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  1. Dr_MechanoEU

    Sisarose Mansion

    Succubus knew she wasn't going to survive this.

    "I'm not answering any of your questions Miss, far from it...i'd rather be destroyed than tell you anything...as a matter of fact..."

    She paused.

    "Self-destruct initiated...of course i'm not going to leave behind the mess i would have hoped but thankfully being an AI i could do something you humans cannot...exist in several places at once...good bye Miss Pistol..."

    Inside the detention bubble there was a brief and bright flash, once it faded there was nothing left.

    In a lab somewhere on the Isles.

    "Hmm my own signal appears to be cut off Edward...the self destruct was initiated..."

    a Carbon copy of her old body powered up as she transmitted a copy of her personality into it.

    "She seems to be a pretty powerful lady that Pistol..."

    "Yes quite right..." both the copy of Succubus in her new body and the one remaining within the mainframe, "now if you don't mind, my disembodied self is off to cruise the information highway...look after him."

    "You know i will..."
  2. Yeah, really wish they'd stick in certain enemy costume parts or all of them into the invention system. Carnival of shadows female mask, Clockwork parts and the like.

    But since when is that EVER going to happen despite the demand for a lot of people for the enemy costume pieces.

    Still anyway, we make do with what we have for now.
  3. Dr_MechanoEU

    Sisarose Mansion

    Succubus would have smirked if she could.

    "Oh very nice...yes i've seen Edward use the same type of thing to pin people down...takes a lot out of him and it never seems to last does it...especially when there's force involved in trying to break it...or there's something else or your mind...i did prepare for such a problem of course"

    There was a roar of thruster engines as two large somethings burst through the walls.

    "You called Succubus?" The sound of an old matron the protector bot known as Gizelda. Followed closely behind by the other known as Arhnuld.

    Smashing through the window (if there is one, or the wall if there isn't) three smaller shapes appeared and landed, the docs three smaller robots.

    All of them turned to Pistol.

    "Aggressive mode initiated," spoken as one voice as they pointed their armaments pointed at Pistol...before shifting to the goons and general office and began firing.

    Succubus knew their arrival would herald a distraction and hopefully provide her enough time to start her own little fun.

    ((heh read the PM you sent me Pistol...so altered the post)).
  4. Dr_MechanoEU

    Sisarose Mansion

    She sighs.

    "Very well then...since it's you asking..."

    The hulking robot seemed to revert to a less aggressive stand, cannons down by her side, pointing at the ground.

    If she could give a nasty glare, she would be giving one right now at Pistol.
  5. Dr_MechanoEU

    Sisarose Mansion

    Succubus issued a low growl (think ED209)

    "Don't you hurt my Edward it's not his fault your sister took him up on the offer, just like Ben says!" Succubus made a quick plan for any escape routes should it be needed. The easiest way would be to simple use her booster jets and fly through the roof, though carrying Lunk would mean her fuel cost doubled, he wasn't a light bloke.

    Dual Plasma cannons and a flamethrower would make a mess of Pistols office even if it didn't take down any of her goons (i imagine a flamethrower would be far more effective in RP terms than ingame terms...but it's not going to go that far).

    She rested one of her arms on Bens' shoulder. The cover still over the end of the plasma cannon so she obviously had no intention of firing.
  6. Dr_MechanoEU

    Sisarose Mansion

    Succubus had been dispatched on bodyguarding orders from the Doc at the request of Ben.

    The sound of her voice like that of a teenager, "i am NOT lumbering pile of metal."

    She giggled like a schoolgirl when Lunk patted her leg, "I like you..." She ran a quick scan of the bodyguards assessing their capabilities quickly before turning her attention back to Pistol.

    She couldn't help but giggle again at Lunks comment.
  7. Heh nice going Hates, glad to see people viewing my idea with interest and making rather cool looking characters.

    If the pieces were in the Costume Creator i would love to add a renegade clockwork to the mix (yes i seem to be the only one that wants to create a clockwork character...odd and sad i know).

