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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Two words: power creep.

    If the Devs made something that was challenging to characters with as many purple set IOs as they could get, they would then clamor for new 'stuff' to make that content less challenging. Then, that content becomes fairly trivial, and we start it all over again.

    The game is fairly easy. But when you go and make that game even easier by your own choices, it's not always the Devs that have to fix that. The Devs gave the players tools both to increase their own challenge, and to mitigate some of that challenge. If you want the challenge, you can have it. But if you build for mitigating that challenge, you really can't complain that the game is too easy. You've MADE it too easy. YOU can make it not so much.

    Would a line in the sand stating

    "Here are two or three extra missions that are designed to be insanely hard. Not everyone will be able to complete these. There will be no badges assiociated with doing these missions. They are just designed to be insanely hard."

    Be such a bad thing? If its in the game, I, and people like me, will use it. Im not suggesting making the game more challenging for everyone, just people that like to min/max. Its probably more than you realize.

    If someone can point me to a MA arc that is freakin impossible to do, I would love to try it with a team. Maybe that's my outlet, I haven't really been active since PvP died. But the whole arguement of "Its your fault its to easy" Just CAN'T be the only answer.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
    Turn it up to +8 spawn. You're asking the developers something that you can do yourself by 'gimping'. You see, it's now an issue of to-may-to/to-mah-to. You call it gimping, we call it giving you a challenge. Go solo Reichsman if you're so desperate for one.

    You seem to blame everyone but yourself; YOU are the min/maxer, not the devs. YOU are capable of making a character less efficient but certainly not gimped.

    I like the game the way it is just fine. I'd rather have nothing changed, especially not adding a BS system that's already failed PVP.

    I do turn the spawns up to 8. I haven't tried to solo Reichsman but Im sure its a challenge. Let me ask you some questions though:

    Is there a problem with wanting an AV fight for a team of 8 to be something the team needs to pay attension for?
    Is there a problem with wanting a TF to actually challenge the people on it who are playing their best?

    There are certain people who like to play final fantasy 8 (Im just using this as an example) and the challenge is to beat the game at the lowest possible level. That isn't a challenge to me. Sure, its hard, but its tedious and boring.

    Just once, I would like to take my maxed character with a team built to perfection and have a decent challenge. Is it wrong to want something like that? You seem to think that I am the only one who would want this. Again as I said in my latest post - I would not wish i13 PvP changes on Anyone, any game, or even prison inmates. I think adding these changes to PvE would be a BAD idea. It goes against my way of playing (building the best/playing as best you can/trying your hardest to win/etc). But that doesn't mean that I don't think the game could use a challenge upgrade.

    tedious =/= challenge
    Time consuming =/= challenge
    Not playing to your potential =/= challenge
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    And exactly why shouldn't they? If they were the ones who intentionally made the game to a point where it was too easy, why shouldn't they also be responsible for making the game challenging again?

    I'm not saying that the Devs can't add some more challenging things to the game, but if somebody spends 2 billion influence to make a build, and then finds it too easy, there's a simple way to make it not so anymore.

    And they don't even have to gimp themselves to do so, since the game is still balanced around SOs for all existing content. They're merely bringing themselves down to somewhere between baseline level and godmode.

    My point is only that if people are worried that they're going to find the game too easy, they can NOT go for all of those purple sets, and have a game that is challenging.
    I am a very hard core min/maxer when it comes to gaming. I like to make my character the absolute best that I can and play it the best that I can and see how the game challenges me. CoH has never done that - well, it was close when they had the AV regen set really really high back in i6 i believe.

    My issue is I shouldn't have to scale back my character just to give myself a challenge, the game should do that for me. I am far from the best player in this game, PvE or PvP, so I would think that there would be a market for more challenging settings.

    With all the Sarcastic comments in this thread, I am serious about this: The game is very easy and should be more challenging, and I shouldn't have to play substandard to my very best to get a challenge.

    Also, And for the record - adding i13 changes to PvE = one way ticket to frown town
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    With a lot of TIME and INFLUENCE, they can become more powerful. I don't see anything wrong with that. And if, in so doing, you find yourself not challenged by the game, you can simply take them out.

    With this post I will disagree. The game should be the driving force behind being challenging. Players shouldn't have to gimp themselves just to make a challenging game. (Its the very reason Ive been asking for an Ungodly hard difficulty with level 55 AVs and such)
  5. I think this is a great idea and will help me form teams easier! I don't have to worry about what builds people are bringing, because everyone will just need to damage spam to Win the day!

    Excellent suggestion
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
    Ah! The heart of the matter!

    As Aett_Thorn mentioned and you agreed, these leaders/team were jerks, plain and simple.

    You submit that the devs can do something about this by adding DR.

    With DR, an IOed out character will STILL outperform one that is not.

    The jerks will still kick those they think are not worthy.

    In the end, the Devs simply tick off a bunch of players, get bad press and possibly lose subscriptions.

