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  1. This thread is two pages long and i still don't know what's going on.

    Oh, and note to self: make all of next issues' links rick roll people while initiating a land war in Asia. Awesome!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    did you really just say "roll with the pros ? " and "If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen " and "Charging fees for work "

    I have no intrest in rolling with the pros , or leaving the forum because im not intrested in critiques by cowardly people that can't even be bothered to post art in the first place .

    And not all of us charge fees or do comissions or do comissions .

    any more pithy catch phrases you wanna toss out there ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I didn't mean "leave the forum", i meant "Don't post art if you can't accept criticism."

    Reading comprehension. Learn it, love it!

    And those who DO charge commissions, like I said, should endeavor to be as good as possible.

    [ QUOTE ]
    And Emporer Steele chimes in , im so glad another person that regularly posts art has chimed in to a discussion explaing to his fellow artists how best to grow as a artist ....oh wait you never actually post art .....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I do not post work here, because I've not done much lately. But if it pleases:


    Tear me a new one =)
  3. The way I see it?

    If you're putting something up for display, then you probably want people's thoughts on it. I mean, you want to know if people are enjoying your work, right?

    If you want their thoughts on it, then you'll have to deal with the fact that some things may be negative, or barring that, some people may noticed aspects of the work or style that seem to need improvement or modification. And so they'll say what's on their minds. So such comments are to be expected.

    Putting up a piece of work and expecting "positive comments only" is arrogant, cowardly, and counter-productive to one's growth as an artist. And if someone PAID you to do a piece? Then you damn well BETTER listen to what people have to say... or do you want to be known as someone who charges fees for work that could be better?

    Because really, if you're going to roll with the pros and charge for your work, you better make sure that you're as good of an artist as you can be... and you're not going to get there without a critical eye to help you along the way.

    What people need to learn is to separate comments on the PIECE from comments about the artist. This goes both ways. If i say "The coloring looks a bit sloppy, as it goes out of the lines in a few places", then I'm talking about the COLORING on that SPECIFIC piece. While it's true that this can translate to "It shows that YOU are a sloppy colorist", that's NOT what I'm saying. Learn to take comments for what they mean and keep your fragile glass egos out of it.

    And reviewers need to keep out the word "you" and try to distance the artist from the piece they're critiquing. Like, you can probably color everything perfect, but if in that once piece there were a couple of minor errors, people shouldn't come out and say "You're a sloppy colorist, lern 2 photoshop, nub!"

    In short, if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
  4. ooh, that DOES look better, thanks!
  5. (X-posted from Virtue forum)

    So we were doing a "master" STF, except we blew it early, so I just decided to start having fun. But pulling "leeroys" stopped being amusing, so I decided to get into a whole different kind of mischief...

    Dance party on the Web platform, baybe!


    So lemme ask you video folks this: anything i coulda done better?

    And sorry for the quality, but YT compresses everything, making me ;_;
  6. 2cents: Go into options and click "disable" for all player and other-character names

    chat baloons: i don't think this is possible.

    For the game tray, you can go into options and make a bind to "remove UI". I use Shift-U. Hitting Shift+u again reactivates the user interface.

    the cursor, i'm not 100% sure about
  7. Star Dancer: I plan on doing an entire article just for the contest once the due date passes to help build anticipation.

    Ashcraft: I already pointed that out in the first edition the other week =P

    DR: I got you a mention in the next column, and S&L i'll probably feature in a couple weeks =) (btw, did you get my PM back about your revised credits sequence?)

    Keep the ideas flowin', folks!
  8. Hey all.

    M.T. hasn't seemed to have been around lately, and i've taken it upon myself to cover all things multi-media once every 2 weeks in the scoop. So if people can start posting up-to date links and info, that might help make my job a bit easier =)
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    So what are the people that paid more for getting both coh/cov going to get for ponying up the extra money.....

    Why do I feel im getting slapped in the face again for buying something that becomes free later on......

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You got your extra free month of play, and an extra friend invite code.


    Also, Base stuff and mission creator = happy Steele
  10. hahaha! ok, the narration was a bit tough to get through, but in the end, i found if funny as heck.. Good job!
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    You could do a bit in a Council cave base, then a bit in a Council cave base, then one in that multi-level pool room, then back to the Council cave base....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Citadel's task force, what?
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Hooray for seeing video creators getting some lovin'! And cheers to Emperorsteele for starting the column... should be good to see the up-and-comers getting the notice they deserve!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Aw, thanks!


    And, DANG IT, Lighthouse, you stretched the forum >=O
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I suggest using a watermark. Something a little transparent and unobtrusive (probably a symbol instead of words so the viewer isn't tempted to read it), but it's THERE and would be a LOT harder to remove without butchering the video.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A very interesting suggestion - way back when I first started doing videos, I didn't have a logo. Now I do. If I can figure out how to insert one in such a fashion that it doesn't obviously distract, I will certainly give it a go. I will also see about revamping my end credits (I still intend to keep them there, but I promise, I will see if I can tool them down).

    The opening credits however (NCSoft's, Cryptic, and especially mine) are staying as-is.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Well, if you could get some original music and background imagery, you wouldn't have to credit Shogun: Total war, and that would shave off probably ten seconds off of the ending credits. Maybe go with a smaller font so you can fit more words on the screen (though tbh, i think the size of the letters now helps preserve what they say at small resolutions, so it's probably best to keep them that size).

    Ah well, I'm sure you'll come up with something. Looking forward to your next project =)
  14. Hey DR, I got an idea for ya!

    I've remarked a few times about the credits, and i can tell you've gotten tired of explaining away your reasons for adding the credits in. I respect your desire to maintain ownership of and credit for your work, so that's not what I'm arguing against...

