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Bizarro - Issue 3, Covergirl - Dee Dee Diablo
Page 11 - 12
As a fast living, hard drinking, straight talking punk with a catalogue of tattoos and a same sex relationship with a robot, its no wonder Dee Dee Diablo is the bane of those who cast judgement on the world from behind their ivory towers.
But its even more of a certainty that we here at Bizarro would do anything to get the purple-haired flamestress to grace our pages. Today we became devil worshippers and once youve pealed your eyes away from these pages you will be too.
And whats more we have sighed Dee up to be a Bizarro columnist. We cant wait to hear first hand about her misadventures and her own unique take on the alt hero lifestyle. But first, its Bizarros turn to ask the questions:
So, Dee, readers will know you from fronting punk outfit The Last Word as well as reading about your heroing exploits with Silent Tempest. So are you a singer or a hero first?
Im just Dee. For along time I was all about the music. It was kind of cathartic, like working out the bad [censored] from my past. The albums out there now and Im as proud as hell. Music is still my first love but Ive found that becoming someone deserving of the word hero has become the next step for me. Its like Im on a path and each day I have to take a step to becoming a better person.
So are we going to see a mellower Dee Dee Diablo?
Hell no. I mean Im the type of person who speaks her mind and it seems whats on my mind can antagonize people. But my philosophy is simple [censored] them. I know in my heart Im doing whats right and as long as those close to me can see it too thats fine by me.
On the subject of those close to you, your relationship with Nene McAllister has courted controversy too. That and the song Mrs. Loverboy generated a lesbian following but there has been a recent backlash due to your refusal to come out.
I havent refused [censored]. Since when did being in an exclusive relationship with another girl make you a lesbian? I must have missed that memo. Nene and I are both girls, sure, but it we were both guys or mix n match wed still feel the same. I really believe that. I hope the lesbian community can understand and be sensitive to the way we feel. Besides I like [censored] too much to be a [censored].
Magazines like our have been celebrating a lifestyle we call alt hero. How does it feel to be its postergirl?
I dont want to be a postergirl for anything. Im not a rolemodel, trust me on that. Ive learnt from my mistakes but I damn sure wouldnt recommend other people repeat them. But if means girls who want to be heroes can be themselves and not feel they have to look like a Playboy Bunny in their spandex underwear, its all good.
Bizarro also loves tattoos and your ink is stunning. Can you tell us a bit about it?
My tattoos are very special to me and I live with them in my head for a long time before I put them on my body. The bleeding barbed wire on my arms were my first tattoos. They were kind of a physical symbol of how I was feeling inside as I tried to reconcile things in my past and start to forge out a new life. The devil horns on my pelvis were in hindsight a mistake from my brief flirtation with the Hellions. Still they look pretty cool.
The IX in the small of my back, thats pretty obvious, thats showing my feelings for Nene. Sickening, huh?
The burning, chained angel on my back is kind of a strange one. That image just kept coming to me again and again. Now, its a symbol of the strength inside me and my potential to break free of my own chains. I also like to think it represents the people who watch over me like Nene and my sisters Diana and Annabel.
You have sisters? Would they be up for a pictorial in Bizarro?
No. No they wouldnt.
Can we settle a few of the myths surrounding you, Dee? Are you the devils daughter? Did you sell your soul in exchange for your musical ability? Did you really get caught having sex on a national monument?
I dont talk about my mom and dad on account of them both being [censored]. No, I didnt sell my soul for musical ability I sold it for Pez. The monument thing is a matter of public record. It was when I was with Ethan Ink (Ed. lead singer of Dead Birthday Clown) and we did a lot of dumb [censored] back then.
So whats next for you Dee?
The Last Word is sorting out the last few details for the Next Stop Hell tour to promote the Greetings from the Gutter album. Were going to be supported by Nene and The Nines and Suzi White so its going to be hot. The hero things also on the up and up. Tempest have made me field commander so Im doing all I can to live up to their faith in me. And Ive got this kind of mentor thing going with Crimson Archer so Im learning a lot. Some of it about being a hero!
Check out Dees Devils Advocate column in future issues of Bizarro!
(( Interview by @Romanov )) -
Bizarro - Issue 2, Covergirl - Cassie Young
Page 43 - 44
What was it like when you first discovered the awesome power youve got?
