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  1. sorry about this, but i need a question answered.

    How many people IC actually own a walking toaster?

    What started out as what was planned as a failed business venture for the Doc has seemingly slowly seeped into the RP reality (well for some anyway) that is on Union.

    Certainlly not complaining, far from it. Just like to know who owns one.

    Oh and might as well clear up a few thinks, since it's inclusion in goodguy's story in the IC story topic, they can now talk if you want them to (there is both talking and non-talking varieties for sale now).

    They were originally only available in the Rogue isles or direct from the Doc himself, however they are currently on sale in Paragon as well...retailing at $15 (bargain!).

    Remember...everyone loves toast...
  2. Dr_MechanoEU

    IC rumours

    "You heard that an intelligent Supa-Troll has cut a deal with the family to begin shipping Chronodyne?"

    "Wasn't the inventor some Doctor or something?"

    "Yeah turns out some lab explosion turned him into a Supa-Troll for the time being...anyway...apparently they're shipping it to King's row, Skyway and the Hollows, reckon they'll be some aging capes trying to get their hands on the stuff..."

    "Heh...could be quite lucrative...probably should have a word with our local supplier to get our hands on it."

    -Conversation between two Skulls in Kings row.
  3. Dr_MechanoEU

    IC rumours

    "You heard about that new drug?"

    "What new drug..there's always new stuff coming out."

    "That anti-aging drug...Chronodyne i think it's called, heard some weird science type talking about it in Pocket D's...apparently makes you twenty years old and give you super-powers..."

    "Just what we need...some granny transforming into a twenty year old superhero..."

    "Nah he said it was cut with regular dyne...so it means they'll trollout and go rampaging..."

    "Just the kind of distraction you need to cover a heist...wonder where i can get this stuff from..."

    "Who knows man...who knows.."

    -conversation between two thugs in Kings Row.
  4. ok

    1) I'm still a newbie to the forums and the game and perhaps i shouldn't take what Ravenswing said personally. But being told it was about which 'players' were not getting involved instead of which 'characters' (in bold) seemed like a go at my approach.

    Just because I (the player) may be involved with one character (although now rather indirectly) does not mean my other character is involved. I was merely explaining that it does depend on the character for me as to whether i'm involved in this plotline and giving the reasons why each character may or may not be involved.

    There was no need for sniping comments and highlighting in bold IMO, that just made me feel like there are parts of the community which dislike new RPers (I can imagine the Doc isn't a popular character on the forums due to his eccentric and villainous nature).

    2) All this Mudslinging is doing us no good on the community as a whole. We're a small band of RPers from what i can tell so hating each other and splitting people into factions is just going to make the community that much smaller. I enjoy RPing on CoX...i enjoy playing CoX...i'd rather not have to go back to the boredom of sitting there waiting 4 hours to find a group for a dungeon on WoW (i'm in a very small guild).

    So please, to use two phrases, "let sleeping dogs lie" and finally, "may we have peace in our time."
  5. Hmm..all depends on the character to be honest.

    As you can see from the IC story thread ((buy the walking toaster)) the Doctor is a bit of a loon and as such wont be contributing any to the petition he's too busy focusing on getting money to fund his own kids science TV show (Arachnos owe him one for blowing up those TV power generators (the Marshall Brass storyline)...he just needs the funds).

    Adrian...hmm..well...he's going through some trouble right now and as such wont contribute but he's already interlaced into the story anyway due to his earlier actions so i can assume he'll have something to do with the overrall story (someone infected him with Outbreak...still living like a homeless bum on the streets of Mercy does mean things happen...odd things).
  6. Dr_MechanoEU

    Those badges...

    Dr Mechano uses the 'Egghead' badge...just because i think it suits him most, especially since he's fond of attending the evening courses at the university on Cape Au Diable. "Genetic engineering and you: how to create your own Ubermenschen" comes to mind as his most recent course he's attending.
  7. I've always wondered how 'villains' are percieved by the populous in the Rogue isles where they, not heroes, dominate the social landscape.

    Dr Mechano wants to produce his own set of toys but currently lacks the funds to do so. I'd like to imagine him doing the villains equivilent of a kids science show with his robot helpers, can just imagine the advice.

    "Remember kids, science is all about experimentation for your own ends, whether that be creating an army of mutants with your studies in genetic engineering or simply a robot to help around the house. Sometimes you're parents will try to stop you, but pah i say to responsible parents, continue to develop your project and then use it to crush them so you can continue your experiments..or better yet..use them as experiments...have a nice days kids and DR Mechano... AWAY!"
  8. Hmmm...strangely enough i must turn to the comic book 'Watchmen' for a suggestion. In Watchmen Superheroes are commonplace and such superhero comics don't exist ( after all they are meant to be escapism for the most part) so comics about pirates are popular instead.

