260 -
I believe Sherk is no longer updating his builder. I believe someone else is now updating it. I cant find the information on who is doing this. On a side note, does anyone have the URL for the update to the builder. I have an older version and can't get it to update?
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KayMoonPetal was the person who took over from Sherk, but I've heard he's quit the game as well.
Damned Altaholics Anonymous meetings! -
Beautiful guide, Scrapulous. This is going into my file.
Thank you, AmazingMoo! I've sure learnt a lot from your OP! -
Try following the I7 link in that guide. This one is an update to an older guide, so is rather scanty by itself.
Or, if you still have trouble finding the link, here it is. -
Ah, Maddrr! Finally you've joined the forums.
And, no, he's been 48 for months. I'm waiting for I9 to pull him out of the drawer.
By the way, here's a funny and informative Storm Summoning guide by TheMightyScourge. Great stuff! -
Great write-up! How did I miss this before?
Linking you in my Fire/Storm guide. -
Damn, but that's a brilliant guide. Great job, Enantiodromos!
Well, I9's hard upon us, so I guess it's about time to update this guide for I8.
As you know by now, the devs sprung a whopper of a surprise on us with I8's controller changes. Fire Imps are now summoned at a level below your own (i.e. a level 32 troller summons level 31 Fire Imps) with the result that the previously already suicidal Imps are now even harder to keep alive especially in large teams. Of course, the Fire/Storm troller has many hard and soft controls at his or her disposal and Imps can be kept quite healthy if the controller is willing to stay alert and keep mezzes and debuffs running all the time.
Also, the troller APPs have been cut in half damage-wise, so Fire Ball without Fulcrum Shift doesn't tickle very hard anymore. It's still useful for instantly dropping minions down to 2/3 health, but it's hardly an uber power by any stretch of the imagination now.
Here are some thoughts on the care and feeding of Imps:
1. Freezing Rain lasts 15 seconds. The full debuffs stick for 30 seconds after a target leaves the Rain. After these 30 seconds, partial debuffs remain for another 15 seconds. Basically, don't be afraid to recast FR on the same group of foes if many remain alive for more than half a minute after they've run out of the Rain. Use Hurricane and/or Fire Cages and/or Snow Storm to help you keep the bad guys in a bunch for maximum FR effectiveness. Beware Fire Cages' -knockup if you intend to use FR for the popcorn effect.
2. Hurricane reduces the bad guys' range by 60% and accuracy by 30%. Debuff effects last for 10 seconds after last contact. When you're not using a power actively, keep moving around to tag the bad guys and herd them into a corner.
3. Imps hit less reliably now. Slot your Imps with at least 1 Accuracy. If you intend to fight purples a lot, consider putting in 2. Tactics is a good toggle to run if you tend to stay within range.
4. If you slot up your Steamy Mist properly, just staying close to your Imps ups their survivability appreciably.
5. Needless to say, Char is your friend. Just as you would use Char on mobs giving your team mates trouble, use it too to save your Imps from a bad beating. If the battlefield is too messy, target through the player or Imp under pressure and fire it off; chances are the mob they are after is the one after them.
The Fire/Storm troller can no longer afford to just sit there and make witty remarks while his homicidal Imps do a number on the enemy. If you want your Imps to stay alive, you have to stay in the thick of the action. Of course, that's arguably more fun than doing the old mezz-n-wait, so it's not necessarily a bad thing.
Finally, I have tested out Enantiodromos' claim that Flash Fire stacked with Thunderclap Disorients bosses. Conclusion: he is absolutely right! I must have been Disoriented myself earlier because I was dead certain the combo was bugged. More joy for the Fire/Storm controller!
PS Thanks for popping by, _Enos_. How's your new Fire/Storm? -
I, on the other hand, take the word limit as a challenge to my writing skills. But of course some stories really require a lot more explication than others and quality and coherence can suffer as a consequence of the tight word limit.
1. Yes, each carriage return (the paragraphing effect you get from hitting the enter key) counts as 1 character as well.
2. We've been asking for more text space for our bios for ages now, but I suppose the devs feel that expanding current limits would only lead to overly verbose back stories. -
I read about a bind a while back that used I believe +/- keys to activate 2 powers? On keystroke one power would fire, upon release a second power could be fired? Anyone know if that is still possible and if so the bind?