    I have seen someone get pretty close to a freak though it wasn't perfect it was as good as you could get with the character creator and i was pretty impressed. Obviously it would help if you could somehow get certain costume parts from the enemies but that's a thing for the suggestion forum section (anyone else want Freak tank style armor?).

    Obviously since they're reformed, as Hates mentioned, you could alter them, an Ex-Carnival of shadows woman would not doubt have managed to free herself of her mask (quick explanation) just hope someone looks at this idea and decidess to give it a go.

    I can already think of one former Troll aka High Burn (or Burnie to her friends) whose hero side, be nice to have an RP group band together.

    Anyway, thanks all for your opinions and creations, Once Mech gets to 50 and i have a little more time free, i might invest in creating something like this.
  8. Sadly with my Main being in EVIL and levelling i get very little time to play alts (sorry TLF). So i wont have a chance to do this myself but if anyone else out there thinks they want to use this go ahead.

    Name: The Reformed.
    Background: Gangs are rife in the city of Paragon, everybody knows this. Most that join these gangs throw themselves full hearted into the life of decadance and crime but others regret their choice of life and instead of being cursed at every opportunity by people in the street they seek to change their ways, reform from their life of crime and make something of themselves.

    These ex-gang members band together, even if the group has tensions already within it. Together they will show the city that even the most 'evil' of people can come through in the end.

    OOC bit: Basically, as much as the costume creator would allow, all characters a former gang members of the main villain groups. Tsoo, Warriors, Trolls, Capos, Mooks and the like with power sets matching what was their former minion or higher status.

    Freak juicer: Elec/Elec blaster.
    Freak swiper: Claws/SR Scrapper
    Capo hitman: Rifle/Traps blaster.
    Supa-troll: SS/Inv Tanker.
    Tsoo ink man: MA/Regen Scrapper.

    And so on and so forth.

    There is already pre-tension built in (Mooks and Capo's have a strong dislike for each other, each of the villain groups has atleast one other they don't like).

    The idea for you consideration and whether you want to use it or not. Like i said, i unfortunately haven't got the time to found such a group but anyone has free reign to form it and use the ideas presented here as they wish, even altering the background to something better (it was a quick thought off the top of my head and isn't great).
  9. Heh makes me wish i'd tried to RP on WoW now.

    Though a Dwarf hunter with a spider for a pet...hmm..not very dwarfish.

    (camped for eight hours to get that spider at level 27, Naraxis, rare spawn named with the unique thing being it's the only tameable spider with its markings in the game, found in Duskwood. Yeah spiders aren't great in WoW pet terms...but everyone else had a cat, or a boar, i wanted to be different...part of me wishing i could change my bots to Arachnobots because of my affinity for my old WoW pet).

    Still think my best moment of RP in WoW wasn't even on an RP server.

    Picture the scene, it's fairly late at night and for the last hour you've been hearing reports of an 80 strong horde raid fighting their way first through theramore, then the wetlands, then lochmodan. It was clear where these guys were heading for Ironforge (dwarf capital) when you hear someone doing a /y that the raid is at the north gate pass.

    Thankfully one of the members of the top raiding guild on the server was on. Hearing lines like:

    "We'll hold them at the gates, it's small and a choke point, remember..i want battle lines people."

    "Warriors, first row, rogues just behind them, hunters i want traps of any kind you can throw down to slow them down, pick your targets carefully, if it's in a dress, shoot it. Cloth wearers i want you as far back as feasibly possible while keeping in range, they will break the lines so mages, warlocks, watch out for the priests."

    "anyone not willing to take part in this battle i suggest you use the deeprun tram to evacuate, i want a small group of people to guard those not wishing to fight while they make a run for the tram, we don't want them drawn in".

    Just made it feel like an RP moment and at the same time quite epic.

    I think the horde were quite stunned when they arrive seeing a properly drawn up battle lines (even if it was a mishmash of all sorts of armor and weapons) and if only they could have heard the cry of "SHIELD WALL" as they charged. It felt inspiring and we managed to hold them off until reinforcements arrived through the Deeprun tram (a high end guild had just finished a Molten Core raid late at night and decided to join in the fun).

