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  1. Still nothing for resolution on Liberty other than the initial reply from the GMs.
  2. I've experienced this on Liberty. There is a thread here, but I wanted to put it in bugs where it belongs.

    Thread :
  3. Liberty is having no drops (Notice of the Well or double merits) as of 1:40 EST. Ran 2 today on seperate accounts and nothing!!!
  4. Yes. The Alpha increases Regen and Healing. Dull Pain will get more HP (to the cap) and so If you are a Regen you get double benefit from Spiritual Core.
  5. This is my wish for the next set of power proliferation. Great soloing set I would think and good for groups too!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
    Castle hath spoken; the new version of Stamina will work for Kheldians in forms.
    With this in mind, we are actually getting 4 more slots for Kheldians...

    Here's my thinking. Instead of slotting 3 end mods in Nova and Dwarf, I put 2 in Stamina (3+3-2=4). That gives 4 extra slots to Kheldians (with both forms) by default!

    So it's actually a bonus addition to I19. Kheldians get more slots...LOL

  7. I'm having same issue trying to get Origins Pack. Both credit card and PayPal...

    Might want to check into this...
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
    Also, there's been some talk about possible complications with the next version of Mids so you might want to hold off on using the mod.
    I'd do that. Best piece of advice in this thread.
  9. Energy_Aura

    Brute for RSF

    Originally Posted by Syntax42 View Post
    Why not make a tanker? Their armor sets have higher base values, making it easier to reach high levels of survivability, and they can do it much earlier than other melees. You don't have to worry about doing tons of damage or maintaining fury, which also makes tanker builds cheaper to be effective. If you would rather tank and have a character capable of doing damage solo, I can understand that.

    I think Invulnerability is overrated. It can soft cap damage types (not psionic) and it has a good amount of S/L resistance (around 70% for Brute) but tanking anything other than S/L damage makes Invulnerability no better than other defense-based sets.
    Learn to build with the right IOs! I've got 35% psi def and 41% psi resist on my Invuln Brute. All that came from sets and I got perm DP as a bonus!

    My secondary is Axe. You'll see why when you start with IO sets...

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    Given your recent good news, will builds that were altered using the unofficial Fitness patch import into the i19 Mids?
    Due to the fact that we will be getting an "official" update going and that Diellan is making so other great changes to Mid's, I'm not going to say yes or no, if they do, then they do, but if they don't, then they don't. I'm leaning towards they "might" but I've not investigated it nor do I plan to.

    Either way, I think everyone will be pleased with Diellan's update and GuyPerfects secret project.

  11. OK, here's an update to the original post, Diellan and I found a solution that should get rid of the below listing. Mid's I19 WILL support old (here after know as Legacy builds)

    Hey all, just wanted to let everyone know we are working on I19 update and should have it ready for the actual I19 hitting live!

    In preperation for I19 Mid's I wanted to post a critical update. Every build you currently have on Mid's WILL cause an error in the new version. I know that sounds bad, but it's not.

    In order to prevent this I am posting this in advance of I19 Mid's both Titan Network (first) and on then here. Here's what you need to do to make I19 NOT crash on your current builds.

    1. REMOVE FITNESS POOL Powers from all your builds. This is the direct reason for all of the errors!
    2. ADD all of the slots (minus the initial 1) to Rest, Sprint, and Brawl. This allows you to "save" slots for the Inherent Fitness powers. (If you have 3 slotted Health and Stamina now, that's 5 slots in Rest)
    3. DON'T save builds using the "bootleg" patch for I19 that's floating around. I haven't tested that illegal patch and so I can't say if it will work or not with the new version.
    4. MAKE all your builds I19 builds. As long as you are going to the efforts of removing the Fitness Pool, it only makes sense to go ahead and plan for it.
    5. NUMBERS for the missing Health and Stamina are as follows (just a few numbers)
    Health Base value + 40% Regen
    Health w/ 3 level 50 IOs +79.63% Regen
    Health w/ Miracle Heal, Miracle +Recovery (40s), and Numina +Regen/Recovery (50) +55.64% Regen, plus 20% regen/17.5% Recovery
    Stamina Base value +25% Recovery
    Stamina w/ 3 level 50 IOs +49.77% Recovery
    6. LABEL your builds for I19 etc so you know which are compatable and which aren't.

    Hopefully this makes your transition to the next version a bit more easy on you.

    Jack Wolfe, busiest guy in I19
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    First, don't get me wrong. I LOVE Mids', and I'm glad Titan Network picked it up.

