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  1. "We apologize for the black-out during the archery event. One of the competitors accidentally used an EMP arrow and fried our cameras...."

    "Due to a lack of proper equipment, the soccer match has been replaced with Hellion Repeling! All Stormies, FFers, Kins and anyone who may have actually taken Whirlwind, please report to the Soccer field!"

    "The judges have decided to disqualify the winner of the 100 meter run; turns out he teleported instead of ran."

    "Will the idiot with the goofy backpack stop trying to put out the Olympic torch? Thank you."

    "The Olympic committee is looking into allegations of fraud; several judges who gave Local Man a perfect score suddenly vanished in the middle of an event, and despite his VERY PERSUASIVE claims of innocence, many people believe that the judges were indeed replaced by a Phantom Army."
  2. EmperorSteele


    I was getting ready to congratulate you... until I saw you made a graph.

    That's just... I mean... I... you...

    The fact that you made a graph is so silly it broke my brain. Thanks >=(
  3. If ever there was a more appropriate combination of avatar and post content, I'd be amazed.... =P
  4. Generally, the "timeline" follows the leveling progression. However, given that the Devs keep giving us lower level content that reflects "current" events, it's really hard to make an accurate summation.

    For instance, the Admiral Sutter TF is level 20-40. That's a pretty wide range. It ALSO takes place "during" the I-trials, where the level 50 folk are taking down the BAF, Lambda complex, etc (leaving Primal Earth's defense in the hands of the level 20-40 folks). At the "same time", the Praetorian characters are either helping the Resistance or the Loyalists, but there's no sign of Cole's invasion or the Primal's attacks.

    Also, Galaxy City is obviously an established area with a history and was "just" destroyed. However, a character will start there, go on the road to 50, and let's assume they're not power-leveled: Prometheus will refer to it as a "recent" event, even though it's been 50 levels and several months to several YEARS based on one's own personal cannon. This "recent" event takes place canonically before statesplate's death, even though everyone in the world now acts like he's dead. But then you do the SSAs and he's alive... until he dies. Which is... before? After? The level 50 arcs.

    In other words, don't worry about it too much, it's a mess XD

    As for the new stuff:

    DA Arcs
    DD trial
  5. EmperorSteele

    Hmm Hmm Hmm

    Healing arrows!!!!!!!


  6. ... you've been playing for 7 years but never posted on the forums? o_O (though I guess "doesn't post to the forums" would be a majority of users...)

    Anyway, good luck with this project!
  7. EmperorSteele


    Given how inconsequential end usage is in the end-game, an "always on" toggle might as well be a 0 end use passive. And even for how little Hybrid seems to do, that wouldn't be very balanced.

    What might have worked better is an ability that's a passive, but when toggled you lose the passive but gain something else. For instance, Control might be passive damage bonus to attacks, while the toggle would give you the extra control mag. That way, you could choose what you wanted based on the current situation: do I want to do more damage, or more controlling?
  8. EmperorSteele


    I've got it!

    Genesis does...

    ...what Nintendo DON'T!

    If you remember that commercial, congratulations, you're old.
  9. EmperorSteele


    I'd guess the secondary effects of the judgements could be increased, either by chance or by magnitude.
  10. Uhm, no. YOU'RE the one trying to make a point here, dude. YOU have to provide the data to convince us, and the Devs, that you're right.

    Also, you'd need data-mining tools only the devs have access to in order to make you point. And even with that data, would you honestly be able to correlate "Made an energy blaster named G0k0" with "Quit in a week"? and be able to say that it was because his character got beat up? It could be any number of reasons. Disinterest in the lore, getting generic'd, disinterest in the gameplay, possible lack of grouping...

    Can't say for sure, really.
  11. EmperorSteele


    Well, "Genesis" means "beginning (of life)". If we didn't already have Plant Control in the game, I would say that Genesis would give us some degree of control over nature... we ARE becoming akin to gods: manipulation of our environment is a given at some point.

    However, that would either make Plant Control irrelevant, and/or be incompatible with every other powerset/concept out there.

    It might be a buff pet that gets more powerful, even eventually getting the ability to attack?

    Or maybe the devs will do an about-face on their philosophy of only allowing incarnate abilities to be usable from level 45+. Maybe Genesis will be about letting you use Incarnate power further and further back, with T4 allowing you to use incarnate abilities starting from level 1! Not sure how that would work on the 1-2-4-2 progression, and what the difference between core and radial would be, but it'd cement our place as "gods", being able to use our most powerful abilities at earlier levels. Or perhaps it would apply to ALL our powers, not just i-abilities? Who knows!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Valorin View Post
    Forgive me if this has already been mentioned, but would it be possible to floor defense at 0%? This would allow adding defense debuffs into the game without excessively penalizing sets that have no (native) defense and put more relative value into having DDR for folks that are going to rely on defense.

