Eden Trial Guide




Eden Spire Trial

Havn't seen one of these in a long time, and my searches turned up nothing, so I'm tossing this one out there for the masses to look at. Input appreciated, never written a guide


Contact: Woodsman (Near the Hive at (2590, 370, 3515))
Zone: Eden
Lvl Range: 39-41
Team Size: 4-8
Enemy: Devouring Earth
Reward: Liberator Accomplishment and Boulder Gladiator and a Crystal Titan Origin Enhancement

Start Dialougue:

Freeing me from the Devouring Earth has slowed the Hamidon's plans, but I fear it has not stopped them. Above all, the Devouring Earth seek the power to bend nature to their will; with me gone, they have sought out other victims. The creatures have taken several heroes with strong ties to nature, and will soon try to devour them. The heroes are held in an underground lair, guarded by a giant Crystal Titan. Those heroes must be rescued. I hope you will aid me in this task. Before you can begin, you must throw the Devouring Earth off balance. Will you strike against the Devouring Earth? Will you put them under the Wild Hunt and leave them reeling and afraid? Good. Then so begins the Wild Hunt. Stalk them, strike them, hunt them here in their false Eden! This will likely draw them away from their underground prison; then you may creep in and free the captured heroes.

Mission 1: Deafeat 200 Devouring Earth
The are around Woodsman is fairly well packed with DE, shouldn't take very long to do this.

Mission 2: Speak with the Woodsman
(anyone can speak with woodsman, doesn't need to be team leader)

Now is the time to end the hunt and begin the rescue. I can show you the way, but within the depths of the Devouring Earth's subterranean warrens, you alone must face the terrible hordes. The Hamidon has created a great Crystal Titan in which to house the power he hopes to siphon from the captured heroes. To win you must smash down the walls to the Titan's lair, defeat it, and free the heroes. But be wary. The Hamidon's servants will protect the walls and the Titan itself.

Listen. The Titan's prismatic powers are devastating; but there is a secret. The Greater Devoured beasts that live above the great lake of acid have evolved a defense against the Titan's prismatic powers. It is a gelatinous substance that coats their skin and dampens the worst of the crystal's vibrations. Gather this substance, and it may protect you from the Titan's power. You must hurry! Within four hours, the captive heroes will be no more!

Mission 3: Defeat Titan and rescue hostage - 4:00:00 - Break through the rock wall, Break through the mold wall, Bring down the Crystal Titan

Ok, you have 4 hours to complete this but, with only one exception of the 50 or so times I've done this trial, it only really takes 2.

The first thing you'll see upon entering the big door, is a large empty room with 6 holes. Pick a hole and start falling. You'll land, finding yourself in a room full of DE.

Some where else in the room you'll find another hole. Fall, then rise wash repeat until you find your self in a very large room. You'll know you're in the right place if you can see two Quarry GMs, a large rib cage, and an AV class Rock Wall. If you immidiately attack the wall, the two GMs will aggro on you, SO:

On the GMs. There are two schools of thought.
1) Aggro them, and lead them down one of the rabbit holes. They will get lost and never appear again.
2) Kill them. I prefer this method because, if your team can not take them down in a reasonable amount of time, then odds are that you won't be able to defeat the Walls or the Crystal Titan. Will save you a large amount of debt and time to find this out sooner rather than later.

Now that is done, on to the wall. The wall will spawn various mobs of the rock based kind. These mobs in turn drop cairns. Kill the Cairns immidiately as they make the wall undamageable. So keep your combat log open so that you can see if you're doing damage or not. Holding the wall will also stop the wall from spawning mobs.

On to the next room. You'll see three briges criss-crossing above a large lake. Do not enter the water as it is acid that hits for 35 damage per tic. IIRC it is untyped damage so its gonna hit you that hard no matter what. On the cieling are many spawns of Swarms. Their Sting lasts several minutes, and is more dangerous than normal Swarm Sting. It includs a -tp,-fly component. Each bridge has a different type of spawn on it, although all bridges have 2-3 Greater Devoured Bosses in each spawn. On bridge is mushrooms, one bridge is quartzes, and one is boulders.