    That being said, I have to comment on this:


    Sorry, but it ain't any more illegal than Mids' itself. Midnight made the original editor with the ability for users to modify the database.

    Ain't nothin', "illegal" about it.

    Unofficial patch. Much better.

    I would much rather wait and be able to load I18 builds into I19, than to have to go through all of my builds and remove Fitness.

    Honestly, though, this game has evolved so much, that it's probably getting to the point where it would be better to make a Titan Planner from scratch, so that it can work with all the new changes. Then, once it's ready, retire Mids'. Of course, I have no idea how long that would take, TN might not have the programmers needed to do that, and keep Mids' alive until it (Titan Planner) was finished at the same time, and various other stuffs, essentially, a Standard Code Rant.
    Illegal in the fact that it is putting out CLOSED BETA info and numbers. Thus in violation of the EULA, thus ILLEGAL
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    First, let me thank you for your efforts. A lot.

    Second, is there really no better way to handle this? I have tons of builds that I keep for every character for reference purposes. It doesn't make any sense to do what you're saying to those builds. This approach means that there's no way I can use the new version of Mid's to open those prior builds. I'll have to keep an old copy, and any time I happen to double click on one of those old builds, it'll load in the new Mids and fail. While I truly appreciate your efforts, that's a pretty sucky situation to face as a heavy user of the program.

    It's hard to knock software that does as much as Mid's builder does when it's free, but I really wish you could do something other than offer us this work-around. I'm afraid it's not that helpful.
    First off this post wasn't done lightly I've get 2 accounts and tons of builds.

    Second, I've been working this issue for over a month. It's not a program error, it's a data error.

    Think of it this way. Every saved build you have is a file version of the data chunk that you post for others to see and share builds. The level you take EACH of your powers, the level you place slots in them, and the enhancements you put into those slot or even empty slots all go into makeup that data chunk file. When you attempt to load data that is in error (I.E. Fitness Pool vs. Inherent Fitness) you get an error that corrupts the database as you are force the PROGRAM to read data that doesn't match the database.

    The easiest thing to do to all your builds to make them viable is make a few clicks per build (removing Swift, Hurdle, Health and or Stamina and their slots) and save. This is ALL that is required to make the builds valid to the upcoming database.

  14. OK, here's an update to the original post, Diellan and I found a solution that should get rid of the below listing. Mid's I19 WILL support old (here after know as Legacy builds)

    Hey all, just wanted to let everyone know we are working on I19 update and should have it ready for the actual I19 hitting live!

    In preperation for I19 Mid's I wanted to post a critical update. Every build you currently have on Mid's WILL cause an error in the new version. I know that sounds bad, but it's not.

    In order to prevent this I am posting this in advance of I19 Mid's both Titan Network (first) and on then here. Here's what you need to do to make I19 NOT crash on your current builds.

    1. REMOVE FITNESS POOL Powers from all your builds. This is the direct reason for all of the errors!
    2. ADD all of the slots (minus the initial 1) to Rest, Sprint, and Brawl. This allows you to "save" slots for the Inherent Fitness powers. (If you have 3 slotted Health and Stamina now, that's 5 slots in Rest)
    3. DON'T save builds using the "bootleg" patch for I19 that's floating around. I haven't tested that illegal patch and so I can't say if it will work or not with the new version.
    4. MAKE all your builds I19 builds. As long as you are going to the efforts of removing the Fitness Pool, it only makes sense to go ahead and plan for it.
    5. NUMBERS for the missing Health and Stamina are as follows (just a few numbers)
    Health Base value + 40% Regen
    Health w/ 3 level 50 IOs +79.63% Regen
    Health w/ Miracle Heal, Miracle +Recovery (40s), and Numina +Regen/Recovery (50) +55.64% Regen, plus 20% regen/17.5% Recovery
    Stamina Base value +25% Recovery
    Stamina w/ 3 level 50 IOs +49.77% Recovery
    6. LABEL your builds for I19 etc so you know which are compatable and which aren't.

    Hopefully this makes your transition to the next version a bit more easy on you.

    Jack Wolfe, busiest guy in I19
  15. Thermal is hands down one of the best secondaries for a Mastermind in general and it molds very well with Demon Summoning...Here's how...

    First AoE and Targeted heals. Second, Resistance shields that stack with the Demons natural resistance and Ember Shield. Third, DeBuffs! I soloed Paladin in KR last week at level 40ish and took about 3 minutes. Not a single demon died!

