Infamy for drawings?!
Of course.. you would have to have a character on just abotu every server with that sort of cash.. because there is no telling what server the artist you want to pay the infamy/prestige to might be on.
... seeing as you cant mail Infamy/prestige to characters at all... nor can it be sent across servers even.
Of course.. you would have to have a character on just abotu every server with that sort of cash.. because there is no telling what server the artist you want to pay the infamy/prestige to might be on.
... seeing as you cant mail Infamy/prestige to characters at all... nor can it be sent across servers even.
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Ah, right, forgot to mention:
Infamy transactions would follow as such:
I draw the drawing, we log on to the game, head for the nearest black market, and determine an item currently being sold for under 100 infamy (Say, a green inspiration.). I then put up a green inspiration for the ammount the drawing cost. You pay the price, and I get the infamy.
So, let's have an examlpe scenario:
Captain_Obvious buys a colored character sketch. He asks what he wants on the drawing, and 2 days later, I finish the drawing. I send the drawing to Captain_Obvious, and set up a time we can log on at the same time.
Later that evening, I log onto Freedom server with my character, and Captain_Obvious logs onto his character on Virtue. I send him a tell, and we establish an item to use for the transaction. Again, say we use a green inspiration, which are usually going for 50 infamy or less.
I put up a green inspiration for 5 million, assuring that no one will buy it. The buyer then pays for the inspiration, with his own 5 million infamy. Seeing as how I'm the only person (Presumably) selling a green inspiration for 5 million, and he's the only one paying 5 million, he'll buy my inspiration, and I'll get the money.
Of course, this involves risks... And a great deal of trust for the other person. However, I trust pretty much all the forumites, so that's not a problem.
Of course, the risk is rather high, probably wouldn't be worth it. But, it's something I'm pondering.
Which ignores that Black markets and Consignment centers are not only not connected to each other.. they dont cross servers...
Now... if a cross server mailing system could be implemented.. we would not have a problem... =3
they dont cross servers...
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You're wrong about part of that statement. Although they do not cross hero to villain, all servers are connected.
I routinely move credits from server to server and character to character all the time, without a hitch. And the inspiration route is the wrong one to take, since cheapest sells first. Pick something that is not for sale at all at the time, like a lvl 11 fear TO or something like that.
Furthermore, I'd buy some art for inf, got any links to yer work?
lol nm I see now (link in sig)
You gonna want only villain money? I can hook you up. PM me to talk further.
Ah... huh.. I thought they were seperat.. my bad..
actually I do something very similar over on virtue from time to time to get rares or costume pieces im looking for
good luck to you
Just before you go doing a boo boo ... if you put an item on the BM for 1 000 000 and someone is asking 5 000 for that item beeing currently sold for 100 ... the less greedy will get the amount ... i.e. not you.
I could be wrong but that is how I understood the system.

Char Site | My DeviantArt
Sounds pretty reasonable in terms of fees. I think more artists should do this.
Has anyone actually used this system to transfer currency across servers?
I have ,
It works but sometimes you can get the money diverted to someone else , its almost fool proof but not totally .
It's not that hard to proof your transfer against any interception.
Or you could let me do it for a modest cut. All transfers are insured against interception or your money back!
one way to be PRETTY safe about it is to use an item that has no sales history...
that way if someone else snatches up your item you'll see that there is a sales history of 1 item and you'll know not to continue the transaction.
or you could at least pick an item that has no sales history for today (since the dates are shown in the sales history)
good luck and happy arting!
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Thanks much for the advice.
Unfortunately, I won't start doing this until at least next week. Just have to get a few other projects out of the way first, then I'll be open for commissions.
I call dibs on firsties!!!!
Srsly, we'll talk.
No, I'm not doing that. At least, not for the time being.
But let's say, for example, I were to start doing commissions, and, instead of asking for real money, I were to ask for Infamy. (Sorry Heroes, but, I don't currently have a hero who needs any influence.)
Would anyone be willing to pay for one? And how much?
Personally, here's what I was thinking:
-1 million for a sketch (No colors, just a normal pencil drawing.)
-2.5 million for a sketch with multiple characters (Same as above, but, with more then one character.)
-5 million for a colored drawing. (Digitally colored, just the character, no background.)
-7.5 million for a colored drawing, with background.
-10 million for a colored drawing with multiple characters
-15 million for a colored drawing, with multiple characters, and background.
Prices are subject to change, of course.
If I were to do this, I'd open it up to 5 people at a time, and try to pump something out at least every 1-4 days.
Anyways, yeah... Would anyone be willing to buy something if I planned on doing that? I know I alienate alot of potential customers by making it infamy only, but, as I'm doing this for my villain character, influence is rather pointless, I'm afraid.
Also, don't be afraid to suggest price revisions. As it stands, I just put down the first thing that came to mind, really.