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  1. EmperorSteele

    Unique resist IO

    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    ...if you don't have any defense, or resistance, yes.

    I'd be tempted by the 3% RES on a few characters (my Dark/En tank, for instance). Maybe I should see if PVP prices are still making headlines in the market channel.

    Edit: oh yes. Yes they are.
    Or you could just perma-park in Cimerora... the day job badge there is +3% res iirc.
  2. Camper: that's a damn good point. I think we're due for DXP in the near future (i remember a Comm Rep sayign something along the liens of a DXP weekened being shortly after i16), so we'll see what happens.
  3. Ok, fair enough! =) Guess i was being too big a stickler for the common meaning of the word... i'll think of something =)
  4. Voodoo? Hhmm, my concept character is natural-origin and really the furthest thing from that o_O. And Voodoo would be a stretch for any MM primary besides Zombies or maybe Ninjas. Perhaps you should open it up a more? I realize a theme is important, but something like "Voodoo" almost automatically disqualifies a Bots/FF or Mercs/Traps from participating. Just my 2 inf =)
  5. Did you know bubbly red text on the default background is impossible to read and makes you look foolish for even trying?
  6. So, okay, I tried to get into high-level crafting and profiteering, which so far has shown... mixed results.

    I bought a certain PvP recipe for 100M. That was the going rate; i had watched the recipe for a week and that was roughly the middle point. I put in my bid and waited.

    Finally bought, i crafted it and put it up for 225M. Peak prices were close to 200M so i figured someone would get greedy and pay a little extra.

    That was a month ago. Now, after a steady decline, that same crafted enhancement nosedived and is now going for 17-30 mil (all last 5 sales, someone must have had a stack of them and sold them all at once), with plenty of unfilled bids and for-sales (about 7/9 last i checked).

    SO! I ask ye marketers of the ebil this: Do I keep it up and hope further patience perseveres, should I take it down and relist to at least try and break even, or should I accept my losses and maybe see if the rest of the set is going for as cheap and slot it up myself?
  7. Bosses can no longer be set to "Single". Trying to use "Empty" for the "surrounding mob" option results in the level picking from the map's default enemy group.

    Annoying, really.
  8. This would give me an excuse to level up an MM concept...

    If anything, you should... maybe not REQUIRE, but heavily encourage, everyone having at least one leadership power by level 50. Also encourage people to mix it up, especially as far as Secondaries go. More than 3 FF users will be wasting buffs and the team will lack utility.

    Just for fun, maybe have people use thier "second" build for making "petless MMs" to see if our buffs and debuffs can carry us through.

  9. EmperorSteele

    Going old school

    ..I thought Penny stopped at 25? Oops =(

    Well, you can always turn off XP for extra inf =)
  10. We now have an in-game economy and gold farmers/RMT spammers, time travel, a new PvP system, persistant alien and zombie invasions, player-made misisons, POWER CUSTOMIZATION, and oh side-switching is coming soon.

    You didn't miss much.
  11. ... Unstable, huh?

    Can't be any worse than the hero stats i just grabbed; slows my computer to a crawl =(
  12. EmperorSteele

    Farmers Adapt.

    Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
    From the moment i first read about the MA it was discussed as being a leveling tool. I would love to know where the info comes from that says that it was never intended to have rewards.
    I believe it was in on the Test Server in Pocket D back when I13 was in beta... Hero 1 came in and started answering questions. He said MA would NOT have XP and that "custom enemies" would be in another build.

    Cue over a week of people yelling on the forums about MA not having XP or Custom enemies upon release and how they wouldn't touch it. The Devs relented and pushed back the release of MA and repackaged I13 as "Power and Responsibility" and turned into a tiny "QoL" issue.

    Oh and your opinions are also clearly showing you have no clue to farming. I have farmed the wall in Cim. I used my dominator against those mobs you claim pose a threat due to -def, healing, status resistances etc. I barely get touched.
    Domination kinda helps with holds compared to a Controller =) A Controller's mass hold will only hold if they get the "overpower" bonus. Then the rest get angry and start throwing pointy things >_>

    Even creating custom bosses in the MA pose more a threat then anything short of a giant monster i face in the real world. Anything people farm, be it in the MA or the real world is farmed because it poses no threat, or a small enough threat to make the rewards worth it.
    ... You know, i was beginning to respect your opinion until this. "Real world"?

