tedious. I've walked away from the game in anticipation of GU 18.
As much as I am not a fan of Champions Online-- if you are migrating from CoH to either CO or DCUO, I would suggest Champions unless you are seeking a superhero MMO experience completely different from CoH in all regards, and are good at console style combat.
Ah well, if I ever get back into a SOE game, at least I'll have a ton of SC waiting for me. -
I just can't say how much I hope the devs land on their feet and quickly. Good luck, I'm really sorry this happened to you.
In the U.S.A? It's like 80%-90% of our workforce. Unions are the exception here. And in a place like Paragon Studios, being unionized would be unheard of.
No idea. DCUO (even though I have a lifetime sub) is fail. Champions isn't my cup of tea. No idea where to get my hero fix.
Otherwise if they get their heads out of their butt, I'll stick with SWTOR. -
Well said! God darn it, I'm going to miss this community.
It's a decent themepark. I already bought it so I'm going to play the hell out of it. It will be a cold day in hell before I buy anything from its cash shop. I want to waste as much of their bandwidth as possible.