    I suppose every game has it's chances for epic encounters. Yes we may slag off WoW but there are still times when you sit there and bask in RP glory.
  10. heh, not been here long enough for the jadedness to set in (another 10 days till i finally get the three month reward..yay).

    Though i did suffer what i call 'WoW Burnout' which is where you just can't stand the game anymore and you have to go play something else as a breaker game (a game which breaks up playing WoW). Oddly thanks to the RP scene my breaker game became the one i play more than WoW (i still play it once or twice a week, i have friends on there so it's nice to just chat to them).

    Through trolls, schisms and waves of griefers this RP community shall endure. Though i am wondering, most of the tools do seem to be low level and it suggests that it's the free trial thing...so give it a month and most of the tools will have gone back to playing WoW etc.

    Well i can live in hope can't i.

    [ QUOTE ]
    it was thrice more times than three these eyes have seen

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How very poetic and lovely, i really like that Zortel. Not often you see something like that and it brightened my day, don't ask me why, it just did (please not this is not sarcastic, i actually do like that poetic phrase).
  11. heh figure off the top of my head, would have said 99% but we do have constant if friendly disagreements on things. Though it's nice to know that it does seem to be a common consensus that PD's isn't what it use to be and it's not just me being a grumpy young man (23) about the whole thing.

    Shadowe does have a point, how do we encourage new RPers? Well thankfully i've seen CitzenStu as Sneed several times now and actively make a point to talk to him IC, he's actually pretty damn good at RPing.

    I do still manage to enjoy some time in PD's. Last night was pretty good, got the chance to slip into what i call 'old doctor mode' where he's more insane and a little bit more ranty. Just as Lunk...he was there for it.
  12. PD's salvage vaults are simply the easiest to find, as Lunk said, the tools ain't that bright and will often go for what they think is the easier option.

    I've tried to do plotlines that don't as such, actively try and alter the world at large (since we all know that altering the game through RP plots is impossible, it's a static enviroment unlike those in P&P games where the players really can alter the enviroment around them). The walking toasters is a good example, don't want to have one or want your character to think they exist don't have your character buy one and just ignore it.

    The Chronodyne plotline, while it did seems freeform i actually had a planned ending from the outset. Enough reports of drugs being burned and goons being arrested, then of course the Family was going to yank it off the streets and refuse to ship it, no matter how much money they made off of it, just proved to troublesome. The plotline involved a large number of people and seemed to go down quite well. Those that didn't want in, could ignore it.

    But anyway thats enough of me prattling on about that.

    In response to Kompi, most of the RP community does possess common sense, yes we have blown up into fullblown fights over one plotline (though admittely even that you could still actively ignore it or atleast play your characters apathy towards it IC, some people really took an OOC afront to it...but hey). Normally we quietly talk about things and discuss them, 89% of the time we get along.

    There is of course factions amongst the RPers but then even a minority has factions within it. I don't mean semi-rpers and the like, i mean factions that possess different styles to others.

    My character adjusts to the situation and who he is with. Around his fellow EVIL members he lets his hair down and is often seen as the nutjob scientist of the group with a family of bickering robots. Around women he sticks to a gentlemanly conduct code almost victorian in its ways. However that still doesn't stop him being evil. The Chronodyne plotline revealed the over the top madness was often used as a front to make himself seem harmless, when really he was actually being cold and calculating in his methods.

    Now some people don't like characters like that and that's fair enough. I respect anyone that knows more about the lore of the game than me (i use to be a massive lore buff in WoW...even though i wasn't on an RP server, i just found it interesting).

    RP as with anything is a personal taste, very personal infact. If you're teaching the rookie the ropes, teach them the basics and let them advance in their own way to create a unique and interesting character, don't tell them they HAVE to RP in a certain way because that just stunts creative growth.

