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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    Well, with all the recharge bonuses in the build slotting recharge to the ED cap in Freezing Rain changes the recharge time from 15.8 seconds to about 13.8 seconds.
    Not sure where you got your numbers from, but they're wrong. In the original build you posted FR will recharge in 27.5 seconds 60/(1+.963+.2175) = 27.5 seconds (which is the same number Mids has). with 95% ED slotting it will recharge in 21.0 seconds: 60/(1+.963+.95-.0625).

    On your new build with hasten up it will recharge in 22.0 seconds as slotted, slotted for the ED cap it will recharge in 17.7 seconds. In Freezing Rain, over 4 seconds improved recharge is nothing to sneer at. Especially considering that 1) it stacks and 2) it's bugged. (read my guide for details) I stand by my earlier statement that the slotting in Freezing Rain is not worth the 6.25% recharge bonus.

    Err hmm...I see what you're doing. You're counting the force feedback proc as being a permanent bonus. Even if you spam Gale (NOT RECOMMENDED) and manage to hit the target cap EVERY time, there is still only an 80% chance of the proc firing, so I would not include that as a permanent value in your calculation.

    If you decide that you have enough recharge that your gains from recharge are so diminished that it's not worthwhile to slot recharge in FR, then don't waste your slots on the Positron blast, but proc Freezing Rain out with damage procs.

    You may want to re examine the build with gale turned off. Hasten will still be about 30 seconds off Perma as slotted, and recharge on Tornado will be lower (like everything, but those are the two you pointed out). It occurs to me another number you might find useful in evaluating this is every time FF procs on your build, the recharge of hasten will go down by 1.7 seconds
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yarrdware View Post
    Personally, I prefer the idea of guides being posted on Paragon Wiki. Easier to keep up-to-date and allows for multiple contributors.
    The wiki serves a difference purpose though. In my opinion the wiki should provide exclusively factual information. I think most people who write guides are giving their subjective opinions, and as several folks have said, that's what they look for in a guide. I don't believe that the subjective information belongs on the wiki, and I know as a guide writer I have no interest in letting other people edit my guide.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Laughing_Man View Post
    I also am not sure of the reward vs time benefits either. I've had relatively few comments on the guide considering the 2,600 views. Only three people thought it worthwhile to say something, so that doesn't inspire me to revisit it. That said, I did add an update post at the request of a few PMs I'd received over the time. (I have to add that I'm as guilty as anyone of reading a guide, thinking "that was really good", then not adding a reply comment)
    I don't really expect any responses to my guide. I started writing it because I found myself having to post the same information over and over again in response to posts and having to debunk the same myths repeatedly. Theoretically I thought it would be easier to write a guide and then just direct people there so that I didn't need to go into a lengthy explanation every time. Of course then I started writing the guide...and now I think it would probably have been easier to just keep repeating myself
  4. I should not look at your thread when I have not money to spend, it makes me start thinking about what essentials I can go without

    Excellent pieces as always. Especially those model sheets! They make me actually consider starting to get art for some of my alts.
  5. I can't comment much on the grav portion, but here are some initial thoughts on the storm portion:

    Since you're not going all the way for a soft capped build (and if you decide to build that way, you should slot Steamy Mist for defense), i think the 6 slots in tactics is overkill. In my experience the chance for build up in particular is next to useless.

    I think Storm benefits from having high recharge and since you're not going all the way for soft capped defense, I would drop combat jumping and pick up hasten.

    Building off of the idea that Storm benefits from recharge, I would gladly sacrifice the recharge bonus in Freezing Rain in order to get more actual recharge in there. You want that power up as often as possible!

    Also, against targets that are immune to KB (read AVs) Tornado is actual substantial damage output for a fire and forget power, and I would seriously consider trying to work it into the build somewhere. I would probably drop one of the leadership toggles or in order to add it in. If you're too tied to the leadership toggles, I would consider dropping Snow Storm.

    I assume you will go cardiac for your Alpha slot, otherwise I predict endurance troubles if you plan on running all 3 leadership toggles.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
    Writing a guide is a lot of work.
    This. Especially if you want to try to say something more than just stating what the powers are and what you took and not simply repeat what someone else has said. I've been working on my guide for almost two years now, and hope to finally get it finished this summer.
  7. And today I was alerted that Draggynn doll was ready by Layla. More details can be found in this thread.