    Of course Paragon is slightly more hero-obsessed than those in Watchmen.

    So i imagine there would be action figures, TV shows as suggested.

    Also the good Doctor is trying to break into the action figure market, currently in Rogue isles the Lord Recluse and Ghost Witch twin pack is the most popular with the Black Scorpion coming in second.

    The Doctor plans to outsell them by packaging himself with action figures of all six of his planned robots (4 of which he's actually built) and including a voice chip with six infamous phrases:

    "You Sir...are a small lawn mower"

    "my robots are 99% washing machine part free"


    "I declare us all Spanish Omelettes"

    "I shall conquer Paragon just as i conquered the garden shed!"

    "Lord Recluse is a genuis....also buy his toys"

    (yes i am making it up for a laugh and all of these phrases have been said ingame...just ask Brit)
  9. Yes but in that one week the petition has caused havoc throughout the city. So City hall would act pretty quickly regarding it.

    Oh and i have a draft of the statement from City hall already written up, i could post it for your views on it and any wording change you'd like to see if i am indeed allowed to post it as a topic
  10. yeah but he/she/it is the originator of the idea and i'd rather have them go "yes..for the love of all that's sane in this world do it...please" or Ammon could do it.
  11. So because i rolled a villain it's 'tough luck' regarding RP...great...

    I can see why railroading is needed. If something goes TOO far off the beaten track then people will just simply wonder what on earth is going on.

    Oh and reward players with recognition for furthering the plot or simply adding enjoyment to the plotline. That often makes them want to continue with it.

    Oh and the way most villains RP...what did you mean by that? Being overtop the top and cartoonish or just plain moody?

    Oh and mail me @Dr Mechano if your interested in inviting me to and RP SG...would love to find one myself to be honest, but none have been suitable. (EVIL is more along the lines of a mercenary outfit and the other SG that asked me to join was Gothic Horror themed, while the doctor looked and sounded the part, robotics didn't fit the Gothic horror theme, if i'd chosen necromancy then i would have joined in a heartbeat.)
  12. well this isn't so much a complaint as a mere question, didn't know where else to post it to be honest.

    Where on earth are villains meant to RP BESIDES Pocket D's we have no equivilent of the GG statue on our side and most of the RP is heroside...so you can understand we hit a stump.

    So your saying that Pocket D's is a bad place to run plotlines in your guide..but we villains simply have no choice.
  13. I have to agree, have someone do a 'City council statement regarding the Heroes for people petition' and that it is being considered. Actually i suggested it about 1-2 pages ago, i'll even post it myself if i get permission from Ammon.

    That way the petition itself becomes finished with, the IC storylines created because of the petition (Suzi's disappearance, what will be happening to Smith...yes i have had it thought out now and he will return under a different and villainous guise) should continue but the petition itself is finished with.

    While i like the idea, even being new i can see that this is tearing the community apart and i don't want the RP to die before it's really begun for me and then resort to going back to waiting for groups for instances in World of Warcraft on a non-RP server.

    As for the Doctor finding the petition...well..lets just say he left his passport at home and doesn't even get through Rogue isle customs.
  14. Dr Edward Johnson, better known among the hero coummunity as 'that nutjob Dr Mechano' was heading home from a hard days villainy, spitting on the shoes of heroes and ranting at them as and when he could though none of them clearly impressed and some downright insulting, one day he would have his paypack, make them all his slaves though he needed to work out the logistics of it all first.

    He was occumpanied by his latest creation, Gizelda, named after his first robot which was destroyed in his first foray into evil by a hero while he was attempting to rob a bank (how was he suppose to know a full costumed hero was going to be in there paying a cheque). His two other robots had been dispatched home ahead of him to prepare a meal for when he arrived.

    Something blew across his path, a worn and tattered looking piece of paper, landing in the watery mud the proliferated Darwins Landing, "Gizelda..be a dear and pick that up for me would you, my back isn't what it use to be"

    The robot of course complied but not without complaint, "ech..means i'm gonna rust you know,"

    he smiled, "don't worry i'll get you cleaned up when we get home," and gently patted her on the head as he took it from her, "thank you dear."

    Seeing it was an article in the newspaper about the petition and the responses from most heroes.

    "Ha foolish heroes, they spend their time bickering amongst themselves and they call me mad...soon i see paragon city shall be in chaos and will fall just like the garden shed and like the Rakes of Doom and the Mower of Heroism, i shall teach the citzens that evil is the one true way. With these heroes too busy focusing on each other over this...petition...then they will never notice a small cadre of villains sneaking into the city."

    For all his madness, the Doctor was a times more lucid and thoughtful.

    "I'm pretty sure that the regular police officers will be on duty though," spoke up his faithful robot companion, who actually seemed to the smarter of the pair.

    "Hmm..yes..what we need is a distraction...a big one to draw their attention away, perhaps blowing something up should do it...put first to further my goals i must sign this petition then Paragon shall be mine"

    He raised his fists to the sky letting forth with his best evil laugh.

    "that one was quite good Edward"

    "Thank you my dear, i have been practicing...but it does hurt my throat, i shall keep the laugh for special occasions, such as Christmas and Birthdays."

    He flipped up the communicator on his wrist, "Gigaflux, Gizmatron...stick dinner in the microwave...we have some evil to do."

    "Ahem...you forgetting something Edward?"

    "oh and bring a towel would you, need to cleans some dirt off of Gizelda."

    "So let me get this straight Edward...your signing the petition because it will cause chaos and thus further you goals?"

    "Exactly...but first we needed to find a hero of low security clearance to steal the petition off of...i'd rather not have to fight right now..."

    There was a familiar dull thud of the crates as his two other robots unfolded themselves.

    "Ah good gentlemen...quicker than normal...now..to claim the petition! Dr Mechano...AWAY" activating his jetpack and flying off into the sky.
  15. having never levelled high enough to even go near faultline (highest hero is security level 7) i hadn't seen that particular sculpture, if such is the case then indeed the petition has worked.

    Perhaps have someone mention that the petition has officially been 'considered' by the city and end this madness...madness i say..tis crazy-go-nuts
  16. gah..damn you for posting while i was editing my post (shakes fist). Kidding.

    but seriously, i'm willing to just sigh, dust my hands and go right...this is going where-ever it's going to go and let that be that.

    Though the fact one of the people who signed killed someone several nights later isn't going to help the cause. As mentioned it has also been signed by known villains and a full publication of all the signatures is gonna really make matters worse.

    Plus as said...the developers aren't gonna add a statue of a cop or fireman anytime soon...so perhaps it's best to simply have it end in a 'damp squib' as you put it and let it merely be a moment of contraversy (gah spelling sucks).

    For now i shall stick to the Doctor, there's just something about playing him against the backdrop of all this seriousness that makes it enjoyable
  17. alright.

    If she did not wish the destruction of the supers secretly and Ammon has stated as such then it is to be considered the truth regarding the character.

    That i shall claim i was wrong about.

    However as we both agree on we have no clear descision of what the subconscious was doing.

    So she had no secret intentions to cause disruption (though it is admitted by Ammon that he himself did, the player is not the one in question here, the characters motives are. He even states that the opening was delibrately worded poorly to spark such reactions).

    but as we both agree on, what was going on subconscious is pretty much unknown.

    Added as afterthoughts of musing: As for the newspaper article while it illicited no OOC respone, i did end up leading to a reporter being luzzed out of a 10th storey window IC and subsquent arrest of the Luzzee (and character deletion due to arrest) as for whether it was the right reporter or not...who knows...if it isn't well...that's gonna be pretty interesting.

    It is a shame that what perhaps should have been merely a thought provoking plot has led to a lot of hatred both IC and OOC.

    As i mentioned i would probably have gone to the GG meetings with my heroes instead of pocket D's but i personally felt that it was such a well established regular and large group that i would simply be either intruding or seen as a major annoyance attempting to RP while those more well known would go about their plotlines.

    Thankfully i have what i like to call a 'breaker character' which is completely seperate from any plot and simply shows up as and when. The good doctor from which my name is derived. Cartoonish in his supervillainy, outrageous in his claims and occasionally, the provider of mirth. Quite content to plot to overthrow paragon even though the three villains plotting have got as much chance as a snowball of blowing up a tank.

    If the RP is not to my liking i use the doctor, as he is unassociated with any plot he simple keeps on being alittle daft, reasonably mad and quite insane.
  18. it is merely stated she hated HER powers, not those of other superheroes, plus nobody can state what was going on in her mind for definite apart from Ammon. I never claimed what i said was true, i merely opened it as an opinion.

    While yes the division of heroes and the subsquent self destruction of the 'capes' may have been perhaps a subconscious goal. Even if it was such a thing the writers conscious mind would have no idea that her subconscious had implanted such feelings into the possible take on the petition by heroes and thus would indeed believe she was doing the right thing.

    As i mentioned:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Believing something is the right thing to do and knowing are to completely seperate beasts.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The author clearly believed what she was doing was the right thing. She obviously hadn't thought through the consquences of her actions or the possiblity her inherent hatred for her own powers would seep through into the document.

