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  1. I've mentioned it in other threads, and petitioned it in-game. "We will submit your report to Quality Control, where it will join other tickets in a black hole, a region of spacetime where gravity prevents anything, including light, from escaping."

    I'll say it again here: Something in the game mechanics, ESPECIALLY IN THE MOB AI MECHANIC, has changed drastically since the game launched.

    Back in the days before COH, I played (the original) Everquest. My main was a bard. Among the many game skills that playing bards required, being able to "pull" was one of the big ones -- just like in COH before the "zerg" mentality took over here, it was often extremely beneficial to be able to pull minions and whatnot away from the big bad boss so you didn't have to fight entire spawns at once.

    It took a certain trial-and-error knowledge to learn things like "pull the ones at the edges first" and "some bad guys [like LT's] have bigger aggro radiuses than others [minions] and won't come as quietly -- ie. you'll pull 'doubles' and 'triples' instead of 'singles.'" Luckily, my learning curve was accelerated by the teachings of some longer-time players of bards, and I got REALLY good at pulling.

    Then came COH. I took Taunt on my first scrapper and was thrilled to learn that pulling and aggro worked EXACTLY the same here as it did in EQ. I got really good at pulling here, too, with everything from scrappers with Taunt, to blasters and my Kheldian, and even with Tanks using temp powers or vet rewards like Blackwand -- no knockback like with the Nemesis Staff! (Tank Taunt isn't single target, which is why it's not as useful for pulling.) I surely wasn't the first person to learn about "tele-pulling" through walls with Teleport Foe and creative camera angles, but I was the first one in my first supergroup to know about it!

    And I became really good at pulling in COH. I taught a lot of other people the difference between "snipe and just stand there and get your butt blasted" and "snipe and run and BREAK LINE OF SIGHT so they chase you." If I'd known about keybinds, I'd have had ones that said "RUN, FORREST, RUN! BREAK LINE OF SIGHT ALREADY!!!" And ones that said "Pull from the edges, not from the middle," and "Ohmigod, don't even TRY to pull the boss out of the middle of that big spawn first," and "Be far enough out of range that they have to chase you before they fire back, so they don't alert their buddies." [And yes, those last two might be a bit long for a text keybind. ]

    Then, one day, something changed. It was about the same time that mobs started returning fire -- at range -- even before our attack animations finished, let alone hit them. You'd go to Taunt, or snipe, and suddenly a couple three bad guys are blasting back before you can even move! You can't even use Teleport Foe on a minion on the edge of the pack -- through a wall -- without the whole spawn coming after you any more, either, which makes no sense.

    Aggro and strategic pulling are BROKEN now. Well, maybe not "broken" exactly, but they're not working as they did for the first two or three years of the game. I strongly SUSPECT that the way it worked "before" was "as designed," and that the way it works now isn't -- and I really, REALLY wish they'd fix it!

    Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
    You need a very, very high accuracy to pull bosses and such.
    I was gong to say "you need a very, very high accuracy in Teleport Foe to pull bosses and such," but I didn't know that the Presence pool Confront also takes accuracy enhancements -- so I'm guessing they work the same way. That's the nice thing about scrapper/brute primary and tank secondary Taunt powers -- they're auto-hit!
  2. They're still relevant, but perhaps a bit more "situational." In the old day, when we had TOs, DOs, SOs and Hami-Os, they were greatest thing in the game.

    Compared to IOs and ATOs, they (obviously) give no set bonuses, but there are many builds across the forums that use them since they're so good at what they do! (Back before they fixed the universal exploit, one particular Hami-O was THE thing to slot in Active Defense and sold for hundreds of millions.)

    I've still got a couple slotted in my DB/WP main's build to get more DPS out of Blinding Feint => Attack Vitals than I could with "just" IOs, for instance -- four Kinetic Combats are kind of lacking on their own. Add a Crushing Impact: Accuracy/Damage and it gets a little better. Add a Nucleolus Exposure for accuracy and damage and it gets a little better yet! Is it really WORTH the added price and "bang for the buck?" Probably not, but as I said, it's my main and I spare no expense there, but wouldn't recommend it to the mythical casual average player.

