Storm Kick DPA




Just for fun I was comparing the DPA of attacks in all the scrapper sets. Is my math wrong, or is Storm Kick actually the best DPA out there?



Looks like Incinerate beats it, actually. It's the only one I can find that does, however.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Looks like one of us is doing our math wrong, then.

Using Mids

Incincerate: 342.51 dmg over 1.848 sec = 185.34 DPA

Storm Kick: 205.5 dmg over 1.056 sec = 194.60 DPA

Factoring in crits, SK pulls even farther ahead. This was with each power holding 3 DMG IOs.

What am I missing?



Your math may be right, but single-power DPA isn't the same as an attack chain's DPA. Maybe in PvP, it matters, but I wouldn't have a clue since I don't PvP or care anything about it in this game.

Here is a DPS Spreadsheet that may be more useful for you.

Edit: Also, factor in other buffs a powerset has. For example, Dark Melee can come very close to perma'ing their build-up power.



my mids isn't reporting either of the numbers you just said... even with 3 damage IOs. Mine are both smaller.
Incinerate is showing: 310.95 / 1.848 = 168.26
Storm Kick is showing: 192.83/1.056 = 182.60
Which confirms what you said... with different numbers

I initially did it unslotted, however (Which shouldn't matter... but it's worth double checking)

Incinerate = 156.2/1.848 = 84.52
Storm kick = 96.86/1.056 = 91.72

... I must have hit a wrong key in my calculator...

SK wins it seems.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



If you set up Mids' to use Arcanatime as animation time, then display Damage / Anim, I think it gives you DPS as would happen in an attack chain. Storm Kick is reported at 97.75, Incinerate at 93.1, though I'm not certain they're handling the DoT correctly. And yeah, with a quick glance through all the primaries, it looks like Storm Kick wins. Mind you, that's unenhanced, no Build Up, and so on.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Storm kick is one of the attacks Mid's gets wrong. Not as wrong as the ancillary sets, but a little wrong. Mids counts an extra critical damage chance. Still good dpa but not the best.



My spreadsheet, for which I used CoD back when it was way more reliable than Mids', shows:

Attack Name	Dam  	Act	Rech	End   	DPE  	DPA
Incinerate  	172  	1.67	10     	6.864	25.06 	93.07
Storm Kick	103.2	0.83	6      	4.368	23.63 	97.73
That's base damage at 50. Note, the Act is raw animation time and the Arcanatime calcs are baked into the final DPA #s. Very close to what Werner posted above. So yeah, SK has the highest DPA attack in scrapperdom. And w/that recharge, you could fit a whole lot of them in a single BU (3, definitely, can you squeeze in 4?). All smashing tho.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by Elfis_Presley View Post
Storm kick is one of the attacks Mid's gets wrong. Not as wrong as the ancillary sets, but a little wrong. Mids counts an extra critical damage chance. Still good dpa but not the best.
Hmmm, looks like you're right. Storm Kick has an increased chance of critical, but not the 25% that Mids' gives it. In game info shows 10% minions, 15% lieutenants and up. I always count the lieutenants and up, so 82.58 * 1.15 = 94.967 damage in (roundup(0.83/.132)+1)*.132 = 1.056 seconds, so 89.93 DPS?

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Well, hell, my numbers look off too. Assuming Lts or higher, your #s for SK looks exactly right, but Incin goes down too. Updated:

Attack               Dam         Act   DPA
Storm Kick	94.967	0.83	89.93
Incinerate 	157.964	1.67	85.48
Incin base #s are 15.64*10*10% crit rate.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee




This confirms my MA attack chain: Storm Kick every time it's up, other stuff when it isn't.

How do Storm Kick and Mu Bolts compare? Also, how often does the end return on Mu Bolts fire?



The bottom line:

Storm Kick: 0.83 cast time, 1.32 damage, 10% chance to crit minions, 15% higher ranks.

Incinerate: 1.67 cast time, 10 ticks of 0.25 damage, 5% chance for 2.5 crit vs minions, 10% verses higher ranks.

Assuming you only count Incinerate's arcanatime against it (the damage takes effect over 4.5 seconds, although the "cost" to the player is only the arcanatime in an attack chain) then:

Storm Kick: 1.375 scale per second average (86.0 dps @ level 50 unslotted)
Incinerate: 1.42 scale per second average (88.8 dps)

Lts and higher
Storm Kick: 1.4375 scale per second average (89.9 dps)
Incinerate: 1.488 scale per second average (93.1 dps)

Incinerate beats Storm Kick, discounting the fact the damage takes almost five seconds to actually occur (which is a problem for minions and Lts, less so for Bosses and higher). Although Storm Kick comes admirably close given it does all its damage immediately. Incinerate is only a little more than 3% higher DPA in both cases.

Because Fire attacks have a 25% - 40% advantage in damage over normal attacks due to either additional DoT or just being a higher DoT than normal, the highest DPA attacks will tend to be Fire attacks. Storm Kick's combination of fast cast time and enhanced critical places it within striking distance of fire attacks, which is pretty good.

Mids still needs work on its damage calculations. When set to "average" it is calculating Incinerate based on 10% crit rate, which is the best case, and it is calculating Storm Kick based on 25% crit rate which is assuming both its minion and its higher rank crits simultaneously apply to every attack.

dave_p: somehow you used 1% as the crit rate for Incinerate in your updated numbers

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Mids still needs work on its damage calculations. When set to "average" it is calculating Incinerate based on 10% crit rate, which is the best case, and it is calculating Storm Kick based on 25% crit rate which is assuming both its minion and its higher rank crits simultaneously apply to every attack.
I think this is why my numbers looked lower. I forgot that I always set my mids to ignore all extra damage, I only considered that to be from added procs, not necessarily crits being averaged in as well. Glad to see that it's not corrupted data... again.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



It is bad data. I like the way mids' math works; give me average damage against lieutenants and up just like it tries to. Problem is the numbers in the power info isn't flagged right. I edit storm kick, fire blast, and whatever other powers that I want to know accurate info for by hand. You just delete the extra 62 damage or so that it adds to fireblast, etc.