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  1. Yeah, pretty much every temp, accolade, and vet power gain benifits from +recharge (and +acc and +dam or whatever else you've got). The Booster pack powers however, do not get any bonus from +recharge. I think Self Destruct gains benifit from +dam and +acc, but i'm not 100% sure.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
    Kinetic Melee, this'll be interesting....Not.

    All I see now is Sheilds, Electric Melee, Dual Pistols, Empathy, Kinetics, and Demon Summoning.Lets add Kinetic Melee to the Pile of shiney new powers everyones going to be using.

    The Devs might as well start Deleting older power sets due to lack of use.
    I had no idea empathy and kinetics were new powersets!
  3. Did you not read my whole post? Especially the second to last sentence? I didn't say get rid of rewards, just reduce them.

    And trusting exploiters to find exploits isn't counter productive. Governments and private companies around the world rely on hackers, crackers, thieves and other magnificent bastards to make sure their systems and security are safe and impenetrable. So, you know, finding people with a mind for finding loopholes and things that our benevolently-minded devs miss isn't an inherently bad idea.

    Oh, and you can have just as much fun with AE as before, the patch didn't change that. You'll just level slower, no big deal.
  4. ...Srs?

    Aw man. I thought I was being clever. *pout*
  5. I have to agree with Severe here. Don't invite the peeps trying to make stories, invite the people making the exploits to see how hard they can break the new system.

    Anyway, Rodian also made a valid point also. We need to identify the problem(s) that brought the hotfix into effect, and work from there. That said:

    The ROOT problem is the fact that a rewards system exists in the first place, and that people will strive to attain those rewards as efficiently as possible. AE is a very tempting target no matter what, because even doing radios in PI nets less XP/hour due to travel time and fighting in maps with limited spawn numbers. In AE, you can link 5 large outdoor missions with mobs that pose no threat to your character and finish all of them in the time it takes to do maybe 3 radio missions (assuming you're defeating all foes for drops/inf).

    I'm not saying get rid of rewards all together, however, I think AE XP (and related drops) needs to be recalculated to compensate for the fact that there's almost no travel time between missions as opposed to the rest of the regular content.


    Aw, I got neg-repped by a farmer who doesn't want to lose their easy xp-machine.. How cute!

    [edit 2]Woo, more neg-rep with one-word replies! Yay for logic and discourse!
  6. Everyone make sure to still bring your guns, shields, swords, power armor, etc; I recall us getting hit with Ritki raids at these things.
  7. Virtue is pretty stable with a capped RWZ. I'll try either tonight or tommorow
  8. There's a ton of Easter eggs in the Vanguard base.

    Click on a bunch of barrels to savor the fine aroma of root beer!

    Watch some daytime soaps on a small TV!

    Behold an ordinary door that can lead to your SG base! (might have been a bug and fixed, though)

    Click everything you can find!

    Also, an idea re: WarWitch's comment: has a ship raid ever successfully placed bombs in EVERY SINGLE grate, and not just the ones running south to north on the way from the last tower to the ship's center? I'm going to see if a capped zone can get enough (patient, cooperative) people to bomb out every single grate...
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eschia Mousehold View Post
    It's the doctor not showing up. I'm using one of the unique maps. It's a exterior of a villain city called the flush. I think i have a limit of 3 allies. Not sure. Ah neat i didn't know there was a /stuck command. Thanks. The AV/extreme thing is just temp till i get the place settled. I have the place full of werewolves and 1 werewolf boss. I was hoping both allys would be waiting for me upon entry of the map ready to go, but i find myself having to kill the surrounding mobs around them before they can follow me.
    If you want them waiting by themselves, find the part under settings that asks for "surrounding enemy group" and set it to "Empty". Then see if under "Surrounding enemy strength" there's an option for "Single". I haven't messed with that in a while, but it used to be fairly easy to have allies wait by themselves. That SHOULD work but i'm not 100% sure.
  10. Okay, I looked, and.. yeah, lousy. Good jerb making him!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eschia Mousehold View Post
    I'm not really new, but i haven't played since CoH first came out. I just came back. HIII!!!! lol Anyway I've been testing out these architect missions, i created a couple as well. My first one was a simple 'kill everything" kind of thing. It had no real hands on stuff. The second one is the one i am working on right now, and i need a little help with it. I created a werewolf hunting story with 1 mission so far. The NPC you get the mission from looks a lot like indiana jones, and his friend the doctor looks like doctor kliener from half life 2 or jone's father lol. Anyway I have the hunter and the doctor both set as allys in the mission. I set them both up the same way and everything, but only the hunter is showing up in the mission.