    I can't wait for him to arrive in the mail. I'm still trying to figure out a name for him though, like Nightcrawler's BAMF doll, but Dragg doesn't have a signature sound though.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post
    OMG DRAGGYNN!! That Rhardo piece is amazing! GRATZZZ!!!
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    Rhardo is always a fantastic choice... And this just proves it.
    Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
    The pose and the costume details are Stupendous!

    Glad you guys liked it!! I've been trying to snag a piece form him for over a year now after seeing all the awesome commissions folks here had gotten from him (especially you Caemgen), and finally managed to get in before his queue filled up. I almost commissioned several in a row from him because there were spots open, but managed to contain myself

    But why does it look like he's throwing a big Kiss to the audience? Anyway, cover the mouth and you get Stupendous again, so it's Great!
    No idea on that one, you'd have to ask the artist! I've decided to explain as perhaps he is getting ready to blow a gale force wind.
  9. Draggynn

    Ascension Armor

    There you go!
    Originally Posted by Teenage_Kid View Post
    So here is my toons new incarnate armor. I took use of the default black to make each piece 3 colors. Yellow Black and Orange.

    Tried doing the [img] [/img] but for some reason it never works for me it just makes the links disappear.
    Were you linking the images instead of the pages. Depending on your browser you can just right-click and select "Copy Image Location" or sometimes you have to go to the image properties to get the image link
  10. These really are incredible, and soon I will have my own BAMF doll...I just need to figure out what noise Draggynn makes....
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
    Brain not awake yet and I am still absorbing the data numbers. I was under the impression that the -speed portion of siphon speed was irresistible in the kinetics set; does that not include -recharge?
    According to red's only the -speed is irresistible, could be wrong though.

    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    If I could find out how often freezing rain's knockback tics, the exact frame at which enemies become susceptible to knockback while they're getting up, and the exact frame at which they become able to queue an attack after getting up, and taking into account that the enemy's powers are recharging while they're getting up, and determine the average damage of a single attack compared to the average all out attacking of a mob, I could theoretically determine just what % of damage a knockdown patch will mitigate.
    That was sort of my point. Doing this would be rather challenging and I have to think some of the numbers we settled on for this would have to be rather arbitrary, especially for your Hurricane example.

    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    Freezing Rain ticks 5 times per second and has a 5% chance per tick to knockdown. This should translate to about a 33% chance per second. The knockdown aura has a target cap of 16 enemies but I'm unsure how or if this is actually obeyed. The animation that plays when an enemy falls over is called SWEEP_LOW. I don't know its duration or whether there is a way to obtain it.
    Trying to figure out where where your 33% is coming from, because i'm getting a (1-.95^5) 22.6% chance/sec. I think better though than trying to actually calculate a number for the mitigation, KB, like recharge, would be better done empirically. Pick a mob to stand in for our "average mob" and then test damage incoming with and without FR. Of course the problem with this is that in Freezing Rain you can't separate the slow portion from the KB portion so one would have to report a single number, unless we choose an enemy with 100% -recharge resistance. And understanding how powers stack would be almost impossible from those numbers.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    I believe that all the attributes can be divided up into two categories, like an input and an output. I'd divide them into defence and offense.
    That looks like what Garent did to me.

    So when it comes to holds, disorients and knockback I'd simply want to try and quantify how much damage on average I wouldn't be taking. I'd also would have to take into account how much damage I may not be doing when applying such effects.
    Yes, but the question is how do you do that and how do you find a metric that isn't completely arbitrary. I think Garent was smart to just focus on the pure debuffs where we can compare hard numbers, but even there interpretation is still a challenge.
  13. Draggynn

    Ascension Armor

    I find it very fascinating that in this thread the pieces actually appear to be used as the devs intended as augmentations to existing costumes. When I first saw them I thought, "right...I'm just supposed to stick these hulking pieces on my costume," but folks seem to be using them to remarkably good effect to upgrade their costumes. So I think I have to commend the devs on designing pieces that serve that purpose.