    It was certainly not the magic fix for PvP. DR simply lowered the amount by which IOed characters were better.

    Its not personal when I kick people for underperforming builds - its just business, in a sense. I want my team to perform well in game just like my team performs well in RL. If I need to add someone to my team at work, I hire the best possible person for the job based on their resume and how they interview. Could I get screwed and miss out on a great candidate? Absolutely. But, at the end of the day, I am experienced in hiring talent because I have been around people who have done it for a while. Now, in game, people don't post resumes, but you do have their build to look at to see how experienced they are. If they are running a fun concept build with jumpkick and flurry - I can kinda see that we might not work well together. Or If I see a bio or comment that says, "I hate SB - don't SB me evah!" And I am on my kin, I MIGHT not want to team with that person.

    What does any of the above paragraph have to do with implementing i13 PvP changes to PvE? Well, it makes it easier forming teams because everyone is brought down. I don't have to pick and choose between a Pimped out Ill/rad and A FF/son defender SO'd because they would basically offer the same thing. If DR were implemented, I could just invite the first 8 people I see standing next to Imperious and 1a2a3a my way to a completed TF.

    In the end, having these Changes would make me LESS like a jerk than I really am - which is a good thing.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _r0y_ View Post
    What is this? Old dUmys chiming in all of a sudden?

  8. Its reactivation weekend - this weekend should bring some good PvP discussions
  9. lol at this suggestion

    This game is about super heroes and their powers. There are no secret identites in paragon and a travel power is open to anyone.

    If your RP sessions require you to have a car/motorcycle, that's fine. But that's your choice to RP outside of what the game can offer. Adding a travel power that A) Can't work indoor missions B) can't circumvent terrain C) has no real place outside of RP and D) has major programming changes to clipping, collision, and animations Just doesn't sound like good developement.

    so again, lol at this suggestion
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I would say "no more than two of any AT."

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I see you are seeing my point. No repeating AT puts no rules or limitations. Kills will be hard to get but ehhh.......... We are all here for the challenge or we would be PVEing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just for whatever its worth.

    Most people who PvP do so for the challenge. Tieing an arm behind your back and fighting would represent a challenge, but gimping oneself for the sake of challenge doesn't sound fun to me.

    If the currently provided mechanics doesn't allow two teams to bring the best possible lineup and fight it out to detemine who is more skilled, then I would suggest either relooking at other mechanics available (If they exist) or trust that teams on the ladder won't use cheese lineups in order to win.

    I look at it like this: When cage was at 30 seconds, I can't recall ever seeing a 8 cage team. When storms could -minus range melee to negative, I think the general rule of thumb was no more than 3 storms - but that wasn't set in stone either.

    If you need to add in rules to keep teams from running X lineup because you know that that's all they will run, then you really need to rethink why they even PvP to begin with. If the 5 stalker lineup is all people will run, then so be it. But, when no one wants to PVP and test dies, you might be willing to reconsider what lineups your team is willing to run in the hopes that other teams want to PvP just as badly.

    Either way, I think the current no HD, no TS, DR on works great, but my vote doesn't count.
  11. EmpireForgotten

    Change to crabs

    [ QUOTE ]
    Link me to that information, GoliathBirdEater. By all means.

    I happen to RP my own Crab Spider as having finely-tuned controls inside her gloves that allow her, with quite a bit of training, to control the arms.

    Until I see the Dev-approved Canon on those things being surgically grafted I'll just ignore anyone who demands my crab work that way.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Google Cached, the post was deleted

    Not the official answer, but it does explain why it appears to work the way it does. Whether you refuse to accept it, doesn't change the fact that it probably won't be fixed to your liking anytime soon.
  12. Villian content is better than hero content. It is also more streamlined.

    /no for asking for a bug
    Fix the flier, don't bug another spawn that will cause both to end up being 'fixed' later
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I would like to see you give someone a level 50 stalker and one minute worth of instructions and see them not die for hours

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Advice: Keep Hide+Stealth running and nobody can see you if you stay out of melee range, so keep your distance by jumping around until you see someone that you can kill with one shot. Make sure you have phase shift available before you attack. Attack with BU + your strongest attack and then phase immediately as you run away. When you're in the clear (hidden), drop phase and wait for it to recharge before attacking again. As you get better, try using BU + Assassin Strike for your one-shots before phasing and/or unload more than one attack before you flee.

    By following the above advice, you will be virtually unbeatable, and should be able to "fight" for hours on end with very few (or zero) deaths. Any nub off the street can do that. How long did it take to read that advice? Hopefully, less than 60 secondsÂ…

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ya, you could run around and not die. Sure you could not come out of hide..but you're not going to kill a damn thing. That is just pointless. Also the best attack chain , imo, would be Patron Hold (Soul Storm), build up, Placate, AS, then your strongest attack. Even you won't always kill the person. This is with a 50% Damage bonus without build up. It used to be way easier. I also personally use Shadow Meld instead of Phase.