    In response to FFM: If you see someone actively trying to RP to a reasonable standard but they slip up here and there, that's what i mean by giving them quick pointer. It's a hard line to judge whose a rookie and whose a n00b. Heh i was a rookie not so long ago, was kind of nice to people occasionally give me /t pointers along the way.

    I'm rambling aren't i...

  13. hmm oddly how i used to use two very similar sound phrases to describe two different sets of people in WoW:

    Newbie/Rookie: Doesn't know but wants to learn and is willing to be taught (the term rookie was used more often and used in jest most of the time, never meant as a putdown).

    n00b: Someone who thinks they know everything and is often shown up for not actually knowing when they open their mouth on a subject. But that's a lot easier to define where everything has clear set stats etc.

    hmm...my thoughts on the subject anyway.

    Semi-Rpers: Some i can stand, some i even like, Chim is a good example of a Semi-Rper but i quite like her. Also she was the 2nd person RPwise i properly met in CoX (the first being Richard aka Skullster). It all depends on how 'semi' they are, if they frequently use smileys, txt speak and the like then it's annoying, if they're very limited in their use of such things, i find it alright. I know some of you don't like the inclusion of any such things, but i'm like Malibu, seriously easy going...when it comes to that.

    Why the increase in Griefers?: I think it's a mixture of things, the free trials (which only ever encourage tools to sign up...because it's free..) and also the main problem and also what i consider was a stupid move, sticking the salvage vaults in PD's. Before when there was no special event going on, non-rpers really had no need to go to PD's and obviously the Devs saw this as a bad thing so they stuck the vaults in.

    Which means most non-rpers HAVE to use PD's to store their salvage especially if they're not in an SG/VG with their own invention storage (let's face it...most tools aren't in groups) which inadvertently drags in the griefers and people who just want to hassle RPers 'because it's fun'.

    On the subject of elitism: Being an elitist is looking down on one part of society and refusing to see another sides story (it's my way or the highway syndrome), this did become most clear during the forum split with the people for heroes plotline, some people of BOTH sides refused to see the points that some people were making and come to a friendly conclusion. So people on both sides could be labelled elitist.

    BUT let's not drag that up again shall we.

    If you point blank refuse to help (even giving just small pointers in /t quickly) a ROOKIE who is blatently there to try and improve, then your an elitist. Since there is one thing that this RP community needs, to be able to stick together for a change instead of yanking itself apart as we constantly seem to do. Teach those rookies that wish to be taught otherwise they're going to think the RP community on CoX sucks as much as it does on WoW.

    there...all done...
  14. Dr_MechanoEU

    IC rumours

    "You hear about that...that weird Doc guy...the one who invented Chronodyne..."

    "Yeah...that bombed big time didn't it..two weeks on the market before it got yanked...stupid move if you ask me...should have kept his mouth shut..."

    "Yeah well he's been spouting it off again...talking to a robot chick...Kanae ((sorry if i spelt your name wrong...it's late and my head hurts)) in D's a while back, heard them myself"

    "Oh yeah...what about this time?"

    "Apparently the New Mafia are taking to shipping Chronodyne...hard to believe they'd take on something as hot as that stuff..damn stupid if you ask me..."

    "Yeah real stupid...probably just trying to get them in trouble...i mean i heard him and Pistol don't see eye to eye at all, something about him trying to date her sister or something..."

    -Conversation overheard in Kings row between two thugs.
  15. Is anyone else reading the double XP weekened on Union thing and dreading the number of tools, idiots and griefers it's going to drag in with it.

    I'm guessing PD's is gonna be a no go for that entire weekened and we get the fun cries of "union sucks i'm just here for double XP" and the rebuttle of, "Defiant sucks" echoing throughout broadcasting (mental note to self...turn off the broadcasting tab during that weekened).

    So in short, hooray double XP, boo, people on defiant coming to INTENTIONALLY grief RPers....great...fricken great..
  16. On a side note, Pistol DOES use the pets to RP, and does it quite well too (also quite intimidating). As do i on occasions, though i limit it to 1 tier of pets and normally 1 specific pet from that tier (each has their own personality, sometimes that personality doesn't fit the situation etc.)