    Plus seeing all these designs the boots don't look as bad as I thought they were at first...

    Post from Positron for reference.
    The Ascension Armor is NOT some random costume set that we locked into the Incarnate System. Every step of its design was under the assumption of “only available through the Incarnate System, and only to level 50’s.” David Nakayama knew this before he ever started working on the armor, in fact it was a driving motivation in the concept art he delivered. He specifically made something that could be used in pieces to augment your character’s existing costume to give it the “I’m an Incarnate” flair.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    I have that listed waaay way up there in the first paragraph. I can't predict how often the bug will occur, especially since it's so hard to reproduce, so I had to ignore it.
    Ah, not sure how i missed it before. Yeah, it tends to work about 65% of the time, but that's just from empirical testing, and probably better not to include anyway.

    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    If you can find the regen rate of AVs, I can include that in there. Exactly how useful regen is will depend on things like level and such, and I know reichsman's regeneration rate is lower than standard.
    Oh sorry, 95 is the AVs, regen rate, I suppose I should probably make that clear. I just rounded 94.239 to 95, I didn't pull 95 out of thin air. AVs regen 5% of their health every 15 seconds and a standard lvl 50 AV has 28,271.7 hitpoints. Obviously as you mention this depends on lvl and there a couple unique AVs that operate differently. But I figured the lvl 50 AV was a good baseline.

    Yeah, I figured this would come up. My goal was to focus on facts and keep my opinions to a minimum in the original post.
    I agree with keeping it to the facts. I wasn't talking about opinion, but rather what this means in terms of game play. That was horribly unclear, sorry about that.

    I don't think most folks have an intuitive sense of how -recharge compares to -damage, compares to -to-hit. The regen to -resistance was easy to put in terms so that the two could be compared side by side like I did above. The defensive aspects are harder though since you need to choose some baseline enemy for the -recharge to really have any meaning, and I'm not sure which enemy to choose. Once an enemy is chosen though it may be relatively easy to get a damage reduction number from empirical testing.
  15. Draggynn

    Buffers rejoice!

    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    Took me five hours. There went my day.
    Fixed. Should have linked to it.
  16. Interesting to see it all in one place instead of having to flip back on forth on red's.

    Also, you might want to include a caveat that you are assuming Sleet and Freezing Rain aren't bugged, i'd just call it "assumed ideal conditions".

    I am curious about this section though:
    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    Offensive comparison against 1 AV with 100% recharge. Stacking is used, and animation times are ignored for simplicity. Powers requiring a dead body are ignored. EM Pulse type powers are ignored. This is meant to simulate an extended fight against a single AV in which the defender uses every debuff as soon as it's available. AVs have 85% debuff resistance, which applies to regeneration debuffs.

    Cold Domination: (benumb*0.5)+(sleet*1.5)+(heat loss*0.25) = 37.5% regeneration, 52.5% resistance
    Dark Miasma: tar patch+(twilight grasp*2)+(howling twilight/3) = 30% resistance, 40% regeneration
    Kinetics: transfusion*2 = 15% regeneration
    Pain Domination: anguishing cry/2 = 15% resistance
    Poison: envenom*5 = 30% resistance, 37.5% regeneration
    Radiation Emission: enervating field+(lingering radiation/2) = 30% resistance, 37.5% regeneration
    Sonic Resonance: sonic siphon + disruption field = 60% resistance
    Storm Summoning: freezing rain*1.5 = 52.5% resistance
    Thermal Radiation: (heat exhaustion*2/3)+(melt armor*8/15) = 16% resistance, 50% regeneration
    Traps: (Acid Mortar*16/9)+(poison trap/2)= 47.29% resistance, 75% regeneration
    Trick Arrow: acid arrow+disruption arrow = 40% resistance

    Conclusion: The data here demonstrates why traps is a powerful set for soloing AVs and GMs. Poison trap is twice as powerful as most regeneration debuffs. The sets with stackable debuffs like cold and storm begin to pull ahead of toggle debuff sets like radiation. Higher recharge builds will make this gap even larger.
    I would probably go into more detail on comparing -regen and -resistance, although exactly how to do that would be challenging. Comparing two sets would be easy, so the best thing to do is probably pick one to be a benchmark and then compare the others.
    For example:
    level 50 AVs regenerate HP at ~95/sec. So for rad that's effectively 35 hp/sec from their -regen.

