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Oh man, I've had a hankering for playing a Spirit-themed character, but I'd be just as happy to create a villain for one! I'd be happy to play either Guy Friday or Satin Fox, or both. Send me a tell and we can see what we get up to!
Name: The Artful Dodgers
Currently Recruiting:
[1]accepting new members
[2]looking for other players/SGs interested in RP
[3]wanting to let others know you exist, etc.
RP Level: Generally, we are story-driven roleplayers. We accept all levels of role-play, from beginner to advanced.
Theme/Concept: Go ahead, ask yourself...
* Are you a teenager who's one step away from joining a gang or villain group just to get by?
* Do you wish there was a place that understood your Special needs?
* Perhaps you want to become apart of something bigger?
* Or do you just need a warm place to stay and some company along your way.
When teens develop meta-powers, they face many risks. Oftentimes these dangers leave them in need of rescuing from their own lives.
Does this sound familiar to you?
We're not just another group-home or community outreach centre offering an empty plate full of good intentions, because we know what it really means to be at risk.
We're your peers.
Come Join Us!
The Artful Dodgers
Home for Wayward Meta-Teens
Celebrating our fourth year as a super-group on VIRTUE!
Become a hero! The first life you save may be your own! -
One of the coolest moments of CoH was coming out of character creation into Atlas and having someone giving me 10 mil influence right out the door.
Of course, then I had to botch it by being a total newbcake and accidentally converting ALL of it to prestige for a SG that broke up not much later, but hey, it was a really cool gesture. -
Have you tried the sticky threads up above pertaining to superhero and villain groups? They're how I found the Artful Dodgers, which is proving to be the coolest team I could imagine. @_@ Their base is so freaking cool. (They even have a sub-SG base for pure set design, like churches and hospitals and burger stops!)
IC = In Character
OOC = Out of Character
CR = Character Relations. I haven't seen this used much.
MRPer = "Mature" Roleplayer. Roleplayers that take themselves too seriously IMO. ;P (IMO = in my opinion)
ERPer = Erotic Roleplayer. Because MMOs need more sexual fetishes.
Futa = Um. Try googling it and finding out! D: -
I would totally make a character for a Canadian RP SG.
I was beginning to think that this would be a great way to reward players for finding game-wrecking bugs, but then I realized that would ENCOURAGE players to look for them... and with the time they're taking working on the one impeding my game experience, I'm thinking they probably have their hands full as it were. :P
Quote:Well.Well gee... You made me feel bad for running two weekly WoD campaigns.....
I'm gunna go be emo in the corner......
To be fair, I was always more of an oWoD Mage/Changeling fan in my younger days. You guys are way too overpowered anyway, so NYAH. ;P
Then again, I've always wanted to try out Exalted ... >-> -
Ugh, I'm so ticked off that I missed this!
I've been wanting to look into Supergroups for forever but I don't really know how to approach anyone. This arena looks very depressing now. I redesigned my character's costumes for it and everything!
Oh well, this is what I get for misreading the dates and going off to a place with no internet for a weekend. Hope you guys had fun! -
That's honestly true of any RP setting, on any message board, anywhere. =_=
Every time someone pulls out the "WAR BETWEEN VAMPIRS AND WERWOLFS" card, it's hard not to sarcastically think, "Oh, what a stunning, original idea!" And this comes from one who's experimented with creating a vampire-themed game in my younger years! (Granted, it was an apocalyptic fantasy in which humans had mostly been reduced to living cattle within great decadent fortresses under a permanent night-fog, but all the same. VAMPIRS AND WERWOLFS LOL.)
Sorry if I'm stepping on the OP's (original poster) dreams here, but aside from Halloween times I think I'm just done with vampires. And werewolves. Forever. -
In the words of a nigh-forgotten spikey blue-haired staple of the 90's, that is way past cool.
Also pretty darn inspirational if you ask me.
Good luck to him, and I should get around to trying out those Architect missions! I'm green enough that I'm still fooling around exploring dev content right now, but I'll get around to the player stuff eventually... -
So, without giving anything away about the 'hero' theme (at least until I actually make the guy), I've been thinking of making a tanker. The best comparison I can make is he's sort of like a robotic Ben Grimm, shooting off electrical sparks and zapping things while beating the crud out of thugs. Because I like to mix things up, I've boiled the choice down to Electric Armor/Super Strength or Invulnerability/Electric Melee, and I can't decide which one I like more!
The former has very nice, flashy powers and I really like the very conventional 'bruiser' attacks, but the "Power Surge" at the end of the electric armor power set gives me pause - considering that transmuting metal into pure electric energy seems a bit weird, from an RP perspective. (Really the only objection I have, as I'm a pretty aesthetically-minded guy!) Not to mention, I'm getting a bit tired of Knockdown, as I've got a Blaster with the assault rifle powerset who pretty much does that to thugs all day.
The latter's pretty good as well, with the Electric Melee being much more dynamic and flashy than the more straight-forward Strength one, but the Invulnerability's lack of protection against psionic attacks kind of makes me wonder if it would fit a cyborg type of hero. I mean, unless psionics can somehow scramble electric nodes in his special robot brain...
On top of that, I don't really know how they might work together in terms of powers (or what might be buffed or nerfed), so any advice or pointers I could get from using either powerset would be appreciated. Thanks! -
Would if I had a character over level 35. Closest I have is 19.
The woes of being a n00blet.
Seems like the kind of thing that has to be negotiated before-hand. If the player REALLY liked that name, they could compromise that each person in the agreement keep each other informed of whether they're going to keep using the name or delete it later on.
Seems like this is more of a "lesson learned" situation than anything else, at least let's hope so for the offended party.
New player here, by the way! \o/ Hey guyz!