    Now a custom enemy with no attacks? Sure exploit, but your judging that all farms are exploits.
    Where did i say that all farms are exploits? I just want farms off the MA so that hitting "random" doesn't bring up a farm arc 7 times out of 10. Yeah, i checked.

    Though while we're on the subject, it occurs to me that no matter what way you slice it, someone going from 1-20 in an hour is exploitative gaming. And the same way someone gets from 1-20 in an hour is the same way you can max out your tickets/hour. So any halfway decent MA farm worth its salt is GOING to be at least somewhat exploitative, even with the nerfs.

    Yes i made a fire tankers dream farm. It can still kill my fire tanker. There is still a threat. So what is the difference to you if my 3 slots in the MA are taken up with Maps or missions that i find fun, any more then it matters to me ifyour three slots are taken up buy missions you find fun. Fun is subjective. Should i then get to petition to have your stories locked or removed simply because i find them to have to much to read, rather then to little?
    I'd like to see you try to report a MA arc for having a story. Go ahead, give CS something to laugh about =)

    Now I'd like to not mind the fact that you build custom-missions for your own toons to go through, except it was the same general mindset that got the MA nerfed hard in the first place. See, if, for some dumb reason, no one ever thought to farm or exploit MA, we wouldn't have this "Custom groups need all critter types to be worth full XP" garbage. We wouldn't need to make all our custom critters needlessly difficult just to be worth the same amount of XP as a Dev critter that has 3 attacks. We'd still have healing enemies to add a touch of strategic challenge. And the Mission listing would only have 1000 pages instead of close to 3000 (most of which are for one person or abandoned or broken now).

    But, people saw it as a farming tool, and now we have level 50s in Atlas Park asking where the train is. Prices on IOs are through the roof because no one was producing/selling salvage or rares. And because of the ups and downs of the MA, most people won't touch it anymore, even those who might have liked to play a few new stories... never know when a new nerf will come along and invalidate some random arc, which has completely negated the MA's original purpose.

    So, go ahead and have your fun, hope you enjoyed ruining other people's with your thoughtlessness =)
  13. EmperorSteele

    Going old school

    Well, I'd say actually FINISH the Hollows arc, up to and including the Trial of Trancendance. See, you'll ALWAYS gain XP now, (no more losing XP due to being Level capped), so being at the level cap for a trail or story arc won't hamper your gains. Also, you wont get stuck with the arc clues for ever (my 50 blaster still has a "burnt shoe" in his clue box >_>). Though i'd still reccomend doing Posi afterward, and maybe even Synapse.

    You'll wanna be closer to 20-25 when you hit Faultline... some of the arcs take you deep into the red part of the zone, and you face some nasty EBs, so you'll need all the extra powers (and stamina) you can get your hands on.

    After that, you can hit Striga, do the misisons and 2 TFs, then be high enough for Sister Psyche, then Croatoa. From there it'll all be familiar territory, i'm sure =)
  14. Well, the HEROES are there (i'm using some for a mission), i figured the RIV's were in there too. *shrug*
  15. hmm
    [*] Increase Beleiver from 2 "sightings" to 3, to keep with the 333 defeats theme for all the other Croatoa monsters.
    [*] Allow Sky Raider Porters and Rikti Headman Gunmen to count towards "Finder"; increase defeat count if necessary.
    [*] add a Master of LGTF badge. Additionally, change Master Badges to require at least even con settings (so no level 49 Lord Recluse =P)

    I can think of tons of NEW badges they could make, but i dunno if this is the right place for that =)
  16. Someone's working on it; i see some of them have powers listed, while some have none.

    if you wanan find out THAT bad for yourself, open them up in MA and let them beat on you for a few =)
  17. EmperorSteele

    Mind/Kin build

    ... What do you want to DO with your Mind/Kin build? What pools do you want? What APP (if any)? Do you wanna try to go stamina-less? No travel Pool?

    I mean, i could posts dozens of possible builds, but they may not be good for YOU unless I know what kind of concept or playstyle needs you have. Do you want to slot for recharge? Or accuracy? Or extra damage? Do you want to franken slot so each power is the best it can be w/out bonuses?

    I need specifics!
  18. EmperorSteele

    Farmers Adapt.