    Other things to consider:

    1. Hell on Earth: Call to Arms (set of 5 including proc) and Expedient Reinforcment proc in 6th slot. 10% more resistance to all and 5% Def.
    2. Get them other procs! Edict of the Master (5% Def) and Soveriegn Right (10% Resist). This gives you added resistance to your demons of 35% (including both thermal shields) in addition to their self resistance and before you add in Embers.
    3. Maneuvers and Grant Invisibility. Resistance is already covered above, so add another 6-7% Def in addition to the procs for 16-17% Def. Not getting hit even once in a while is a good thing!
    4. Lastly, I got the proof. Mine is a beast, I went from 45 to 48 yesterday just doing event stuff and a couple of TFs.

    Final note: Learn bodyguarding. It will save your life!

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zophar_Shinta View Post
    I'm looking for a couple power sets that are considered the worst for brutes.
    I'd like to try and build something worth while out of them.

    I'm not looking for help with the build just the perfect horrible pair to play with.

    Any thoughts?
    OK...So my OPINION of Fiery Melee/Electric Armor being a weak combination is WRONG? How can anyone's OPINION be WRONG? Guess I'll go back to working on the I19 version of Mid's....

    To the OP: Hope you have fun with whatever you build...Peace out...
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    You've never played Electric Armor, have you? You didn't account for Grounded, nor did you account for target caps on all sets. Your post is essentially "here's what sucks when everything sucks." My SS/Elec Brute is damn near unstoppable.
    Your Brute would rock with Rage, which is why I pared my weakest choice with Fire!

    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    Okay, only Shield was like wildly popular for quite a while. That usually does not happen with a horrid set.
    But compared to Stone, Willpower and Invuln, Shield does fall a bit short. Not to mean it's the worst, that's why I chose Electric to be my worst.
  18. Let's start with this:

    Originally Posted by Energy_Aura
    Using the number in the current Mid's, and making a listing of resistance, defense and combination based sets, I have put together these 3 lists. These are base numbers with no enhances or sets:
    OK..So this is raw data with no counting on recharge times, just the bare sets. If you take all of the things that make up the sets, then you have to consider BALANCE, in which case I will conceed they all are equally bad or good.


    Originally Posted by Tempest_56 View Post
    There are so many things wrong with your evaluation that it's hilarious.

    - You fail to account for offensive or utility aspects in sets. +damage from Against All Odds? Missing. Fiery Embrace? Not mentioned at all. Quick Recovery? Nah, who cares about that.
    OK, so +damage makes up for lack of a heal of any type in Shield? Fiery Embrace is in Fiery Armor which I rated higher than Electric so what's your point? And Quick Recovery is in Willpower, which I rated higher than Shield, and it's not a defense or resistance power, so your point?

    - Non-standard defensive measures are ALSO ignored. No mention is made, for example, of Dark Armor's mez auras which are so key. Or to Elec's sapping. Or Granite!
    Non-standard defensive measures, oh you mean damage mitigation, (knockdown, mez, damage debuff), which I did take into account (thus Fiery Melee as it has very vanilla damage) and as for Armors, Electric Armor's 5.8% End drain (75% base Acc) is more effective than BURN w/Fiery Embrace?

    - Holes in the defenses are also utterly missed. You're comparing defensive sets and you decided that Fire not having KB protection wasn't worth mentioning?
    Neither does Dark, so Fire and Dark are worse than Electric? Oh and Fire is Resistance, Dark is Combo, so you can't really compare across the breakdowns or we go back to equally as bad or good as you want.

    - Heck, the evaluation falls entirely flat on the first two sets you compare.

    You forget to mention that while both sets have a 25% heal, one recharges in 120s and the other in 40s. They're not even vaguely equivalent! That doesn't even get into the issue that one's available at 4 and the other at 28. Or that Elec's +regen is tied to that heal.
    Both ARE listed in my post, Fire's heal is at 4, and comes up more often, and Electric at 28 both heal for 25%. Electrics unenhanced regen is 12 HPs a second at level 50 which means nothing, so your point again? I chose Electric due to the base numbers, as I stated!