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This should work:
/bind <KEY> "+ $$powexecname A$$powexecname B"
/bind 1 "+ $$powexecname Jab$$powexecname Punch"
Note: That space between the "+" and the first "$$" is intended and necessary. -
What names and icons did you mean though? -
For an excellent tretise on the positive uses of violence refer to the Novel (Dear god not the movie) Starship Troopers. I hear it's the only work of fiction that is required reading at Officer's School.
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Heinlein FTW!
(Also read "Stranger in a Strange Land", please.) -
I just watched the vid. Dumbest piece of slander I've seen in a while.
I mean, playing an FPS teaches you real life gun proficiency and makes you go out there and shoot cops? For the love of all that is sentient!
The hundreds of comments about the vid contain a few real gems though. I particularly liked these few:
And notice that even if that nonsense were true, wouldn't that DISPROVE their whole thesis, since flight simulators are the ultimate in non-violent gaming? If those terrorists were playing Tekken instead they'd have tried to cartwheel us all to death like Eddy Gordo. - MrGalt
[/ QUOTE ]
Also the people in the trailer were all anti-gamers. I mean Jack Thompson is like the king of anti-gamers. I think Tetris beat him up as a kid or something. - hobbesie
[/ QUOTE ]
right now without Gears Of War i would be killing someone , so Video Games are my anti-murderer. - XsavageX
[/ QUOTE ]
Yup flight simulator caused 9/11.
Saddam played GTA.
Bush played Gears of War (Marcus)
Blair played Dominic in Gears of War
Bush played Halo
- Myro117
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow. No production values can hide the cheese factor on that one. Thumping music with a piano melody and some ill-informed old farts who think a joypad is a type of dildo. - DarthDarthy
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Killing my friends playing Halo isn't as fun as killing them in real life...but then I wouldn't have anyone to play Halo with- jqd209
[/ QUOTE ] -
My bios tend to be narratives. I really like how you've used other forms (email, phone transcripts, school reports, etc.) in yours.
Great job!
Regarding binds, one thing that I've done for some of my characters is linking battlecries and emotes to attacks. For instance, when I'm playing Eldandil and I hit the "1" key, he activates his Char power. But if I hit "CTRL+1", he activates Char while intoning:
"O salamander, lizard of flame, come forth: I call thy name! Fly thee now true and straight...render mine enemy insensate! Set thee upon $target! Uruloke nalanta!"
I don't want to spam the local channel with text each time I activate a power, so binding with-text and without-text versions of powers separately allows me to only do the talky stuff when I feel like it. In this instance, the two binds I have created for Char are:
/bind 1 "powexec_tray 1 1"
/bind CTRL+1 "local <color red><bgcolor orange>O salamander, lizard of flame, come forth: I call thy name! Fly thee now true and straight...render mine enemy insensate! Set thee upon $target! Uruloke nalanta!$$powexecname Char"
Notice that the with-text version is set to local, not team chat. This way, the flavour stuff doesn't obscure important messages like, "Help me, I'm dying!"
Edit: I seem to have inadvertantly parroted some of Heraclea's words. -
I thought it was a pretty good guide, actually. It doesn't hold your hand through all the power choices so very green players might not find it as useful as some other guides, but anyone with just a little bit of CoX experience is likely to find the cogent explications of specific power combinations valuable.
Well, I wrote that Fire/Storm troller guide (in my sig) just a day or two before I8 went live. A few alterations have to be made now though due to the post I8 troller ner--er, changes.
Hover costs 0.20 Endurance per second, slotted as it is it only takes 0.10 Endurance per second.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, Hover costs 0.10 base. With 3 EndRdx, that cost drops to 0.05. Really, don't Endrx Hover.
Edit: Hey, Heroes Unlimited! I still have the rule book somewhere. -
Awesome origin story, DS.
Of course, I'm only saying that so you don't try to turn me into a zombie. -
I really like Sherks's, but I must say SuckerPunch's seems like a really handy tool too.
Nice one, houtex. I learnt something today.
Hey, Enantiodromos, thanks for the encouragement. I really liked your Splatroller guide, actually. Made me twitch for the /respec command quite a bit until I finally decided I had to keep Eldandil's character concept intact.
As for Flash Fire + Thunder Clap working on bosses, I'm confused now. Theoretically, they should work together on bosses, but I'm fairly sure I haven't been seeing that. Perhaps I've been meeting particularly mezz-resistant bosses or perhaps the high levels I've been fighting cause the disorients to wear off too quickly. Will go test it out on lower level mobs. -
I've just expanded the third section of the guide to give more detailed opinions on the various Power Pools and APPs. The previous version was done in a bit of a hurry, and I'm a lot happier with the way it currently is.