    It sounds as though you've found a situational use for them yourself -- if you want the extra disorient at the cost of a couple of points of defense, I say "why not?" You can always use Enhancement Unslotters or a respec or something if you want to go the other route!
  3. If you'd LIKE to use Hover as a way to get around in combat, it would give you 1.88% base defense versus 2.28% for Maneuvers, but at half the endurance cost -- 0.2 vs. 0.39 end/sec -- and I know that there are others here on the forums that like hoverscrapping!

    On the other hand, you don't NEED Hover as a place to put an extra LotG 7.5, and I find that my scrappers with Spring and Combat Jumping are a lot more maneuverable (and can move faster) than my hoverblasters.

    As far as other powers to put in there with limited slots, I'm really not sure what to suggest, to be honest!
  4. First off, welcome back!

    Secondly, I can't quite believe nobody pointed out these handy resources yet: the Market and Inventions forum ( http://boards.cityofheroes.com/forumdisplay.php?f=584 ) and specifically the Market Guides and FAQ thread ( http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=123346 )

    Hundreds of millions of INF in the mail is great, but learning how to MAKE hundreds of millions in just minutes a day is even better! It's how I imagine counterfeiting in the real world might feel if it were legal: "Hmmmm, I need more money. I'll just turn on the good printer, click here and here and there and there and go to bed. I'll have a STACK of cash waiting on me when I get up in the morning!"

    But there are quite a few good guides in that second link, including some illustrated ones showing how people can start a new Level 1 character and, with a little marketing knowledge, have over a billion INF in less than a month. It's even easier with a level 40something or some INF you got in the mail.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nightmarer View Post
    I personally think it would be worth skipping maneuvers and get a Gladiator's Armor +3% def, you'd still be softcapped and could get Hover instead of maneuvers to allocate the Lotg Global recharge.
    I agree -- I'd definitely try to keep the Glad Armor +3% in there if possible!

    I'm not sure of the need for Hover for a place to put another LotG recharge, though -- there are already SIX of those in the last build posted, which is one too many for the "Rule of Five." A seventh would be...excessive!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Riius Indigo View Post
    Well with your expertise, your comments mean a lot. So maybe I will toggle on Tough after all.
    Well, thanks, though I'm reaching the deep end of my "expertise pool" since I've only got a couple of Shield scrappers/brutes and zero War Mace ones so far! But I do toggle Tough on (and leave it on) with quite a few of my characters, both the melee and the squishies, and can remember the "old days" when the conventional wisdom was to ONLY take Boxing and Tough since "just a couple" of points of defense wasn't enough to help most characters. [Of course, that was way before IOs, when the only characters that had any defense to speak of were SR scrappers, and we all had to walk uphill barefoot in the snow both ways to Hazard Zones, only to be turned away because our Security Level wasn't...oh, right! *waves cane wildly and gets back to the point*] And I can remember a few people in-game asking "is Tough really worth it?" and then their "oh WOW!" in the first mission after they got it slotted. But try it and see -- find yourself a radio mission and keep cranking the difficulty up until your health bar starts bouncing from green to orange to red, then toggle Tough on and watch your health bar stop bouncing around!

    Originally Posted by Riius Indigo View Post
    But other than that and the 0.04 end/sec, is this a decent build?
    I think that it is! You've got the basics covered: well-slotted attacks doing lots of damage and defenses doing a lot of, well, defense! End drain vs. end recovery look manageable, and so on -- beyond that it's all a matter of preference and style points. I might move the Steadfast 3% to True Grit so you'd get that bonus if you ever do exemp down, for example, but the build looks solid from here!

