482 -
It looks like everything was ran 6v6 last night. Was it just dUmb that didn't have enough d6ers or were other teams in the same boat?
Quote:I really disagree. There are a handful of powers that are your hard-counter to your flight. you shouldn't have a get out-of-jail-free card just because you chose fly. If I ONLY chose superjump, I can't jump either with webnades/entangling arrow on.Thank you for your comments:
First of all, I would prefer aerial combat to stay in the air (that is, until there is a defeat). Too often, the fall becomes the DEFEAT (leaving you with few hitpoints). In other words, I'd prefer to stick to the sky and not have to ground my opponent.
Second, I don't think your comment is fair, because I've tested the maximum fly cap in zones. It's not very difficult to reach, and therefore, it's not hard for people to get close to you in fly.
And third, I agree about Hover. I've been willing to take it. I don't mind the allocation of another fly-type power to complement my flying.
The point of my conversation is to directly suggest that powers such as webnade and air superiority, which have a "-fly" component, ALL or NOTHING, seem to be over the top. You see, if I got hit by a webnade, I could see it slowing me down and causing me problems, but I don't like that one hit is a basic end to the fight.
Right now, a Tier 1 "-fly" power negates the whole concept of aerial combat.
you have a couple choices. You can pick another travel power to complement your choice of flight (TP was suggested, I would say superspeed would be the better alternative, because hasten fits very nicely into most Builds - where TPfoe/friend doesn't so much). Or, you can only engage fights that you think are appropriate to by staying high and coming down on your own terms.
But no, -fly, just like -jump, need to stay in game. Now, if we can just fix slows to actually slow people, debuffing might actually become popular again. -
Quote:This isn't PvP. This is PvSSWYKM (Stand still while you kill me). Its farming.Me and the guys in my lil clique had fun over the weekend in the arena doing what we call "fight clubing".
I am sure this is old news, but we basicly did a rated 30 minute match with 10-12 players, sometimes we had up to 20. I wrote down the names and we each took turns killing everyone in succession. we averaged 1-3 drops as a whole per session. We picked an easy map like atlas and had everyone huddle up. after each person had thier chance, we finished with a free for all. I got me a gladiator recipe i sold for about 53 mil and that funded half of my cheap build. One guy got a purple, which he sold for quite a bit.
All in all we had fun, helped the market, and learned a new, funner way of doing things.
Some people wanted to not be a team player, and they got booted next round and /gignored.
one thing I did learn is that a electric/shield/blaze scrapper is a total BEAST if done right in this setting. This set up managed to KO most everyone in just a few seconds. Also, a plant/earth/psy is a formidable build in this method also. Kin's of all types had no issues either. By going with AoE builds and doing mass farm/clubing, this would help flood the market and lower prices, which in turn helps everyone.
just a thought. If anyone has any questions, just ask...but be forewarned I am old to the game but very new to PvP. wrong or right, we had tons of fun and made serious cash! :-)
We're looking at the drop rate for people who actually participate in PvP. The drop rate is insanely broken because of people doing the above setup -
Quote:the rep system is retarded.
drop rates should scale with the number of players on the team, at the very least.
I think in an 8v8, the TEAM should have a 20% chance of getting a drop (each person has a 2.5% chance). Its should first role against the team (1 in 5) and then role to see which player gets it.
I'm not seeing the problem with having an over abundance of PvP IOs. I'm not seeing a lot of posts that say "I'm Only here for the PvP IOs". People who are only in it for the IOs are going to farm them - which is where the majority of our supply is coming from*
Can someone explain to me an over abundance is a bad idea? And the Dev's line of "They are supposed to be ultra-rare" doesn't really cut it. No PvPer is going to continue to PvP just to get drops. They are only going to do because either A) they like it or B) there is nothing else better to do.
*I have no proof if the above statement is true, but based on observation of Zone/Arena PvP and the lack of drops coming from legitimate PvP experiences, I would venture to say that the above statement is true. -
Quote:Hey Slax i was wondering if yall would like to do some practice matches against us.....promise we won't bring our regen team if yall don't bring yall's storm team. =)Just send me or temp a tell to see what time and when if you would like to do this.(@Divine- or @Tempty)
*Disclaimer* I am not slax
You guys should just bring whatever team you want to, we don't have the storms necessary to run a competitive storm team in PvP 2.0 yet. -
Quote:Those were some good times thereyeah, i've never understood this whole forum rep trash.
i just wish it had existed when i trolled ajax and ego for 10 pages straight in the original hero ladder thread
Aww...the "Are we hated" thread was closed in the market forums. Time to tally up the forum PvP points to see who won. -
This thread has really started to bring the noise - I love it. Its nice to see some drama form outside of the PvP forums.
I would wager a guess that, if people did any sort of tend analysis of when the "Buy it nao" people come out, people would find Sundays and Thursday to be the biggest influx in that type of bidding.
I wonder what would happen to the market if the Developers ever give a "PvP" build similar to their dual builds setup. I would wager that the market prices would drop quite a bit if PvPers weren't a driving force behind craving the supply. -
So....from what I gather. Out of all the PvP we had last night, no one got a PvP drop?
Quote:I agree with A_F (First time for everything right?) if Money is going to get yanked out of the game by some mechanic, it needs to affect everyone. If I'm rich, and I know the government is going to yank cash out of my bank account (See North Korean government), Im going to do my best to hoard cash as liquid as I can.What ? I like inflation. I farm, it means the stuff I have in storage is more valuable and the drops I have become more valuable. Inflation is enjoyable for people who primarily produce goods.
