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  1. So Beefcake proved that this badge exists:


    I want it.

    I'm willing to wait until the mito bug has been fixed on Live, but if seven more of you are as masochistic as i am and would like to make a run for it sometime this weekend, speak up and be heard!

    I'm bringing my Mind/Kin Controller. I would like the additional following allies, though we can try with anything:

    1 well-rounded tank. IO's not required, but i'd prefer one who's taken as much of their protection as available to mitigate as much damage as possible. We face smash, lethal, energy, psi, and toxic damage throughout the TF. If you have capped s/l def, then great, but if you fold like wet tissue against anything else, that's not gonna do us any good. Preferred sets would probably be Electric, WP, Invuln.

    2 Brutes/Scrappers. If you can keep "scrapper/fury-lock" in check and agree to be part of the TEAM, you're in.

    2 Controllers (Doms also work). Holds slotted for recharge and duration are a must. Long-recharge AoE holds also preferred to stack hold mag on AVs and Mitos. Plant and Illu preferred for Spirit Tree and PA respectivly, but I'm sure we can make do with what we get.

    2 Defenders/Corruptors/MMs. Preferred sets: Empathy, Pain, Rad, Traps for their +Regen abilities and in the later two cases, debuffs. Other sets won't necessarily be turned down, though.

    Note: If we end up with at least one villain, I'd like at least one other villain on the team so that they have someone to trade inspirations with if the need arises.

    Also, I want all the PLAYERS to be competent with their characters and able to follow instructions. I'd prefer those who've done this TF enough times before that they know what to expect from it.

    Everyone should bring the following:

    4-8 EoE inspirations. You can buy them on the market, or go Monster Hunting. Carry them on you, as having a mixed team will prevent you from zoning to your base.

    Plenty of time: We will not speed run this, or purposely fail any missions. If we incidentally steamroll that's one thing, but we can't get cocky/impatient and take shortcuts that may fail the mission.

    A good attitude: We probably won't get this badge on the first try. An optimized team will make things easier, but it's no guarantee of success. So yeah...

    Anyway, I'm open to suggestions for time, Weekend prefered; I'm on EST, so lemme know what time zone you're referring to. Again, make sure you have about 2 hours.
  2. Yeah, once the red tower is down, Recluse isn't much for most tanks to worry about damage-wise, especially if you have good smash and energy resists. But congrats for stepping up and helping that SG get the jerb done!
  3. There's a lady running for the school bord in my town. Her name is Khan.

    I yell the name whenever i pass by one of her lawn-poster-things. Most people ignore me, but i've gotten a few chuckles.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
    30 sec duration
    smalls 10%
    Med 15%
    Large 20%

    There is a limit on how many you can use - the recharge cap.

    Smaller values would be pretty meaningless in the situations where you'd likely be wanting to use them. ie hit with -rech for one.
    Players shouldn't be able to reach the recharge cap on their own. The introduction of IOs has blurred this a bit, but i guess at those numbers it would take your entire inspiration tray, so maybe that's a good trade-off. *shrug*
  5. Someone call the fire department already, sheesh!

    I was going to use this as a step stool for suggesting a nerf to Fire/, as that's all people seem to play (and only because it does the most damage), but i figured such a suggestion wouldn't be productive at all.

    Therefore, this thread is now about equal worker's rights for Oompa Loompas. Discuss.
  6. Man, you people hate challenging, hard-to-get badges, don't you?

    "I can't find 7 other decent players. I can't do the slopes, Day jobs take too long to get!" Call a Whaambulance. You'd probably complain about exploration badges if someone hadn't made you a MAP for them. Sheesh. What ever happened to -earning- your rewards?

    Granted, at the current moment with the mitos, this badge is going to be really hard to grab, but once that's settled, it should be easy. Or at least not mind-numbingly impossible.
  7. Hey cool, another badge to get. Grats, beefers!
  8. Hmm, I don't know if I like BrandX's reasoning. It basically boils down to "it's not like the rest of the game and can be gamed to get better rewards in less time". I mean, to each their own, but that still seems disingenuous given how varied the TF is in terms of missions, objectives, enemies, tactical situations and plot. But mweh.
  9. They'd probably need to make them limited in some fashion, like cap how many you can use at a time, but otherwise i'd go for something like this!
  10. Respecs just got respec'd?

    And couldn't you squeeze in the hami fix, while you were at it? =(
  11. EmperorSteele

    What the heck?

    Well that's o- *sees thumbnail of Cami and Chun Li makign out* Oooh...
  12. While i'm much closer to the east coast, I have to concure that it's only fair for you guys to try to hit somewhere closer to the mid-west or the south. Canada, perhaps?
  13. I'm fairly sure the slow, hold, and -dam numbers use Defender modifiers and thus are higher than corr/blasters.

    I had a DP/Traps Def on test... she was fun, but slow. Though that wasn't taking into account the solo damage boost, so maybe it won't be so bad!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
    What would be the "best" Controller primary to pair with the Force Field secondary?
    Well that depends on what you want to do and which FF powers you want to take.

    Speaking in a min/maxing sort of manner, I would think Fire, since it has a power which lowers your foes' accuracy, which makes your forcefields even more valuable.