    I know i can have more then 1 ally because i tried a few other missions like the fantasy quest missions, where you have a ranger, and cleric, and a dwarf in power armor (o.O lol) all following you around helping you. What did i do wrong? I'll try to provide screenshots. Also i'm having a problem with leaving a mission on one of my characters who is currently in the AE building of mercy island. Every time i leave the missions, i get stuck inside of the portal you click on to go in the mission. My only way out is to self destruct, which gave me the virtual victim badge lol.

    Hunter Setup = http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5776250/cohae_1.png
    Doctor Setup = http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5776250/cohae_2.png
    Hmm, that's weird. When you say the hunter doesn't show up, do you mean he's NOWHERE on the map at all instead of not in front where you're expecting him (Some maps have a limit on how many allies or bosses you can put in "front" or "back", and outside maps don't have this distinction at all and so they could appear ANYwhere)? Have you tried going into the architect play options (click the big button in your nav bar) and tried "Go to next objective"?

    As for your exiting problem, that's really weird. I would send in a support ticket... also, you could try typing /stuck in the chat bar and see if that shoves you out of the hologram tube thingy.

    Also, just as a matter of course: Allies are temporarily very draining on XP. If you publish this, your enemies will probably give less than 50% XP until the devs can fix this. Also, setting extreme/extreme is... extremely lazy, and being set as AVs, are very overpowered. All your enemies will die in 1 hit and you won't get ANY XP from them because your allies are doing all the damage.

    Now if you're just playing around, that's cool, but something to keep in mind for any future arcs you make.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Existance View Post
    I was playing an AE mission i had made with AVs for my friends and I to fight but the AVs do everything BUT fight. We had a 3 MM team, thug/therm, demon/therm, thug/pain, and all the darn AVs did was run away the WHOLE time. They would only fight for about 5 seconds and then run away until they died. In the architect options I set the AVs to not run away for minion or health reasons but they still run away the whole fight.
    AVs don't like being debuffed.

    Or hurt.

    Or called names.

    They also have social anxiety.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

    However, Kinetics can also turn around and bite you. I don't know if the bug(s) (have) been fixed, but it is/was possible to Fulcrum Shift a Confused AV... watch the Confuse wear off, and then watch the Granite Armored Tank with Rooted and Fortitude drop like a Blaster (ITF). (I don't see very many mind controllers these days because of those confuses).
    My main is a Mind/Kin and I've NEVER seen this bug. A confused foe can't be buffed AFAIK o_O
  14. I may have skipped it (twice) but is it only 1 entry per person?
  15. Wait, this is news? I've had that badge for like 3 issues now...

    ...is what I'll be able to say 3 issues from now once i've gotten it >_>
  16. I'm liking a lot of the choices others have said. I don't think I could add a name that hasn't already been mentioned.
  17. If you want your boss to be single, have the hot young intern in accounting hit on him, then take photos and mail them to his wife. They'll be divorced faster than you can say "Shoulda signed a pre-nup!" and-


    Wait, that's not what you asked at all, is it?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    Do you seriously expect to make friends on the internet?
    I have and continue to do so! In fact some of us in VU are getting together over the summer for a LAN party and...

    Oh wait, you wouldn't know about that because you got yourself kicked for being a meanie head. Nvmnd carry on!
  19. Venture, has it occured to you that being the "Stop Having Fun Guys" guy isn't earning you too many friends?

    Ah well, this will allow me to make my "faction with 10 bosses" dream a reality! woohoo!
  20. Never take a gun to an orbital death ray platform fight.
  21. ... you were keeping count?

    Anyway, grats!
  22. Was looking to get some feedback on Twisted Knives, the arc in my sig! You really ought to be over level 45, but you should be able to handle yourself with a slightly lower level character.

    Forum thread here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=217140
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Clebstein View Post
    I suppose, but that would make everything else look less impressive, as well.
    There's a touch of irony to all this then, isn't there? I mean you've all but said that your computer is so low-end that a 3 second animation is noticeably detrimental to your play experience, yet you're not willing to turn down your graphics options and instead want the devs to implement resources into making it disableable?

    Hmm... A thought occurs to me. How close is the camera to your character when you play? Max distance? Half way? First-person? Because I've noticed that just about ANY power effect, when it's right in one's face, will slow down your FPS. On the flip side, if your camera is at max distance, then your computer is being made to render a LOT of stuff that it shouldn't need to. So along that vein, try mucking with your camera distance. Setting it to about halfway will make sure that none of your power effects are taking up the whole screen, while at the same time your graphics card doesn't have to show everything everyone is doing.

    I guess overall, an option to disable the level up effects wouldn't be harmful to anyone else, but I'm just wondering if there isn't more you can do on your end to alleviate your gaming issues.
  24. Can't you turn particles all the way off for a less lag-inducing effect?