For the potential CoH/V player *DELETED*




Post deleted by Aisynia

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Wow, like those green and blue inspires much?

Nice video!



Good vid! I have a bone to pick, though.

You wanted to show the diversity this game has to offer, but, all your characters are chicks with roughly the same height and body proportions, and except in 2 cases, skin color. That doesn't seem diverse at all! Where's the against-type tanker who's 4 feet tall? Where's the 8-foot giant? And while you had a wide assortment of cool costumes, you didn't showcase them too well (That, and YouTube compression kinda muddied everything up, anyway).

In addition, your video has mostly melee fighters, and doesn't showcase any of the more "exotic" ATs, such as Controllers or MMs. Though you did do a pretty good job of showing the different things you can do: Task Forces, Mayhems, PvP, so props for that =) Anyway...

Now, one would have to be pretty dumb to think this, but it's almost like your vid is advertising the fact that you can only make a chick in this game, and the majority of the classes are up-front fighters. And while that doesn't rub me the wrong way, I do find that just a bit odd.

Granted, you wanted to show a "fraction" of the gameplay... However, even if you had to record someone ELSES characters, i think maybe ditching a scrapper and one of the "Soldiers or arachnos" clips to make room for showcasing a Controller or MM would have made a nice addition. That's just my 2 inf, though, take it for what it's worth to you =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Take a look at Kranny's Fist and the Light for a large number of locales, powersets, costumes, and content. (set to some kickass music too)



Got the variety covered over on WeGame! (Though it's still a woman character for most of it.)



EDIT: Actually your post depressed me so much I'm deleting the video. I feel like such a moron. Maybe another time I can get it right.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Thats what version 2 is for.



EDIT: Actually your post depressed me so much I'm deleting the video. I feel like such a moron. Maybe another time I can get it right.

[/ QUOTE ]

Word of advice then (and I am frantically trying to make sure this doesn't sound patronizing)...

Take an hour or so to grouse, pout, mope, and beat yourself up. Then STOP. Flat out STOP. It serves no use other than getting it out of your system.

Just like the first time you jumped into a situation in the game where you thought you knew what you were doing ("I'm level 3, I can fight 12 Hellions at once and they all... con... yellow... oops"), you lie there for a bit, you feel stupid for a bit, then you pick yourself up and try again.

Don't throw your whole video out the window. Look at what others have said and think about it truthfully. Are they right? Can this still be improved? How can you reflect what they said if you were to make any changes?

Every single video you make will be a learning experience. Few people, if any, get it 100% right on their first attempt - including me.

So yeah, take a bit of time to collect your thoughts and pluck your ego up off the floor after it got knocked down, and then TRY AGAIN. Others have pointed out the things your video had going for it... make sure you keep that in!

(Sorry, I know how it feels to have people stomp on your work - it can be extremely disheartening. But I've also been fortunate enough to have people tell me they like my work, so I keep at it. Hopefully this gives you the extra "oomph" to get up and take a second swing at it.)


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)




Eek, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I didn't mean to insinuate that you did anything BAD or WRONG, because you DIDN'T. And you shouldn't feel bad about it.

Could the video have been better? Sure. But it also could have been 1000x worse. It was a good video as-was, however, i just felt the need to point out an inconsistency between your proposed idea, and what you actually came out with.

It's called Constructive Criticism, and when one receives it, that person is best off considering whether or not what they were told holds any relevance. And if so, then typically they either amend their work, or start over. And if not? then mweh.

Look, it's a big, bad internet out there. You put out anything... ANYTHING, and there's going to be someone out there willing and able to poke holes, point out flaws, or straight up tear it down. Which is why, even though we creative types tend to be sensitive, ya gotta grow a thicker skin if you're gonna put anything out there.

I think you have a good amount of talent, and some good ideas. Don't let some jerk (hi) get you all depressed. Buck up, and show us what you can do!

Again, I apologize for upsetting you, i honestly didn't mean to.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Creative criticism is part of my job IRL. I know how to take it, I take it all the time.

You tore me apart.

That said, you were right, even if you were totally horrible to me about it. I'm working on a revision but I'm leveling a couple of characters to 50 real quick first.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Creative criticism is part of my job IRL. I know how to take it, I take it all the time.

You tore me apart.

That said, you were right, even if you were totally horrible to me about it. I'm working on a revision but I'm leveling a couple of characters to 50 real quick first.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hm, sitting here in the bleachers, I didn't see EmperorSteele's criticism as being overly harsh. He certainly didn't sugarcoat it and could use to round off the rough edges a bit, but I wouldn't characterize his critique as tearing you apart.

Having just re-read it, his comments are purely about the video and not about you at all. I know it's difficult to separate the two as an artist, but he wasn't saying that you were lacking.

Although Steele could've been nicer about it. /em back-of-the-head-smack to EmperorSteele

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction