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I've never, ever successfully gone back to a mission door after hosping to base. Are you saying it happens if there's no base teleporter to that zone?
Anyway, even if that's so I still want more base teleporters -
It's a ridiculously awesome program. I did just open it up and check to find that fireblast for scrappers still claims to do almost double damage, which means the data for most of the scrapper app attacks probably still includes 2 helpings of the main damage component instead of one. Also, if it hasn't been corrected, storm kick counts two critical chances when calculating its damage.
I didn't quit out; just logged off. If you'd have gotten my attention I could have come tanked that stuff and you could kill it for free heh
1) improve some of the sloppier faces. Add more if there's time.
2) Add fire defense type to pure toxic attacks so they don't just blow by all typed defense. Add large regen debuff resist to all regen powers; as is, a +3 enemy hits you with a regen debuff and you lose 1300% regen. Out of probably about 500. Allow taunt slotting in ancillary tank pools. Reduce mag 100 stuns to mag 10.
3) Fix ouro portal interrupting long teleports. Add more base porters, to firebase zulu, maybe other shadow shard zones, sewers, etc. Fix click targeting so that you can actually target what you click on; currently, it often fails to target anything when you click and you have to move the camera around and keep trying. Add more build slots; If you only play a couple of characters, 3 isn't enough. Revamp LFG and search windows and adding a server-wide LFG channel.
4) Do not mess with PvP mechanics. They're fairly bad, but pre-i13 they were worse - it was almost impossible to be in a situation where hit chance wasn't capped one way or the other and extremely few builds had the potential to be viable. Improving the mechanics is a ton of work that is highly unlikely to please the majority of players regardless of what they change it to. PvP could be improved by adding more involved zone goals and such though. -
Art team: improve some of the sloppier faces. Add more if there's time.
Powers: Add fire defense type to pure toxic attacks so they don't just blow by all typed defense. Add large regen debuff resist to all regen powers; as is, a +3 enemy hits you with a regen debuff and you lose 1300% regen. Out of probably about 500. Allow taunt slotting in ancillary tank pools. Reduce mag 100 stuns to mag 10.
Coding: Fix ouro portal interrupting long teleports. Add more base porters, to firebase zulu, maybe other shadow shard zones, sewers, etc. Fix click targeting so that you can actually target what you click on; currently, it often fails to target anything when you click and you have to move the camera around and keep trying. Add more build slots; If you only play a couple of characters, 3 isn't enough. Revamp LFG and search windows and adding a server-wide LFG channel. -
The beta board seems to have vanished before I could check. Do the new procs from, I think it's interface?, proc on every pet attack?
I'm just @Elfis in game. Someone already got that name for the boards, though I've never seen them. My challenge mission is good for a pretty ridiculous challenge from normal enemies. Arcana's Extreme challenge is pretty off the scale-hard, with resistance-capped enemies sometimes, debuffs against everything under the sun, and everything and it's brother is a boss mastermind.
I took my damage god scrapper into Arcana's extreme challenge today just to see. Set to +4 X8 and jumped on a normal static spawn. Needed insps to stay alive for long, which was no surprise. The surprise was that my hit chance was floored shortly after they buffed up, even with 50% hit bonus from buildup, tactics, and kismet. Logged back on my tank and jumped on it with my sub 100-dps tank build, punched out an engineer. Changed build to my 150 dps exemplar build that I used yesterday, hit chance was about 30%. Moved the spawn around, different hit chance. Their defense varies greatly depending on what is aggroed and their positioning. Settled down to punch them where my hit chance was about 30%. Didn't make any headway and sat through many detention fields. Eventually I think everything ran low on endurance and my hit chance climbed steadily to 95% and I punched out another engineer. -
By the way, how well does ninjitsu actually work? I assumed that enemies would be attacked or otherwise get in combat and wouldn't get a hide damage bonus, but do they get to use the damage bonus even if you try to spoil it?
Well I was the only target for a X8 spawn, so if they're gonna detention field it's going to suck for a soloist; that's just the way unresistable controls are.
It is bad data. I like the way mids' math works; give me average damage against lieutenants and up just like it tries to. Problem is the numbers in the power info isn't flagged right. I edit storm kick, fire blast, and whatever other powers that I want to know accurate info for by hand. You just delete the extra 62 damage or so that it adds to fireblast, etc.
Went to try Arcana's new challenge mission. I got a tell today when I went into AE asking whether I was going to farm. I said, no I was about to attempt a ridiculously hard challenge mission for likely no reward
My tank is my only viable possibility, and I knew I would likely be in there banging my head against a wall of capped resists and healing. PVP build worthless for PvE. Tanking build extremely low damage. Exemplar build sort of poor in every area compared to what I could do but it's my best option. I need more build slots!
Anyway, set to +4 X8, bosses on, AVs off. Went to Ouro and bought a tray full of small purples. Punched out the first boss' starting spawn and I think the first ambush, but maybe not; maybe the first ambush is the one I got stuck on. Anyway, on either the first or second ambush, the one with the fire guys and zombie and robot summoners, I got stuck. Sure enough, capped resistance with healing. Using tier 1 lucks and insights, I managed to punch out three of the fire guys with the resistance auras, through their capped resistance, keeping them away from the dark pets. Whenever they would get a heal, it made me very sad. Sad enough that while slowly chipping down the fourth fire guy's life I decided to call it. I died a couple times, but if I used a tier 1 luck, or in some situations 2 tier 1 lucks, I wouldn't die.