    However, you do KNOW that REMOVING 39 seconds of video is probably the simplest thing one can do when editing a video, right? Tossing those in is not going to stop someone from copying the video, splicing out what they don't want, and using the rest. Therefore, prevention of theft as your primary motivation for those credits is illogical. (I r vulkan lolz)

    I suggest using a watermark. Something a little transparent and unobtrusive (probably a symbol instead of words so the viewer isn't tempted to read it), but it's THERE and would be a LOT harder to remove without butchering the video. Then ending credits just to say you made it and who else helped, without the need to credit "total war" twice.

    Just a thought.

    Oh, and btw... this video was AWESOME. I mean it. I'm not trying to sugar-coat after the fact here or anything, I mean it. Great work as always =)
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    In my opinion, Sovereign Starlette is one of the most godmode toons I ever heard of. "Dwarves statesman by ten fold... impenetrable, invulnerable skin...", Really now?

    Let that be a good example to everybody of how you shouldn't RP.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have a feeling most of them are gonna be like that =P
  16. Let me ask you this, Blue Collar:

    What should FLIGHT be faster THAN?

    And why?

    I mean, if it was faster than teleport... no one would take teleport. Except maybe for concept.

    If it was faster than SJ, well, people would still take SJ for concept and the other powers in its pool, but why should the characters who might accidentally get thrown into a mob or who might miss their landing and take a load of fall damage be further penalized by also having what would then be the slowest travel power in the game?

    If Fly was faster than SS... well, damn. Safe, vertical travel or ground-based and weaving between buildings and getting lost all the time? What would YOU pick? Especially given that the speed pool would then only have ONE good power: Hasten.

    Don't get me wrong, i'd LOVE to see Fly's speed increased so that i don't have to 3-slot Fly and Swift or get buffed JUST to reach the cap, which is a really lousy cap, but I just can't see any reason to make flight faster than any of the other travel powers.

    Perhaps as a compromise, i think maybe having SS, and keeping it active, should boost your flight speed. Obviously, you drain more endurance doing that, which i think is a fair trade-off.
  17. Aaahh, it's not there anymore! the site must be broken =(

    *clarification: movie won't load*
  18. Nice work, Dr.M! Got yourself a new reader!
  19. ...

    Eek, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I didn't mean to insinuate that you did anything BAD or WRONG, because you DIDN'T. And you shouldn't feel bad about it.

    Could the video have been better? Sure. But it also could have been 1000x worse. It was a good video as-was, however, i just felt the need to point out an inconsistency between your proposed idea, and what you actually came out with.

    It's called Constructive Criticism, and when one receives it, that person is best off considering whether or not what they were told holds any relevance. And if so, then typically they either amend their work, or start over. And if not? then mweh.

    Look, it's a big, bad internet out there. You put out anything... ANYTHING, and there's going to be someone out there willing and able to poke holes, point out flaws, or straight up tear it down. Which is why, even though we creative types tend to be sensitive, ya gotta grow a thicker skin if you're gonna put anything out there.

    I think you have a good amount of talent, and some good ideas. Don't let some jerk (hi) get you all depressed. Buck up, and show us what you can do!

    Again, I apologize for upsetting you, i honestly didn't mean to.
  20. Niiiice vid, especially for it being your first!Great soundtrack, too! Better than what I hear in a lot of music vids (not just CoH, but any A/VGMV)
  21. Good vid! I have a bone to pick, though.

    You wanted to show the diversity this game has to offer, but, all your characters are chicks with roughly the same height and body proportions, and except in 2 cases, skin color. That doesn't seem diverse at all! Where's the against-type tanker who's 4 feet tall? Where's the 8-foot giant? And while you had a wide assortment of cool costumes, you didn't showcase them too well (That, and YouTube compression kinda muddied everything up, anyway).

    In addition, your video has mostly melee fighters, and doesn't showcase any of the more "exotic" ATs, such as Controllers or MMs. Though you did do a pretty good job of showing the different things you can do: Task Forces, Mayhems, PvP, so props for that =) Anyway...

    Now, one would have to be pretty dumb to think this, but it's almost like your vid is advertising the fact that you can only make a chick in this game, and the majority of the classes are up-front fighters. And while that doesn't rub me the wrong way, I do find that just a bit odd.

    Granted, you wanted to show a "fraction" of the gameplay... However, even if you had to record someone ELSES characters, i think maybe ditching a scrapper and one of the "Soldiers or arachnos" clips to make room for showcasing a Controller or MM would have made a nice addition. That's just my 2 inf, though, take it for what it's worth to you =)
  22. I've read through this stiff briefly... fascinating stuff. However, I'm terribly, terribly bothered by one thing:

    "Longbow" is one word. And given how much you used it (Especially in "Fergusson's Lament" and "Project Psi"), it.. i dunno, kept pulling me out and made the work hard to read, especially with the massive amounts of other typos and mis-spellings.

    My advice? Type your stories in MS Word with "grammar" check on, and look out for the squiggly green lines. It'll tell you when something isn't "quit" right (That should have an e at the end, but since "quit" is still a word, no spell check on Earth will pick it up.. you actually made this error in the Torroes Prime entry)

    I hope this doesn't come across as rude.. your story ideas are really good, but the grammar is kicking me in the face, so you should be a little more careful with it =)

    GJ otherwise =)
  23. Hey Soultrain.. RE: Images

    Perhaps you could make off-site linking functional and encourage people to use Photobucket instead of uploading the images to the VV server? Just a thought.
  24. EmperorSteele

    New Skirt? huh?

    This also effects normal mini skirts.. the color patterns appear in front and back, which makes for some interesting design possibilities.