I think you said, you run lots of speed tfs ? well its good for you. The merit is our final reserve currency inf inflation just makes your merits more valuable.
I am just observing that there are ways to take inf out of the system that aren't the equivalent of giving hookers dusted with coke to the people holding large stocks of inf.
Also, if Im rich, Im also going to try and put my cash into an asset that isn't likely to deflate (Currently that would probably be purples - unless they increase the supply) Just like I would convert cash-to gold or (as you would 3 years ago) Cash to Oil -
Quote:Gotcha, no worries.It wasn't aimed at you specifically Empire, but a general echoing of I know the feeling (About people spouting off at things they do not understand).
Anyways, with that interesting tangent: What ways are there to fix this issue?
I had a long post here originally, but it was eaten by the IE8 monster. I'll leave the suggestions to people who know what they are talking about. -
Quote:If I have come here and seemed like I'm armchair analyzing I do apologies. My goal is to learn what has changed and why changes that seem obvious to me (because I am uneducated in this area of the game) aren't implemented.Interesting that this same point of view is not thought to be valid about the market. People come in to this section and spout armchair nonsense all the time, but those who actually understand the market are made out to be the bad guys.
Hyperstrike has actually answer some of these questions and I now sorta understand why People like me (coming back to the game after almost a year off) are having problems.
I'm not looking to have my suggestions put into the game - I just want to discuss what possible changes could help all areas of this game. Because, to be honest there needs to be some in this area of the game. -
Quote:? Very confusing here - since I have been actively part of the community, PvPers are the first to report exploits that will be harmful to PvP.Huh. There's been some kind of massive cultural shift recently?
Now, if you mean exploits in Powerleveling/possible Duping/etc. Yes, I highly doubt a PvPer would say a peep because it means more PvP.
But, PvPers are sometimes to first to notice bugged powers and file reports. An example would be when Cage powers were reduced to 15 seconds on all ATs except controllers. PvPers banned cage class controllers for the duration of the bug. Also, vengeance as nearly always been banned due to being able to stack it. Back before it was banned, 20 minutes matches with the final score of 210-5 were not unheard of. It basically boiled down to the first team that got a kill would lose.
Any power that gives an unfair advantages to a player that is not working as intended is readily agreed upon as bannable among PvPers. Not banning said powers would result in a shift of requiring people to use certain strategies in order to win and completely eliminates the dynamic of different team lineups.
So yes, PvPers have always been at the forefront of not using exploits in our matches -
Quote:Mac is actually one of the more helpful PvPers on these forums. His issues are the same as mine: We find it difficult to take a person seriously who doesn't even have the experience necessary.just throw him on ignore Hyperstrike. He's been reported to be one of the major griefers and hell-reppers on the forums. Unfortunately, one can abuse the rep system, or the forum system, without abusing the rules, so I think the GM's hands are tied for this player.
Arm chair analysis of something you do not participate in actively is annoying - especially to people who actually know what they are talking about.
The correct answer to Mac's question is: There isn't a viable tactic that can counter like hyperstrike suggests. There are exploits, but even PvPers don't agree with using exploits in fights. -
to me Success is Winning, Failure is losing. Epic failure is causing your teams loss.
Its great to get 10 kills and no deaths, but did your team win? Were you going rogue to get your kills or were you actively trying to acheive the team goal of winning. We you playing your roll as the support or were you more worried about KSing your damage for the lulz of being first on the team in kills.
At the heart of it all - its winning. Barrier causing someone to rage and emo out is /win. Getting killed is not a guarranteed failure because it might be your roll to be vengeance bait. -
When the schedule is released, I would like to propose adding something.
In Castle's latest post regarding PvP IO drop rates, he said having kill totals for PvP match would be more meaning full than saying "We PvPd for 2 hours and got nothing"
What I propose is when we post our scores for each match, we also list if anyone on either team got a PvP IO drop. An Example would be:
Division 8 match: dUmb vs U2BG
Final Scoress:
Match 1 - U2BG - 48 dUmb - 4 - No PvP IOs for either team
Match 2 - U2BG - 12 dUmb - 13 - No PvP IOs for either team
Match 3 - U2BG - 75 - dUmb - 1 - No PvP IOs for either team
This way, we can show how many kills were accomplished in Arena PvP and How many IOs were received. At the end of our league, we can add up our total IO get vs how many kills to show that the drop rates are kinda screwy by going by rep. -
Quote:I think you will find a correlation to the "Why is stuff so friggin' expensive" and the imergence of a PvP community trying to reform. I am not sure if people keep trends on the market like a hobby, but I would guess that the already low supply from having AE content - coupled with the extra PvPers who are trying to get IOs together to not get farmed - has resulted in an increased awareness of this issue.The problem is you're discussing this in the marketing forum. The original point being argued about was "why is stuff so friggin' expensive".
What you're looking for is a fix in the mechanics of PVP. Not a marketing fix.
I can tell you that that is the only reason Im here - I never had a problem on the market before i16, but the last time I played was i13 - so I'm missing the trends and patterns. I don't remember stuff being so expensive.
I'm an idiot when it comes to the market, but why is increasing the drop rates a bad idea to counter inflation? -