Union: Last Night In Pocket D Thread...




We have a GG thread... Pocket D is becoming a rapidly more popular RP spot...

Is this thread destined to run, or fall at the first hurdle, get shot and then melted down for glue?

It's in your hands!

I'm rubbish at recaps... But, um, here we go...

Spear turned up (in civvies, so he's Alex) and was having a brief conversation with Hand of Sorrow (I think) about Canada. HoS left, then I crashed (go me!) and logged back on as the little bunny Oryctolagus... Who revealed to Tormentress that he's not from Earth, and is really when you get down to it basically a museum security guard.

Brought in Half'N'Half who downed a bottle of Absinthe, spoke briefly with Tress, mocked Eci Hammer, got mocked by a bunch of heroes, then left to find some meths...

Cue the return of Spear, as Alex (in the middle of the bar, silly me...) who was generally sociable with all.

I'm sure more important things happened, but maybe other people will post here too and say what they were...



Who revealed to the Tormentress...

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah. Pedantic satisfaction.

Anyway, since I haven't posted here in months, this seems a good place to restart.

Tress arrived and lurked for some time before finally ordering some decent (and expensive) whiskey and falling into conversation with the incredibly cute little Oryctolagus - bunny ears included. As stated above, Tress burst his bubble slightly by reducing his job description to museum guard...

He left and Tress spotted Eci Hammer. Mistaking her briefly for Echo Hammer, Tress was puzzled. They were both defensive initially and Tress resorted to some uncharacteristic bullying before feeling bad and buying Ice (Eci) a coke in apology.
This was punctuated by some chat with Soren (Half N Half) and the childish insults of some random heroes which Tress largely ignored.

Hmm... Out of practice with these recap things... Next one will be better, I hope.



Recap: None of my characters went to Pocket D last night. (I was watching A Town Called Eureka at 9pm.)

Just thought I'd mention it.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Major Paul Stone (retired) arrived at Pocket D quite early in the evening, a while before people might gather under GG's skirt. Already a few patrons were there, and he managed to easily fall into conversation with Nick over the difference between a fine single-malt whisky, and the commercial but inferior Bourbons he'd been drinking.

Of course, with Nick's women troubles, he was probably quite prepared to settle for any booze that could numb the heart-aches.

High Burn was already present, but was very tired , and later fell off her seat after dozing off.

There was certainly little call to ask for proof of age when a number of the patrons of the bar were speaking of times centuries in the past with first-hand knowledge.

The customers were the typical mix of Pocket D, with both heroes and villains sharing space with (mostly) a very minimal amount of animosity. Indeed, on the few isolated disagreements that did break out during the evening, both heroes and villains alike stepped in to preserve the 'Neutral Ground' sanctuary status of Pocket D.

There was one slightly insane customer who insisted he was a God named Dark Jaguar, ((typical God-modding idiot determined to spoil RP for others)), but he was easily drowned out by the music ((and typing /ignore Dark Jaguar helped even more)).

The liveliest conversation for Paul concerned world travels, studies of the arcane, and history as experienced first-hand, that he had with Flame Slinger. The two seemed to enjoy one another's company, and the bottle of very fine single-malt that Paul had purchased to share with various drinking partners throughout the evening.

Although Paul didn't stay long, he enjoyed his visit, and will certainly be back.

Later on, after Paul had left, White Vampyr arrived, mainly hoping against hope that Britanic would turn up sometime. She was happy to see many of the faces that have already become familiar to her, including Alraune, Justice Goldheart, Vigilante Storm and Mechanical Mary.

White Distracted herself for a while in a civil argument with Mary and another Mechanical person she hadn't met properly before. These 'mad inventor' types from the Rogue Islands were insisting that creating zombies might be a perfectly ethical experiment to discover more about life and death, while White Vampyr and Flame Slinger both disagreed completely, stating that zombies were nothing to do with life, but mere puppets made from dead meat, and were furthermore an insult to the very essence of life.

However, White was merely trying to keep herself occupied to stop her constantly glancing around the bar in hopes that Britanic would drop by. When Britanic did finally arrive, it soon became apparent to all others at the bar that their relationship had progressed beyond mere friendship, and that the two were dating quite seriously.

White Vampyr and Britanic were inseperable all night, and were obviously an item as they chatted and joked with others. Britanic introduced White to his team-mate, GoodGuy, and White introduced Brit to her team-mate, Bastinado. Brit and White headed for the exit together in the small hours, long after Alraune had gone home, and Lost Vahzilok (who told Alraune her name was 'Found') who'd had the late-shift, had called time, and closed the bar.




Quiet night in Pocket D for the Tormentress.

Arriving, she assumed her usual place - leaning aganist the railing - and watched/listened to the others around the bar.

She soon heard Dr. Mechanibus praise Arachnos' motivational and inspirational 'broadcasts'. Taking exception to this, she engaged him in some debate about the futility of having a mindless populace but failed to persuade him that she was quite correct about the potential effects of said broadcasts.

The misguided and mistaken Doctor then turned to deal with an irritation and Tress took her leave.