    Originally Posted by Riius Indigo View Post
    One thing I did want to get your thoughts on Eldorado. Someone else mentioned on a different thread that they forgo Build Up, which is not a toggle, in favor of Tactics, which is a toggle. I would much rather prefer that than having to always click on Build Up. What do you think?
    I suppose that depends on what you want to do with it -- would you rather have a smallish "always on" to-hit buff or have a big, temporary to-hit buff along with an equally temporary +100% damage buff? Personally, for MY shield characters, I LIKE that extra "KABOOM!" that comes with Build Up plus Shield Charge plus another devastating attack, but that's me. If you'd rather not click Build Up, though, feel free to skip it! (I personally find it interesting that A LOT of attack thread chains seem to completely skip any mention of Build Up -- does that 1.32 second cast time for a short damage buff NOT pay off in the long run?) I've got characters with and without Build Up and I'm still not really not sure how "necessary" it really is across the board -- I think it synergizes with some sets better than others.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Riius Indigo View Post
    Well, I prefer the look and feel of the Prestige Power Rush, and I have an extra Quickfoot: Run lying aorund, so... And when I did check out the endrance version of Quickfoot, it saved me 0.04 endurance / second, which in my world is not enough to consider it of value, but I may be wrong.
    There's nothing at all wrong with using the Prestige runs -- my question was about the Quickfoot IO. If you had one laying around, it makes perfect sense to use it, but if anybody else was reading this thread for ideas, they might have wondered [as I did] why an Invention: Run IO wouldn't do the same thing cheaper!

    I'm too addicted to my movement speed to put a full-blown Endurance Reduction in the sprint powers that I use, but I like the compromise of the Run/End Redux -- which I'm showing as a reduction from .29 end/sec to .23 end/sec, which is .06 end/sec. While it may not be a lot, that's a little more than a "Large Improved Recovery Bonus" that "improves your recovery by 2.5%" for .04% end/sec.

    Originally Posted by Riius Indigo View Post
    True, but I was having trouble getting my DEF up at first, so I focused on that instead of the resists, but perhaps I can re-examine them. But I prefer DEF over resists any day, which is why I turn Tough off (not toggled on) to save on endurance. I only get Tough for the slots and to get Weave.
    Even at the soft cap, our characters are still going to get hit -- if I can reduce the damage after the fact by 25% or more with one toggle, I'm going to use it! While I don't have any hard numbers to back it up, I find it useful enough to take the edge off those big hits on squishies and scrappers alike as I level them up, long before I start worrying about Defense set bonuses, since I don't normally start IO'ing until level 40 or later.

    Originally Posted by Riius Indigo View Post
    So what would you suggest? Remove the Maneuvers ability? If I do, what do I replace it with?
    I suppose that all depends on your endurance management? I'm a big fan of Focused Accuracy (to be used as needed) since it resists to-hit debuffs, or maybe One With the Shield would be more useful for iTrials -- I really haven't taken any of my shield scrappers iTrialing yet.
  8. The things that leap out at me on the original build are:

    1) Quickfoot: Run Speed in Prestige Power Rush?! Personally, I like putting Quickfoot: Run/ENDURANCE in most of my character's Sprint, but that's a way to cut my endurance cost when I leave Sprint on all the time -- and still get a run bonus. I'm not really sure where you were going with just the Quickfoot: Run.

    2) Tough: I know it's a great place to "set mule" those +3% defense IO's, but with most of my characters I also try to use slots there to raise resistances for when they get hit -- y'know, making them "Tougher."

    3) I've never built a Shield scrapper that had so much extra endurance that I could justify running Maneuvers to hit the soft cap, and haven't built a War Mace character yet. If you can pull it off, great; if not I'd try to juggle slots around and try and achieve it without Maneuvers.
  9. Eldorado


    Originally Posted by ORACLE View Post
    Build finished. Thx for suggestions.
    Originally Posted by ORACLE View Post
    build completed.
    These will be infinitely helpful to others who might have questions about builds for these two powersets in the future! Very informative and...uh...yeah. *facepalm*
  10. Eldorado


    Have you checked out this thread yet? http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=192252

    Three years and 34 PAGES of dark/shield ideas, builds, tweaks and stuff.

    Edit: what version of Mids are you using? Yesterday I couldn't open someone else's build since they were posting a ver. 1.96 build and I still had Mids ver. 1.95 -- I downloaded 1.96 and now I can't open yours!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    Replaced the Oblit set with Eradication, the HO with a recharge, and one of the KBs in "One with the Shield" with a GA +3%. Still a bit short on Melee without stealth on.
    I don't think I've EVER seen a build that fit in the hundreds-of-millions of INF Gladiator's Armor +3% All and SKIPPED the 30 million-ish Steadfast Protectioni 3% All.

    Find one more slot, fit in the Steadfast and that'll push you over 45% melee -- I replaced the level 30 Eradications with five Scirocco's Dervishes for the same AoE bonus and moved a slot to Tough.

    OR, drop the Hecatomb set and look for something with more defense. One thing I haven't seen anybody mention here (yet) is that the Incarnate Trial softcap is not the same as the 45% softcap we're used to in other content. http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Soft_Cap

    Edit: oh yeah. Post the tweaked build, huh? *facepalm*


    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  12. Eldorado

    Name wipe

    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Other days, I'm completely slammed, and only get to check the forums when I get home. Those are my sad days.
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Then, some days, you see jack ssssquat from me. Why? I'm busy!
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I've worked at more than one call center that didn't care what you were doing on the computer between calls as long as it wasn't NSFW crap.
    As I said, I was only partially joking -- I've worked at places that encouraged employee morale like that, and at other places where they tried to eliminate any and all happiness at the first sign, before it could spread.

    The best was the place where, if you met your previous monthly performance goals, you got to leave when your work was done AND you still got paid for a full day -- which meant if you were fast, efficient and accurate, you might only work 30 hours some weeks!

    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    That's why they call it middle management.

    I get paid squat more if the company profit jumps 10,000%....
    Waitaminute -- do you get paid more if the profit jumps, or do you get paid squat if that happens?

    Spoken like a true middle manager!
  13. Eldorado

    Name wipe

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Activity on the forum isn't an indicator of in game activity. We frequently see players with etremely low forum post counts who are 6, 7, 8 year veterans. They simply don't use the forums often, an there are thousands of players that have never used the forums at all.
    Originally Posted by Beltor View Post
    I'm an example of this. I've been playing the game since 2008. I didn't register on the forums for over a year and don't post that often.
    I'm an example of this too. I've been here since release day but spent a couple of years avoiding this forum because of the number of idiotic threads and stupid people. Since then I've discovered the "ignore list" and undoubtedly made others use that feature to ignore me.

    Still, there's stuff that I'd rather be doing like, oh, PLAYING THE GAME instead of playing games on the forum.

    (Seriously, shouldn't some of you people who've posted thousands of times while you're at work be, y'know, ACTUALLY WORKING?! [And yes, I AM partially serious, while also being partially wistful and nostalgic for when I had jobs like that myself!])
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    I would like to see such a build, because I don't think I could do it with only the Steadfast +3% def. My casual attempt in Mid's gets to around 40% and that's running Combat Jumping, Weave, Hover, and Maneuvers.
    Here's two, softcapped to all three positionals, running only CJ and Weave, WITH a Steadfast +3%, but WITHOUT a Glad Armor +3% since they used to be a lot pricier.


    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.957

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.957

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NeoSporin View Post
    Thank you!
    So, in a case like this, how would I have found it using the advanced search?
    The best way to use the so-called "advanced search" here is to hit it with a hammer.

    Someone here pointed out that a good way to search these forums is with Google and "site: board.cityofheroes.com" plus "search word(s)" which usually works for me.

    Except this time. See above rant.
  16. They also probably Twittered something during their latest TwitchTV Coffee Talk about their Facebook page having an announcement or something....

    I've ranted about it before, but we've reached a saturation point for trendy communiques and it's getting a little ridiculous. Now they're burying the news deep within the forum pages and they can't even mention it in the title so Google can find it.
  17. Eldorado

    Name wipe

    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    A couple years ago, at one of the Player Summits....