    For example, A DA scrapper (with cloak of darkness), an SR scrapper, and an un-io'ed Regen scrapper walk into a bar. They get blasted with a hellion's machine gun burst (-6.5% def). The DA scrapper loses the benefit of Cloak of Darkness (since it's less than 6.5% defense) and some of his IO bonuses. The SR scrapper loses a smidge of his considerable defense, but not much. The Regen scrapper, who never bothered to IO for defense loses nothing. Perhaps I'm wrong about how DDR works, or the mechanics of it, but it would seem to accomplish the goals we're trying to achieve (make innate defense from secondaries that rely on defense more valuable than defense gained from IOs). I don't know enough to know if this would be do-able with the system as it exists.
    The problem with this is that even con minions only have a 50% chance to hit you to begin with... and that MOST characters don't start out with any kinds of defense. There'd be little point in making Def debuffs only affect characters with +Defense short of specifically penalizing those characters.

    A -Def debuff is supposed to make it easier for a critter to hit you. This would not happen against most Blasters, Kheldians, Dominators, Controllers, Masterminds or Defenders. And all of THEM have other means of mitigating damage. But if a Scrapper or tank, who's main mitigation is defense + kill, loses that defense, it puts them at a disadvantage compared to all other ATs, at least, hypothetically.
  13. I like this! FF is just "Defense and KB powers", so this adds some diversity. Turning the intang-cage (which everyone hates) into a hold is also nice.

    Still, I think I'd still like to see a Personal Forcefield-like power, but instead of "only affecting self", it suppresses for a few seconds when you attack. Obviously, it couldn't be AS powerful as the current PFF, but it'd be an improvement overall, methinks.
  14. I usually get around that by selecting my "last" power second-to-last, then selecting some random power that doesn't need any slots for my lvl 49 pick. (Usually a LotG mule or something of the sort)
  15. If I were to add anything to Controllers, it'd be a way for them to meaningfully contribute during AV fights/iRaids. (AVs that can't be controlled and can't be debuffed? +4 All-boss ambushes making my single-click AoE mez useless, and I can't even damage them worth a damn anyway? Sigh, good thing I have speed boost =/) However, that's more an issue with mission structure than the AT, so I'm at a loss as to what can be done to change controllers, short of balancing the individual sets against each other first.
  16. I don't have much experience with Dark Affinity, but from what I hear it'll work with Mind fairly well. Plus, it'll give you the one thing Mind lacks: A Pet!

    Shadowfall will also be good for helping you set up your attack.

    Still, the -tohit from dark powers is kinda negligible unless you're up against an AV. See, in my opinion, Mind is already very good at locking down foes, even without your precious "Domination" =) So the -tohit isn't going to protect you very much if the enemy is already mitigated.

    What benefits Mind the most in my opinion is more recharge and more damage. From what I can tell, Dark doesn't have any +Rech or +Dam powers... it has some -Res, and you do have a pet now, so hopefully that evens out!

    As for Mass Confuse, it's already powerful enough to Confuse Minions and LTs just fine. The chance for Overpower means you might confuse bosses, too. You have a single-target confuse to stack mag with, and if you're really desperate, the "Coercive Persuasion" proc really helps. Also, remember that Controller Mez mods are higher than Dominators, which means that the Controller version of MC lasts longer by default than the Dom version. What'll be great about this combo is that the -tohit will prevent enemies from hitting each other, which means more XP for you (even though the xp loss from MC is negligible as long as you do SOME damage). Plus, i THINK that Spooky has a AoE immob power, which means you'll get containment damage when taking these guys down, to boot!

    As far as PvE is concerned, this combo should work just fine, especially after level 38. Mind works fine by itself without a secondary (just a little slow), so anything on top of that is gravy =)
  17. Really? Huh, I thought we were only allowed to earn one because a Dev said they were the same badge with different art.

    And I guess it was hero-side arcs with the kill/no-kill badges, anyway!

    ... sorry for the incorrect info! ^_^
  18. I do agree that RP is a bit much, I just wanted to have some fun thinking up of a bunch of different effects =)
  19. I'm sure we've had THIS idea before. I just wanted to do a mental exercise, see what I could come up with =)

    Reality warping would be a Control set, and a powerful one, at that. However, one must be careful to not let it become some FotM EZ-Farming powerset. I would probably saddle many of the powers with higher recharge times and endurance costs of like powers form other sets, to make up for the additional UMPH I'd give each power.

    Also, I'd call it reality "warping" and not reality "Control" because "Reality Control" sounds like it would mean you could just snap your fingers and kill everyone. In every mission. Ever. I also wanted a little bit of unpredictability that would come with manipulating the very fabric of nature itself, which means it's most certainly NOT under your complete command. These things have consequences, you know! With all that in mind...

