574 -
TP + AS + SJ. I've seen this tactic and it is very boring to fight against. Stalker lands, probably one-shots, and runs far away using SJ. This, of course, requires the double stealth combo.
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I pretty exclusively "telestrike" with my stalker. I teleport in (while hovering), AS, and then I'm gone. This is about as fast an escape as it's possible to make, and I still get taken out, if not regularly, then a lot more often than I would have thought. It's difficult to wrap your mind around, and requires that people be on their toes, but stalkers are so squishy that it's entirely possible for a small hero team at the Siren's Call levels to squish one in the time between AS finishing and queued teleport firing off.
It's the same reason people curse Nemesis Snipers in PvE. Stalkers disrupt the managed flow of battle, and force you to be aware of your surroundings and the local terrain and lines of sight at all times.
I've played my Clear Mind-spamming Empath in PvP, so believe me, I know from ganking. -
I honestly think that TPFoe needs to either A)have it's acc DRASTICALLY reduced in PvP
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It's already pretty inaccurate... and generally when I take someone out using TP Foe, I use Build Up first to ensure the hit; Buildup's duration is long enough that it's up through the whole BU+TP+Placate+AS+Followup combo. The only thing nerfing TP Foe accuracy will do is hurt non-Stalker/Blasters. -
I think you may want to test this. We just tested this again with a diff hero. We stood right infront of him with hide and stealth on. He has tactics and goggles on.
This is not a guess it was a live test.
He could not see us for the most part and when he could he lost sight of us or lost target on us and this was standing right next to him.
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In the test server forum Castle clarified that IR Goggles only work 50% of the time, this check being refreshed every 10 seconds.
If you get someone who "rolls poorly", he may almost never get the benefit of IR Goggles, and if they do work, he may lose it on the next check, thus explaining the quick fade out. -
Whatever they do to get rid of the one-shot kills should apply to all ATs, yes.
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Generally it's not really one-shotting that's the problem. It's being able to drop someone in 2 or 3 quick hits before they can react. AS is just the most obvious symptom of the burst damage issue.
It's like the AV problems people complain(ed) about - it's not that the AV kills you with one hit (though that would sometimes happen too), it's the one-two combo of powerful attacks that would lay people out before they could even get a chance to animate a heal.
I mean, there are ice/energy blasters that can do enough burst damage to annihilate my stalker in the time it takes to animate one of the spines attacks. I don't complain about this, because fair's fair after all... but if they make a change to AS because it's burst damage, it should apply to all burst damage attack chains, or that *won't* be fair. -
I dunno what you're talking about. I wasn't having any trouble after the last patch using AS, nor was another stalker I teamed up with who had a different primary. Seemed just the same as before.
And also looking as the rooms I can create, would I also need to make a power room for a generator along with a control room?
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This is correct - you'll need a power room and its associated power core item (you'll know it's the core item because it'll cost like 225k) plus a control room with its relevant core item (I forget what the magic one is).
If you're not sure if you've got it set up correctly, check the power/control status boxes in the lower right of the base edit screen. Both of them should have a green bar when you've got power and control set up properly.
If you're talking about running the basic arcane forge, simply placing the core power and control items in their respective rooms will give you enough power/control to run the basic table - you shouldn't need to add any more control items at that point. -
Consider also that there is more than just earning prestige. Earning salvage is also important.
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In relation to this, something that wasn't known at the time I wrote this FAQ is that PvP zone missions drop "Alien Tech" and "Spells of Power" salvage on mission complete. These are effectively components (they don't need to be refined to use, but are directly used in the construction of devices) used in the creation of certain high-end items. Currently only defenses, but you never know. -
Yeah you're right this is probably just as common as dealing with stalkers. I mean stormies do this all the time right.. heh. Honestly you're stretching it now how many times has this been done to you? Has this even happened to you or are you just speculating?
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I've had it happen to me! Ironically, on my stalker... -
One quick question. I am the only member of my SG to have purchased CoV. Can they still access our base.
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No. -
I'm not sure wether the "/Dev blaster teleport minefield" trick works quite as well under ED, but it certainly would one-shot my controller in the Arena.
Nowadays they might have to queue up another attack afterwards to finish the job.
"Ranged stalker" is pretty much how I would describe that trick - it has about the same drawbacks and payout. -
If someone can show me another build/plan of attack in this game that can defeat damn near any other toon as well as the stalker can, I will shut my mouth.
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You can do some distressing things with /Devices blasters (which also gives you sneakiness, perception, and the side benefit of being able to stick people in place). Anyone who's been TP Foe'd onto a stack of Caltrops + Trip Mines can attest to that.