    This means if a Storm defender wants to "outdamage" the rad defender they need to deal an effective 35 hp/sec more due to their resistance. Of course, they only have a 22.5% damage resistance advantage based on your assumptions so that comes down to dealing 157 damage/sec. That is a number that it would be almost impossible for most solo defenders to reach, although trivial for teams.

    How to generalize that into a metric though for comparing all of the sets though...I don't think the benchmark set method I mentioned above would work....perhaps a table would be better with a "damage at which X surpasses Y" values...oh well. Something interesting to think about.

    I suppose in general I'm interested in a "what does this mean" summary. Trying to give meaning to the offensive portion is just easier than the defensive portion. Not sure what the best bench mark is there to provide useful meaning.
  17. Draggynn


    Depends on how tough you normally run. If you normally run +8, then the Mu almost certainly won't last long, if you tend to run smaller sizes, you might find him helpful, he certainly won't be a game changer though.

    Mostly I have him to get the 6.25% recharge and the 3.13% ranged defense from expedient reinforcement.

    Also, have you considered conserve power? I find it more useful than powersink, but you could always take both.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    Is it bad that, when I saw this thread title, I immediately knew it was a storm/energy build with things slotted for knockback?
    Nope, just means you've been around a while. Honestly, I'm shocked that folks actually tried to give constructive feedback.

    Just in case the OP actually wants advice they should probably make that clear.
  19. As always Local Man gives very good advice. You can find additional information about various storm powers in my sig (more than you wanted to know, I assure you). The numbers are slightly different for controllers (about 80%, although not consistently), and the strategy advice is slightly different, but there is some useful information in there.

    A couple small things
    Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
    Fitness: all */Storm controllers have endurance issues. You should put at least 3 EndMod in Stamina, maybe a 4th slot with the Perf Shifter proc, and use both the Numina and Miracle procs in Health. A third slot in Health for the Miracle Heal will buff your Regen and give you a Recovery buff.
    Optimal slotting for endurance goes:
    stamina no slots: 25%
    Miracle Unique: 15%
    Performance Shifter Proc: 12% (If you have more than 13.2 additional endurance, 1 slot in Stamina is better)
    1 slot in stamina( lvl 50 IO): 10.4%
    Numina Unique: 10%
    Pancea Proc: ~9% (If you have more than 5.7 additional endurance a second slot in stamina is better, and this is crazy expensive!)
    2 slots in stamina: ~8,5%
    3 slots in stamina: ~5.7%
    However note, if you are going to put 4 slots in stamina, you are better of slotting 4 Performance shifters rather than 3 endmod and 1 +end, due to the recovery bonus.

    Steamy Mist: 6 Slots of LotG is probably too much. Take out the Dam/Rch and End/Rech. Maybe add back a Karma -Knockback or a Steadfast -Knockback . . . it will take either one. I personally use Super Speed with Steamy Mist for full invisibility, but if you don't want Super Speed, get a Stealth IO for Sprint or your travel power. There are some nice strategic advantages to full invisibility.
    not sure what they go for these days, but I'm a big fan of getting KB protection from Blessings of the Zephyr, personally. I would swap out one of your flight IOs for that.

    Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
    There are some powers in this game that grant "full Invis" and a lot that grant "half invis." Steamy Mist is a Halfer. Super Speed is a Halfter. Together they make a Full. The Stealth IOs are also Halfers. (There are a few types of stealth powers who will not work together, like Steamy Mist and Illusion's Superior Invisibility.)
    There is also the Stealth Pool, but ever since Stealth IOs came into the game, I see no reason to use a power pick for stealth (unless you just want a mule power for certain types of enhancements -- I dislike mule powers, as I like something that will provide a benefit).
    Note that power pool stealth is also one of the powers that doesn't stack with Steamy Mist, so don't go that route and just get the IO
  20. Draggynn

    Buffers rejoice!