    Paralyze: You stop an opponent in their tracks while doing some damage to them. Powerful opponents will still be able to attack, but lesser opponents might be stopped outright for a short time. (ST Immob -20 seconds- with Mag 1 hold -8 seconds-, with a 15% chance for an addition 1 mag of hold. Minor energy damage.)

    Dismiss: With a wave of your hand, you send an annoyance away from you. If you're lucky (or smart), your victim will bowl over several of his friends on the way down. (ST KB with moderate smashing damage. Any opponents (up to 4) within a 15° cone will be KD'd and be dealt some very minor smashing damage)

    Alter: Your opponents are a pain, but outright killing them would either be too boring or against your moral code. So instead, you simply change them into an inanimate object (use the alakazam emote =P)! This doesn't last very long, but it DOES take its toll on the victim once they've recovered. (Mag 3 hold -12 seconds-, minor energy damage. -50-100% Regen* and -5-15% damage* for 30 seconds, nonstackable)

    Vertigo: You bend time and space in front of you, causing your opponents to lose all sense of balance for a few moments. Does no damage, but good for getting out of a tough spot or buying yourself time to set up your attack. However, seeing everything get warped, along with the enemy staggering around, makes them a bit harder to hit, too... (90° Cone Disorient -mag 3 for 6 seconds, max 5-12 targets*. 10-50% chance for KD* All affected foes have a -7.5% toHit debuff applied for 10 seconds, but get a +5% Defense bonus while they're stunned)

    Chaos Storm: You turn the environment itself against your foes! Rocks, desks, books, chairs, and more fly around your enemies, damaging them and knocking them around! Ideally, this power would pull existing objects linked to the map you're on and fling those around, but I have the feeling that would be a huge pain to make. Every art asset would have to be turned into an object, and the power would need some way of knowing what map it's on. (Target patch AoE, 30 foot radius. Smashing DoT, 15% chance for knock back. Lasts 15 seconds.)

    Apotheosis: After seeing you in action, or just HEARING about you, your opponents start to second guess their brilliant strategy of antagonizing you. Some will run in fear, some may simply back off and let you be on your way, and some may even fight by your side! When cast (and a hit is successful), this power makes a random roll for each opponent to determine the effect:

    00-33: Opponent is Terrorized (mag 3, 20 seconds).
    34-66: Opponent is Placated (20 seconds).
    67-99: Opponent is Confused (mag 3, 20 seconds... but will only stay this way until they take damage from you or one of your allies. Confused opponents hitting each other will not break the confusion.)

    In every case, the enemy will still get a -10% ToHit and Damage debuff for 20 seconds. This ability is a targeted AoE that can hit up to 10 targets.

    Redecoration: You turn your ability to change people into objects against a wide array of opponents! They are all turned into objects for a few moments. Once the effect wears off, they still won't be fully recovered, having to deal with nausea and disorientation. (AoE Hold for 10 seconds, AoE Stun for 18 seconds)

    Cosmic Shift: Unwilling to let the arbitrary forces of cosmic "balance" tell you what you can and can't do, you simply eliminate a target's special defenses! This power brings a target's defense and resistance to 0, and eliminates the Purple Triangles (power does not actually apply any mez mag, it simply prevents the PToD from working). However, fighting reality instead of just toying with it is no easy task. Not only does this power consume 7 points of endurance per second, but your recovery is locked at 0 and you are immune to blue inspirations and powers like transference. (Targeted toggle, ST foe Debuff)

    Rewrite Probability When you activate this power, you become a nexus of chaotic energy, meaning just about anything can and will happen! Every 5 seconds while you are in combat, a different effect, power, or event will occur! Maybe your enemies will be held! Maybe your allies will be buffed! Maybe a band of ritki monkies will appear and dance! This power is a toggle, and extends a barely visible bubble 30 feet away from you, where most of the effects will happen.

    As long as you are using your primary, secondary, or APP attack powers, once every 5 seconds, the power will make a roll. Each effect last 5 seconds unless indicated, and will only affect valid targets within 60 feet of you where applicable. If you stop attacking, the power will stop making rolls and will resume once you've entered combat again.