Nightschild visited Pocket D again hoping for a break both from his own problems and from the troubles he was having locating a certain item Rose had mentioned. He encountered Powerstone and had a discussion regarding the merits of different spirits. Lady Patriot showed up soon after, and told him things were not too bad on the Shydow front. And further discussion was cut short by a plea for assistance via text from another member of the Court of the Blood Countess. He made his apologies and left.

Some time later, he managed to make it back to the club and found a large crowd gathered. He made his greetings, but the arrival of Feyth prompted him to relocate to another bar.

He ended up chatting to one of the newer recruits to the Court, Raven Gaiasbane, and impressively proportioned woman (both in height and figure). She claimed to have been empowered by the Earth spirit to stop the harm humans were doing to the planet, and Nick commented that this explained why she's ended up on the Isles- the Law being in the pockets of the big corporations. They talked about the reasons for money being such a great motivator for doing wrong, and Nick described Sharkhead Isle to her, which seemed to both anger and upset her in equal measure.

After he relocated again to avoid Feyth, he found that Alraune had begun serving at the bar, and Roselin Thorne had arrived in the meantime. He chatted with Rose for a time, and had just introduced Raven to Dinah when Zeyna turned up.

He excahnged a few awkward words, then retreated to an empty corner bar. Zeyna eventually followed, and they made an attempt at conversation. He wasn't able to talk or think straight with her there, though, so eventually she wandered back to the main group.

Nick made his apologies for an abrupt departure and left the club shortly after.



Last Last night in Pocket D: (Thursday, that is)

Alraune tended bar and made small talk with various patrons, and also flirted a lot with Energyneer, before her shift ended and the two departed.

Jan Boa arrived and chatted with Lady Cosmos at the bar about a number of things, before the two parted ways and Jan headed home.

Last night at Pocket D:

Number Nine turned up rather late in the evening (After spending much of the evening on WoW with some friends), in a rather tired looking state and shifted to her formal-casual clothing. She then chatted to Lotus X and Arrow Flame before her right side of her body became unresponsive, as well as several other parts. Attempts by Lotus and Arc to move her were fruitless, as her weight reduction systems were offline, and after a while of standing there Nene was soon able to restore minor power and clunk off home to rest fully.

Alraune turned up for the late shift, chatting to the patrons at the bar, and gave Zeyna a drink on the house, and one to take to Nightschild. She also talked to Roselin Thorne, Justice Goldheart, Josie Ironside, Lady Cosmos and others, bantering and joking with people, and generally having a good time. Later on Lost Vahzilok came to join her, and the two served until Alraune clocked off, chatting with Rose, Josie and Justice for a while, and got Justice some paint that was leftover from the old Paragon Dance Party before heading home.

Jan Boa turned up, stretching out before uncoiling to her full length and slithering about a bit to relax her muscles, and chatted to other patrons and the bartender before heading home.



(( on the pocket D subject - Pocket D is far better than "galaxy girl", it's not so hero centric and of course we dont have to go near that tacky-looking stereotypical hero statue :) ))



(( on the pocket D subject - Pocket D is far better than "galaxy girl", it's not so hero centric and of course we dont have to go near that tacky-looking stereotypical hero statue :) ))

[/ QUOTE ]
Let's not start the what's better arguments please, for my personal tastes Pocket D is miles better, for others that might not be the case. Live and let live.

Shadowplay - Scrapper DM/DA SL 50
Doctor Storm- Brute SS/Elec SL 50
"speed boosts someone in the face" - Cognito



Arriving around 9pm, Tress went to her post and observed the other patrons.

Noticing Lotus X/Xiao Chen was on her own, Tress engaged her in a conversation which revolved around school, professions, greed, the inner goodness of people and the lessons that X might need to learn...

After an hour or so, Tress left for her appartment and sleep.



Last night...

Rose went to PD, chatted with Justice Goldheart, having done up one of the orphenages Justice helps out with plants and flowers for her. Rose had a long day, trouble with some ganster customers and such...

They found out they have some things in common, Rose found out more about Justice's augemtations and occupation, and vice versa.

A red head interrupted their talk, asking if Roselin was Roselin... which of course she was and said so
The red head revealed herself to be Charity, an.. aquantance of Sarah2, and asked if Roselin had seen her recently. Roselin saw her last on Thursday, or so she said. Roselin was mildly friendly and a bit bitchy to Charity as Charity's and Sarah2's stories don't really match fully with each other.
After she left, Rose and Justice got back to chatting.

After a while Sarah1 came round as well as other people, and Roselin found herself diverting most of her attention to her. They talked about this and that, Sarah's new skirt, Sarah2 being in a fight and causing Sarah1 mild discomforts like dislocated bones and such.

And now my mind is lacking.
Nick came over and chatted, it got busy with others coming over too and Rose got silent, then moved off to sit in one of the booths, before long Sarah joined her and they cuddled.

They chatted about many things, observed others there before each heading their own way.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Last night...