    Originally Posted by biff10426 View Post
    AAHAHAHAHA. Seriously? Not meant to be farmed? Yea that's why gold rolls cost around 6000 tickets, and you can only get a max of 1500. According to your rules about not farming, that pretty much means I'll never get a gold roll, since I'm only allowed to run a MA mission what? Once an hour? Day? Week? Having an upper cap means nothing, what's the difference between the ability to save up 3 billion tickets over a time, and spending 3 billion tickets over a 9999 ticket interval? Nothing.
    No, see here's the intent: Just play normally. You know, find a mission that sounds interesting, play it, rate it, move on to another. Play, rate, move on. Play, rate, move on.

    Making your own mission with no plot (just lots of bosses), publishing it, and doing nothing BUT playing that mission? Kind of goes against the spirit of sharing interesting new stories.

    You'll EVENTUALLY make enough tickets for a gold roll by playing normally. In fact, at 1500 a mission*, a 5 mission arc can probably give you a gold roll's worth of tickets! You don't NEED to farm!

    *of course, most story-based AE missions aren't specifically designed to ticket-cap you every mission, but that's where difficulty settings come into play.

    And I say, oh well! That's there own damn choice. If they'd stop sending mixed messages as to what they want people to do, then they're still borderline a dur hur to me. You can still farm the MA, just not as exploitatively anymore.
    What mixed messages? Seriously? Removing everything that was being farmed isn't enough of a "no farms" message?

    Now, the devs don't mind small-scale farming where there's some risk involved. Look at Cimeroria, there's a big wall with like 60 dudes... but 60 dudes with mez resistance and high-damage lethal attacks that kill defense buffs and they have self-healers and patrols mixed in. That and you have to share the fun with everyone else.

    Having THAT is NOT the same thing as "Go ahead and waste space in the MA by making a boss-only mission full of guys who can't possibly hurt you".

    Besides the fact, not ever touching the regular content farms and including the new difficulty options to spawn out 8 people on your teams still points to the dev's dont mind farming, it's just harder to exploit it via regular content since you can't actually edit it.
    The enhanced difficulty options are for people who like a challenge. And yes, it enables farming, but at least people aren't spamming broadcast and tells for pads. Also, now you can farm existing missions easier instead of wasting space in the AE mission list.

    If they want to nerf MA into the ground to the point where literally no one uses it, that's fine, I have other things to do and listening to people who actually think their missions are 'clever', 'witty', 'has a good plot', 'should be in the game's canon', will be highly entertaining; mostly because if their content was THAT good, people would play it without any regards to whether or not they got rewards for it or not.
    And a few probably WILL. I seem to recall there being a "MA stories and Lore" sub-forum that's popular enough, though I DON'T see a "MA Farmers" sub forum anywhere.
  19. EmperorSteele

    Farmers Adapt.

    Originally Posted by biff10426 View Post
    If the dev's didn't want people to farm MA, then they wouldn't have included tickets...you know things you can save up and buy stuff with? There wouldn't be any incentive to farm it out. Not only that, but since drops are borked right now a good portion of people are sticking to MA until they fix it.
    Wait, rewards are ONLY added to be farmed?

    Is that seriously your mentality?

    The devs sought to reward people for their play time, not "hey here's a reward type, now find the most efficient way to get as most of it as possible with the least effort!" Why do you think they added a tickets-per-mission cap, or even an upper limit cap? These actions are not consistent with "hey, farm this!"

    Originally, the MA wasn't even going to HAVE rewards. Let that sink in for a second.

    Now obviously, they changed their minds after almost everyone said they wouldn't touch the MA otherwise, but since then have added caps, removed mob types, reduced the XP efficiency of mob combinations, added more caps, removed badges... They do NOT want people farming in MA.

    Yes, they allow you to level up in it normally so that anyone under 49 isn't wasting their time, but that's it. That doesn't mean they want people farming.

    And if people continue to farm in MA, the Devs will continue to nerf until it becomes completely unfeasible to even use at all. And the only ones who will really lose out are the people using the MA for its intended purpose.
  20. The Day Job accoldae I think you get by spending time logged off in a Hospital and a University. After a full 20 days worth of time in each location (you don't have to spend 20 straight days logged off, it's cumulative, just go to one of those locatiosn when you're done playing), you'll have both badges, which gives you an accolade power.

    The Team Teleport is a Veteran Reward power for like 42 months or something. You can find more info on Vet rewards here: http://www.cityofheroes.com/communit...s_program.html
  21. Well, as a writer, i want to buy up more arc slots and create a magnum opus of epic proportions that spans well beyond what any sane man would dare wish to attempt.

    As a player, I shudder in repulsion whenever i see a story arc labeld "Part 1".

