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  1. Also of note, is that bonuses from Purples DON'T go away with exemping. So there's that.
  2. This is kinda of a nerf for ID. It's mez resist is currently stackable; now, i won't be able to stack it to protect Tanks from Ghost Widow/s Hax hold =(
  3. haha, I remember Wolverine making a crack about this during Civil War, when the X-Men decided to stay out of the crossov- er, fighting. His response when told of this was thus: "I can't freakin' believe this! Jean'd be rolling in her grave... if she bothered to stay in it for more'n five minutes."
  4. I thought of something I'd like for Omega, and the best part is, the technology for this already exists...

    A chronal/alternate universe duplicate of yourself, using the current "doppelganger" technology. The tiers would go from a past self (with only a few powers available), up through the levels (where you choose whether your duplicate focuses on primary, secondary, or balances out) and finally they get some incarnate abilities of their own. For best results, everyone gets a Mastermind-like interface to control the duplicate, so that it's not making any stupid decisions.

    Instead of there being 4 trees, you would have the ability to fully customize the duplicate. You'd need a few pieces of iSalvage to give it a new power for each "level", almost like leveling up your character all over again. I'd even go so far as being able to give the duplicate its own appearance (or at the very least still be able to choose the dark/reverse/shadow/angel/etc color themes like in MA), if such a feature could be supported. The stipulations of course would be that it has to have the same primary and secondary powersets as your character (So no making an ill/rad "duplicate" of your claws scrapper), but overall i think this is something I'd like to see.
  5. It'd be easier if you leveled to 50, then exemplar'd, so that you could use purple sets, but otherwise, there aren't many good IO sets in the sub-20 range. I assume you have a good reason for wanting to stay level-locked, though.

    I tried in Mids. Your biggest problem is going to be lack of slots. Any set with good recharge bonuses is going to have them in the 4th or 5th tier. The BIGGEST problem is that PA needs 4 slots for a recharge bonus, but it can only have 3 by level 20 (So call to arms isn't even going to help). Playing around in mids, i got a build with 1.5% +dam, and 18.8% +Recharge before Hasten. And the build is fairly gimped =(
  6. Well, the way the ncarnate system works, you can get MULTIPLE kinds of Incarnate Enhancements and swap out when needed.

    For instance, against Hamidon, i'd want more Regen, as that's the only mitigation a tank has. However, if I'm fighting LR in the STF, i'm going to want capped defense and resistance. If i'm on a team with a bunch of squishies and going up against mez-heavy foes, I might take Clarion just to ensure my team is even safer (i guess that's kinda stretching it).

    Also, since other people have Incarnate buffs, it'd be nice to be able to pick and switch which ability you have slotted.

    Just my 2 inf.
  7. EmperorSteele

    Mind/Rad Build

    Yeah, you got 1 travel powers too many. Just because you take a pool power at level 6 doesn't mean you NEED to take the travel power.

    Also, you took Mutate, but not Fallout? Fallout/Mutate is a 1-2 combo that can make a huge difference in a tight battle.

    You have a LOT of recharge though, so good on you for that!

    Other than that, I agree with everything Local Man said.
  8. Well when the OP asks what price "would" you pay, i assumed he was asking for my preference, not what price do i think people would be willingly gouged at. I draw a distinction between the two concepts, though i realize many others here do not share that view =)
  9. haha, i've bought one of those for around the going price, only because the team i was on couldn't get past a certain part of a mission we were doing and i got cheesed off XD

    Otherwise i'd probably just get them from iTrials and stock up on 'em. I mean, chances are i can run a few trials and get one of those well before a lowball bid would get filled.
  10. Hey, it took me a year to purple-out my controller. I can be patient, and so can other people, I'm sure, especially if the prices are as insane as people in this thread want them to be.
  11. Well, what I WANT is for the Devs to make a balanced system that still allows us to be reasonably challenged in trail content. So instead, I'm going to look at the existing names (taken from the GR website) and try to guess =P

    Also, I don't see there being a need for any more AoE attacks or buffs, so I'm assuming each of the last 5 trees is to improve the character, not just team buffs...