Well, a big [censored] shock at first. Me and the band, we were playing this small gig over in Kings. Id just started on the first few lines of Micro Morals, one of the fan faves, when the whole front row, most of the second row and the band all fell straight to the damn floor. Id always wanted girls falling at my feet but not like that!
And then you ended up being drafted into a G.I.F.T program?
Yeah. They heard the news through some sources, it got round pretty quick support for us kinda dwindled for a while now there was a mutant fronting the band. So I took a break, tried getting my head round it all, and they came to me and offered to help me with what Id unleashed, in return for a fully-fledged Hero License. And bam, 6 months later, here I am!
Now known as Melphon in the Heroic Circles, right? Whats it mean?
Well, Mel and Phon are two scales of pitch and loudness. The scientists and researchers said that, with my voice, I could hit certain parts of these scales that made the human body react in these weird ways, so the name kinda stuck. Its not been a name Im fond of, Ill admit but its growing on me!
Back to the band then: Whats the next step?
Well, were currently recording our first proper label album. Not decided on the name yet it was originally gonna be called So? because Cassie took over as singer for a while. Name was a reaction to the fans and critics we had for the change. But now Im back, were taking those songs and recording some more its a total new direction for us, but I reckon the fans are gonna love it.
What about the bands name: The Pipedream. How did that come about?
Oh thats way old now way back when we first met. I met out drummer, Andre, when I first came to Paragon a few years back. We hit it off and managed to scramble some people together for a jam, but it was terrible. It was then, after wed gone that we sat talking about pipe dreams and [censored] while getting very drunk. And that stuck with us ever since
How are the band with your new power? Are there any side effects?
Well, occasionally Ill hit a note or something that can leave them feeling a bit fazed or groggy still getting used to it and stuff. Thanks to the dudes though, its much easier to control. Comes in handy if I ever get mugged too!
And life as a hero. Hows that working out for you? Hoping the band get more recognition?
No. Not at all. I mean, if we do, thats great but its not a publicity stunt or anything. I love the band, I love music and I want to keep doing it, as well as using this to be a hero whenever I can. Though, Id never refer to myself as a Hero anyway Im no flying, cape wearing super powered guy taking on world-domination. I can handle street punks and the like, but Im not a real hero.
Thanks a lot Joey. Just so we know, for all the female fans out there, are you still single?
*Laughs* Not any more no. Im quite happily in a relationship. And Im not gonna say any more, because shell hit me.
With Joey Stahl as front man and Cassie Young as front woman, we see The Pipedream going from strength to strength! Hopefully enough to encourage Cassie to pose again!
(( Interview by @Crius )) -
(( They seemed to be a gap in Paragons media, unless i'm mistaken, no kind of alternative explicit mags. Bored one day armed with photoshop i conjured up Bizarro for something todo. It's really fun to create and i thought i'd share it. Basic overview is;
Paragons version of an alternative magazine. Sometimes smutty, sometimes funny, sometimes decent, sometimes shocking but pretty much always explicit. The style is a cross between Bizarre, Kerrang and Nuts all rolled into one. The magazine is new and barly established, only a small team work on it currently. Bizarro costs around five Dollars, and is out randomly, sometimes once a week sometimes less, until established properly proper release dates and deadlines wont be set.
Already got a que of people wanting their characters in it, and ive done two issues so far, the Magazine is open to Heroes and Villians alike, so send me a PM if your intrested in having your character in it. The Magazine can be bought from any newstand, or newsagent and even from the magazines website. Anyway heres Issue one. ))
Bizarro - Issue 1, Covergirl - Holly Steel
Page 21 - 22
Interview with Holly Steel
So Holly, hows things? Been a while since ive seen you.
Things are good, lifes starting to get alot better, made new friends and escaped what was a [censored] life in New York.
Hows the Hero scene treating you?
Really good! I dont view myself as a Hero though, but supposidly ive done some good deeds, a big change from what i was, currently with a small gang of amped people from the Militia some tasks require more than a couple of people, like Terra Volta last week, i went along with the Hyperion Watchmen, by the end of the day we had prevented a meltdown!
Damn that place is always on alert! How about your new partner Sean?
Sean? I'm madly in love with him, we've got so much in common, and thats a helluva foundation, we've been seeing each other for nearly 2 months. I think he might scream at me when he sees this kinky photoshoot!
He's a lucky, lucky! B***ard. What made you leave the Big Apple then?
