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  1. I blame the Players. You were all SO IMPATIENT for release date info that marketing put out an arbitrary release date a few months out just to shut you up and now all of a sudden we're less than a month away and GR is no where near ready for public testing. You brought this on yourselves. If the consensus was "take all the time you need", we'd be getting TEN levels of incarnates with GR and 1-50 content instead of 1-20 ...and a pony, too! But nooooooo, you people wanted everything NAO NAO NAO. Well fine, enjoy your 1 week of "loyalty time" because there wasn't enough time for beta and enjoy your half-finished, buggy product as a result, I hope you enjoy it!

    ps, who likes my awesomly bright Don-King hairdo and belly jewel?
  2. Well, from Fire/, don't take hot feet or fire imps. Everything else will work fine. For Kin, definitely take Repel, Speed Boost, Increase Desnity and Inertial Reduction; avoid the other powers (though Transfusion is forced; just don't slot it. It's only good for reducing an AVs regen and as a farmer, you won't be facing too many of those).

    For Pools, take Medicine and Presence.

    When slotting for IO set bonuses, you definitely want XP debt protection and Fear resistance. You might end up with other bonuses along the way but they're largely inconsequential.
  3. Also, look into maintaining a stock of temp powers: Smoke grenade, Ethereal phase (or whateveer it's called), the PvP stealth powers... Just an idea.
  4. It's dissapointing, yeah, but better to delay it than to have a broken, underwhelming system. So sure...

    /didn't pre-purchase anyway
  5. I recall a while ago i went into RV with repel on... and repel worked pretty well. It's GREAT against MM pets, and as for hidden characters... well, if they're immune to KB, they're immune, BUT, if you listen, repel still makes the "BOING!" nosie and lets you know they're there. Of course by that point they've started their attack chain and you're boned anyway, but you might be able to pop some insps to help yourself out.

    Still, it turns off if you get mezzed and isn't a cure-all against stalkers (repel's range is like 7 or 8, melee range is 10 feet). So i'd say it's decently balanced.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    A public list of new content is always nipple-poppingly exciting.
    This comment is worthless without pics.


    With THAT out of the way, allow me to add to the chorus of approval and delight at this news!
  7. Hmmm, looks like the arc needs an overhaul! I guess i should have done a little more homework, too, because i never knew about the ritual sacrifice angle.

    Thanks, This gives me some ideas to play with!
  8. Maybe Pinnacle takes Virtue out for drinks, but Virtue can't hold its liquor?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
    You have an odd idea of exploit. That word you use. it doesnt mean what you think it means.

    The devs put lewt into the game. Get over it. It is here to stay. You have the liberal Artsyfartsy mindset, "do it for the accomplishment". He has the engineering mindset, "problem solving, how do I make this as efficient as possible". Neither is wrong.
    Methinks you misunderstand. See, if a Tasks' rewards are deemed "too low", people won't be as pressed to find ways to lower the amount of time or effort it takes to complete said task, or in other words, they won't be tempted to try and break the time/risk: reward metric.

    For instance, the hamidon encounter is worth 52 merits. On virtue, we've found a way to make it so efficient that we can do THREE raids in just under 2 hours. I doubt we ever would have had the motivation to do so if the encounter were only worth, say, 25 merits. We certainly wouldn't have enough interested people to fill three raids when they could get better rewards doing something easier. This has only bolstered the popularity of Hami raids... not because we made it easy, but because we made it QUICK and totally screwed over the devs intended time:merit ratio.

    For a more broad example, the ITF. It's already short and worth plenty of merits, yet people STILL insist on trying to get it done in under a half hour. Would they still do so if the merit rewards were chopped in half? ~21 merits is too low for a half hour of work?

    Players seem to have the inclination that the Devs time:merit ratio is intrinsically too low, and they want to beat that metric by completing tasks faster. They don't want a merit for five minutes, they want five merits for a single minute. With the posi Tfs rewards being as low as they are, you'd have to complete both halves in like 10 minutes. Thoroughly impossible, and so now it's "now worth it".

    Because it can't be gamed.

    And THAT's the issue, it seems. The rewards aren't "too low". They're "too low to bother abusing the TF". And that's a player perception/entitlement issue.
  10. Nah, just trollin' a bit. Though I do seriously wonder how high the merit rewards would have to be before everyone would go from "this TF stinks" to "This tf ROCKS!". The first half can't be more than 19 merits, otherwise people would just run that over and over without technically finishing the job. Dunno about the second half... can that be run over and over if you've done the first mission once? If so, i'd say 19 merits for that, too. I don't think either half should be worth a full reward roll, but maybe that's just my GM-like mindset.

    Besides which fact is, even with smaller rewards now, redside players are still griping about the merit dispairity. Raising the rewards too high would only make the whargble louder /=.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    I don't care how good the missions are. If I'm not getting rewards comparable to other content I could be doing, I'm not going to bother running it more than once or twice as needed.
    So in other words, you can't exploit it. Good!
  12. hmm, i wonder....

