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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LuxunS View Post
    It's difficult to make such generalizations, as it varies per archetype.

    A blaster for example after accolades will be at 1446/1606 HP. Needing only 160hp from sets allows them to spread around set bonuses and focus on other things like acc, dam, rech, etc.

    Opposite that, take a Fortunata. After accolades a fort sits at 1285 HP, although they have a higher cap then blasters, they have to invest more to even reach what blasters can do easily. Additionally Forts have the lowest damage output (with the exception of Masterminds) so dam slotting is necessary. Also, defenses even at the pve soft-cap are useless in pvp, an extra 8-10% from slotting/power selection is necessary.

    The system may not reward skill or speed, but build investment, IOs, and min/maxing in some cases are worthwhile.

    But I'm bad too...
    going back to before Purples PvP Ios, I could Cap HP on a controller with accolades. I guess what I am getting at is, if capped HP is all that matters and its gettable without PvP IOs/Purples, why the big deal?

    Personally Im sick of the supply being low on the market and people purposely bidding to keep the supply low. I'd love for the drop rates of everything to be increased, that way it completely blows up the market mini game the way PvP was blown up by i13.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slax View Post
    League rules need to be changed to add a 3rd category of points for drama.
    Only if we ban posting at work from the ladder. Its stupidly broken. True drama is only valid if it takes away from normal PvP time
  3. Has anyone stopped to do a comparrison of a Max'd Purple+PvP IO build vs a 250mill budget build?

    Are we talking like 200 extra HP, 70% extra recharge and 100 extra damage points per attack? or are we talking about same level of HP, 30% extra recharge and 10 points of extra damage?

    In a PvP system that doesn't reward speed or skill, is there really even a reason care about what build you PvP with? The only IOs that I think are necessary are the ones that cap HP for the AT and KB procs. All else doesn't really matter.

    But then again, I'm bad.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
    Hello again

    I do not like PvP, but I appreciate the loyal subscribers to this game that do enjoy PvP. I think the solution to PvP issues is to make it cross server PvP.

    If you go into Sirens Call on ANY server you will be with everyone else from ANY server in the same Sirens Call.

    I think, this would be the only good $ spent on PvP in this game...

    Then all you PvPers could be together, and stuff.

    I would rather have money put into fixing the PvP engine that was broke in i13 rather than cross server stuff.

    Free server transfers were enough for us to be mildly content at the present time. I really hope free server transfers continue to allow it easier to participate in PvP.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by robobug View Post
    i'm going big here 150
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by vindizzLe View Post
    Defender TK, Corruptor Lingering Radiation, Dominator Mace Beam (I think), and Stalker Thunder Strike.
    So is vengeance legal again?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psoma View Post
    I started recording the order number of picks, but gave up after like round 1 because going back and forth between our list and Peril's was getting old pretty fast. I should've put the assigned draft numbers from Peril's list on my spreadsheet-was thinking we were just picking according to global names. That's why Empire should've made that thing.
    Yeah sorry bout that. I had it started...then my ADD meds wore off and it started to piss me off, so I couldn;t get it finished.

    Ill plan on making one for the next time.
  8. Its cool to see this much interest, I just hope it doesn't bite us in the end.

    If the dev's see us as being content with the changes, there will be little motiviation to disrupt the new "status quo" like they did last time.

    But, hopefully this can serve as a venue of demonstration as to what does not and can not work with the new system.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psoma View Post
    Have the other 2 teams I've seen around signed up yet? I know Bitter's team was on just last night, so I figured they were set.
    How many Div6 captains do we have so far? are these drafted rosters going to have like 20 people each (Not sure how many have signed up so far)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EmpireForgotten View Post
    Starcraft 2 beta confirmed for this month...gametime just got a lot more restricted.
    I went through this thread and the signups thread and made sure we are all there.
  11. Herding cats for slax

    Signing up:
    1@sir, @slr
    2. He has an Emp that Kill Steals, a Blaster, and pretty much everything else
    3. Sure
    4. Sure - Edit - I also Powerlevel for Free PST to my global for requests
    5. dUmb test PvP
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IcyKiri View Post
    This is misinformation.

    There are "broken powers" for instance Defender TK is broken in that people can no escape being TK'd until the caster is held.

    Corruptor Spirit Shark Jaws is broken in that it does insane damage when scourging.

    Tanker earth mastery "Fossilize" does more damage then any other tanker attack.

    No powers however, are broken in the way that it would hold you for 9-10 seconds.

    The closest thing another class has to a "broken" duration hold is the Devastation Hold Proc that lasts for several seconds and (it appears to) not trigger supression.


    then explain how my tank can hold someone just as long as my controller can?

    If I hit someone with KO blow slotted for holds, it lasts the same amount of time as blind or char.

    I could care less how long holds are. They always hold. Its broken that there ISN'T away to stop these holds from holding.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IcyKiri View Post
    Last night I was on my blaster, I never realized how crazy op'd power boosted TF and the earth stun is.

    That said, if someone throws a random immob or short duration hold it supresses the TF, I saw it a few times last night.