Getting sacked because of a disability really f**ked me off, although i'm glad i'm out of that business it wasnt glamerous, the main reason i moved away was to aim high, try to get a license in the City of Heroes as they put it. I was never good with my head, so something practical like what i do now is ideal for me.
Gotcha, What was the porn business like?
Oh cmon, use your head, i got f**ked by strangers day in, day out.
Good way to put it! Anything planned for the future?
Still turning my life around right now, ive kicked all my bad habits and i'm on a good road, thanks to Seans help. I'm hoping to start drug counsilling, help people that have been in my situation, because i know it's damn hard, all i ever wanted back then was to talk to someone who had something in common. Not some [censored] in a suit who hadnt a clue what it felt like, but talked like she did.
And the Hero work, anything on that front?
Working full-time on it now, alot of it is volentery. Hero Corps have had me in Sirens Call, extra risk money, but you got to have a keen eye and move fast Sean worrys, and well so do i. On Monday nights i, and Sean team up with the Militia to get some of the bigger stuff dealt with.
Great! Ever thought of getting back into the modelling, porn business?
Not porn, never again, i done that stuff because i was useless at everything else, dropout at High School and pretty much blonde in all aspects of the word, i needed to get by somehow. Modelling, maybe, i quite enjoyed the photoshoots today, makes me feel really good actually, considering my legs are ugly mechanical constructs!
Your legs seem damn fine to me! That must of been a heavy impact on your life? I heard of the hit and run you were involved in.
That was a few years ago now, i still get the feeling that hit 'n run "accident" was intentional. Ive moved on though, revenge never done nothing for noone except get them locked up in jail.
Willing to come back for more photoshoots for Bizarro in the future then?
Hell, i dont see why not! I had great fun! I think i'll have to talk to Sean this time, he's gonna get a suprise when he reads this!
Well thanks for the talk Holly! I hope things continue on the up for you!
Thanks for having me! I mean.. interviewing me!
(( Interview by @Elky )) -
Posting on behalf of Pious;
Sorry its taken a while guys, I'll be away from the game for some time so any further requests can go to Franky who has volunteered to help out. Here are my last two avatars until further notice.
1. Colonel Blitz
2. Lord Qel Thyr -
Bizarro - Issue 1, released on the 21st of March.
Cover girl - Holly Steel
(( Ok, i'm more than eager to add other chars to this, and i hope people take up the offer!
Basically the magazine covers all the freaky alternative stuff, full of swearing and bluntly written, alot of it is truthful and they dont twist what people tell them, the occassional [censored] rumour and awful joke are still in there, but not as much as the Old Inquirer for example.
Feel free to add your own piece of writing if you want to take full advantage of the magazine, write it how you like, i think you would of got a jist for the feel of the magazine from the short description and the look of it. And if needed i could create some 'fake pages' to put the writing onto. I'm trying to give the mag a 'real feel' so if you want your character in try to find a suitable model, anything minor i could have a go at photoshopping. (Adding mechanical arms and legs isnt my forte though.) Cover girls are good, but need to be a little bit sexy. For male characters a more rugged, action look would be better. (Having a guy in a shirt and tie waving at someone isnt going to work.)
PM me if your intrested all i need is maybe 2-4 'RL' pictures of your character, a little description of what you might want as a main header (In Issue 1 it's "Holy Holly!") and a few other small sentances i could add in. (Example: In issue 1 it's something Holly told the magazine.) And if you want to add the interview put it in your own words and i'll photoshop a suitable page to put it onto.
Standard template I could theme the magazine to suit the type of character in it, incase the Holly issue looked a little bloody.
It might be weekly or monthly, or a total one off, it depends how many people are intrested in having their chars in it. )) -
My character Holly isnt the brightest bulb in the box, expelled from school a few times and thought it was 'hip' to skip high school, her parents werent really there for her, so she grew up in her own world.
RPing her a little dull is pretty easy. During RP she'll ask more questions than usual is all, "Whats that mean?" "Whats that do." "Whats this?" etc. She knows alot about certain subjects but general knowledge isnt her strong point, shes not to the point of dumb in which she cant add 2+2 though, just a little dull.
Hell, back when i RP'ed Echo she wasnt in touch with the music/film/culture scene at all, people would make movie refrences and she wouldent have a clue what they were talking about. Roll with it and take it how it comes is the only way i could describe doing it. "Would my character know that?" type of thing. Ugh, hard to explain. -
I cant possibly put it better than Wiki, as that covers the subject perfectly.