    Hybrid: Ok, this sounds like 2 or more things being meshed together. I see this as being kind of an APP supplement, giving extra armor, control, and attack powers to ATs that normally are weak in those areas... Or, one can select a tree that plays to their strengths instead of shoring their weaknesses. Perhaps another "Self-Buff" set like alpha, but more specialized?

    Genesis: This word invokes a beginning, or creation. I almost want to say it's the ability to lower your combat level so you can street-sweep in low-level zones without entering an ouro-arc first, but I'm not sure how they'd divide that up into 4 or more types or how that would help with 50+ content. Perhaps you can lower an enemy's combat level or debuff the heck out of them?

    Mind: Ability to read minds. This can be achieved in-game by granting + Def (You already know where the enemy is aiming), Detecting stealthy foes. Perhaps have all glowies/objectives shown on the auto-map? Maybe some confuse and fear powers to mess with your enemies? And maybe the ability to circumvent these effects: + def, + Stealth, + mez protection... lots of possibilities.

    Vitae: +HP, + Regen, + End, + Recovery, +Defense, + Resistance... anything having to do with your character's physical health and capabilities. Lots of potential here.

    Omega: The last and greatest. Perhaps a compliment to Alpha, or a team-buff version where you enhance all your allies abilities instead of (just) your own. Or perhaps taking these attributes away from your foes and crippling them.

    ...meh, i dunno. Hope the devs come up with thins cooler than I did!
  12. The problem with feeling shafted by incarnate buffs is that people don't USE them. That's where you have an advantage. As a FF'er, you know how to watch your allies shields, when to re-cast, how to position yourself so the squishies get the benefit of your shield, and just generally know how to play the set. Some Blaster who casts Clarion when no one's near him isn't a threat to your role as the team's protection.

    Now granted, if you're on a team with 7 other guys who're so well-organized that they know to have only one of them cast barrier every 20 seconds when people are nearby, then yeah, you're a bit redundant. But I honestly don't see that being an issue!
  13. EmperorSteele

    Mind/FF Build

    I agree with Doom. We need a bit more info before we can help you out. But, i'll give you some very basic suggestions.

    For a good Mind/FF, you want all the Mind powers except TK. For FF, take the self and ally shields, though make sure to take at least one of the other powers, too. But you'll need to learn how to manage knockback properly (Ie, positioning yourself above your foe so they don't go flying away). I'd also suggest Force bubble for those "OH ****" moments.

    For Pools, Leadership to stack with your existing shields would be great. Then the flight pool, obviously. You may also want Hasten to speed up your long-recharge AoEs from your primary.

    For an APP, go Primal Forces mastery. The buff from Power Boost will crank up your shields and your mezzes. Or, another option is to go Earth mastery, because the armor will increase your Defense (instead of resistance) and stack with your self-shield.

    As for slotting, if you have a lot of cash, get as many Luck of the Gambler: +Recharge IOs as you can (no more than 5 though). These go into defense powers (like your shields) and you can shave off a good amount of time on your attacks' recharge. Another good, relatively cheap option is to 6-slot your attacks (Mesmerize, Levitate, Dominate, and your ST attack from your APP) with Thunderstrike. You'll get a lot of self-defense and some good accuracy bonuses, too.

    FF is a secondary that doesn't require a lot of slotting. One defense, one recharge is good for your ally shields, and a +def and a End redux in your toggles will do just fine. What it lacks in normal debuffing it makes up for with extra attacks that mitigate foes by knocking them around. Take advantage of this! Some enemies can't be controlled easily, but they can still be knocked around, which can buy you time you or your team needs.

    Hope this helps, but yeah, get Mids, make up a build, and let us see it and we'll go from there!
  14. Well, don't go Very Rare, then. The only difference between Reactive Total Core Interface (Rare, 75% chance of debuff) vs Core Flawless Interface (VRare, 75% debuff, 25% DoT) is the DoT. The debuff isn't gong to trigger more often, or be more powerful. This is what I'm doing, anyway.

    If not being Very Rare is that big of a sore spot, I'd go for Diamagnetic. The -Regen will stack with Transfusion, though it's only be noticable vs big targets, and the -tohit will fill in a weak-spot in kin, mainly, no +Def or -ToHit for yourself or your allies. Granted, the effects aren't very huge and barely noticeable solo, buuut most of the Interface effects are like that, anyway.