Very impressively hard mission, but I prefer damaging and damagable over resistance capped and healing. I liked the mean patrols and I had to dodge them a few times. One wandered to the mission door and permanently camped there.
I'll probably give it another go after the new incarnate powers add a dot to my attacks and give me a buffing pet and mini-nuke.
Edit: Went back in and punched one of the static spawns. Took out 2 engineers and called it good. Think I got detention fielded 5 times for each engineer I took out but didn't require any inspirations or danger.
Extreme challenge, but not so exciting to solo. Very nice for teams I'm sure. -
Storm kick is one of the attacks Mid's gets wrong. Not as wrong as the ancillary sets, but a little wrong. Mids counts an extra critical damage chance. Still good dpa but not the best.
While they're at it, add regen debuff resist to all regeneration powers.
Once every 10 seconds I believe, so caltrops procs 5 times. You can do incredible damage with controller sets and such that have lots of long duration pets like caltrops, all proccing like crazy. If they make the new incarnate procs affect pseudopets, it will be crazy.
Ah, I forgot to mention, the reason I have no minions in my challenge mission, and the reason there's so many bosses, is my scrapper sometimes kills +4 lieutenants with just shield charge, fireball, fire sword circle, solo with no buffs. Even if they popped me instantly after the knockdown, I'd mow down any challenge that didn't include bosses with just that, one hospital trip at a time.
Yeah, I wish I could get a team together and watch them in my mission, but high difficulty low reward isn't very popular for some reason heh. You don't happen to play on Virtue do you? Most of the stuff you have to kill in my mission are lieutenants, though there are a lot of bosses and a few EB's. Most of the bosses are meant to be avoided in one way or another for a soloist, while a team is meant to fight it all; that's how I intended to challenge both solo and team. And the master illusionists aren't the cream of the cheeze. The cheezy cheezy cheeze are the rularuu overseers and the ambushes.
If you manage to make a mission that hard at even con, I'd be flabbergasted . Of course, I guess you can just make sure every group has capped resists, and healing, then it can never be soloed... but my mission is more geared to punch you in the eye instead of sitting there invincible. -
Well, I went to try out your scrapper challenge, Arcana, set it to +4 X8, and went in.
Beat up a group of the resist buffing, summoning guys. Did not please me hitting them for 10 damage heh. Zzz.
So then I went through the map looking for the boss, who doesn't speak. But of course you already know he's in the front of the mission. He was hiding inside the open box. Anyway, the ambushes occasionally killed me even though I'm ridiculously tough but I whittled them away.
I thought the group with illusion challenges would be impossible and I'd have to use a breakfree to stay unconfused long enough to kill one, but eventually I managed it, then another. Eventually got rid of them all, then slowly punched out the others.
I did herd things together where they would all be in my darkest night, but beat it +4 X8 no insps no temps.
I think my challenge mission, Aeon's Army Extra Hard, is harder, as I don't think I can beat it with any builds that I have now on X8 no insps no temps, and it doesnt use any custom enemies save the end boss, who himself isn't as hard as many regular enemies. I only have 2 characters I've tricked out though. If anyone can beat Aeon's Army Extra Hard, I'd like to hear it. A scrapper managed it chugging lucks, which I thought would be impossible, but I don't know how any other tricked out ATs might fare.
Give it a try and see what you think.
P.S., I approve of naming the enemies descriptively of their powers. Naming them deceptively would not be helpful. You really want people to have to brute force things instead of reasoning out a good plan from what they can see? -
players range from extreme powergamers to extreme casual. EXTREME. The other day I helped a level 41 returning player who had only swift and hurdle from fitness. But that's not all - he didn't know how to slot his powers. Not only that, he had one row of buttons, with the first 10 powers the game automatically placed in his tray. That's all he used. I spent a couple hours getting him a reasonable build, slotted powers, and 3 rows of buttons with all his powers in them. He went from having epic battles with a single minion to being a normal character, like 100 times as strong.
Compared to that, your fitness slackers are hard core -
Yeah. toxic attacks should check fire defense since there's no toxic defense type in the game, but instead they just left it blank, so positional is the only defense.
I play on virtue, but you might want a slightly less populated server for one reason:
The main grouping channels are full. I kept trying again a couple times a day for a week or so and got in, but it's not guaranteed you'll get in. If you get in an overflow channel, where there's 500 people instead of 2500 and half of them are also in the full channel, it doesn't work so well. -
My tank has a 50 tanking build, a pvp build, and an exemplaring build. Other possibilities I might want are soloing, damage while tanking, exemplaring pvp, etc.
If you have 50 alts, you might not understand the reason for this, but I play only two characters. Another build slot is basically another character for me. -
A build slot is like a character slot to people like me who only play a couple of characters.
It's good for the game economy too, since it in effect creates another character for me that I want to fill with enhancers. -
sadly, even frozen fists does more dpa, using arcanatime. It does take longer to get it over with though, so I guess maybe frozen fists is worse. Yeah after asking that dumb question, I logged in and punched something. 10 second duration.
Now I have to buy another set of respec recipes because I was using boxing as a filler, since it used to be superior. -
Wow, that's an enormous buff, especially for sets with a tier 1 that was already good enough to use. I'm pretty much all about super strength, with the worst tier 1, so I'd like to use it as little as possible; it lasts 10 seconds?