    Mind is another good choice, since FF has several positioning/KB tools that won't ruin any of your other mitigation effects (such as persistent Knockdown, area effects, or immobs). Though if for some reason you only plan on taking the defense shields and none of the attacks/kb powers, you can probably play any primary.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Myriad View Post
    This has nothing to do with the Tournament badge, not even with Arena badges in general. And neither of you describes something that seems to be a bug or related to a bug. You have to finish a TF to get the badge for it. If you get it any other way it's very likely that this would be a bug. And like the vast majority of badges they're tied to the character who completed the TF and are NOT awarded account based.
    They were kidding -_-
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    Nothing is stopping you from making your own.

    Of course, unless your last name is Coppola or Spielberg it won't be nearly as awesome as DR's.
    You gotta be pragmatic, don't you?! *stomps off*
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post
    My brother was playing his level 28 Hardcore character. "Hardcore" is another game's term which means any defeat of any kind is permanent.

    He fought a building on fire in Steel Canyon. The building exploded, he took a bajillion damage, and died.
    I'm pretty sure you meant he was fighting the FIRES and not the building itself... But it's funnier to imagine him taking potshots at a building.

    As for me? Oh man, I know I've had several "oooh what the FRIG, That was so DDUUMMB >_<" moments, but I can't seem to remember too many specifics.

    The only one that comes to mind was a "ninja badge race" that was being held on virtue: All level 1 characters, no badges, no temp/vet powers, and you had to race around and find certain exploration badges in each green zone. Well that was supposed to be easy, as I've made a habit of getting all the exploration badges possible on a level 1 character. One of the other rules was that hospital trips WERE allowed (this was all reinforced by a judge flying around with you). Well, after spending ten minutes trying to figure out how to get the badge on top of the bridge in IP (instead of just running up the line...), i finally saw it... being guarded by a +20 Family goon. Well i ran, hit the badge and jumped off the bridge as he shot me... anti 1-shot code saved my life, i crashed into the water and i gleefully swam away to shore.

    ... just as i got there (like 5 minutes later), my judge asked why didn't i just die and hosp it.

    I felt like a moron. My pride cost me first place =(
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post
    Or you can use a power in between SBing other people. Ten seconds of animation time on SBing, 110 to do whatever, no time wasted.
    My normal rotation is SB on Auto, then ID. As ID is casting, i select the second character, who then gets hit by auto'd SB. I click ID, move to next target.

    Assuming optimal placement, the whole team is buffed in 8.5 seconds.

    It should be noted that i have like +75% global recharge on my kin, which helps the timing of this sort of thing.

    Here's my perspective on whether or not you should "HAVE" to take SB. If you're a Defender, then yes, take and use powers that help your team... the ones in your PRIMARY. However, if you're a Controller or Corr, then I think more leeway should be given. After all, buffs aren't your primary focus, control/damage are.

    What does kill me though is Kins who don't take or use I.D. IMO it's a better power than Clear Mind and yet you won't find an Empath without THAT power. Especially if you're on a tough mission with lots of mezzers. But mweh.
  19. *golf clap*

    Hup hup, cheerio. Sporting good, mate.
  20. EmperorSteele

    An odd question

    I sounds like the minions never made it into the "saved" version of the mission that you pulled off the game servers. I would surmise that they are lost =(
  21. Just remember that teleporters require salvage to create (which can't be done in base editing mode), so figure out how many you need, create the proper rooms, then craft and place your teleporters!

    But anyway, personal storage shouldn't be a huge issue. You're limited in how many storage containers (vault, enhancement table, salvage rack, insp bin) you can have both in a single given room AND in your base, total, but it's more than enough than one character should need. Heck, i have a whole SG of alts and i feel like I'm hording things because i don't USE half the stuff I've stored up.

    Also, note that a Salvage VAULT simply connects you to the Vault Reserve. You don't need more than one, because they don't actually store anything. A normal salvage RACK can hold up to 30 salvage each. An Inspiration bin or Enhancement table can hold up to ONE HUNDRED of their respective items... so overall you're probably going to want more Salvage racks than anything.
  22. EmperorSteele

    Sunken City Base

    Very nice! The ambiance with the lighting is the best part, IMO.
  23. =O

    I LOVE this! Normally i have a preference for some electric guitar in epic stuff, but that'd be overkill in this case. Amazing job!
  24. Hmmm, I've been cooking something up, but I dunno if it really fits what you're looking for. *shrug*

    *looks over at DR* A trailer? Dudeomgwtfhax NO FAIR!
  25. While I advocate taking any and all necessary steps to avoid a child being exposed to unsavory material, and even worse people who might say inappropriate things while being ignorant of her age (and worse yet people who would say those things BECAUSE she's a certain age), I have to agree with the main point of Postagulous' post: she's not six, so you needn't be hugely overprotective. She'll probably be older than a few people she meets even, and I doubt they all have older sibling hanging over their shoulders.

    I figure, as long as she doesn't reveal that she's a real-life 13 year old girl and start sending personal info to random people she meets (or even SG members until you've both gotten to know them real well, and even then nothing more than say a first name), I don't see a huge issue with wherever you guys decide to set up shop and play. Just remind her that the in-game avatars are just that: Avatars. The girls aren't all really girls, the teenagers aren't all actually teenagers, and along the same vein, if she makes a hero version of herself, everyone's just gonna assume she's an FBI agent, so roll with that =)