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  1. I discovered that when you post an item for say $10,000, for the next item you post (within that same session) the price defaults to that $10,000, as opposed to the system clearing the price field. I can think of instances where this could be dangerous -- posting it for an unwanted price. I sent a suggestion petition for them to take a closer look at it.
  2. ROFL. I almost pee'd my pants laughing reading this. Best April Fools ever, well done. I didn't know you had comedians on your team because this is first class satire.
  3. Something to brighten your day. Dogs dressed as superheroes: saving the world with cuteness.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    No, it's for I17 - demon summoning will be a little later, I think.
    These rollout combinations are confusing. lol
  5. They re-activated Closed Beta to move on to the Demon Summoning testing I guess?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mister_J View Post
    I recently jumped back to test when Dual Pistols went open. Had a few guys there already. I've since attempted to copy new ones over to no avail. I have plenty of spots left (7 open), but nothing ever transfers. I've read about a Training Room 2, but mine is 1. I've redone the shortcut in the CoH folder and it just points to where I already am. Lost. Help.
    Sorry but you have to use seven exclamation points in your title in order to get fast service, you only used six.
  7. Hmm, I didn't realize TP Foe had a magnitude. The only way to increase magnitudes, as far as I know, is stacking powers. Applying to mag 3 holds gives you a mag 6 hold. So I don't think this is possible.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
    I'll be throwing my shoes at you!

    Just say NO! To cut-scenes!
    In general I like cut scenes, they add a level of emersion. But the penchant for funny cut scenes they've added I don't particularly care for (frost fire, dr aeon). I like the ITF and STF cutscenes.
  9. Even better no limit and you can call them on your cell phone immediately. No other game I've played has a limit on the number of open missions/quests etc. Although I think EQ2 had a limit of like 95 open quests.
  10. How about you can hold one more open mission in your list. So instead of the current max of three open missions you can have four open missions. I know I'd love that.
  11. When you view the server screen the servers are listed heaviest load (last) to lightest load (*first). I think server load essentially equates to the number of folks logged in. Virtue is almost always 2nd or 3rd from last on the list.

    *However the very top server listed is always the last server you logged in to and has nothing to do with load.

    Moved all my characters off of Triumph, Protector, Victory over to Virtue due to lack of population problems on them.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by toilet_monster View Post
    but what about the tier 1 break frees being only 2 magnitude?
    Tier 1 break frees are mag 10 protection.
  13. Whoevers 200 million influence i somehow intercepted selling garbage on WW, thanks. =D
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
    War Witch, now that you get to crack the whip you can introduce more hidden clickies!
    I'm oldskool, they are glowies not clickies. hehe :P
  15. "...focus on the critically important End Game system..." This blurb is completely new info to me. Does anyone have any additional info on what this end game system is. Actually I'm a tad fuzzy on exactly what "end game system" means in the first place, feel free to educate me on that.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beggly View Post
    I decided to consolidate my toons on a few choice servers, rather than have a few tunes everywhere. As a result, I've got toons on Virtue, Freedom, Infinity, Guardian, and Liberty rather than all but one of the servers.

    I keep thinking this is a nice opportunity to get a higher population on Virtue and Freedom (or some of the other servers) so that more people are available to team and in general have fun with. Some servers (like Liberty and Infinity) seem all but deserted.

    (I stayed on Liberty and Infinity because they are my first two servers, and after filling up Virtue, Freedom, and Guardian, I didn't want to move what I had left there just to join another potentially low population server.)

    So, where are people going? Are you staying there or going back? Any speculation on why they decided to give free server transfers? I think it's a great idea, naturally.
    I used all my free transfer tokens and moved all my characters off off Triumph and Protector (about 20) to Virtue. Virtue has a much larger population, second only to Freedom I believe. They average around 600 on a /search, compared to P and T's average of about 250. They also have a large RP base in which I'm dabbling.
  17. I was thinking about new zone event ideas, you know Kraken, Lusca, Kronos, rikti invation, etc. What interesting ideas for zone events do you have. I was thinking about a giant killer plant with tendrils and spouting poison erupting from that grassy hill just next to the Talos train station.

