Altaholic setup script




I'm an altoholic and I have been living with a serious problem.

No, not altoholism, but the time it takes to adjust the UI and mouse settings when you create a new character. I have, however, found a solution.

With a simple bind, I can eliminate most of the time spent altering the screen to suit my tastes.

bind l "mouseinvert 1$$alttraysticky$$gototrayalt 2$$gototrayalt2 3$$windowscale chat .85$$windowscale tray .85$$windowscale target .85$$windowscale nav .85$$windowscale status .85$$unbind l"

[/ QUOTE ]

On character creation, simply type: /bindloadfile c:/{bind location}/new.txt and hit "l".

This shrinks my UI (running on a 14" monitor ), flips the mouse-look to what I'm comfortable with, sets up a double-tray for powers, and sets up the trays in a 1-2-3 configuration. After that, it resets the "l" key to default.

Now all I have to do is figure out how to force the names and icons to display with a /command and I'm all set.




What names and icons did you mean though?



You mean player names and their archetype/origin without selecting them? I don't think there is one. Though if you do find one for that and allowing chat from the other faction, I will give you a cookie.

Nice compiliation of commands.

Get this though, I play on 21" monitor at 1280x1024 and have to scale my windows to 85%