    Is the merit reward for both parts combined too low in GENERAL, or "too low to bother trying to exploit and speed-run"?

    Think hard before giving a knee-jerk, defensive answer. Because we all know that if the rewards were any higher, you'd all be finding ways to run the tfs as fast as possible to farm them just for the rewards. Instead, you're letting "low rewards" stop you from constantly replaying probably one of the best missions the game has offered up so far (and mind you that doing both missions does give you enough for a roll).

    The missions are simply fun, but you're letting your fun get dampened by a percieved lack of rewards. That don't sound right to me.
  13. Read the ToS you click "i agree" to whenever you log into the game. Any rules covering character creation also apply to AE.
  14. Sorry about tonight's run guys; lost track of time, tehn i had a bunch of idiots come over and i totally forgot =(

    Sunday run should still be on though
  15. No, i mean two of OUR guys died in the fight, not the hosties =) We escorted them out...

    Besides, getting the hosties to die is worth more work than it's worth sometimes, and the big red message might freak people out. *shrug*
  16. Right-o...

    Fridaymaster attempt: Failed, and roadblocked @ hami. Almost managed to get a green down, but it cost us half the team and then it got all regen'd back up. Also had a couple deaths against Drag'on.

    Team makeup was a tank, two scrappers, two blasters, two controllers and a corr. A very balanced team that did VERY well, but we were ultimately denied by the green mito bug.

    Notes: Have squishies maintain distance from Drag'on. For Hami: maybe have a blaster hit some blues to divide healing duties for greens? Though this would lower our DPS. Perhaps have controllers/MM spawn their pets near other mitos?

    I'll still try again on Saturday, though I'm more partial to waiting until the mitos hold mag is brought down. Though with at least two other teams having already done this, I'm not going to fully give up yet!
  17. Right-o...

    Virtue has been acting up lately, but that's no reason not to try.

    I'll be leading a run friday night around 7 or 8 eastern

    Regardless of victory, i'll be shooting for it again on saturday night after the blooside hami raids (so around 7 or 8 again)

    If i STILL don't have it, ill try again on Sunday about 6 PM, or i may try it on another character (My tank most likely)

    Anyone interested, meet me (as Patty-Sue Ivanova) around Lady Grey at the designated times! If enough people show up, I encourage peeps to form a second team and try for the badge, as well!
  18. >=O you went without me? I'm gonna cry!

    Ah well, the weekend is still on, hehehe
  19. Whenever I load into a city zone, I'm greeting with what sounds like the car engine sound, only with the volume ramped up to 100 for a few brief seconds before the zone finishes loading.

    Does anyone else get this? Any way to stop it?
  20. As an FYI, I'm not strictly limited to one time; I figure a friday evening then saturday night thing could work. I'd rather have the badge than the merits, so if i only get half cuz i did the TF too soon, no big =)
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptA View Post
    So basically you are whining about whiners? Irony.

    The problem with these badges is that they are too subject to random nonsense. Someone DCs and comes back dead. An ambush materializes on a squishy. The Arachnos flyer nukes a scrapper and he dies instantly. The team lacks the one crucial AT or powerset to make it work.

    I've failed master attempts because of all these situations. In fact, out of the dozens of attempts, I have succeeded twice, and neither of those is the MoSTF. That one eludes me, and frankly it's gotten tiring to even try. It's always something. It's always something near the end of the effort. There's too much luck involved to make it "enjoyable". I'm not really looking forward to another one.
    No, I'm verbally abusing the whiners. Minor difference =)

    Anyway, this is why you set up master attempts with friends. While a random crash isn't something most players can avoid, I assure you the other situations you mentioned are well within the realm of avoidance.

    Ambush: have people stick close together and be alert. When an ambush spawns, it takes them 1-2 seconds to realize "hey, there's enemies here!" and attack. That's enough time for most people to pop inspirations and brace for the attack.

    Have the tank taunt the flier; a scrapper shouldn't be able to steal agro.

    As for missing a specific power or set: make sure you recruit people with the sets and powers you need! This is the easiest pitfall to avoid. Get your stone tank with Granite, get your empath with auras, get your bubbler and your dark and rad and whatever else you think you need. If you take time recruiting the people you need, you can make things a lot easier in the long run.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
    How about you keep your nerfing suggestions to yourself, the last thing that the devs need is more encouragement to nerf more sets... see instead of the fixing of popular power being to nerf them, perhaps they should look at making other sets more attractive....

    MOAR Carrot LESS stick please !!

    Oh, and less daft suggestions like this from the OP...

    Are you an idiot or just simply lacking in reading comprehension abilities? If you'd read the ENTIRE POST, you would have seen that I conceded that such a discussion would have no merit..