    Originally Posted by Negate View Post
    Good job Oathbound you just dropped a big ol' Rock in the pool...heck more like a bomb was dropped in a lake and...Well you get the picture. I don't know why I forgot that the mez protection doesn't apply to the AOE buff. This argument is now finished I say.
    I don't think this matters to the folks who want empathy changes as this was already pointed out several times in the thread, including at least three times by me.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StormyDarkness View Post
    First, knock back wise. Psionic Tornado is knockdown not knockback in 90-95% of situations. It's real numbers say knock up, so unless the enemy has a debuff of some sort to transform it from knockup to knockback, you're fine with spamming that all day long.
    Actually, knockup will never turn into knockback. Knockup and knockback refer to the direction in which enemies are thrown (up or back) and this will never change. However, if the magnitude of either knockup or back falls below about .7 then enemies will only be knocked down and will not go flying in any direction at all.

    Regardless though, what Stormy Darkness said about Psionic Tornado is accurate. Since it does knockup it is not subject to any of the problems usually associated with knockback powers.

    Although TK is the only non-psi damage in /psi I find that you can get by without it by relying on vet attacks if you have them (black wand and Nemesis Staff). If not, some of the robots may become quite painful. Subdue, Will Dom, TK Blast is a nice attack chain though.
  22. 1) Artist 2
    2) Artist 3
    3) Artist 5
  23. I'm too tired to give this much thought right now, but if you're going to go for a no cost barred build and invest in the Shield Breaker, you really ought to try to hit the soft cap, or the money is pretty much wasted. The difference between 27 and 24% defense is not 2 billion inf. The difference between 42 and 45, or 40 and 43 might be. I'm thinking you probably meant to go with Scorpion Shield...not Shark Skin.

    Also, I have trouble conceiving of a high end build without hasten. You'll probably need to rework quite a bit for defense bonuses, but based on this build, I would drop School of Sharks for Hasten.

    Originally Posted by Celeritous View Post
    Level 2: Health
    • (A) Miracle - Heal
    • (5) Miracle - +Recovery
    • (5) Panacea - +Hit Points/Endurance
    I'm not certain on regen, but the Numina unique is better than the Panacea for recovery (10% instead of 9% and a WHOLE lot cheaper).

    KB IO in sleet is wasted. I would go for 2 recharge, 1 end (since you think you need it) and either an Achilles' Heel or a damage proc. You can see my sig and read the section on Freezing Rain, since Sleet is similar (controller level values) for more insight. (and I would probably try to scrounge up a few more slots for it)
  24. Draggynn

    Buffers rejoice!

    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    I'm all for Kins getting an AoE ID, from a fun play perspective there is so much to do in so little time but if they can do that with Kins ID then that puts my Kinetic out infront of my Empath when playing with players that know what they're doing. I realize with Kinetics I can barely get to blast myself from stacking buffs but the contribution to the team is greater and the ability to solo is also greater. It's not like many people, don't already believe that Kins are superior anyway.
    It's a little unclear from this, but you do realize that the only portion of ID that is being made AoE is the resistance portion, not the mez protection portion. I think the players that thought Kin was better before will still think kin is better after the change. And I think the folks that thought empathy was better before aren't going to have their minds changed by what is essentially a resistance buff to kin (I don't really see folks clamoring for thermal or sonic buffs).

    As I understand it the point you're trying to make is, "Other sets now have to spend less of their time buffing, and so should Empathy" I'm just not sure it's a valid point. I believe the purpose of the change was to eliminate some of the tedium of trying to buff 8 or 48 people that can make these sets especially not fun for folks to play. A side effect of this is that players have more time to attack, but that was not the desired goal. Empathy does not suffer from the problem of tedious buffs that need to be applied to everyone (with the exception of CM, but all buffing sets will keep that problem) and therefore does not warrant the change.

    Will this additional freed up time create an imbalance...I suspect not. The buffs that are getting modified are generally applied proactively and therefore would have limited impact on the dps output of the characters.

    Would it be hugely problematic to give empathy a reduced cast time on fortitude and AB...probably not...but that begs the question, "why?" And such a change would be unrelated to the current set of changes, and would require a reexamination of all powersets.