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  1. .... I don't think anyone's ever run into that second scenario! XD

    I'll have to try this in PvP or during a BAF sometime.. or maybe set up an AE arc with an enemy with only Confusion effects and see what happens.

    My GUESS would be either A) nothing happens (teleport fizzles) or B) you still TP your team anyway. Confusion doesn't change the fact that you're on a team, just who you can target with attacks and who you can target with buffs. *shrug*
  2. I'm having the same issue, really. If i play for too long or do too many different things in one session, i tend to get slow-downs and crashes.

    In my completely uninformed opinion, CoH has grown too big for its britches with all the new systems, graphics, avatar options, and background events going on. I recall there being a patch recently that's supposed to send better crash data to Paragon studios so they can work on alleviating these crashes. So that's something.
  3. AFAIK, the APPs villains inherited weren't changed graphically, so i'd say that the PF shields will retain their normal green hue.
  4. Depending on the size of her monitor, see if she's willing to lower her resolution. This will effectively increase the size of all the 2-D elements, though the game might not look as pretty (but if she's hard of seeing, that might not be a huge issue)
  5. Aw snap man, sorry to hear that. Seeing as that's the case, you probably can't order stuff online (unless you give your parents your cash and they do it for you) anyway. That's kind of the main advantage to do-it-yourself, saving money buying parts online. You might still be able to find a computer parts store in your area, but you're not gonna save as much money doing it that way.

    If you're so inclined, look at BestBuy's online site and see if they have any in-store deals that look good. Post the relevant link here and we'll tell you if a given computer would be a good investment or not.
  6. You might want to ask in the Tech support forum, a poster who mostly resides there, Father X-Mas, i think, has guides on what kinds of computers you can get at different price-ranges.

    As for the highest possible graphics settings (3d, AA, Ultra mode, etc), a video card to do that ALONE would cost over 500 bucks. Just sayin'. But you can get a mid-range card that will give you decent graphics but without some of the bells and whistles for less than half that.

    If you're willing to put the computer together yourself, you can salvage parts from your old computer (CD/Dvd drive, case, and Hard drive, maybe). A new Motherboard, CPU, RAM, Video card and power supply can be easily had for under 500, but once you start getting into other essentials (such as the aforementioned disk-drive and case) it's harder to stay on a $500 budget.

    You can also check out this article: http://techreport.com/articles.x/20722 It has a budget box starting at 600, but if you're willing to go a bit lower than the specs they go for (or re-use old parts), you can likely stay on-target and not spend too much.

    Note though that the cost doesn't include Operating System (Windows), so you'll need to figure something out there.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    A Mind/Earth Dominator in Domination mode can stack 18 mag hold in about 3.73 seconds with Dominate > Telekinesis > Seismic Smash. That's if you really want to try to team up and hold Lord Recluse. I'm still not sure that's possible even with two Dominators but I'm often proven wrong.
    Add to that Total Dom (with the hold proc) and Hold procs in Mes, Lev, and Dom (both hold procs) and you could theoretically get higher after chaining attacks for a bit.

    Heck, I'll be honest, if your goal is ONLY stacking ST hold mag, you might even want to go for a TA/Ice Defender/Corruptor. TA has 2 holds and an immob to take a hold proc, Ice has a few attacks to take hold procs and 2 holds itself, and you can debuff your opponent at the same time to make damage-dealing a little easier. And then you can take electric mastery which also has a hold (albeit on a slightly long-ish recharge). I started working on a Mids build but got bored, might post it later.
  8. ..Wow, you have a LOT of recharge!

    If your ONLY concern is Hold mag, you can also swap out a damage IO in your attacks for a Decimation: Chance to hold proc. Short of that I think you're going to have all the Hold mag you can get.
  9. Mind/Kin for me. Great control, decent damage plus one of the best area heals in the game makes badging pretty easy. However, I should note that ANY Character can kill 100 skulls, or wander around zones for exploration badges, or sit in a room for 20 days, or take damage and pay off debt. The vast majority of badges are just as easy for character A to get as Character B. The only exceptions would be some exploration badges if you can't fly, or trying an all-blaster Master TF run (which HAS been done, but i figure Blasters would have the hardest time of it. Maybe Stalkers?). Also, you don't have to solo an AV or GM for badge credit. Though if that's what you wanna do, more power to ya. I should mention that anything that's def-capped and has a decent attack chain can solo a GM... AVs might be a bit trickier.

    I think the main thing you want to be aware of when badging is this: try to farm damage badges before getting any +HP accolades. Otherwise enemies will do damage to you that won't count towards your badge total. For instance, if you have +50 HP above your base HP, an enemy that hits you for 75 damage will only count for 25 points of badge credit.
  10. EmperorSteele


    The deal is Fiery aura has a damage, ah, aura that hurts enemies all on its own while you attack. If everyone around you is half dead by the time you've killed 1 guy, then you're killing faster than anyone else.

    Y'know, in theory. Very basically.
  11. Well the participation metric goes along the idea of "what is each person doing to help the raid succeed?" It seems like somehow, missing half the temp powers reduces the team's odds of success, and therefore the rewards you're entitled to. That would be my guess based on the information given. Next time, have 4 guys hit the labs and 4 guys hit the warehouse, see if the same thing happens.
  12. 80's fashion: unique, but awful.
    80's music: mix between horrid and brilliant.
    80's cartoons: nothing but half-hour toy commercials, but they were awesome.
    80's TV: Oooh, FOUR networks now! I... cable? Wussat?
    80's comics: adolescent with spurts of growing up.
    80's movies: regarded as classics today, even the bad ones.
    80's social/political climate: Communism is EVIL! Drugs are EVIL! Strangers are EVIL!
    80's technology: I can fit an entire 20-page report on this 5-inch floppy! ...why are you snickering?
    80's video games: Plunk quarters into an arcade game or play insanely hard 8-bit games at home. Many are considered classics today.