As an additional benefit, you get range. -
Very few people come up and engage me the only ones that do are stalkers
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I think this has a lot more to do with the stalker 'problem' than actual stalker issues. When I'm stalking in Bloody Bay, I don't have to look for targets. I just follow some poor Mastermind doing the meteor run and wait for some heroes to pile on him.
It's a rare few villains who seem to be able to hold their own against heroes, so most never try unless there's one of those mass battles going on. -
It's quite a trick to land an AS on a target Superjumping through the zone though. Trying to attack someone while they're traveling to their destination (and feel "safe") seems fairly difficult to me.
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I've often teleported ahead of someone who's flying happily along in a straight line, and managed to position myself roughly near their flight path.
Once I managed to get off a BU+AS doing this.
Predictably, I missed.
Damn heroes. -
Guess who you get to fight in the first mission of the respec trial?
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I don't mind the idea of fighting him on the respec trial, really. An elite boss with an annoying power is precisely the kind of difficult, but not impossible problem that should be a feature of respec trials.
Normal story arc, not so much. -
Ballista is a Toggle Dropping *******!
[/ QUOTE ]Yeah, he is. He was designed to be as close to a Player Hero as we could make him. How do you guys like the Toggle Drop on him? Is it too nasty or does it add a nice challenge?
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It put that contact on the avoid list, something my entire SG is recommended to bypass, and there that contact will stay until the toggle drop goes away.
If all toggles had a non-rooting animation time, maybe that'd be an entertaining add-on. Toggling a fire brute back up or forcing a stalker to sit there posing dramatically in the middle of a fight? Yeah, not so much really. -
So, again, who uses target closest enemy?
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I have it bound to the tilde key... but that's not PvP optimized, that's just my PvE settings (and one of the first keys I set up when I log a character into the tutorial). Tab to cycle, tilde for closest.
Probably could do better for a PvP bind, but then I'd have to relearn which buttons do what. -
Actually, I believe one of the raid teleporters DOES fit in the 2x2 room. I want to say it's the magic one.
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This was correct in beta, and last time I checked. The Arcane raid teleporter will fit in a 2x2 teleport room (depends somewhat on placement of doorways). -
Plus farming prestige can get you upwards to 8K per hour and I would not be suprised to hear of someone doing more than that. Because if I can figure out a way to get 8K per hour then someone else certainly figured out a way to do probably 12k per hour...
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12k/hr is pretty close to the effective maximum. That was with soloing the "buff your side" missions in PvP zones at about 2k per mission, 10 minutes to complete. It may be possible to exceed that, but it would be hard to keep it going for long. -
If someone quits the sg, does the sg still have that prestige, or do we lose it?
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Earned prestige (as opposed to the "kickstart" prestige) belongs to the supergroup, not the player. If they quit, all the prestige that they earned for that SG remains. -
PvP zone missions are actually astonishingly good Prestige if you can solo them in good time. The problem is that you out-level them in short order because they're also astonishingly good XP.
During a "grind test" in Beta, I was able to make 2k Prestige or so per mission soloing PvP zone missions with my Brute, and clear a mission in 10 minutes if I was really on my toes. I did nothing but cycle these missions as fast as I possibly could.
This was pretty crazy however, and I'm not sure how sustainable it is, especially what with all the people trying to kill you now. 12k/hr is about the most Prestige/hr I can imagine anyone pulling in. -
If you lose the placement Prestige when an item is destroyed, then infrastructure attacks are a very effective way to completely neuter an opposing SG's ability to raid, possibly putting them out of the competition for days or even permanently. Take out that crafted generator and you've put them in a world of hurt.
If you only lose the salvage but keep the prestige (similar to if you'd sold the item) then it's only a brief inconvenience. -
Not to mention, my tiny SG with less than 10 members will take a year just to get the prestige to make a functional PvE base.
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I wasn't arguing that point. I was just making sure that the facts of the discussion were accurate. 1.5m gets you more than just a couple rooms and some nice vases, and it weakens other points being made when there's an obvious falsehood sitting right there. -
Totally agree with you here. That 1.5 mill only buys you maybe a couple of rooms and an essential item or two, if that.
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On the contrary, at around 1.5m you can have a fully functional base with medical bay and crafting tables, a total of 5 added rooms. A little farther to 2m and you've got a fully equipped PvE base. -
Yup - I believe Turbine Generator is a medium power item, which requires a 3x3 power room (600k? Something like that) which won't fit on the starter plot so you have to upgrade to the 12x12 which is another 3m...
When choosing the item, the item window says "right-click" to rotate. When I right- clicked on the item, however, it just rotated the whole map. Is this a bug? Or am I missing some type of secret crouching-mantis-style base-fu technique for rotating items?
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IIRC, I think you have to right-click before confirming the item placement (ie, while the item is draggable). If it's already placed, you have to pick it up again.