    In all, congratulations you can add numbers from Mid's. However, that's worthless as a tool for comparison. You're completely ignoring too many aspects, several of which are core components of the respective sets.
    If Mid's is worthless as a tool for comparison, then what did you base your critic of my OPINION on? You gave no solid info on why I was wrong in stating Fire Melee/Electric armor was a weak set compared to other combos. Instead of telling me why my OPINION is wrong or misguided, why don't you give the OP YOUR OPINION on the worst combo? Post count padding aside, the OP was asking for peoples take on the worst Brute combo, I gave mine, what's yours?
  19. Using the number in the current Mid's, and making a listing of resistance, defense and combination based sets, I have put together these 3 lists. These are base numbers with no enhances or sets:


    1. Electric Armor - S 26.3, L 26.3, F 26.3, C 26.3, E 61.9, N 22.5, T 0, P 26.3, 25% heal, 100% regen, no +HP
    2. Fiery Armor - S 22.5, L 22.5, F 67.5, C 15, E 22.5, N 22.5, T 15 (with heal), P 0, 25% heal, no +HP


    1. Energy Aura - S 16.5, L 16.5, F 18.8, C 18.8, E 20.6, N 14.3, P 3.8, M 3.8, R 3.8, A 3.8 some very minor resistance, 3% (per mob) heal, no +HP
    2. Super Reflexes - M 19.5, R 19.5, A 19.5 no +HP


    1. Dark Armor - RES S 22.5, L 22.5, F 22.5, C 22.5, E 15, N 30, T 10, P 37.5
    DEF to all 3.8, 30% (per mob) heal, no +HP
    2. Invulnerability - RES S 33.8, L 33.8, F 15, C 15, E 15, N 15, T 15 (with heal), P 0
    DEF to all but P 8.3 (per mob), 40% Heal, 40% +HP
    3. Shield Defense - RES 11.3 to all but P, auto +HP, no heal
    4. Stone Armor - RES S 7.5, L 7.5, F 18.8, C 18.8, E 0, N 0, T 15 (with heal), P 0
    DEF S 12, L 12, F 0, C 0, E 12, N 12, P 18.9, 40% Heal, 40% +HP
    Granite - RES S 45, L 45, F 37.5, C 37.5, E 37.5, N 37.5, T 52.5 (with heal), P 0
    DEF to all but P 15%, 40% Heal, 40% +HP
    5. Willpower - RES S 22.5, L 22.5, F 5.6, C 5.6, E 5.6, N 5.6, T 5.6, P 20.6
    DEF S 2.5, L 2.5, F 9.8, C 9.8, E 9.8, N 9.8, P 7.5, +200% Regen, +20% HP
    (both auto)

    Lookin at this, Electric is the weakest resist set, Energy is the weakest defense set and Shield is the weakest combo set.

    Paring these with the worst possible attacks is what would make a truely bad brute. I would recommend Fire Melee as the loose set due to lack of added mitigation (knockdown, disorient, end drain, etc...) and it only has 1 AoE and 1 ranged (short range) cone. Also it has a draw time on the sword animations which adds a little time to these attacks.

    Yes after looking at the base numbers, Fire/Electric would be the most Craptastic Brute combo.

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Justaris View Post

    I find that dual builds are better used to have radically different builds on the same character (such as tri-form and human-only) rather than trying to effectively 'split' a tri-form character over two builds.
    Human only build and the coming changes in I19 to Fitness will make Kheldians one of the few ATs worth making dual builds. As for the cooldown, if you are finishing missions faster than 15 mins, I'm guessing it wouldn't matter what build you use.
  21. I'm a big fan of my PB. I think the biggest thing to improve PBs is learning to play them! Specifically the knock back. I don't think any of these proposed buffs would happen in game, because PBs play different from any AT. I don't plan on my WS and PB to be played the same, just as my Grav/Energy Dom plays different from my Mind/Psi Dom. *My PB plays well as is, maybe you don't LIKE the knock back, but are you "playing" the knock back?

    I look at my PB as the games best Energy/Energy blapper. I think if you play a PB (human only) like that, you will see what I mean. I actually need to update my human only PB guide next week, but as for changes, I'm guessing we will see very few if any in the upcoming 2-3 issues.

  22. Getting same on Liberty...Even did the Checksum trick...

    FIX ME!!!
  23. I'm not being able to connect to Liberty and all servers are up. Getting "Lost connection to Dbase" message.

    Got onto Freedom, but I don't have any characters there...

    What's the deal?
  24. Energy_Aura

    NEW Mid's Update

    Here's the link...Let us know if there is any problems!!!

  25. Wanted the ability to get perma Dom as soon as possible...2 procs up front allow that option...Energy Transfer uses Single Target Damage...Fixed on live today!!!