    The right thing to do would have been to take the petition to a selection of heroes who aren't her friends and say, "look at this, what do you think, tell me what you disagree with," and not simply say that anybody who said, "well if you change X to Y i think it will come out a lot better," or "we'll i do this job because i choose to, it is a calling much like the police force or being a teacher and second of all...i'm not being paid to do this," that they were a merc and more akin to the villains of rogue isles.

    If she then took those comments and made the respective alterations or even decided to consult the hero community at large vocally first before going to print with it then we wouldn't have this upset.

    (edited because i missed something out..silly me..gah rogue isles..not island...man sleep deprivation is getting to me)
  19. While that was the predictable outcome (and has led to some interesting RP because of it). I believe a couple of things

    1) I believe he petition is written by the passionate heart, not by the logical head. Obviously the writer believed at the time of writing it that what she had written would be seen by all heroes as a good thing, this belief was not tempered by the the normally logical mind stepping in and going "hang on...some people might not quite like the way this is worded," since the heart was overruling the mind by that point.

    A classic case of too much passion, not enough logic, which we are all prone to now and then and kick ourselves afterwards thinking "why on earth did i say that?".

    2) If the above fact is indeed true (it may or may not be the case, perhaps secretly the writer really did want this division of heroes to happen, even on a subconscious level...we simple don't know) then the petition is merely a poorly worded but passionate speech about what the writer feels so very strongly about, lacking any alterior motive behind the petition and like my Detective Smith character...not actually considering the direct outcome of their actions but merely doing them because they believe it is the right thing to do.

    Believing something is the right thing to do and knowing are to completely seperate beasts. White obviously never looked to weigh up the pros and cons of unleashing this thing upon her fellow heroes and the general public at large, her passion simply got in the way.

    Of course this offers perhaps one explanation out of a possible myriad of theories and until it is either confirmed or denied by Ammon himself/herself then it remains merely a postulation as to what went on in the mind of the writer while creating the petition.
  20. while i cannot speak directly for Ammon on reguards to the particular comment made by Paul stone (that would just be rude of me for a start) i can say this.

    I personally believe it was of the characters own opinion, it makes no hide nor hair of a difference to anyone but himself. Everyone has their right to object to such an opinion and made they're reasons pretty clear as to why they wouldn't or would wish to sign (except me...man that was a rubbish post..really should have RP why Smith signed it but too late now).

    Thankfully as thefloatingfatman mentioned...the OOC arguement has now cool down and i have no wish to fan the embers so to speak.

    The character in question may believe that those who don't sign are nieve but that doesn't really matter to anyone else, tis only an opinion.
  21. I am personally intreagued by the responses this particular plotline has gotten both IC and OOC, i personally, believe that no harm was meant by it.

    I haven't known those that RP in Pocket D's that long (i would attend the Galaxy Girl meetings at 9pm but my major character is a villain and thus cannot attend and i feel like i would be intruding with any of my hero characters) but i can hazard a guess as that it was merely meant as an interesting plot device and not some secret 'mind game' both IC and OOC. As mentioned it IS poorly worded but it is also written very passionately and when people write passionately they tend to forgot that some people will misinterpret what is being written.

    everything written has three possible ways of being interpretted, my way, your way and the authors way and most of the time those three views aren't going to match.

    Being new to the world of CoX i can safely say that no other game and no other community has afford me the opportunity to do the things i have attempted, especially the fall of Detective Smith from worn out gumshoe to possible twisted villain. For that i am grateful to the people that produced an opportunity to delve into the darker side of human nature if only for a brief time.

    Even though this particular plot device has sparked both IC and OOC arguement, i feel that despite it's many criticism, it has engaged the RP community on CoX as a whole, in both good and bad ways and that is pretty darn rare in itself in any online game.

    These of course are just my own personal OOC opinions on the matter.
  22. My apologise if you did not want it bought up didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

  23. hello every new to City of heroes/villains and first post on the board.

    Dr. Mechano chatted with a rather snappy dressed fellow named Card shark and did some time behind the bar. Calling both two heroes love birds (The stage and Alraune), ranting at various things before disappearing for a short while.

    Detective Smith decided to take a break from working as a Gumshoe and paid a visit to Pocket D's. Talking to The stage, Leon Trasker and White Vampyr, discussing the merits having super powers and the problems that come with them (Both Smith and Leon have no super powers besides being heavily armed with a specialist assault rifle). Leaving after The Stage decided to leave.

    Dr Mechano returned a little later. Talking to a young lady about having a slow/bad day, being told her friend was in a coma and offering to try and place her personality in a robotic body (which is turned down pretty sharpish). Ranted at 2 heroes about the merits of technology and science, refusing to 'bet his beard' that he could create a magical monstrosisty within a couple of days since he wouldn't lower himself to dabble in magic. Leaving by jetpacking off the balcony shouting "Dr Mechano AWAY" as he left.