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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Hell, I find it ammusing that the President Marchand, looks alot like a certain someone from a certain sue happy comicbook company who attempted to sue NCSoft/Cryptic Studios, which ever. I would like to add that the simularity is rather fitting in both looks and character.

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    Also, there's a big Iron Man reference in there.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    An interesting excerpt from the article about Recluse and Manticore:

    [ QUOTE ]
    “Who were the rebels?” Fish repeated this reporter’s question with a wry smile. “Why, simple drug-traffickers
    and freedom fighters. What else would they be?” His shark-like smile and mirrored sunglasses belied his story.

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    Anyone who has read Mark Bowden's "Killing Pablo" knows that Colombia is one of the most violent and wild countries on earth. Natives joke that God made Colombia so naturally beautiful that he populated it with the most bloodthirsty men on earth to balance it out. There is a lot of wild territory outside of government and police control, making the jungles a safe haven for drug-traffickers and paramilitary groups. I can't imagine what Recluse and Manticore are searching for or who the mystery "rebels" they're fighting really are, but I have a feeling it's really bad news.

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    For some reason when I first saw the description of "Codename Cisne" I thought of the Knives of Artemis. And describing Fish as a creepy Man in Black made me think of Malta. Though that would kind of be from out of left field.

    The 5th Column is the most obvious choice for what's going on down there, ultimately. South American Nazis are a cliche for a reason.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    hmm, Mako... maybe this is what happens to him if he never joins up with Arachnos... and if so, what happens to all of the other villains?

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    Black Scorpion: Finally finds job satisfaction when he's put into a Hercules Class Titan.

    Silver Mantis: Joins the Freakshow. Is later thrown out for being "t00 hyp3r".

    Scirocco: Without Arachnos backing him up, his powers are stripped by Seraphina. Strangely, this neither increases nor decreases his angst level.

    Ice Mistral: After a brief and exciting supervillainous career, finds work as a bartender and bouncer in Pocket D, where the party never stops! Woo! Becomes famous for various "cooling off a beer bottle" tricks.

    Ghost Widow: Eventually runs into the Carnival of Shadows, becoming an extremely talented Master Illusionist and one of the few high level Carnival members not constantly thinking about trying to usurp Vanessa.

    Wretch: Joins the Carnival of Shadows to be with Ghost Widow. Finds out too late what the procedure for becoming a Carnival Strongman is. Whoops!

    Mako: Not as mutated. Still as crazy.

    Barracuda: Slightly less evil. Just as mutated and angsty.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I've just completed another commission!
    This time Jt's lovely villains:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Technically only one of them is a villain... The other is just kind of cranky.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    The IRS has a commission to look at things like this and decide how to tax it, and I do mean specifically RMT. It was created in the last year or so.

    Obviously, the people receiving money should be taxed. However, there is case law that receiving something that has real world value (as indicated by RMT) is taxable in and of itself.

    E.g. if that Miracle: +Recovery unique has a real world value thanks to RMT, you owe taxes on it *whether you sell it for actual cash or not*.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Please enter the equivalent dollar value (EDV) (reference charts on pages 57-65) of the reward items you received from running Accellerated Croatoa Zone Task Forces (ACZ-TF) in box 11b"
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    So, uh, anyone know what the numbers are for the tier 2 and tier 3 empowerment stations are?

    Or if they stack?


    Oh I found them. LOL. 17 components for 5% psy resistance. What the hell.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Empowerment station buffs range between pointless and insulting, but they are good if you're grinding out the # of items crafted badges.
  7. It's not that hard to proof your transfer against any interception.

    Or you could let me do it for a modest cut. All transfers are insured against interception or your money back!
  8. Sounds pretty reasonable in terms of fees. I think more artists should do this.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    And isnt there a cap to the amount of type set bonuses. AT 5 i think someone mentioned. So you could only get the +regen 5 times no matter what each time's value is. So if each set bonus is 11% that makes a possible 55% regen bonus.

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    You can only get the same value 5 times.

    So +10% regen and +12% regen (or whatever) would count as different values, and you could have each one 5 times.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Once crazy nutty thing your might think about is using Temperature Protection. Yeah granted it's passive powers and kind redundent, but it's also a Damage Resistance power. Any IO's slotted are always active. A KB Protection and Steadfast Protection's Unique +DEF are good choice to slot into it. And you would get the first set bonus.

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    But the whole thing about getting KB protection IOs is so we don't have to take Acrobatics and thus free up a power pick.

    I mean, it's not like there's ever a time you're not going to run Fire Shield. Just drop it in there and it might as well be in a passive.

    You could make the arguement that if you expect to get detoggled, having it a passive will mean you can't be chain-knockbacked (preventing you from retoggling even if you break the mez). However, this is extremely unlikely to occur anywhere except PvP... but admittedly it is a point.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    The problem is that Inventions may NOT accomplish that as fast as it can be re-injected by the high-levels who farm for 100k Inf an hour.

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    What is that, like a couple minutes work and then kipping off for a 55 minute smoke break?

