What new zone events would you create




I was thinking about new zone event ideas, you know Kraken, Lusca, Kronos, rikti invation, etc. What interesting ideas for zone events do you have. I was thinking about a giant killer plant with tendrils and spouting poison erupting from that grassy hill just next to the Talos train station.

I'd be curious of other ideas.



Similar to the Rikti invasions, how about an Arachnos invasion. Very similar to the Rikti, except the mobs are all Arachnos! Also, to make it more interesting, when a predetermined number of Arachnos soldiers are killed, a random Arachnos Archvillain will spawn. (Black Scorpion, Captain Mako, Scirocco, Ghost Widow, or Lord Recluse) Defeating the Archvillain will net you a badge and will also end the event. Defeating each Archvillain will net you a different badge, and an additional badge will be rewarded when you defeat all five.

The Red side will get a similar invasion with Longbow mobs.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



I vote that every once in a while, Captain Mako gets into a bad mood and starts tearing up Sharkhead, slaughtering everything in sight. And if he meets Scrapyard, they fight.

NPCs: A Single Method to Greatly Expand Bases



For Steel Canyon: "Gang War"... massive spawns of Tsoo and Outcasts start slugging it out all over the zone.

For Sharkhead: "The Leviathan is stirring"... WAVES of Coralax or those things you fight in the Calystix the Shaper mission.

For Independence Port: "Reactor Leak"... Radiation levels in Terra Volta are approaching dangerous levels - 8-man hero teams must head into the zone and plant 'restriction beacons' or somesuch simultaneously to forcefield off Terra Volta.

For St. Martial: "Carnival"... the Carnival of Shadows crop up EVERYWHERE and start wreaking havoc... in fact, go one step farther and have them start ambushing PCs in an attempt to "recruit" them by subdual.

Any zone (hero or villain, but must have an AE building): "System Glitch"... the AE system malfunctions, and holograms of random enemy groups (including ones you might not normally see in a given zone) start spawning across the zone. Minimum two teams to fix the problem - 1 team to hunt down the holograms and 'deactivate' them, 1 team to 'fix' the AE system (a la the Hero Respec trial).


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



All of them I like so far.

Brickstown: how about a Jailbreak event? Arachnos is continuing Operation: Destiny and is breaking more prisoners out of The Zig.

Criminals and cons flood the streets of Brickstown terrorizing (taking over) different neighbourhoods. Take out the instigator for each zone (An Arachnos AV or EB which could be a new Arbiter critter) to push the prisoners out.

During the event, large Arachnos spawns could be seen near The Zig along with increased spawn size for normal Villain Groups taking advantage of the pandemonium.

Cimerora: Romulus has managed to call upon Hades/Pluto (considering the whole Roman/Greek lore is mashed up in CoH) to wreak havoc on Imperious' forces.

During this event there would be spawns of demons and other nasties flooding the streets and inhabiting the entire zone (save the entrance). A Giant Monster would be roaming the peninsula causing havoc and would award a badge when defeated.

The event can be stopped one of two ways; wait it out or banish Hades himself. Hades would con as an AV and could be found randomly around Cimerora.



Dragon Rampage, a alert will go out through Paragon / Rogue Isle with a location of where a giant dragon is rampaging. Even a badge to go with it [Dragon Slayer/Dragon Knight]



Un-anounced police chases in most appropriate Paragon City zones.

Since cars are already slower then players, they could follow a scripted path and even low-level characters would have a decent chance of stopping the chase; and two chases per zone (following one of 3-5 or so different scripted paths) would prevent them from showing up too often. A chase every 5-15 minutes (provided there aren't currently any chases going on) would mean everyone would have a chance to stop some robbers every so often.

Chases could easily be:
Hellions and Skulls for low-levels
Outcasts and Trolls for low-levels
Sky Raiders, Warriors, and Family for mid-levels
Freakshow Sportaurs (a freak tank with a car for legs) for mid- to high-levels
Carnies in a clowncar for high-levels

The cars themselves could easily be a lieutenant to boss level mob; and spawn a small to medium spawn of the appropriate enemy group upon defeat.

Even better, the police chases could eventually be linked (perhaps on a random chance) to a "save the bank" type mission against the appropriate enemy group.



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Similar to the Rikti invasions, how about an Arachnos invasion. Very similar to the Rikti, except the mobs are all Arachnos! Also, to make it more interesting, when a predetermined number of Arachnos soldiers are killed, a random Arachnos Archvillain will spawn. (Black Scorpion, Captain Mako, Scirocco, Ghost Widow, or Lord Recluse) Defeating the Archvillain will net you a badge and will also end the event. Defeating each Archvillain will net you a different badge, and an additional badge will be rewarded when you defeat all five.

The Red side will get a similar invasion with Longbow mobs.
this is awesome



Mercy Island: Breeding Season - Massive amounts of Snakes start to pop up everywhere and begin to fight everything they come into contact with, some may even try to assault Arachnos forts. Villains can stop the madness by defeating the designated Cobras leading the assault or by simply waiting until Breeding Season is over.

Port Oakes: Spectral Fleet - Off the edge of the coast near Fort Hades, three ghostly Pirate ships appear and begin sending up small boats filled with Spectral Pirates. Once they reach the shore, the boats begin to unload the pirates and they start to assault the fort. Villains can team up to take down the three Pirate Ships offshore.

St Martial: Roaring Stomachs - The Wailers sure get hungry on their hunt for Johnny Sonata, so they turn to the local populace for food. Wailers move around openly on the street and start attacking citizens. The more citizens that die, the greater the number of Wailers becomes. Villains can take down the Wailer Lord to stop the attack altogether.

Atlas Park: Temporal Disturbance - I was toying with the idea of whether this once could be player activated. Every time the villains win in Recluse's Victory, (or maybe just at random times to avoid too much grief) Arachnos mobs spawn in random locations because they've been 'temporally displaced'

Independance Port: Drug Runners - A Family cargo ship arrives in Independance Port, it's deck heavily populated by Family personnel. A team or two of heroes can land on the ship then fight their way through the Family protectors to confiscate the illegal goods onboard. There will be a time limit of an hour, which represents how long is left until the ship reaches the dock.

Talos Island: Council Expansion - The Council launch an attack on Talos Island using their giant Zenith Man robot. The robot moves through the city on a set route causing mayhem. Should the robot reach his starting point, he will take off back to Striga and, satisfied that the target has been softened up, Council troops will arrive all over the island in an attempt to control it. The takeover can be stopped if the robot is destroyed first.

Now my hand hurts.

Username: @Royal
The Alien Tyrant, 357388: Stop the reign of an evil emperor!
Spawning Chaos, 469020: Form an army of Freaks, win the Freaklympics!
The Restarian Front, 363257: Stop the invasion of an alien fleet from another galaxy!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
The Red side will get a similar invasion with Longbow mobs.
lol, you mean Nerva?

I don't care what it is, Redside needs MOAR GM's!!!!