<ul type="square">[*]Act out a character.[*]Come up with an intresting character background.[*]Give it a personality, depth, feelings. That could be diffrent to your own.[*]Develop your character through roleplaying, be it Forum Roleplay, ingame Roleplay, IM, etc. Theres so many diffrent ways.[*]Do what your character would do, not what you would do. Although in some cases, your character might have a similar personality to yourself![/list]
Thats a very quick summary, some people who've already posted have hit the nail on the head. -
As Cass said,
I would say it's my attachment to characters this place has given me the ability to create, and the Characters that keep me here more than the setting.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think ive quit WoW and returned here four times now, like you say WoW gets old after 3 months, and from what i saw (Atleast on Moonglade) RP wasnt as good, nor taken as seriously as the community here.
But definatly characters my character Roleplays with make this game, and its community worthwhile. As much as i like WoW the gear grind gets tiresome and even on the RP Realms i found it was still about gear, roleplay came second, gear came first. Maybe i wasnt hanging with the right crowd but thats the feeling i got. I never really got hm, immersed? In WoW either, as much as i loved my Draenei, and Human. The setting CoX is in is something i can relate too it makes it that much more fun to play and come up with chracters.
Oh, and what ShadowGhost said, coulden't of put it better. -
Loving my Fire/Energy. It's awesome at everything ive put my hand to. PvP, Solo, PvE.
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.30
Holly Steel: Level 48 Science Blaster
Primary Power Set: Fire Blast
Secondary Power Set: Energy Manipulation
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Medicine
Ancillary Pool: Cold Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Fire Blast -- (A)
Level 1: Power Thrust -- (A)
Level 2: Fire Ball -- (A)
Level 4: Build Up -- (A)
Level 6: Hurdle -- (A)
Level 8: Hasten -- (A)
Level 10: Bone Smasher -- (A)
Level 12: Aim -- (A)
Level 14: Super Speed -- (A)
Level 16: Health -- (A)
Level 18: Blaze -- (A)
Level 20: Stamina -- (A)
Level 22: Combat Jumping -- (A)
Level 24: Super Jump -- (A)
Level 26: Stimulant -- (A)
Level 28: Aid Self -- (A)
Level 30: Power Boost -- (A)
Level 32: Inferno -- (A)
Level 35: Boost Range -- (A)
Level 38: Total Focus -- (A)
Level 41: Snow Storm -- (A)
Level 44: Frozen Armor -- (A)
Level 47: Hibernate -- (A)
Level 49: Conserve Power -- (A)
Level 1: Brawl -- (A)
Level 1: Sprint -- (A)
Level 2: Rest -- (A)
Level 1: Defiance
Code:[/color]| Copy & Paste this data chunk into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
%N]6"P[^WA@GBR[UA?M#G;/9[T41NTSVUS<I7>\QI'J9T_POW&,1T3,2H'8II,!&'O\_Y?WO)BY <$-&
.`64`14`64`2%@&7!Q5F&QZ?Z+$H(%A%((I1`L(2P%8>E)OQ26 R\3B4`4L`L;1-W-6[S$`
Quickly done my build, i'm only level 42 at the moment, but i love this build.
Rather than de-rail the thread though. Fire/Energy from my experience is very fun, Solo, Group PvE, and PvP. But everyone has their own tastes! -
Never played Willpower, so i couldent comment properly. But...
My level 50 EM/Elec Brute obvisouly has no self heals, taking Aidself was a big help, for PvP especially. Even for PvE, a well timed Aid Self is invaluable. I also found it very useful when fighting certain AV's.
I really cant see the lack of Heal in Willpower being a major dis-advantage, the regen, RttC and the starter power (Forgot the damn name) that gives you bonus HP anyway, is enough. Me personally though would still get aidself, i think i have it on all my chars.
Still on a WP Brute, if you have to choose between Aidself or the Fighting Pool, get the fighting pool. Definatly. -
In the papers 4th March
Paragon Express, March 4th, Edition 441, 50 Cents
(( Please excuse some rather bad typos ive just noticed in the photoshop work.))