    There may have only been 100-200 people in that sample, but it is fairly representative of the playerbase, in my experience.
    Representative of the players who are West Coast residents and/or the well-heeled and rabid fans who can afford to make the trip, maybe.

    I wish they could afford to do these all over the country (or even the world), but I'm not willing to pay monthly fees of $39.95 to make THAT a reality either.
  18. I'll admit to also being confused about "softcapped but only have 19 slots left."

    Here's my broadsword/shield, softcapped to positionals, and I only used three slots in Deflection, three in Battle Agility, three in True Grit, two in Active Defense, four in Weave, and the inherent slot in Phalanx Fighting, Against All Odds and Grant Cover, for a total of only 18 slots dedicated to "defense" and only 10 (of my 67 total) slots "spent."

    Meanwhile, Hack, Slice, Parry, Disembowel, Head Splitter, Shield Charge, and even Slash all got six-slotted for important damage-y stuff like accuracy, damage, recharge and end reduction, and Whirling Sword got five slots, which ALSO got me 11.25 melee, 7.5 ranged, and 6.89 AoE defense as a result.


    (My electric/SD has three slots in Deflection, three in Battle Agility, two in Active Defense, four in True Grit, four in Weave, inherent slot in PF, AAO and GC for 19 slots used for "defense" and 11 slots "spent.")

    I guess I'm trying to say that if you're spending all your slots on "defense" first to reach the softcap and THEN going back and worrying about slotting primaries, you're sort of doing it wrong -- try looking at the big picture to see what sort of defense you can get from three basic SO's in your secondary, look at three- or four- slotting those for IO set bonuses instead of SO's, and then shore up any gaps with IO set bonuses elsewhere.
  19. Eldorado

    Name wipe

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    The following threads all requesting names be freed were all made within the past year.



    As you and anyone else can see there is nothing rude nor immature about my post. It's simply an observation that once again the dead horse is getting a beating.
    I would have guessed this topic comes up about once a month. 16 threads in the past year (plus this one) means it comes up once every three weeks!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
    Yep... There WAS a poll
    And the poll was instigated after I posed the question in a previous thread.

    I know, I know... old threads are old...
    Well, old or not, thanks for the links and information! I'm not surprised the topic comes up on a regular basis.

    Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
    But here's the thing... considering the lack of dev response we got a year and a half ago, what makes you think anything has changed?

    Especially since I keep repeating what I was told at the Player Summit a mere 5 months ago... NO NEW developments for bases in the near future... Occasional QOL improvements are the best we can expect.

    I hate repeating myself.
    The devs probably hate repeating themselves just as much -- the problem around here is that the information superhighway around here is a joke. Between the "official" webpage and the forum with its subforums and Dev Digest and Announcements and Community Digest and TwitchTV and now the official Twitter and Facebook nonsense, there's information trickling all over the place but many of us have no idea where to look for what. "New with Issue 24, we go 'retro' with communiques and send official intercompany memos via carrier pigeon! Return any lost pigeons to Paragon Studios for a chance at a Costume Code!"

    We're overloaded with information but can we even get Patch Notes on a timely basis? "Oh, we already posted them in the beta forums under "Build 23.3233.32.114 Notes" from three weeks ago...that you can't read. Oops." Yes, "oops" -- because using "copy/paste" on the day of a patch is apparently either too complicated or too far below someone's job description.

    You probably already had said this over in the Base Builder's forum, but thanks for letting the rest of us know what's going on!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
    But on the whole, the idea of building and custom tailoring your own supergroup/guild/linkshell/clan is pretty rare {unprecedented?} in other MMOs and is too appealing, I think, to be allowed to stay underutilized.
    Agreed -- and it's a really great feature that's sadly underutilized as it is.

    As someone who's spent a couple hundred hours (maybe) building three functional bases that don't make people wince and/or curse when they see them, I'd be mostly okay with those bases getting destroyed if the SGs got their prestige back and most importantly, if we got a significantly better base-building system.

    On the other hand, I'm sure there's a LOT of basebuilders who've spent A LOT more time breathing life into their 3D creations and who would cheerfully kick me in the head for my above statement!