    Overall, i'd give an 80's booster pack a 50/50 chance of being epic vs Fail.
  13. I don't think throwing up the horns and cut-it-out are possible options, as our characters don't have fingers =/
  14. Like Local_man said, every controller has a single-target and AoE hold power. It should be noted that the AoE hold powers are terrible unless/until they're 6-slotted.

    So, putting that aside, i'll mention that most Controllers rely on Immobilization and secondary effects for control. Fire, Electric, Ice, Earth, Grav and Plant all have a ST immob and an AoE immob... and immob, IMO, is a crappy excuse for a mez power. It sets up containment, true, but all enemies have ranged attacks.

    Fire gives you more damage. Electric has chaining effects. Earth debffs foes defenses. Ice has -speed and recharge. Plant and Grave don't offer much in the way of secondary effects. Each of these powersets also comes with a Pet or more.

    If you want pure lock-down capability, I'm going to lean towards Mind Control. With no power-tiers wasted with Immobs, there's only two things "wrong" with Mind: the lack of a pet, and fewer Containment options. What you get instead of a pet is the ability to confuse 16 foes at once (which offers the same functionality as a pet: Agro mis-direction and damaging your opponents). Here's what else you get: A sleep that can put AVs to sleep(!), A pure damage power (which takes foes out of the fight for a few moments), your ST and AoE holds, A single-target confuse (so you can stack it on bosses) an AoE sleep, an AoE terrorize/damage power (use this after the sleep power), and TK, which holds/repels 5 foes at once.

    The other weakness of Mind, as mentioned before, is lack of Containment (the double-damage you get when a foe is mezzed). Sleep breaks after one hit. Foes that are confused or terrorized aren't subject to containment. To rectify this you'll want a secondary that either adds more mezzes to your arsenal (Like TA, Storm or Rad) or simply increases your damage in some way by either buffing your or debuffing your foes (Sonic, Storm, Kin, and Rad again. Thermal and Cold also have a couple neat debuffs)

    I'd recommend Mind/Rad. It's a good combo even when played poorly and killer when played well. The only thing Mind has trouble with is AV soloing, because you don't have a pet to buff up so it can distract the AV. (Ps, my favorite is actually mind/kin, but I give the edge to rad except in very specific scenarios)
  15. There's also Cimeroria and the Midnighter's club for cross-faction team-age. Or heck, you could always go to Praetoria via pocket d and launch from there anyway!

    Use your imaginations, people!
  16. Hahaha, what's wrong, L_M, 3 Ill/rad threads in one day tiring you out? XD
  17. You are a blight on humanity.

    Keep it up!
  18. Slot Spectral Wounds, and your ST blast from your APP with Chance to Hold. Put Contagious Confusion in Decieve if you haven't already. You can slot a chance to stun proc in Spectral Terror, I think (Unspeakable terror is the set name). Other than that, Mind and Illu are on completely opposite ends of the control scale. In fact, you could say that of Illu vs any other control set. You mitigate through distraction and misdirection. And it's great, especially paired with Rad. Just keep at it =)
  19. We even get her ear-pieces? Nice!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
    The issue isnt whether Ice has buffs.. Its that it doesnt have the buff that many people are looking for which is Heals.. RA's and Kinetics..

    Look, when someone doesnt want you on a team because you dont fit their ideal.. I usually count myself lucky as not being on that team.. I have found 90% of the time that I just missed out on being on TEAM STUPID that doesnt work together a a team, dies a lot and is looking for buffs to overcome their stupidity.. As I always say.. you cant heal stupid...

    I got on a team once that said they were looking for a defender.. So I joined with my Rad/Rad.. I get YAY DEFENDER.. ok no more dying ( that was a bad sign right there)

    they were fighting some +3's so Im laying down the debuffs on the mobs and attacking..and we are starting to plow through them... but we are taking some damage ( although no had died since i joined the team )and the team leader screams at me..

    STOP ATTACKING JUST HEAL... I said well I have a lot of debuffs and... again the team STOP ATTACKING JUST HEAL...

    So I stopped attacking... and just threw out my very small AoE Heal...

    and the team died... everyone said wait what happened.. we were doing good..

    I said.. Oh well that was my fault..

    See I had Radiation Infection which is a 50% defense debuff and a 48% to hit debuff.. but I shut that off so I could just heal like the leader said.

    Then I had Enervating Field running which brought their reistance down 30% and brought their damage down 25% but I shut that off so I could heal..

    Oh yeah and then I was using Lingering Radiation cut their regen 500% and theire recharge rate 25% but i stopped doing that so I could heal...

    And I stopped using Irradiate which is another 50% defense debuff in an area and Neutron Bomb which is another 25% defense debuff in an area bcause I was told STOP ATTACKING JUST HEAL...

    OH and I stopped dropping Accelerate Metabolism which was buffing your damage 30% and yor recharge 25% well because its not a heal and I was told JUST HEAL...

    So wait classic here.. someone asks for the star so they can invite a friend.. and the leader was kicked LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    +1 internet for you!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    Her hairstyle is unique.

    We have one that's close, but not dead on.
    Nope, I'm pretty sure it's "Shy". I don't see any difference =/
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    Still miss her unqiue shoulder pieces though.
    What, the razor discs that her in-game model doesn't have? We got those o_o
  23. Wait, if you guys were going the split-up strategy, why was this girl taking it out on you? It's not like you were the raid leader... and if she was a team leader...

    I smell fish-sticks. Are you sure you didn't start arguing first? Were you running off and disobeying the strategy?