    My second choice would be Paralytic. The -Def would make enemies easier to attack and hit with your targeted debuffs/self-buffs, though the -Damage would be redundant, especially if you have both Siphon Power and Fulcrum Shift.

    The way this tree was designed (well, pretty much all of them except Lore), is that you can get DIFFERENT ones, and slot whatever you seem to need at a given time.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    So Steele: What price for a common would make you go, "Nine hells yeah, I'll sell you all of mine for that price?"

    Because I think that's really a minimum here. The price where people will go out and farm more than what they want for themselves.
    Aaah, well see, that's a whole 'nother question than the OP asked, isn't it? Though i suppose it comes with the territory.

    I'm trying to come up with an answer, but my head is spinning with complicated math and normal marketing trends. For instance, unlike with purple farming where you could possibly kill a thousand enemies and never see a drop, with the raids you're guaranteed at least a common after about 30-45 minutes. And 15-23 other people get the same chance at an incarnate salvage. While also earning threads, Emp merits, and Astral merits (which can be converted back into salvage with a few steps). The way i see it, supply would be HUGE, especially since there's not a whole lot of different salvage anyway.

    To put it more specifically, someone could easily spend a month (farming, AMerits, etc) getting one Purple IO, one of 60 available. Sucks to be you if it's a sleep or confuse recipe. By contrast, you can play for a half hour and get at least one of 20 incarnate components. And it's several dozen people getting these all at the SAME TIME. One raid will produce 16-24 pieces of salvage (one for each person). Assuming about 6 raids per hour across all servers (On virtue there's sometimes that many going on at once, so I'm being very conservative with my numbers), that's 144 raids in ONE DAY, producing at least 2304 pieces of salvage (assuming all raids are successful and no one picks inspirations), or a maximum of 3456. For the month, that's 103,680 pieces of salvage. Mind you, these are the LOW numbers, assuming an average of 6 raids at a time across ALL servers. If you wanna go with 1 raid per hour per server, that's 24*15= 360 raids in one day, times the number of players IN those raids (let's just meet halfway between 16 and 24: 20), equals 7,200 pieces of salvage PER DAY.

    Now, assuming everyone just wants 1 V-rare in each Incarnate category, they'd need, what, 21 pieces of salvage total? Those 7,200 pieces is enough to give 85 characters a VRare slot in EACH current category. Now, that's not a lot, but that's also PER DAY, using, IMO, low-balled numbers.

    True, not everyone is going to put their salvage on the market. But those people are going to be the same ones not buying off the market, either, unless it's that last component they want but can't seem to get. With such potentially high supply, why pay several million to save yourself a half hour? Granted, VRares, by their nature, would be very expensive, but tens of million for something that would have a thousand for sale at any given time? No.

    In other words, I do not foresee a shortage severe enough where the prices would be high enough that I would farm for the salvage, so I cannot answer your question =(
  16. Change your name to #Anne Frank and taunt that no one can find you

    ...i think it's already taken, though =P
  17. I think people are offering too much. I mean, seriously, 20 million for something you get in an hour of play time?

    That is, after a few trials (3-5), assuming they go well, I have enough threads, components, astral and empyrean merits to upgrade/sidegrade/convert to whatever I want. Heck, making enough threads from shards to make a common only costs 5 million influence (7.5 if you use the 10-to-5 conversion). So unless i had no shards at all, and nothing to downgrade, i'd find paying more than 5 million inf for a common ridiculous. And if a seller wanted my business, they'd have to offer their goods for LESS than i'd have to pay to make the salvage myself. Other than "get it nao", I'd have no incentive to pay for a common. I'd just grind out a couple trials, do a few TFs, and go from there.

    Rares and Vrares might be another story. Those can be frustrating, especially if i spend all my time and effort and expendable stuff on getting commons and uncommons for my first 2 tiers. Still dunno about paying that much though.

    However, there IS a factor i haven't taken into account that i just thought of: if these items were available on the market, LESS people would raid because they'd have another way to get them. This would decrease my ability to get on raids and make it harder for me to go about getting salvage in this way.

    TL;DR: i pay far less for this stuff already than what you guys would pay on the market, so why bother?
  18. I don't see these items maintaining those price points for long. Given that you can run as many trials per day as you'd like, the market would get saturated with uncommons.