Ensure that at all times you have at least one insperation slot empty as the GDs drop Ambrosia Insperations. These insperations are what will allow you to take the Crystal Titan down. The Ambrosia (aka Grapes) look like purple grabes on an orange back ground. You will need at least 3 per player, although to be on the safe side 4-6 is a good idea depending on how much damage your team has, or if you want to be nice and dump your un-used ones into base storage.

Now we move on, jump down a hole and see the Mold Wall. It is surrounded by Sniper Class Lichen colonies, that spawn Lichen. Destroy these before tackeling the wall, as the lichen will aggro on you and make your lives miserable if you don't. The mold wall will spawn mushrooms and Greater devoured. Again, be on the look out for the Fungi that the mushrooms spawn as they buff the wall as well. Knock the wall down and carry on, dropping down the hole in to the last room.

The Last Room (formely known as the room that tanks loved to herd):

This room is actually 3 connected rooms. The first one that you drop in to is a little bigger than the reactor core from the respec triail. It has a large platau that you drop on to, and 3 large holes. This room does not have to be cleared, all though the holes make excellent herd points.

Next is the Large room with the Crystal Titan. You really can't miss him. Huge greyish Crystal guy standing on a large platau with 4 bridges leading up to it. Ignore him for now.

The 3rd room is a small room with 4 Crystal Prisons. In each prison is a Hero.
The Heroes are:
Gale: Storm/
Quill: Spines/
Slate: Not sure
Tundra: Ice/Ice

Now what you can do is herd all of the mobs Except the titan in to this room to be killed. This is the fastest way to clear out the Big Room. You must clear out the big room otherwise the mobs will aggro on you once you attack the titan.

Defeating the Titan:
Just like any other GM/AV you have ever fought EXCEPT that you need to ensure that you have a ambrosia insperation active at all time. Crystal Titan does a little over 2k damage per hit of untyped damage with out ambrosia. Ambrosai cuts it to about 1/4 of that. Each Ambrosia lasts 1 minute. Designate 1 person to keep an eye on everyones buff bars to call the next ambrosia hit.

And you're done. Make sure that if you are in the lvl range for the TF (non Auto-Exemped) you have an enh slot empty when you are fighting the Crystal Titan, as completion of the Trail gives you a Crystal Titan Origin Enh. The different kinds are:

Titan Amethyst Shard

Enhance Damage (%)
Enhance Sleep (%)
Enhance Disorient (%)
Enhance Immobilization (%)
Enhance Hold (%)
Enhance Confuse (%)
Enhance Fear (%)
Enhance Intangibility (%)

Titan Citrine Shard

Enhance ToHit Buff (16.5%)
Enhance Defense Buff (16.5%)
Enhance Recharge Time (12.2%)

Titan Kyanite Shard

Enhance Heal (25%)
Reduce Endurance Cost (25%)

Titan Calcite Shard

Enhance Accuracy (%)
Enhance Sleep (%)
Enhance Disorient (%)
Enhance Immobilization (%)
Enhance Hold (%)
Enhance Confuse (%)
Enhance Fear (%)
Enhance Intangibility (%

Titan Diamond Shard

Enhance Damage (%)
Enhance Accuracy (%)

Titan Gypsum Shard

Enhance Accuracy Debuffs (%)
Enhance Defense DeBuffs (%)
Enhance Accuracy (%)

Titan Peridont Shard
Enhance Damage Resistance (%)
Reduce Endurance Cost (%)

Titan Quartz Shard
Enhance Damage (%)
Enhance Range (%)

Titan Selenite Shard
Enhance Travel Speed (%)
Reduce Endurance Cost (%)

Titan Tanzanite Shard

Enhance ToHit Buff (%)
Enhance Defense Buff (%)
Reduce Endurance Cost (%)

Titan Zeolite Shard

Enhance Accuracy Debuffs (%)
Enhance Defense DeBuffs (%)
Reduce Endurance Cost (%)




I just want to say, great job
This is excatly how i've done it, and i absolutely LOVE that Trial.
So everyone who is planning on doing this Trial for their first time, should definately read this guide, as it will save them a lot of time, and debt
Great job!






On the cieling are many spawns of Swarms. Their Sting lasts several minutes.

[/ QUOTE ]

It should be noted in the guide that the Sting from the ceiling swarms is MUCH nastier than the normal swarms. In addition to a speed debuff, it causes a -Fly, -Teleport status for the entire duration of the debuff.




Edited to include. Thanks for the reminder on that part.