    IDK what to suggest, but I know being stunned for 9-10 seconds is broken, but I also know if some random newb stalker/corruptor is spamming the mako hold (1/2 second hold), it protects me better then prenerf breakfrees and that has to annoy the hell out of these */nrg doms.
    old PvP ways to avoid 9-10 seconds stuns were:

    1. play a toon that has protection
    2. Team
    3. Bring breakfrees

    Ways in the new PvP to avoid <insert any mez here>:

    1. ...

    Every class has 1 mez built into their primary, secondary or epic I believe and that is broken that every class can mez just as well as a controller or dominator
  14. Starcraft 2 beta confirmed for this month...gametime just got a lot more restricted.
  15. EmpireForgotten

    609 ???

    Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
    Heals with resistance added in are not effected by + or - heal.
    Is this true for healing flames as well?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silit View Post
    Cat herding is unfortunately the job of a team leader
    I don't remember herding cats before...
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by vindizzLe View Post
    Nah, leading one team was enough for me. I'm enough of a jerk as it is, apparently.
    You have to admit - all the nerdrage/angst of old did make officials more fun to watch.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Proj_ View Post
    It's hard being the "best" at a certain role, considering one person can only do so much. The thing that makes or breaks someone is how much teamwork they can exhibit.

    _Proj_ has hibernated - gather on him
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
    Honestly, I do not remember this time of which you speak.
    It was when Test was active and Live was truly a training ground for Test.

    When/if practices start back up, I think you will find kickball going back to 'normal'
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    8 is the reason because the game is coded for teams of 8. Figuring out how to either have bigger teams, or have allied teams would take up programmer time the development staff aren't prepared to devote to PVP at this time.

    Personally I would prefer any time the development staff spent on PVP to be spent tweaking and improving PVP as a whole. Examples of this would be removing TS/HD from zones, fixing broken powers, tweaking all of the individual power imbalances caused by DR, fixing support sets, etc.

    Right now we're lucky to get an arena match at all outside of Freedom. Once we have decent PVP, then we will get numbers, then we can worry about big matches. Until then I'd much prefer the developers focus their effort on improving the current PVP system.
    Im not talking about having larger than 8 on a team. Im talking about having 2 teams of 8 against 2 teams of 8

    Cross team buffing is a skill that is kinda lost. All you need to do is add the other team to your friends list if you want an easier job buffing/working together.

    No - I wouldn't expect the foundation (8 people per team) of the game to change just for bigger matches - I just think 12v12 (2 teams of 6 or a team of 8 and 4)
    would be more ideal than the current setup.


    Also, the code already exists in base raiding/zone PvP/SG arena matches to allow for allied teams in PvP. they wouldn't have to change anything code wise, just increase the number of slots allowed for 8v8 team arena matches.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
    This isn't City of Elitist.

    Lol - coulda fooled me

    Anyways, I agree that the more open you make it, the better is it to survive. If you look at the list of people who Hamstring their clients into using THEIR propriety items, like:

    1. beta videos
    2. Dvd+r
    3. PC vendors like Apple and Compaq (before they were bought)

    Unless your product is OMGWTFBBQ awesome, forcing people to buy your accessories for your product usually leads to a shorter lifespan
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
    It does? From the troller or the pseudopet. I have always thought it worked like a ll other grant power effects and pseudo pets. Effect applies to pseudopet.
    No it definately placates the target. How it effects the target doesn't really matter - they will stop being able to target you.
  23. In response to the other thread about people being 'fatkid'd in Kickballs, I think we need to discuss why we haven't been given an arena option for larger than 8v8's for arena.

    Lets look at the benefits of Larger battles
    1. Larger battles cause more chaos. Chaos always = fun
    2. Larger battles offer the ability for more diverse lineups
    3. Larger battles can usually mean longer match settings are reasonable, since teams get harder to roll over the larger they get.
    4. Pre-Ladder days (Talking i6 i7 era) 20 minute 16v16's used to happen quite often in officials. Its easier to do on test because its a single team - kickballs don't have that luxury.

    I don't want to pretend that I know how to code this game, but it certainly doesn't seem difficult to. Maybe it is nearly impossible, but if its not, Maybe we could find a developer/coder someplace who is completely burnt on his current project and would like a change of scenery to something that could be fairly easy to do.

    It is early in the morning, so if anyone can think of a reason why this idea sucks, please post it here.
  24. I think the real question we need to ask ourselves is:

    "Why don't we have an arena option for larger than 8v8 other than SG battle?"
  25. 1. Slax -captain -@Slax, @Slax2
    2. Mac- co-captain- @macskull, @notmac
    3. Psoma- @Psoma
    4. Lib- @Mr. Liberty
    5. Neuronia- @Neuronia, @Neuronium
    6. Heroes- @Heroesdemise, @Heroes(forget the second account)
    7. Panthro- @Panthro
    8. Joe- @SmilingJoe
    9. Trance- @Trance, @mrs. Trance
    10. Sir- @s i r, @s l r
    11. Trez- @Trezen
    12. Empire- @Empireforgotten

    Just because this post has so many memories, Ill add our roster for freedom leage here too