I learned from previous happenings its a bad idea to put 'personal' stuff in your Bio, personal such as 'My Real name is: so and so' 'Has a crimainal record' 'Age: 32' 'Ultimate weakness: fudge'
I think people get the point of that, at one point i had a breif description of my chracters backstory in her Bio. Big mistake as i learnt, nowadays like i said, putting in extra things a character might see that game mechanics dont allow is more than enough. It's a nice feeling when people have took time to read your bio and comment IC to you, "You have funky piercings" for example.
The bio thing is a good tool, if used right it can aid Roleplay alot, clear up confusion and help people distinguish what your character really looks like.
(Sorry if this post is a little off-topic)
What seems slightly confusing to me is that the char was level 50, RPing a Nictus when he/she could of made one, and have things far less confusing for everyone.
But of course, RP is all about imagination, noone has a floating name above their head, or a little badge saying their a 'Scrapper' if this character was actually a Kheldian (Asin AT) it makes it far easier to imagine, thus giving greater immersion.
Admittingly i know little of game cannon, i dont know times or dates, and its very rarly i have to use it, but i abide by what i know, the essential stuff, it's common sense really. Ive fudged so much stuff over the past 2 years, and i know and understand another player might have a diffrent 'fudge' for that, theres always a way around or another piece of fudge to fill that gap whilst keeping it reasonable.
With all my chars i put in a description of which items arent in game mechanics (Scars, piercings, accents, items of clothing the game doesnt have.) thats what makes it fun, using your imagination to make it work. Atleast for me. -
Please dont spam the community Wiki with stuff like 'The RP Police'
It really isnt needed, if you think a person is godmoding, or is a renowned Godmoder, either /ignore ingame or speak to them and tell them where their going wrong, keep your opinions to yourself. Going onto the community Wiki and stamping your authority around wont solve anything, judging by peoples reactions here all this person has done is cause a fuss over nothing, as FFM said "Mountain out of a Molehill." -
(( Hey welcome back Ghost! Nice introduction piece. Currently having a break from the game myself, but hopefully i'll be back and get the oppertunity to RP with you again. Still developing my chars away from the game, ive big plans, so if i do come back it'll be refreshing.
(( In Paragon newspapers on the morning of 29th November. ))
Eci Hammer in critical condition
Late last night licensed hero bearing name Eci "Ice" Hammer came under brutal attack in Kings Row. She was wearing casual clothes and evidently not expecting trouble. An eyewitness who wishes to remain anonymous describes the situation.
"I saw this hawt gal walking the other side of the road when at least seven guys jumped on her. It was so fast. Bag over her head and then they just dragged her into an alley nearby. I didn't have my cell phone with me so I had to leave and look for a pay phone."
The attackers, all members of the notorious Skulls gang, proceeded to beat up and stab Eci Hammer in a way that can only be described as vicious. She sustained several lacerations on her upper torso, two almost fatal stab wounds and multiple broken bones. Doctors said that judging by the injuries on her arms and wrists she tried to shield her face from the blade weapons. She was not entirely successful.
When the police arrived alerted by the eyewitness they found the attackers lying around. Another licensed hero, called Stratocaster, had intervened and rendered the gang members unconscious and at the time of police coming to the scene was trying to still the bleeding from the most serious wounds.
One police officer remembers Eci Hammer arresting several Skulls members earlier this week and says that they are investigating the incident from the vengeance angle. All attackers remain in custody at this time and are facing serious charges.
Story by Andrew Spring
(( Thanks to Coile for writing the article.))
(( Basically, stories from other dimensions, your character might be a Villian in this dimension and may be a Hero in another, or your character may have had certain things not happen to them that have happend in present how might it change them? Events shape people change the event you end up with a diffrent character altogether. This threads for stories of your character in an alternate dimension, i'll start with something i quickly wrote up, i never ever intend to meet this character in present, its just purely for creative writing fun. ))
Slightly violent, just as a warning.