Roselin Thorne arrived in PD to find a brroding™ Sarah(1) (Lady Patriot) and they chatted for a bit, before fetching a drink and chatted some more about I don't remeber subjects... Sarah was then jumped upon by Juniper (Wild Child?) and joined in the chatter before they were creeped up on by a guy in PJs (Forgot the name, sorry, Summoner or something)
To whome Juniper was refer as 'pervert' after being told about him by some one else whose name I've also forgotten... Rachel, perhaps.

When Shydow Flysh turned up, they chatted a bit more before Roselin excused herself to powder her nose (though unlike some, no powder was used) to allow Sarah some time to talk to him.

After Roselin returned, she sat at Isaac's bar and listened to conversations. Including Shydow's with Sarah telling her the not so good news about Sophie. Nick (Nightchild) came over and talked quietly with Roselin during that, and told Rose some interesting yet desturbing news.
Nick also commented that Roselin must not be so happy about seeing what she's seeing (Sarah and Shydow talking, still 'technically' together) for the umptyeth time. And though it's true, it not so much jealousy, more not liking to see Sarah's lack of... power (to decide, act, live) and in this case also more or less powerless with regards to her super strength and invunerability, or so it seemed. As Shydow was saying goodbye to Sarah and she to him, and Rose was talking with Nick and Rose let out an exclimation of... disbelief? despair? involving the name of a guy rumoured to have been born some 2007 years ago

People left (Nick after letting Sarah know they talked about her mostly), Dinah (Alraune) and Raven (Gaiasbane) arrived. Dinah was having a not so nice day... Conversation with Raven moved to her countess, whome Roselin was rather... hostile about her after hearing some 'interesting' 'history'.

After a little bit, Sarah mentioned that Rose didn't tell her what Rose and Nick had been saying... Rose mentioned that Sarah hadn't said a fair number of things... ouch!

They moved off for a private chat about that, to help Sarah Roselin set her an ultimatum to tell a certain somebody something... and worded it pretty harshly.
Some how conversation drifted over various subjects including parents and fashion.
And eventually they parted ways.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Lately at Pocket D:

Alraune has been suspended from work for a week, after losing her cool with a customer. She seemed in a bad mood in Pocket D on Monday, and in a slightly off mood on Sunday. She chatted briefly to Nightschild on Monday, as well as Energyneer, and Alraune was rather off with her, especially when the prospect of work and money came up. She loitered about the club in various areas trying to clear her head before chatting to Roselin Thorne and Lady Patriot, as well as Raven Gaiasbane and was brought a drink by an unnamed individual (Stage). She later left to go home and clear her head.

Number Nine was seen chatting to Josie Ironside several times, and on Monday rather startlingly had an apperance change, which was met with some approving comments.

A rather odd Freakshow member going by the name of Darren or t3h 7r4n5f0rIVI3r has been at Pocket D for the past two nights, buying people drinks, being sociable and preaching his unique brand of anti-capitalism and anarchy, and had a rather strange LCD device built into his chin which would randomly deliver messages in l33tsp34k.



thats The Stage :O



thats The Stage :O

[/ QUOTE ]
So people perform their tricks on him?

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



(400th post )

Jack turned up at Pocket D in definite need of a drink and some relaxation after all the events of the last week, including the return of Havoc Fang and Sophie's illness. He saw Arc talking with a young girl named Xiao Chen and moved over to join the conversation, happy by the amazement of the young girl at some of his simpler spells.

After a while Pix arrived and they talked for a while about a few things until Arc left and Jack talked with Chen some more about finding her a guide for the Rogue Isles since she had recently brought a house there. Pix said she had to go talk to someone whom Jack later discovered to be Shydow Flysh and after spending a while at the top bar Jack went downstairs to see some of his younger friends. One of whom ran off almost immediately when he arrived, closely followed by her friend Nick. Patriot came back alter and Jack is still unsure why she went off so suddenly.

After some talking with Shy about Sophie's affliction Jack finished his drink and raced Pix back home to Founders



"So people perform their tricks on him?"

Damn right. He loves people walking on his face



hello every new to City of heroes/villains and first post on the board.

Dr. Mechano chatted with a rather snappy dressed fellow named Card shark and did some time behind the bar. Calling both two heroes love birds (The stage and Alraune), ranting at various things before disappearing for a short while.

Detective Smith decided to take a break from working as a Gumshoe and paid a visit to Pocket D's. Talking to The stage, Leon Trasker and White Vampyr, discussing the merits having super powers and the problems that come with them (Both Smith and Leon have no super powers besides being heavily armed with a specialist assault rifle). Leaving after The Stage decided to leave.

Dr Mechano returned a little later. Talking to a young lady about having a slow/bad day, being told her friend was in a coma and offering to try and place her personality in a robotic body (which is turned down pretty sharpish). Ranted at 2 heroes about the merits of technology and science, refusing to 'bet his beard' that he could create a magical monstrosisty within a couple of days since he wouldn't lower himself to dabble in magic. Leaving by jetpacking off the balcony shouting "Dr Mechano AWAY" as he left.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



OMG no one can have a quiet private conversation without it being brought up on the boards...

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



My apologise if you did not want it bought up didn't think there was anything wrong with it.


Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!