    Stalkers are great for beginners to learn on, and Dom's and Blasters are a lot harder to play as well as Defenders. But if you are going to be active and want to be "GOOD" it takes more skill than "LOL you can't see me" to be a stalker.

    So let's put our skills to use and pick on Master Minds hmmm? lol jk

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have never played a stalker before, but here is how I see any stalker getting kills.

    Heavy melee attack
    Trow Fishy
  14. EmpireForgotten

    TP FOE!!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    21st try I know who you are.....Yar. Nice.

    TP Foe is fun to drone people with. You don't want to be droned pack OJ's, IO's, Kins, and wtf ever else it takes to not be droned, hell even some space, and you be fine.

    Let the good droning times roll.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You're unable to get kills so you have to use developer provided NPCs to get kills for you? Have fun with that...

    It sounds like Base raiders who let their base get more kills than the players, its kinda sad really.
  15. EmpireForgotten

    lolz i17

    i17 is going to be so freakin awesome, you don't even know!

    I showed you!
  16. EmpireForgotten

    TP FOE!!!

    They should just remove bases/hospitals altogether.

    When you zone in you have a portal similar to the RV base exit. This portal randomly puts you into one of 30 different spawn points on the map randomly. You can't be effected for 10 seconds. The portal exits have no drones on them.

    When you die, you are given the option of leaving the zone, or respawning. You would spawn at full health and be uneffectable for 10 seconds.

    This fixes the following:
    Base camping
    TPing into Dronese
    Restricted areas
    Being TPed out of the safe area while you have 1 HP

    Issues that might arise:
    A team happens to be outside the spawn point you come in at
    Your team spawns at 8 different points and get picked off as the work to form up.

    TP foe is a laughable excuse for a power and should have never been put into this game.
  17. I can guarantee you if someone gave me a stalker and 60 seconds worth of instructions that I wouldn't die in several hours of gameplay.

    Being a stalker is easy mode PvP, no ifs ands or buts about it. Being a good stalker takes a little skill, but less than being a good blaster or dominator. Being a great stalker is very difficult. But anybody can PvP with a stalker and get kills.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The Troll-foo is strong with this one

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Is that you?

    - Pot

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Lol - Why else would I make that post

    A troll knows a troll.
  19. The Troll-foo is strong with this one
  20. EmpireForgotten

    Ok thats it

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm going crazy waiting for Starcraft 2 to come out. Judging from what I just found while googling for release dates, I'm going to be going crazy for a while more.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Did you watch the two battle reports blizzard put out? They are really good.
  21. EmpireForgotten

    Ok thats it

    While browsing my favorite starcraft site, I came across the one guide to rule them all

    Here it is: Guide to internet forum trolling
  22. EmpireForgotten

    Ok thats it

    This thread needs more drama...so Ill go ahead and say this:

    Kheldians are a waste of space on a team and their spot could be better filled by a real tank or a real blaster.

    That is all.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    * The 'vet' PvP'ers whine so much because they have to work now...they don't get it easy just because they built a /regen or nrg/wp stalker. Also, they whine, because in reality... they aren't very good either

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Im better at the new PvP than I was at the old - I kill things easier and less things kill me than what could before. Its THAT point as to why I dislike the new PvP and I whine about it. You will find that your average Joe Zone dude that used to pwn and now hates PvP to fit the stereotype you just listed, but the people I used to play with do not.
    [ QUOTE ]

    PvP doesn't need 'fixed', it just needs less 'whining', and a few tweaks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This debate will rage on for a long time. You have your opinion, I have mine (see sig if anyone cares how I would fix PvP). The point is that no one knows if the new PvP is more popular than before or if the old PvP was. Until we have some hard datamining released, this argument doesnt matter.

    If you love the new PvP, great! Im glad someone does (I would be pissed if no one liked it and it still existed). But your rational for why people dislike the new PvP so much is very warped.

    To the OP:
    The new PvP is really geared around knowing your character in the new PvP style . What I mean is, since the new PvP is totally different from PvE, you need to reinvent how you play the character in a PvP zone. For example, since knockback gets hit hard by diminishing returns, using your powers to mitigate that way isn't as feesible. I would look at your character as a pure damage dealer and nothing else. As a pure damage dealer, you can't support yourself very well, so you would need a team around you in order to have fun (IE not get farmed).

    I would try to find an empath or a tank to run with you. The tank can keep things off of you long enough so that you can unload damage and, conversely, keep things off the tank long enough so that he doesn't die.

    So quick answer: Form your own team and kill steal all the people who won't team with you.
  24. EmpireForgotten

    Slax's wish list

    I would say that they need to do more end game raid settings instead of more TFs. Im tired of the 8 capped team settings - give us something like takes 16 people minimum to complete.

    And ice brutes please. I don't care if it slows down fury.