[u]Alternate Echo[u]
Five years from now in a diffrent timeline was alot diffrent, global warming had affected the Earth worse than expected, alot of the polar ice caps had melted, most of the world was underwater. Not a single car was visible in Times Square, New York City the devastation was something no heroine could prevent. It rained everyday, all the time, black clouds, bolts of thunder and lightning filled the sky, it was always dark, grim, eerily quiet, crime and looting dominated the city. The Hudson river was no longer a mere river it was an ocean, even the Statue of Liberty was upto its neck as the thunderous rain and relentless waves crashed against the iron structure. Stood looking out of a window from near the top of the Chrysler building was a brunette combing her hair whilst watching the rain batter the thick glass, a fire glowed vibrantly behind her, lighting and warming the small but cosy makeshift room, it was full of salvage, items of need during desperate times, it was clear the hospital had been looted by this person, as was the convienence store, Mars bars, Wine gums, bags upon bags of crisps stuffed into a corner of the room. The mysterious brunette turned to the door as she tied her ponytail into place, she looked healthy, her eyes blue, both arms intact by her sides, dressed in a trenchcoat which was tightly buttoned up, the neck of the trench reaching the chin of this female, made of thickly knit cotton. She heard heavy footsteps approaching her door, then the loading of weaponary, with a wave of her slender unscarred finger, her own heavily reinforced door locked, several loud bangs followed but not on this door, the cave in of a door across the way was heard, as was screaming, followed by several gunshots the screams stopped, the sound of limp bodies thud on wooden floorboards was sickening. The brunette, who shared a striking similarity to Echo Thompson, bar having a huge scar along on her left eye unsheathed a perfectly forged Katana and leant against the thin stud wall in which her door was situated. "Take all the food, its enough to feed our family, check the rest of the rooms on this floor. We need enough to last a year." she overheard. The blue eyed female looked to someone else who was in the room, putting an index finger to her lips, this other person was her mother who was coming of age sat in a tatty well used armchair facing the fire, looking concerned and scared.
The wall shook heavily when a large bearded male shunted against it, he made no sound except grunts making no attempt to knock politly. Echo looked at the door then made a motion with her right hand asif she was slamming it shut, the heavy steel door jolted off its hinges flying open throwing the male and the door against the wall on the opposite side of the corridor killing him neigh instantly, a burst of machine-gun fire rattled the now bent and twisted doorframe. Another male unloaded a full clip in fear, suspecting it was a mutant with telekensis "Come out you freak!" he shouted reloading his weapon, the alternate Echo stood in the doorway and looked directly at the bald man in a raggy checkred shirt, the blue eyed brunettes' sword lowred by her side "Why cant you kno--" the male unloaded another clip of machine-gun fire aimed for Echo, the bullets stopped, then spun and smoked fresh from the barrel, inches from Echos body, not one hit the trechcoat wearing female, they dropped to the floor, shaking her head she continued speaking calmy as the man began to look terrified and in panic reload his weapon yet again, "If only you said please i might of let you have some of my rations." Back in the fire-lit room Echos Mother covred her ears as the inevatable was about to happen. The brunette looked down at her hand as it began to glow like a blowtorch a blue flame burnt from her fingers as she ran them up her sword, heating the blade. Before the terrified male could fire again Echo jolted forward, almost asif she hovred, she made a vicious swing cutting from shoulder to hip as she dragged the sword down through the looters torso. No blood was left, nor was there a mess, calmly she left the room and returned to her own, making motions with her now normal cooled hands, the door which was ripped off its hinges returned back to its position almost asif nothing had happend, Echo sheathed her sword and looked at her mother who took her hands away from her ears. "Desperate times Mother, chaos fills the air more than the rain nowadays." Said the brunette the warm glow of the fire hitting her face. -
Sudden thought. Use Bill n Ted's example. Villain A wants to kill Hero B, travels back in time to do so. Hero B gets knows this will happen already, and travels back in time to before Villain A arrives, tells his past self, and helps hand Villain A back to himself. Hero B trades witty remarks with past self, then returns to their present.
Everything is how it always was. Distorted
[/ QUOTE ]
<Head explodes> -
I'm not a fan of it, i know my reasons. To avoid brain meltdown i wont discuss!
If people really have such a problem with a genuine evil plot by a villain group then why even leave Paragon? Just stay in the city and never interact with villains.
Theres more than enough ways to not be affected. Its there for anyone who actually wants to be involved in the sort of scheme that a classic supervillain group would cook up. So if you want to try stopping us then just message me ingame and we can arrange some kind of IC battle between our groups
[/ QUOTE ]
Thing is, from what i gather this is being forced down peoples necks without prior OOC planning with characters that may be affected. Amoungst the beastality insults my character recieved from yours last night if she did have a drink she'd of had this Nanoplague, something i havent consented to at all. What if i said "I dont want to be part of this plot."? It's still forced down my throat and i as a player have to come up with poor IC reasons as to why my character wouldent want to drink, thats how i'm seeing it, right now. Best way for me, and seemingly the majority of players who've already posted here is to ignore this totally. -
Many players prefer to ignore godmoding as they cannot influence what is happening because they have essentially become NPCs, where's the fun it that?