    So, do what you want, but don't expect everyone to wanna play it =)

    If you want some HELPFUL advice, they say that working within boundries can help tell a more focused (and better) story, and... something about brevity being the soul of wit or something. Basically, try to say more with less.

    Also, if you have A, B, and C happen and you want to make a mission for each event, consider compressing two or even all three into one mission using chained objectives and larger maps.Especially if each event doesn't NEED 2000 characters of text between each to understand what's going on. Just an idea.
  22. EmperorSteele

    Farmers Adapt.

    Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
    First off, if you dont like farming, dont do it.
    For what it's worth, your "farm" missions are getting in the way of people finding honest-to-goodness STORY arcs (which the MA was INTENDED for), making them have to dig through large piles of abandoned crap one-offs just to find some new, actual CONTENT to play. So it's not about not liking farming, it's about YOUR play choices affecting not only people's ability to find OUR story arcs, but the devs nerfing the whole thing to death so that no one wants to play them! Which means less ratings, which means less tickets, which means, because of YOUR actions, we cannot get -our- rewards for using the system the way it was intended. Thanks. Really.

    Now I farm, believe me. I've hit the wall in cim, I've done hami raids twice in a row, done full days of TFs JUST for the merits, stood in front of a Carnival Master Illusionist for hours on end and hitting an AoE once in a while to get badge credit... even ran a few lowbies with higher-level folks to get some extra XP. I don't have anything against farming in general.

    However, I don't condone the use of the MA being used as a farming tool, if only based on the way the mission listing is set up. Now, i DID do some farming there: badge farming. But then I did everyone a favor and DELETED my farm mission! But everyone else's lack of consideration and foresight has led to a broken shell of what could have been a great story-telling tool.

    So, yeah. How about you farmers go back to doing ANYTHING ELSE, and just leave the MA be? And then, when you have 50s of every type all IO'd out and you're bored out of your mind because there's no more challenge or variety (a self-imposed problem there; how about running some STORY arcs for a change?), take down your farm arcs before canceling your sub.

    Or leave them there out of laziness and/or spite. But that says more about you than I, right?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Raccoon_ View Post
    Positron commented on the drop rate bug in a Q&A article on IGN

    Well, yup, that's a shame.

  24. If you're looking for bonuses, make sure you do Radio Missions and the subsiquent "Bank/Safeguard" missions (you'll get a Safeguard misison after about 3-5 "radio" missions. To get a radio, see a Detective that's assigned to you whenever you enter a zone. You can only do radio missions in a zone that's compatable with your level range). Each Bank mission has: an exploration badge, a long-durration temp power (like a jetpack, +regen, self rez, etc), and there are side missions which you can do, one of which is "Stop a weapon's deal" where you can get a random temp power.

    Additionally, with Story arcs, MOST will reward you with Merits upon completion, which can be redeemed for recipes and enhancements.

    You may also be interested in accolades. Accolades are awarded when you achieve a collection of badges (defeat, exploration, and history badges from reading plaques). Some of them grant some nice buffs, such as +HP and + End, but there's a few other goodies, too. Check them out here: http://badge-hunter.com/view_badge_bytype.php?type=5
  25. I should point out that Local_Man's "suggested" build won't do you any good right now, but that's the build you want to "respec" into once you hit 50. See, you're putting off your resurrection ability until last level (because you don't need to slot it for anything), but your teammates in the meantime may expect you to have it.

    For NOW, I'd say switch Hasten with Mutation.

    Also, re: invisibility. Superior Invisibility and Group invisibility are pretty much swappable. Group invis obviously helps the whole group, but Superior invis will keep YOU safer if you're solo.

    What I recommend is that you work on two builds (you can have an "alternate" build that's accessible via any Trainer): A solo build, and a group/teaming build.

    For the Solo build, get Superior Invis, hold off on any team buffs for as long as you can (such as Mutation, or even skip it all together), and work on getting Stamina and your pets as quickly as possible. Also, take Flash sooner if you can, it's your only good single-target, damage hold

    For the team build, you can put off stamina and hasten, as you'll (hopefully) team with other controllers and defenders who can buff you. At the very least, you can pause while the rest of the team is fighting to catch your breath. In the meantime, you can get Mutation sooner and swap out SI for GI. Work on getting as much of your secondary and AoE mezzes as quick as possible. Flash you can hold off on, too.

    Both Ill/Rad is a VERY powerful combination... you may have trouble playing anything else once you get the hang of this build =)