    Funny thing, "commons" seem to never get rolled, but are used in every recipe, making them less common and more desirable than "uncommons". Here're my price points:

    Common: 500K
    Uncommon: 10-50K
    Rare: under 10 million
    VRare: 50 Million+

    I mean, i can do a few trials and get a rare regardless because i can trade in empyrean merits. I'm not going to pay more money than i get within the trials for something that i'm gonna get to drop anyway.
  19. ..you had to quote me twice, you couldn't edit the one post?

    But okay, Custom deal, cool beans. Sorry my search didn't include the 20th page of a PDF >=( Still, even the most l337 hardware in the world is gonna take a minute to load a super-complex base. CoH HAS been getting quite bloated lately. Dunno what they can do to reduce loading times on these things...
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
    I have an HP 8740w with 32GB of Ram, a 2GB video and a QuadCore Extreme processor and a 150MB FTTH to the internet from Verizon. I'm not the problem in this equation. I have opened a trouble ticket to see if the CoH upgraded the datacenter circuits when they mergered everyone last week.

    "I'm curious though if the different lighting levels or certain textures make the base longer to load. Will a base using all one wall texture load faster than if each room had a different texture? Hmm..."

    I don't think the textures are the problems...its the items in the base that affect loading. Mainly in the landing room.
    Uh, are you sure you're not talking about the 320 gb of storage space? 32Gs of ram is.... excessive. I've checked around and i don't see any variants of your laptop with more than 16Gs of ram. The default is 2. And if you're only running with 2Gs of ram, that actually WOULD be a bottleneck. (i should note that every review and version for sale had different numbers for memory, both min, max, and what it actually has, so it's hard to tell. I apologize if you're someone who actually knows what they're talking about and have upgraded your machine, but it's hard to tell sometimes. Especially since specs like that should be able to load anything in a few seconds...)

    But that's beside the point.

    I didn't say the textures were THE problem, but they might be a contributing factor, especially on slower machines. If the CoH server has to tell a computer that it has to paint 20 rooms with different textures, as opposed to 20 rooms with the same texture, the base is going to take longer to load, unless of course the entire texture pallet is loaded when you enter a base. Y'know, theoretically.

    Hmmm, I'm half-considering messing up my base to test this out....
  21. In regards to Illusion on Doms: uh, why?

    You have no control at all. You have virtually no powers that would benefit from Domination in any meaningful way.

    You know why Illu is so good on controllers? Because they come with buffs and debuffs that make their 2 attacks, their pets, and team more productive. The only meaningful thing a Dom would get out of having a Illu primary is a pocket Tank. Which is good, but a bit outside of what a dominator is supposed to be. They're supposed to be the ones in charge, not sitting back and watching. In fact, i think that's the crux of why Illu hasn't been (or ever will be) ported: Illu plays more like a MASTERMIND set than a dominator one. IIRC, Posi even said that once.
  22. *sigh*, i finally caved in and decided to give the song a listen, just so I could appreciate the meme more....

    Good GOD, the chick sounds like Steve Urkel >_< My ears are bleeding.... DAMMIT, Equation! I think I'll join Zwil in your telepathic demise >=(

    Though seeing it's youtube stats: 383,613 likes and 2,755,421 dislikes, made me lol so hard....
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BashfulBanshee View Post
    Hmmm. Which part would you like me to elaborate on? Seems pretty straight forward to me.
    Well, do you not buy booster packs in general? Do you not work on bases at all? Do you usually buy booster packs and like editing bases, but you find it insulting to have to pay for new base items?

    There's several possible reasons for why you wouldn't want to buy a base booster. We'd like to know!
  24. Yeah, the fastest loading base will also be the one that's the least fun to be in. A blank base. Nothing in it.

    But I'm sure you'd want a base that's functional. I believe this can be done with the starter room and a few small utility rooms for telepads and storage. Though depending on the size of your SG, this may not be an option.

    Mind you, your own system can be a bottleneck. When i upgraded my computer a few years back, i noticed that my base loaded MUCH faster (along with everything else)

    I'm curious though if the different lighting levels or certain textures make the base longer to load. Will a base using all one wall texture load faster than if each room had a different texture? Hmm...