[/ QUOTE ]
Kelvin already summed up exactly what i was about to say, and ShadowGhost made some good opinions on what i also find annoying. Ive read the whole thread everyone bar a couple seems to have the same opinion that, this plot the way its going now, really isnt a good idea. -
Yeah, welcome indeed.
Good to see more Villians Roleplayers, checked the website seems like a very original concept, reminds me of something i seen on MxO once (For some strange reason). As GoodGuy said Union is the un-offcial Roleplaying Server, so thats a good place to start.
Oh and also for just about any information on the RP scene on Union check the Roleplaying Wiki for more info. -
A rather curiously cold mutant read todays copy of the underground newspaper the Informer. Sophie Woods, or rather her Rogue Isles identity of Glacier, liked to stay upfront on the news here and around the globe, so the Informer, free from the oppressive scrutiny of Arachnos often provided her a good read..
Sat on a cast iron bench in Nerva Archipelago, she crossed her legs the opposite way they had been, and took a sip from a straw of her fast-food style cola carton, before reading the first article...
There has been a hell of a lot of flapping today at Arachnos High Command in Grandville over yesterdays infiltration of the Arachnos Ministry of the Interior building in Port Oakes, and the kidnapping of Arbiter Coles. The exact details concerning the incident are still quite sketchy, but it has Recluses seat of power into a hive of activity, and speculation over who would be insolent enough to perpetrate such an act in the first place.
We at the Informer love it when the Spiders get their comeuppance, and got one of our snoops on the scene as soon as possible. Posing as a reporter for the Rogue Isles Protector we got the following statement from the Arachnos Ministry of Information's Arbiter Redmont...
"At approximately 18.22 hours the 14th of October, two as yet unidentified men infiltrated the Arachnos Ministry of Interior building in Port Oakes. The two brutally murdered several brave loyal Arachnos soldiers, before entering the offices of Arbiter Coles, who is charged with the overseeing of intelligence operations against subversive mutant groups operating in the Etoile Isles."
"Arbiter Coles, he was subsequently overpowered, and subdued. The raiders then proceeded to try erase all references to both the terrorist group they represent, as well as the building's security footage. Thinking their mission a success, they kidnapped Arbiter Coles, and made their escape."
"Despite the terrorist's efforts, their plan has been undone by Arachnos technical ingenuity. Arachnos High Command have both security footage of the raid, and managed to recover most of the files thought to have been erased."
"The raid appears to be the work of a mutant subversive group under the surveillance of Arbiter Coles, seeking to escape Arachnos scrutiny."
"I am unable to reveal who these subversives are, but can tell you that such an affront to our Lord Recluse's authority will not go unpunished."
We at the Informer feel kind of sorry for the chumps that pulled this caper. After all... Cont pg2
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She sighed to herself after reading the article. "This is bulls**t." she said, throwing the paper aside.
"Fight for rights yeah, but dont kill people unless they fight back. Sounds like it could be some militant activist group like that Ebon Sun. I Guess Ive made mistakes in the past, but Jesus, breaking into the Ministry, killing a bunch of Spiders, and then kidnapping an Arbiter!... Darn, this is gonna end up being a bloodbath."
For a moment she pondered whether to head back home to Minnesota, and try live a normal life. She only came to the Isles for a bit of cash every once in a while, and even then she mostly tried to keep it legal. Having previously fought in mutant rights campaigns, albeit only with a group of likeminded friends, Sophie knew real trouble was brewing.
Her reading of the article was enough to trigger an involuntary action in herself. She tried to take another sip of her cola but it was now completely frozen solid. Her anger had caused her ice-like powers to freeze the liquid.
She let out an annoyed Grrrr!!! before she bent down flicking a switch on her boots, and throwing the now frozen drink aside. She then leapt away in an effort to try warm herself up, and calm down so there wouldnt be anymore embarrassing mis-haps with her powers. After all unintentionally freezing a drink solid after reading a story was one thing. Losing it around some Spider with an attitude...well it didnt bear thinking.