    01-03: Enemies are held - mag 3
    04-06: Enemies are stunned
    07-10: Enemies are immobilized
    11-13: Enemies fall asleep
    14-16: Enemies become terrorized
    17-20: Enemies become confused
    21: UH OH! All enemies receive a small break-free! However, any enemies you defeat in the next few seconds while this effect is active has a +15% chance of dropping a break free inspiration!
    22-24: Enemies receive a 25% ToHit debuff
    25-27: Enemies receive a 25% damage debuff
    28-31: Enemies receive a 25% defense debuff
    32-35: Enemies receive a 25% resistance debuff
    36: UH OH! all enemies are BUFFED by 15%! However, they're now worth 15% more XP...
    37-40: Rain of Fire! The ground below you is automatically targeted, and this power goes off, using your AT's damage mods to determine damage. This effect lasts the duration of the actual power.
    41-43: Ice Slick! Like above, the ground below you is targeted, and the effect lasts as long as the real deal does.
    44-46: Quicksand! Same conditions as above.
    47-50: Roots! You know the drill...
    51: UH-OH! Your enemies are healed by a healing aura using your AT's Healing mod! However, now they see you as a friend and won't attack you (Placate)
    52-54: Allies gain + 3 mez protection!
    55-57: Allies gain +15% ToHit and damage!
    58-60: Allies gain +15% Def and Res!
    61-63: Allies gain +15% recharge and 25% recovery!
    64-66: Allies are healed for a small amount and gain +25% regen!
    67-70: Allies gain +15% MaxHP and MaxEnd!
    71: UH-OH! (You knew this was coming!) You get a MAPSERVER error for 5 seconds! (but I bet you didn't see THAT coming!) However, at least your allies are safe!
    72-73: Fulcrum shift is used! (Targets on nearest foe, buffs and debuffs last standard amount of time)
    74-75: EM Pulse is used!
    76-77: Heat Loss is used!
    78-80: Lightning Storm is used!
    81-82: Melt Armor is used!
    83-84: Liquify is used!
    85: UH-OH! One of the above effects hits YOU! However, it only lasts 5 seconds, and does not affect your allies.
    86-87: Ritki monkies (non-combat, untargetable) charge in and dance. After a few moments, they disperse.
    88-89: An NPC civilian walks by, says he's "Seen it all" and leaves.
    90-91: An NPC civilian walks by and starts to protest.
    92-93: An NPC civilian comes over and turns on a boombox.
    94-96: An NPC walks around and gets on his phone. After a moment, he asks everyone to keep it down. Mag 500 Hold on EVERYONE for 2 seconds. He's about to say thank you when the hold is lifted and combat re-ensues!
    97-97: AMBUSH! A group of enemies appears out of nowhere and attacks!
    98-99: AMBUSH! Except... wait, they're on YOUR side!
    00: NOTHING! But UH-OH, the power shuts off and you're hit with a -50% recharge buff for 60 seconds =(

    Note that once one of these effects has happened, it has a "lock" so that it cannot happen again for at least 2 minutes.

    *: These effects scale up with level.

    So that's my idea. Just a load of mess! What do y'all think?
  20. ... Am I to assume that you're personally responsible for like HALF the bids on any high ticket item at any given moment? Cuz that's terrible!
  21. I think there are some newer missions you'll have to run twice, as you get badges for doing one thing, and a badge for doing the other.

    Also, you'll need exploration badges from mayhem missions. Getting access to them can be a pain since few people play redside. I'm actually cheating a bit: I made a second freebie acct, and I level up a toon on there while my main does missions (by having the freebie doorsit and get PL'd). You need either two computers or a pretty good one (to run two versions of CoH at once) to pull this off. Then, when it's time, I do a few quick paper missions on the freebie acct, and bring my main along on the mayhem mission, get the badge and complete =)

    Also, be mindful that there are 4 patron arcs, but you can only do (and get the badge for ) ONE. (They're actually the same badge ID# but with different titles and art).

    That's about all I can think of. And OH! When you turn to villain, a lot of your existing badges will have their names and descriptions changed. So If you're overly attached to being "Positron's Pal", you'll have to deal with the guilt and shame of being "Positron's Betrayer" until you switch back.
  22. No, multiple characters, but most are lowbies. And sadly, my most survivable, highest damage dealing character belongs in another SG and I'm not inclined to leave that one just to get myself a badge >_>

    If I can survive a Pylons onslaught, that might be a good idea. The PvP thing sounds interesting, too....
  23. Yeah, I think I'd rather have the chance to 7-slot three powers than putting 6 in all of them.

    I mean, 6 slots for Hover? 6 slots for Super Speed? Teleport? Telekinesis? Brawl? Sprint? REST?!

    I mean yeah, set bonuses and all. But there are a few powers that either don't take sets, or 6-slotting it for sets would be just plain wasteful as it'd have minimal impact on how the power performs. ESPECIALLY after ED and bonuses.

    Can't see myself getting behind this =/
  24. Oh WOW; if only I could still +Rep you, Zwil XD
  25. DOING damage, not TAKING it.

    I have a solo SG, so as you can imagine, racking up 50 million damage is kinda tough. Still, I would think that after five years of regular play, I'd be a lot closer than not-even half way there. =(

    I'm kinda wondering if there are any low-threat enemies with tons of HP i could just wail on? Or should i fly around lowbie zones and AoE the heck out of everything?