    I'm kind of curious now as to where the majority of players would be if there were a poll. "Leave it as it is," "please delete and start from scratch," or "bases? Who uses bases any more?" (While I like the newer, easily attained ways of getting around like Ouro portals, Long Range Teleport, Mission Transporter and the overhauled train system, I think those also made base teleporters less attractive to people, and thus bases less attractive.)
  22. Eldorado

    Recipe questions

    What Aurora_Girl said!

    Wiki link, including the "Law of Five": http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Enhancement_Set_Bonuses

    Generally, it's assumed to mean "you can only effectively slot five sets of Crushing Impacts (for instance) and you won't get the bonuses for a sixth set." In actuality, "you can only get five 'improves accuracy by 7%' bonuses' (for instance) and the sixth won't count." So if you slot four Crushing Impacts and two other sets that give THE SAME accuracy bonus, you'll only get credit for five of those accuracy bonuses.

    Regarding purples, you can only slot one of each of those IO's in a build once -- but their bonuses follow the same "rule of five" as above.
  23. Excellent advice throughout -- someone should probably edit this thread down a little and post it as a guide.

    "New Player Who's Just Arrived From Other MMO's? Welcome! Now Read THIS!"

    So anyhow -- to the OP, welcome to CoH, and hope that you have fun here!

    One thing that goes with that theme above that nobody addressed (because it wasn't a specific question) is "as you level up and hopefully team with others, forget that whole tank/healer/DPS "Holy Trinity" nonsense from other MMO's. COH teams don't need a tank, though they can be helpful, but other ATs can do almost as well at holding aggro and staying alive. Teams don't NEED "healers", and often the healing-type support classes can provide a lot better team buffs than "just" healing. And here, most everybody does decent to good (or better) damage per second. You can make awesome teams out of eight scrappers and brutes, or eight controllers and defenders, or eight tanks (though they might not finish missions quite as quickly as other teams) or eight squishy blasters (who will do RIDICULOUSLY high amounts of DPS and occasionally faceplant their "glass cannon" selves spectacularly in the process. )

    Any eight players who can work together can make a great team out of whatever ATs they bring to the group, with whatever 'gear' or enhancements they came with, and roll through probably 99% of the "normal" non-Incarnate content just fine!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    But from what is being decribed in the writing on the site any person with the know how can modify the code. And that part right there dont sit well with me at all. Meaning if a person have the know how, they could modify it to do just about anything once it's on ya system.
    There's one flaw in that logical leap -- if Imaginary Evil Guy downloads it and modifies it for nefarious purposes, how's he going to turn around and UPLOAD IT to that site again? Or how's he going to upload it to your computer?

    He's not.

    Worrying a reasonable amount about computer security is good, worrying excessively about identity theft and imaginary tracking isn't.

    Name your computer "Rumplestiltskin" or something when you boot it up for the very first time when it asks for "Your Name," download Firefox and set it to delete history and cookies when you close your session, get good anti-virus and anti-spyware programs, and call it a day. Nobody's going to easily get "your" information from your IP address, only your ISP's name and city.
  25. Recently, I'm having crashing issues running three or more incarnate trials in a row, so I started reading through this thread. I'm running an ATI Radeon 4800 series (pretty sure it's a 4850) on Windows XP 32 bit. According to Device Manager, I'm also running driver version 8.791.0.0 from 10/26/2010.

    Now, based on my own experimentation with other drivers (I'm talking about YOU, Logitech, and your stupid mouse drivers) there was a point of diminishing returns as they tried to tweak their drivers first for Vista, then Window 7. Their newer drivers ran glitchily here on XP, and their newest and shiniest drivers ran horribly -- and wouldn't uninstall, which made me have to completely wipe and reformat my then-only-months-old computer. [Grrrrrr!] As a result, I'm quite happily running outdated mouse drivers on purpose.

    Since I'm still running XP 32, does anybody know if I'll be better off trying the newer, 12.x drivers for my video card, or would I perhaps be better off with 10.x or 11.x ones? Thanks in advance!