    But yes if you've got 10 MM's with all 6 pets summoned, it does get annoying as i can imagine.

    On the Semi-Rpers front the only main constant one i can think of is Chim, who does mixed IC and OOC but she's a nice lass and likes to keep order so nobody minds.

    I have noticed, however, that it seems like there's now 1 set of people that turn up night after night and try to ruin RP in D's, they only turned up with Issue 9 so it's obvious they're a new bunch of kids that decided ruining a persons night is fun (the main group is always levelled 3-15 usually, so they're not exactly old characters).

    Either that or their the remenants of Defiant people who just liked screwing up RP on Union since Union is known as 'the' RP server.
  17. Now stop that the pair of you!

    They're both as good as each other, i do not want to see a fight between GGer's and PDer's, we're all here to RP so hush!

    Firstly it all depends which side your choosing Hero, you obviously have the choice of GG or PD, Villains we have PD and that's pretty much it. There are quite a few RP SG's for you to get involved in. GG is both an SG and a place to meet. There's the Militia, Unity Vigil, Hyperion Watchmen and many more good RP SG's Hero side.

    Villain Side you have the Society of Bedlam which has just started up, they're a golden age type villain group. The Terran Liberation Front, who are anarchists. You also have the Court of the blood countess (but your character must be vampiric/undead in some way for that one) and you also have EVIL, mercenary group for hire. Again there are more Villain side it's just a matter of looking.

    Hope that helps you somewhat CitzenStu.
  18. Dr_MechanoEU

    Hit Contract

    indeed he might be an alright bloke.

    but if your forcing yourself inbetween people while they're trying to have a conversation, that's annoying. Or your talking to someone after they've made it clear they want nothing to do with you IC (i believe "look buddy, Jog on" (the britishism way for saying get lost) was said by Ben AND Echo atleast twice a piece) and you insult them while your at it, they're gonna get peeved.

    I can understand that perhaps he wants to join in with the RP that's going on there but he went about it totally the wrong way, he peeved off a total of six people in one go (Goodguy as Dee Dee Diablo + two others lasses from Last Word, Ben, Echo and myself) he made himself the centre of attention by being annoying IMO.

    I'm sure if he apologises to Ben and Echo ic for the way he acted Ben would be more than willing to remove the hit contract.

    Oh and flirting is fine...but certainly not with someone whose already taken and has no interest in you whatsoever.
  19. Heh..angry Chim glares(tm) are pretty effective.

    The doc has seen her beat 2 guys (of her own level and at the same time) in the arena any person that can beat up two guys at once, he knows that crossing the line is gonna get him hurt and if Chim tells him to stop doing something, he does so instantly and with a sincear apology.

    Mentioning Chim it also brings into the account of PC bartenders, technically Chim is well within her rights to ask someone for ID (Hero ID would be best, since it would probably carry your actual age if you were a thousand year old demonic being, trapped in the body of a 16 year old, though Anya did suffer this problem once in Buffy and got refused service).

    Can't remember if she ever has. Everyone one has their own set of 'Zero's laws' though obvious 'thou shalt not fight in my club' previals as number 1.

    Some people say he abides by US law, others say that as long as your not causing a ruckass, property damage and doing something highly illegal right infront of Zero/barstaffs face it's fine. While where you can't be seen by staff (i.e. Arena match or a very quiet corner) is a different matter to some.

    Tis problem when there's no strict 'canon' as to what the laws of the club are beyond the 1st.
  20. Mechano didn't push his drugs INSIDE the club (he wasn't vocal about selling it, shouting drugs for sale etc.), he's not that stupid, infact he warned two people that tried it that Zero would probably have them orbiting outside the club if he caught them.

    I made the point of the fact that heroes couldn't touch him while he was in D's/Isles.
  21. I've always taken Pocket D for what its name describes.

    A Pocket Dimension.