    I'd be curious of other ideas.
  18. As is typical during game events Market prices have yet again gone up significantly in WW during the Winter Event. I'm making a killing again on selling common salvage. I'm consistently getting 200k-500k for stacks of 10 commons. Prices will begin dropping in a week so make sure you take advantage.
  19. [Blessing of the Zephyr: Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/End (Recipe).24] for sale.
  20. I'm looking to join a hardcore, role playing SG emersed in CoX lore to join. I just moved all my characters over to virtue from triumph and have no SG. I want to try out a role playing exclusive SG. I've been trying it ad hoc on virtue and like it a lot.
  21. I'll be transfering all my characters off of Triumph hence from my SG and hence my base and offer it to anyone. Unfortunately you can't take Prestige with you on transfers. I haven't done much to my base however I have, I believe, a couple million in prestige. There is also one bin full of SO's. I used up my six free character transfers this week. Next week I'll be moving my remaining few characters from Triumph once my next batch of free holiday transfer tokens are replinished. Triumph was my first server and the folks there are incredibly nice and they are also task force bandits, which is great, I never had a problem finding a TF.
    You receive your powers from a magical source. These abilities might come from a mystical artifact bestowed upon you, the mastery of numerous magical spells, or pacts made with powerful dimensional entities. This origin will give you access to Apprentice Charm. This item has a very short range and deals minor Energy damage, as well as lowering their resistance to further damage.

    You were born with abilities which set you apart from the rest of humankind. Your powers manifested at birth, puberty, or possibly adulthood. Mutants are often viewed with awe and fear by those who don't understand them. This origin will give you access to Mutagen. This item has a very short range and deals minor Energy damage, as well as lowering the damage the affected target deals out.

    You aren't 'super' at all; your amazing talents come from intense training and innate abilities. You might have been driven to physical excellence by some all-encompassing desire for perfection or revenge, or perhaps you are not human at all, and possess powers natural to your race. With your natural origin you have to rely on your cunning and skill. This origin will give you access to Throwing Knives. This attack has a very short range and deals minor Lethal damage, as well as inflicting additional Damage over Time.

    You received your powers either through purposeful scientific inquiry or some accident gone awry. You have since learned to harness your new-found abilities, becoming a powerful force in the world. This origin will give you access to Tranq Dart. This item has a very short range and deals minor Lethal and Toxic damage. In addition there is a small chance you can put the target to Sleep with the dart, but they will wake up the next time they are damaged or healed.

    You derive your powers from technological devices, from suits of high-tech body armor to powerful energy weapons. Few have been able to duplicate the amazing technology which lies behind your gadgets. You need not be a brilliant inventor; you may have acquired these items from another source. This origin will give you access to Taser Dart. This attack has a very short range and does minor Energy damage. In addition it has a small chance to Hold your opponent for a brief moment.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Razordenial View Post
    I'm looking for a new server to call home, and my only requirement is that there is a decent, not great amount of RP. I've been on Virtue for a long time now, and with the free transfers, I'm looking for a new home.

    From what I understand Virtue is the unofficial Role Playing server. It is also one of the busiest servers, next to Freedom. I started a character on Freedom and happened to be playing him last night, because Protector was down most of last night grrrr. The very first team I joined right off the bat had a few obvious role players. I very rarely run across any role playing characters on teams on Protector. I don't role play but decided to try to slip into it. To my surprise it was actually a bit difficult. Once other members start talking about pop culture, try to be funny and such the RP quickly dropped away.
  24. boohoo, screwed up our second raid before it even started. Still down as of this post
  25. I can't speak much about other MMOs, but this game is very team oriented. Meaning that I think many people play CoX because of it's teaming sensibility That's not to say you can't play exclusively solo, you definitely can.