    A dedicated high level farm for influence rakes in millions.
  12. Egos_Shadow

    Eden Trial Guide

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    On the cieling are many spawns of Swarms. Their Sting lasts several minutes.

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    It should be noted in the guide that the Sting from the ceiling swarms is MUCH nastier than the normal swarms. In addition to a speed debuff, it causes a -Fly, -Teleport status for the entire duration of the debuff.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't know if I had a veryyyy long streak of bad luck, but I noticed that there is no more Malta Police band mission on live in Peregrine Island.

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    I had one last night - they're in there.

    This has to be the first time I've seen someone want /more/ random encounters with the Malta Group!
  14. We have them in my group's bases.

    They're useful for refining high-end salvage that you'd normally require an expensive Expert Table for.

    Occasionally I'll scroll through the list of buffs but I can never quite bring myself to waste salvage on one.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Now, this will apparantly come as a shock (hur hur) to you, but the Playerbase is not some gestalt entity with a hive mind.

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    One of us...

    One of us...
  16. It might be better to take the idea of personal storage out of the base system entirely... and add it to the Universities.

    I mean, if you're going to be using the lab space there for inventions, why shouldn't you have a space to stockpile your private salvage and the results of your work? (Ironically, this would actually be somewhere where the idea of rent would make sense both in game concept and metagame justification.)

    I'm not sure that private storage inside a group base is a solvable problem.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I pay my monthly (yearly actually) fee to play.

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    This is perhaps one of the big annoyances with rent; we already pay "rent", it's fifteen real dollars a month. Sure, other games have in-game economy sinks, but there's a reason we are here and not there. Or, at least, there WAS.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I think getting rid of rent would expand the number of super groups

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    I strongly disagree here. I think people are going to play the way they want to play, with the people they want to play with. Any supergroup founded solely on the principle of "woot! superbase!" is doomed to implode eventually.

    One of the failing points of bases was that it didn't actually cause supergroups to coalesce into grand alliances, it just meant that all the small supergroups had to jump through a lot of hoops to access the new functionality, and many found it not worth the bother.

    Eliminating rent wouldn't create new supergroups, it would allow the smaller supergroups already in the game to more easily build super-bases, and reduce the annoyance factor that may be keeping them away from this functionality.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    If anything, it should be teaching young people how to save and manage funds.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wait, what?

    [ QUOTE ]
    I get so tired of hearing people say "get rid of Rent, we want it all..FOR FREE!"

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    This is odd, since nobody is actually saying that.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    At this point , i would just let players e-mail themselve enhancements and influence and get rid of the base concept.

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    Personal storage/transfer and contributing to group resources don't have to be mutually exclusive, you know.

    Look at Halloween loot for example. My group (I'm sure others did similar things) set up a specific bin for event salvage to pool the drops among the group so everyone could get a costume slot on whatever alts wanted it.

    It simply cannot be overstated the impact that even seemingly trivial things like this can have on group cohesion.
  20. The thing that gets me about this whole discussion is that it seems increasingly like two people repeating "No, *you* don't understand" at each other.

    Until the promised second look at things like base rent come around, it's unlikely we're going to get specific acknowledgement on specific points - after all, things are still going to be in discussion on the dev end. It's unrealistic to expect otherwise - that's just how the process works.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm still concerned that there will be some tangental redesign of bases when what they really just need is a re-pricing, but griping at Statesman's admission of design issues seems kind of counterproductive at this point.
  21. Gah! Redname post in the base construction forum?!

    Oh <bleep!>, they actually HAVE been reading.

    Hide the beer bottles QUICK! And get some pants on the dancing catgirl!

    Oh man... if we'd known we could have like cleaned the place up or something...
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    This may have been answered in the other 20 or so pages but rather then go through all that, here it is. I get 486 or so prestige at the end of a mission on the hardest difficulty on my 36 mm, my mm friend that is 20 but I lacky him, gets 500+, how can this be right?

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    As your lackey, he's a level lower than you, so the mission is an extra +1 to him, and the end reward is bumped up accordingly.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    I have to wonder if it would be better to have prestige deducted from a group when a player quit the group.

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    This would be one of those "fixes" that actually creates a bigger problem than it solves.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    and they REALLY want us to get to work on Prestige, then make it unique to the character and not just the SG. if i get pissed at my SG ans want to quit. I dont want my hard work going to a bunch of bananaheads.

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    They could always do both. Track personal prestige as well as prestige for the supergroup. Keep a running tab of how much prestige you've earned - regardless of what SG you were in at the time - and let you spend that stash towards your personal lair which would be independant of any SG bases.

    So you have to be active and participating in the SG base system to get your own lair - but it would go the other way around, too; even though you're active making prestige for people you may eventually come to hate and bail on, you're building up your own stuff on the side while you do it.
  25. Egos_Shadow

    Top Issues 8.10

    [ QUOTE ]
    This is not true. You can have as many story arcs open at once as you want now. I have had 3 open at once. You haven't had to finish one arc to get another for quite some time.

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    The "open arcs" thing is still somewhat of a pain in CoH. However, it IS a result of being unable to please everyone all the time. I prefer it this way, since the alternative is being cut off in mid-arc.