    Since it is a Pocket Dimension then it would therefore be out of the durastiction of any of the worlds justice systems. Hence why villains can waltz in and not worry about being arrested by having the police do nightly raids. By that very extention it is always unbounded to the age drinking laws of any country or pretty much any laws to be honest besides those Zero installs.

    Best way to think of it would be International Waters, nobody really owns them and as such you can technically get away with quite a lot out there (though not so much now since if your british, British law now applies to your boat no matter where you are, so you can nolonger carry a handgun onboard your boat, or marry a animal etc.)

    Mechano used this to his advantage while drug peddling scheme went on. He was technically untouchable by the law in Paragon, could not be prosecuted unless he stepped foot on Paragon's soil (they'd have to catch him first). Even the heroes couldn't touch him thanks to the 'no fighting' rule Zero has installed. plus when would Recluse ever sanction the extradition of a villain? Though they could ruin his business in Paragon quite efficently and with full backing from the law enforcement agencies of Paragon.

    So kids would be allowed in, could drink alcohol as long as they don't get rowdy and generally behave how they saw fit as long as a fight and/or propety damage wasn't involved.
  22. Dr_MechanoEU

    Hit Contract

    ((was there at the time and told the guy he was being damn annoying both IC and OOC and was told 'if you don't like it, leave' the discussion the moved to OOC after the guy had left about how guys like this give Villain RP a bad name. Put it this way, if you've acted like such a jerkoff that someone is willing to put a 5 million INF (not dollars) reward on your head, then you should learn to change your ways.

    He even continued talking to Ben and Echo after both of the had made clear they wanted nothing to do with him. He started the night making such remarks at Echo as, "how much do you cost for a night since your man isn't here?" and the like while it was just myself and Echo talking in D's before Ben arrived. Being such a jerkoff that since me and Echo were mostly ignoring him, he had to stand between us at the bar so we couldn't see each other on screen, forcing me to shift seats, at which point he tried it again.

    This guy is a grade-A jerkoff and deserves everything coming to him))
  23. On Topic:
    I would love to join this but sadly i have my main character in EVIL and one mildly neglected character in TLF
    Though i am tempted to set up a VG of Pirates as your arch-rivals.

    Off Topic:
    To be honest most villains don't actually want to take over the world. I think this is a misconception that has been created by the Hero side, sure SOME villains want to take over the world but most are too busy doing other things.

    Sure the Doc talks big but he knows he's:
    a) Not powerful enough.
    b) lacks any form of resources for doing so.

    Yes he did ship a hideously large amount of drugs to the isles but the hero community rose up and squashed that business within two weeks.

    Most know they can't 'actually' take over the world so they leave themselves content to potter around and do other villainous acts.
  24. This is an OOC message of course.

    I would just like to personally thank all those that decided to get involved in the C-Dyne plotline now that it has finished.

    I did not think that anyone beyond myself would be interested in the plotline and was taken by surprise by the reaction the plot actually got.

    First off i would like to thank the hero known as Britannic. Without him i doubt half the people that did get involved would have done. Allowing the RP members of his own group and those of the Militia through his connections to become involved. So thanks to him and all the members of the Militia

    Second thanks go to Zortel and the others of Unity Vigil.

    Third thanks go to unconventional Heroine known as High Burn aka Burnie. Without her the Doc would not have gotten hold of the Superadine in the first place and thus would have not got the ball rolling in his head.

    Fourthly and lastly the thanks go to all those that haven't been mentioned but where somehow, someway, involved in the plot.

    Remember the toasters are still on sale. Coming soon...the quantum walking toaster. Through the miracle of time acceleration it instantly cooks any bread based product it can hold. Available in a variety of colours as well as a talking or non-talking variety.

    Disclaimer: Any temporal disruption caused by the use of the toaster is the fault of the user and Necrotech is held in no way responsible for said disruption. Toaster is only to be used for bread based products and only those that can fit comfortably in the toasting slots. Failure to follow these instructions may result in a worm hole where you meet you future self...and nobody wants that!
  25. Don't feel hijacked at all to be honest.

    I think it's great.

    Trust me the comment was not meant in a bad way.